Socializing a feral cat.

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
Thanks!!! I'm so thrilled!  But I have one question. He always hisses and growls when I first come in the room. If he still does that, is that normal?  I guess I just don't trust what just happened.  I can't wait for tomorrow mornings session to see if it happens again.  I like this cat so much, I want him to join our little family so bad!!  Thanks again....,...Cathy.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 12, 2012
Hi Cathy ... Our Calie we have had for 2 years now. To this day I still am not able to hold her, pick her up, or pet her just out of the blue. She has just recently let me pet her at the base of her tail when she is eating her breakfast. But that is about it for petting now. She does come into my lap to eat tuna for a treat. I think the smell of the tuna wins out. She is addicted to the tuna & the only reason she gets in my lap is because I put the dish on my lap. But like I have recently said, last night I woke up twice & found Calie next to me sleeping & purring. And now tonight when I went past the bed, Calie was very comfy on my side in my spot. Another first. So there is hope with your newest member. It really does take alot of time & patience. 1 step forward & 3 steps back really does apply here. We still have a long way to go with Calie. But she has also come a very long way in these 2 years too. It's tough not to get attached to ones that you work so hard with to gain their trust. But ferals really do seem to make the most loyal pets. I am rooting for you. It is frustrating at times, but don't worry, you're doing an awesome job.

  The Hubby (Bubbers Human)  

Temporary The Tortiouse Kitten     


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
For about 5 or 10 minutes I scratched and petted his head, and he acted luck he was drunk with effection!!  But then all of a sudden he got up and walked away. It was like someone hit a switch.  I was so shocked I had stopped talking to him while all this was going on, then I softly started talking and I think maybe that was the switch.  What do you think?  Do you think I'll be able to really make friends with him?
He may simply got enough for the moment!  My residents, the cats I do know best, do so now and then.  And Im just happy with this, because I know the other times they do accept cuddling without showing much pleasure, they do it voluntarily.    Because if they dont want to, they can always go away - and sometimes do.  (most often they do enjoy, even beg for cuddling, but sometimes they just do accept).   A dog would probably stayed on, because Im the Master.  A cat goes away if he dont want more, because im just the Dad.

Anyway, whatever it was, this was a major breakthrough.   :)

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2008
Great, great news!   Things will only get better, steady wins the race!   How excited you must be!   And how nice for him to have someone love him so much.  Soon he will be looking forward to your sessions like you do.
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
Update,    He let me pet and scratch him again today, for about 5-10 minutes, but he still hissed and growled when I first came in the room.  And after he had, had enough He would strike out at me like he did in the beginning.  So I quietly filled his food bowl which is right there where we interact and took the water bowl, crawling slowly backwards and he hissed and struck out at me. I filled the water bowl and crawled slowly back in and he hissed and struck out. So I laid down and took his fishing pole toy and petted him a little with it, (he likes that) then slowly crawling backward left the room.I wanted to end on a positive note. Do you still think I'll be able to get him to trust me? Do you think he'll always be angry?  I really need some insight on this.  It does make me wonder if he'll ever totally come around. Please help me here my new friends......I was a little depressed after this  mornings session even though he let me pet him and he licked my hand again.   

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Your new Friend.....Cathy


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Nay, some backwards is common. two steps forward, one backwards...

Everything is new for him in this journey. He dont recognizes the feeling... How to be defensive, he know, but how to be trusting you, accepting the cuddles, beg for cuddles, is entirely new...

Dont worry.

Be observant, be careful, dont take stupid risks, but it should go forward, slower, quicker, sometimes backward, but the overall forward.

When he struck out at you, did you see if he has claws out or claws in, soft paw?

Soft paw is very promising!   So are they teaching their friends and relatives.

Good luck!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 15, 2010
I think you're doing a wonderful job and considering that it's only been a week or two Tiger is doing a wonderful job too. Socializing a feral cat is no different than socializing a wild animal. It's like grabbing a raccoon and try to make him a pet. It's going to take a very long time if it's even possible at all. I'm actually surprised that Tiger has made so much progress in such a short period of time and that's a very good sign. I have two semi-feral brothers, D and G, and it's been very slow going with them. G has let me pet him from the beginning but only when he feels like it. D wouldn't let me touch him at all though and it took two years before I was able to lay a finger on him. I can now pet him when he's laying down on his bed and he does like it but other times he runs from me if I come too close. Compared to D Tiger is making remarkable progress. Be patient. This is a long process and it's most likely going to take months. Remember that he is terrified of you. Feral cats view humans as a threat just like they would view any predator so the fact that he lets you touch him and come near him is huge. I think his progress is very promising.

