So this little guy survived for two days under and inside my car...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 9, 2013
So a little over a week ago, a stray kitten darted into the garage. I only noticed after i had closed the door. Tried getting it into a box, tried giving it food / water, nothing. He darted under the car and up by the rear axle. I figured if i left it alone, it'd come down. Left it some cat food, some tuna and water, turned off the lights and went inside. 

Next morning, the food and water hadn't been touched. Called Animal Control, some guy shows up and first thing he tells me is; "i can't fit my stomach under that car." The second thing he tells me is; "i've been doing this 20 years, there is no meowing, there is no cat. He would respond to my sounds. (as he meows to what could only be the equivalent to a cat getting run over by a steam roller sound effect) So i hit bmw assist, they send a tow truck, jack up the car, we can't find anything. Everyone is sure the kitten escaped, even though there is nowhere in the garage for the kitten to get out of or into, because the only thing in the garage is the car. =/ 

I reluctantly drive the car to Firestone, tip the guy a sizeable amount and ask him to look for a kitten. Nothing. Come back home and repark the car. I keep peeking into the garage because i know there is nowhere that kitten could have gone. In the evening, i decide to sit in the garage for a bit in the dark and finally, i hear the sound of claws on metal. I call some buddies over and we go over the car with a fine tooth comb when we see the little furball. Long story short, get him out and he's smaller than i thought.




I actually ended up having Animal Control take him to the local no kill shelter that night at about 1am.  Because i have ZERO experience with cats and he wasn't eating.  I went over the the shelter the next day, wasn't happy with their comments on what would happen to the kitty is certain things went a certain way (long story lets save it for another day) and so i pretty much demanded to pay for him on the spot.  Brought him home yesterday and it's been quite the epic adventure thus far.  

We've had one accident in the bed / comforter / sheets, lots of hiding in small crevices, lots of tiny hissing but no action, lost of sleeping on my neck for some reason, and lots of wanting to climb on me and then ride around on my shoulders.  He has two bad habits thus far.  1. he does not like leftovers that have been sealed in the fridge and 2. now that he knows he can ride my shoulders, he will meow until i bring the food bowl up and he eats it perched on my shoulders.  it's been less than 24 hours and i have yet to see any poop, there was a small lake in my bed and this morning it appears to be tiny clumping in the litter box, so i'm partially excited.  Not so much excited because there is no odor from the clumping.  (Wheat litter) 


I'm reading these forums like i'm studying for the bar exam and scouring the internet but so far the information has been false.  Nobody warned me about riding up on my shoulders, they said to reheat the food (he doesn't like leftovers cold or warm btw) and i do remember reading quite a few times that cats do not like to go where they sleep because they are so clean.  we've no debunked that theory.  =/  however, his food he loves (blue buffalo wilderness wet food, seems partial to chicken and turkey flavors) and doesn't like any of the 25,244 toys i bought it.  He's content riding around my shoulders and climbing me.  The parts where i am concerned about however is the lack of poopage and riding on my shoulders like Sea-biscuit.  ANY advice you can give would be fantastic, my goal is to nurse him until he is 2 pounds and 8 weeks(currently 5 weeks and 1 pound or half a pound i can't remember) and then find him an amazing home.   and i'm sorry for the epic novel.  





Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
So you dont want to adopt him yourself?  What a loss...  Imagine, you dont even need to train him much, he knows already how to climbing you and riding on your shoulder.

The poo I presume will come out.

Look into this site for care taking of orphans, there are surely some ideas:

A couple of tricks used frequently is: add a couple of olive oil drops to his food.

Add a little of conserved crushed plain pumpkin (if you live in the USA, I dont think we have such in Sweden, not even on the Americana shelf in the supermarket)

Has he seen a vet? The vet is also a good source to advices.

Tx a lot for caring!

Good luck!

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 9, 2013
i would keep him but i travel too much for work.  I actually leave tomorrow for the week again, and my friend has to come over and take care of the kitten...  I just don't think it's fair...  however, i didn't want to leave him at the shelter either...  

was happy to come back home from running to the pet store for him to find out that he did #1 and #2 in the litter box...  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 30, 2013
Congrats on the new kittens He seems so nice I would love him but I already have 2 cats. Use your blankets to play with him that is what i use with my kitten and he loves it but he also loves things on a string. It is excelent that he webt #2. Just givee him lots of love if he bits dont hit him like you would a dog yell say ouch or push it further in. I say excuse me and my kitten looks like what i do. Anybody can do the best they can with an animal. I would say if you spent that much money on him already you wont give him up (or at least not easily).


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 1, 2013
Awwwww hes cute! Where are you located? And try a little kitten formula in the food or a dish


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
If you could post where you're located, perhaps we can help.  Many of us know rescue organizations in various states or countries who might be able to take the kitten if you really can't keep him.  I'd be completely tempted myself, against my promise to stop at 2 lol, if it turns out it was near me, he's adorable.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Well, God bless you! The climbing is normal, although your shoulder isn't. They usually pick trees or chairs or the curtains. We had a cat that rode my FiL's shoulders almost all day. He thought that was his normal place in the household!

Anyway, lots of good tips here and other things to read. You sound like you are actually doing better than you think. Thank you for caring.

And as sivyaleah said, give us your state and we may be able to direct you to a rescue organization.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
i would keep him but i travel too much for work.
You can perhaps organize your home so there is some reliable caretaker AND cat sitter?  Not easy to let somebody visit your home every day while you are away. But if this same person water your "flowers", take in your post and newspaper,  check there is no important post just lying...

I mean, you probably have a need for such a one, so why not strike two flyes in the same stroke?

Let this caretaker be somebody who needs this little job, so you strike THREE flyes at once.    :)

Not nice for a cat to live alone?  No, but you can double your good deed and adopt another one, friendly kitty, so they will held each other company.

Besides. Think such a kitty, who is used to ride on your shoulder.  You can perhaps use this somewhere, as your gimmick.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 1, 2013
My kittens sit on my shoulders alot :) its their favorite thing to do