What are your long term plans for Tiger? Are you planning to keep him or are you planning to adopt him out? If you are planning to adopt him out that may be difficult. Socialized ferals tend to be a one person cat, only okay with the person that socialized him so if he's placed with different people he would most likely revert to his feral behavior.

There is no reason why he couldn't be a part of your family though. But keep in mind that he may never be like your other cat and will probably always have some "issues" more or less. But as long as he's happy does it matter if he's a bit different? He may not be a cuddle bug and only have occasional close contact with you but that's okay. You can still be a happy little family with a special needs cat-child. Although my semi-feral boys are not okay with having a lot of close contact with me they are perfectly content running around the house and living like any other cat. G comes out and shares my husband's yogurt in the mornings and D loves to sit on our kitchen table and look out the window. As long as I don't stretch my hands out to him he's fine. I'm sure Tiger can live a normal happy life with you and your other cat too. Judging by how much progress he's made so far chances are good that he will do much better than my boys. I would recommend that you prepare yourself for the possibility that he may always keep his distance.

I don't think you need to worry that Tiger will hurt your other cat. He's used to other cats and will relate to her just like a tame cat would. His issue is just with humans, not cats. As long as you introduce them properly I'm sure they'll do just fine.

I think you're doing a great job with Tiger but I would change one thing - the feeding. I would not free feed him right now if you don't have to. Instead I would feed him twice a day and maybe mix some wet food in with the dry food to make it more tasty. That way he will associate you coming in with good things and he will learn to depend on you more. Eating with you present is also good as he will learn that you're not going to threaten his food. I'd also spend some more time in the room with him. The more the better but not so much that it stresses him out. Just bring a book and sit there and read. I know sitting there petting a cat can get really old really fast:)

Oh, BTW, we'd love to see more pics of Tiger! Pics are always a good thing.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA

I first read your thread, following the advise and support you have recieved so far, and frankly was excited for your progress. I have worked with ferals for many years now, and in your first week you have done so well.

You asked a couple of times about the hissing at first sight of you entering, this is very normal and will continue for some time. In your absence, he is still all the way feral, more or less, but you are showing him he has nothing to fear in you when you are present.

At some point, and it can be sooner than not, or take months, hard to say as they all progress differently, but he will not. He may even stop, then a few days later, do this again. It is only his instincts that he has always known, to fear humans due to complete lack of exposure. That's really all a feral is, lack of exposure to people. No fault of their own.

They are not wild cats from way back in the days, they have domestication bred into them and deep down inside have the very same needs/wants ans any other house kitty does, they are simply waaay too frightened to even know this though.

You have seen the beginning of this by being allowed to pet him.

He will eventually even purr with your affection, and that my friend is a wonderful feeling and a huge step.

Ferals are not hostile towards other cats. Only people.

Your resident kitty will be fine, they may even become great pals, especially since he is male and she is female. This is good :)

I suggest since you are leaving dry all the time for him, that when you enter to give him goodies/treats he loves, do not put them out for him. Hold back as if you have none, get down to his level, and hold the treats in your hand. MAKE HIM COME TO YOU.

I have had amazing trust progress this way. I have had ferals actually shaking as they approached, I felt so sad to see this, but they still came just the same. He will learn you are safe, and good, gentle and loving.

The more he spends time with you, the faster your progress will go. Times when you have something else to do, if it's possible to do this in his room, do it. Even as you walk past his door, slowly open it and say hi. Everytime he sees you is good.

Also when you are in with him, always keep the same sweet tone, I sing, hum, talk about everything and anything, it's almost therapy for you too!

You're doing an awesome job Cathy, I will check in daily to see how things are coming along.

In my rescue group, most of my fosters are softies for kittens, my heart is for the ferals, they were once a kitten too, and have gone through so much in their lives, hungry, always fearing a predator or danger, cold weather, lack of love and belonging. No real place in this world. A nuisance, disposable. Very, very sad to live this way.

Love what youre doing!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Cathy, socializing an adult feral can take many, many, many weeks. Some will be much sooner and some will never socialize, ever. I DO NOT think that Tiger is the later. I do think this cat is not truly feral, he has had human imprinting at some point many years ago. He is at least three years old, right? Please know that the progress you have made is far above and beyond what most feral adult cats will ever tolerate from a human. His hissing, growling and lashing out at you is all from fear. This WILL pass. You have to be much more patient and don't get so worried that you are doing something wrong OR that he will never come around. Think the opposite. You must be positive when you go in that room. He will sense your insecurities and this will make him frightened. I would NOT crawl backwards out of the room on your hands and knees...... that will look very odd to him and make you seem more prey like..... It is fine to go down to his level when you are interacting with him. But when you come in and leave the room do it standing, slow moving. When you leave the room, stand and turn your back and quietly, slowly leave the room. ALL feral cats are frightened when a human walks or stands up. This could take months for him to get over - but he WILL. Just be consistent in your movements at all times. Eventually he will learn to accept this new life. He sounds very, very loving and want's that connection with you. Do not over pet him right now. When you get a few pets in - leave it at that. Try to stop petting before you think he has had enough. Honestly, there are many cats who do not like petting. My Perkins loves head butts :lol3: no hands. Only after eighteen months of age has he started letting me pet him. I love him so very much - it does not matter to me one way or another. You have to find a way to pet without over-stimulating his senses. Try under the chin, behind the ears. A whole body petting might be way too much right now. Slower is best, the slower the better. If you are in toooooo much of a rush to get him acclimated into your little family, then you are setting yourself up for failure. Let him tell you when he is ready for the next step. Keep the same visits, bring the wonderful canned food, play with him with the toys, read aloud to him, spend a lot of time in that room if you can. Hope this helps a little bit :hugs::heart3: :wavey:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2008
Hi Cathy,

I know the ups and downs of socializing, but you are doing so well. Don't get discouraged by little setbacks. I truly believe he will come around. Slow and steady wins the race with socializing ferals. One day you will be encouraging someone going through what you are going through now.

Hang in there and keep posting updates! I have had one of the older kittens since right before Christmas, and he is just letting me touch him this past week!
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  • #31


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
Thank you so much everyone!  All of your expierences were just what I needed to hear, I'm a very patient person If I have some idea of whats ahead of me.  But socialiazing a feral cat is something  totally foriegn to me. I'm learning a lot from all of you, and for that I'm truly thankful!! 
.This afternoon, Tiger let me pet him and after a few minutes he walked over to me and down along side half of the length of my body, all the while I was scratching his neck and behind his ears, then backed up and went back to his comfort spot.  It seems every couple days he goes a hair further!  I think the hissing and growling when I first came in the room bothered me the most.  But now I know thats normal and may last for a long time I'm totally OK with it. Understanding makes for a peaceful heart!  Yes, I plan on keeping him here to join our little family.  As long as he's happy, I'll be happy!!  So it's best not to free feed him?  If the majority of you agree with that, thats what I will do.  How much would you feed an adult male cat at a meal.  I feed Miesha 1/3 of a cup twice a day of light, with hairball control food cause she is overwieght.  My Vet wanted me only to feed her 1/4 cup twice a day but she was so hungry all the time!!!  And she's still lost a little wieght so i'm OK with what I'm feeding her.  But Tiger doesn't have that problem and he's a big male.  What do you think?  I will go up to Tigers room when I'm done here and sit on the bed for a while and take some pictures of him. I'll post them later.  Thanks again everyone!!  I'd really be in a pickle if I didn't have all your help!  Tiger thanks you too!   Your new friend....Cathy


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
AWWW Cathy - your just a wonderful sweetie and we are all glad and happy to help in anyway possible. YES TONS and TONS of patience. Seriously, though, the progress is just incredible - moving along very smoothly.

I used to free-feed. But now I have all of my cat's on scheduled meals. It is best because then if I need to add supplements, I can. OR I can monitor how much each cat is eating and what..... It is really best to feed an adult cat about 20 - 25 calories per pound. For weight loss 15 - 20 calories per pound. It also depends on the quality of the food too. 1/3 cup of what :dk: Let's say it is EVO you are feeding - then 1/4 cup has 150 calories. So 1/2 cup total a day is perfect. But I would recommend feeding wet/canned food too. You can even mix about 1/8 cup to about 1 - 2 ounces of wet food twice daily. Again, it depends on what type of canned food you are feeding. The higher quality - grain-free canned foods you would be able to feed less. I do think that it is best to schedule feed a feral that is getting socialized. Feed the exact time each day, at least twice daily. Tiger will come to know time this way and be waiting for you to come with the goodness num-nums :lol3: ;)
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  • #33


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
Lauren, thank you!  And thanks for the food info.  I feed Miesha Science Diet, but I'll have to take her in and get her weighed. When I first got her about 5 months ago, she wieghed 15 pounds. Fatty Kitty!  Maybe I'll get on a scale and see what I weigh  (Don't eally want to know!!), then go on holding her.  I'm sure she's lost since I first got her.  I'll dig out Tigers surgery records, Doc gave me some even though he didn' charge me, I'm sure his weight is on those.  I've been feeding my outside kitties cheap hard cat food.  Can't  afford the good stuff feeding all 3 feral kitties and whoever else feeds on it!!  But now that Tigers going to be in here I'll buy Science Diet for him. What kind do you think would be best?  Just the adult? I was going to take some new pictures of him but it got dark out too quick and I hate turning the light on in his room when it's dark.  Don't want to stress him. Will take some tomorrow. But I've got a couple of him in the live trap the day I caught him. I'll post them.  Again thanks!.......

                                                                                                                             Your Friend, Miesha and Tigers mom!....Cathy



TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
What a gorgeous silver tabby you have there :love: WOW he is really very handsome. Such a lucky boy to have you now :heart3: :clap::clap::clap:

Honestly, I would not feed Science Diet - the ingredients are not good. There are many other comparatively priced dry foods that would be much better for your cats. I feed my feral cats Purina Cat Chow. Better than Science Diet anyway. For your indoor kitties - there are many better quality dry foods that are fairly inexpensive as well. You just have to go to the pet store and do some looking around. You could look into Purina, Iams, Blue, Authority (at Petsmart) and many other's. Best of luck in your search. You, of course, could stay on the Science Diet if you prefer - and I would just get the adult formula for Tiger too. :vibes::vibes::vibes: Keep the updates coming :D
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Aw, Hills Science diet isnt bad.  True, it isnt that awesome as the reklam is saying, there are good alternatives, perhaps better ones,...  But still, WAY better than the cheap brands.

If you want to top up a brand which you think isnt so good, use the variations for kittens or active cats, instead of the variations of indoor or adult...

Variations for kittens usually contains more proteins and more fat.  The cheap brands have almost always way too low fat.

But as he is sitting in a cage, Adult is surely OK now.   :)
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  • #36


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
Hello everyone!  Thanks Lauren! I think he's handsome too.  He's so strong, you can really feel his muscles when you touch him. I'm sure thats from having to take care of himself outside for all this time. So different from my mooshy Miesha!  But she's getting a lot more excercise since I've gotten her so maybe she'll firm up a little. One way or the other she's a happy Kitty now!  About the food, how do you tell which food is good? Is it the order of which the ingredients are listed? How much of a certain ingredient?  Certain ingredients that you don't want in the food at all?  Would love some advice from all of you and I will go check out some new foods. The reason I buy Science Diet is my Vet recommended it.  But thats what he sells in his office so thats probably why he recommended it. He may make good money off of it or something.  I'd much rather trust people that have been doing this for a long time, like feral cat rescuers like all of you!! 

Stefan, I don't keep Tiger in that cage....thats the live trap I caught him in and transported himto the Vet in.  He has total run of my spare bedroom now.  I don't like caging animals if there is another way .  Of which I may have to do anyway with Baby Kitty.  Since I brought Tiger in, I've been seeing cat prints in the snow that are much bigger than Babies.  I finally saw the culprit today.  It's a huge long haired black cat.  He's got to be a male he's so big.  He climbed the fence of my kennel and was snooping around Baby Girls dog house. I sat at the window with binoculars watching , I knew something was up.  Sure enough, Baby Girl finally came out of her house and was making up to him, rolling over on her back and flirting!  I don't want any Babies!  I'm going to have to call and make an appointment to get her fixed. Now my husband just came home and he's having a fit about me doing this. I've got a big problem.  He wants me to just catch her and take her to the Humane Society and you know they'll put her down.  I've got to go guys, I'll check back with you later.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 12, 2012
Hi ... I'm so glad that you & Tiger are able to have some quality time now. Sorry to hear your hubby isn't on the same page as you with Baby Girl. Is Baby Girl a feral cat? I know up here the Humane Society won't take ferals. But I do have a phone number for a feral rescue agency. They should be able to help you get in touch with someone to get her spayed & released or socialized to have a home. I will private message you with the names & phone number. Keep up the great work you are doing. Hopefully your hubby will change his mind & want to help Baby Girl as much as you do. 

     The Hubby (Bubbers Human)  


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Hello everyone!  Thanks Lauren! I think he's handsome too.  He's so strong, you can really feel his muscles when you touch him. I'm sure thats from having to take care of himself outside for all this time. So different from my mooshy Miesha!  But she's getting a lot more excercise since I've gotten her so maybe she'll firm up a little. One way or the other she's a happy Kitty now!  About the food, how do you tell which food is good? Is it the order of which the ingredients are listed? How much of a certain ingredient?  Certain ingredients that you don't want in the food at all?  Would love some advice from all of you and I will go check out some new foods. The reason I buy Science Diet is my Vet recommended it.  But thats what he sells in his office so thats probably why he recommended it. He may make good money off of it or something. 
All the vet's recommend Science Diet - by Hill's. Most vet's only have minimal training in nutrition and the classes offered at Vet Schools are taught by Hill's employees. I will try to find some threads here on site that talk about what dry food's they like. There are many, many varying opinions on the subject. IF you go to the Nutrition Forum - you can post a thread there as well asking about recommendations. I will see what I can find for you :hugs:

An article written by TCS:

Please don't respond to the following thread - as it is not an active thread anymore - - for informational purposes only. :D Hope some of these will help.

Here is a link on Pet Food Ingredients - interesting.
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  • #39


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
Hello again!  Tigers doing wonderfully!  I go in now and he almost comes up to me immediately to be petted!  He's actually getting a little pushy, he kinda rams the top of his head into the palm of my hand.  He likes his back petted now too.  I'm so thrilled!  I just can't move to fast because he still gets spooked sometimes and slaps at my hand.  And he still hisses a little bit when I first come in and when I stand up to leave.  So I think maybe I should go into the room more often and just walk around a little bit while I talk to him.  And maybe go in and lay on the bed to take a nap.  He's always in his same little spot on the floor under the shelving unit.  The bottom shelve is removed so he has a lot of head room, the next shelf up is about a foot over his head.  I had to vacuum yesterday, i've put it off for over 3 weeks because I was afraid of terrorizing him with the loud noise.  I didn't vacuum his room, only the rest of the house.  He was terrorized!  I went in the room afterward and he was in the box I put in the room for him when I first put him in the room and he's never used it before.  It's an apple box and I put about a 6 inch whole in the side of it.  He wouldn't come out for about 3 hours!  He finally gave in and came out for a pet.

Teresa, I called those feral cat places you told me about. The first one I had to leave a message. Minkota Paws, I talked to a lady that told me with feral cats you can put them right back outside the day after surgery.  So I left a message with the mobil unit from MNSNAP, they are in my area. If thats the case with them too, I don't think my husband will have a problem with that.  The only problem with them is their first opening, isn't untill March 22nd.  Thats a long time for a cat thats in heat right now.  But I called and left a message to see if possibly, we could squeeze in a little early seeing she is feral. Keep your fingers crossed!  And thanks for the info!

I took more pictures of Tiger.  I'll down load them after I sign off.  Which is right now!
. Havea great day everyone.  Oh.....would still like to find out about the food. Ya,no the questions I asked in post #36?  Thanks!!!!  

 He's snuggling with my jammies!!  Isn't he beautiful?!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 11, 2011
Chattanooga, TN
Don't worry about the post-vacuum hiding. My Kramer has been socialized for more than a year now, absolutely loves people, even strangers, and still hides behind the couch for an hour after I vacuum. :lol3: