So Sick Of Scammers!!!!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Mar 12, 2013
I am so fed up with scammers! Despite all the sophisticated technology and everything you see in the movies, where the FBI can locate criminals with a modicum of information, these sleezebags cannot be caught.
My father told me a story of how he was probably the first victim of identity theft back in the 80s. Somebody stole his waller and went to banks in FL to get a mortgage! The FBI was completely indifferent to his complaint as they are to the majority of complaints they receive today, whoch I realize are numerous. Nevertheless, there has to be some kind of crackdown on these criminals.
I got a phone call a few months ago that I owed money to the IRS and they were coming to arrest me.
When I sell online, Craigslist in particular, I ALWAYS get emails from foreigners who generously want to overpay me for my goods, if only I’l email my name and address, so they can write me a check and collect their items at a later date.
I was selling a car once and went as far as ro send pictures after several email exchanges, only to finally receive that same type of response. Okay, no problem, I’ll leave it running in the driveway for you and I’ll send my SSN too, in case you’d like to make some other big purchases!!
This is not only immensely frustrating but these people have zero respect for anybody’s time or intelligence.
When I went to the ER in March, there were some shady looking people in there. A couple of guys kept circulating around the room but didn’t seem to be patients. The other day, I got a fraud call from my bank that unauthorized charges were attempted. It could have been coincidence but is it possible the men in th ER had some type of scanner under a coat that picked up credit card numbers? Who would suspect anybody there? Or, maybe it happened though the hospital’s wifi. It could have happened anywhere but because there is never any closure with these typed of crimes, every incident intensifies paranoia. I have enough on my plate without having to become aggravatted and go crazy changing all my passwords, calling and cisitng banks, changing all of the other necessary information and worrying that it will happen again. Has anybody else had experiences like this?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 26, 2016
Midwest USA
Yup. I've had the IRS one. I've had quite a few of the ones that say they will give you a lower percentage on your credit card. I don't even have a credit card. The scamming is getting so sophisticated now. A few months back my brother in law had a window pop up on his computer that said it was from Microsoft and his computer was infected and he should call a number to get it fixed. Of course when he called they wanted his credit card number and a payment otherwise he couldn't access any of the files on his computer. It took him a week to figure out how to remove the popeup window and take back control of his computer. I feel sorry for people who are starting to use the internet and aren't savvy enough yet to spot this stuff. It's like walking through a mine field. You don't even know what's safe to click on anymore.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 13, 2013
A few years back I got a call from someone claiming to be from the Canadian IRS saying that I owe money. Problem is I live in the Southern U.S., and the furthest north I have been is St Louis Missouri. What's scary is the scammer had spoofed the Canadian IRS's number.

I've got numerous ones that call and leave messages saying I owe money, a warrant is out for my arrest and if I don't pay up they police will come and arrest me. One day I got one of those calls and told them to please, send the police, going to jail is on my bucket list. Next morning I was leashing up my dog to take him out for his walk when two police officers walked past my window. For one brief moment I wondered if they were coming for me. I went out and asked and they were heading for my neighbor.

I also get calls for the person who used to have my phone number. I've no idea if they are scams calls or not. I kept getting one from the same number, they finally left a message threatening to garnish the woman's wages if she did not pay the debt. So I called them back and asked to have the wages garnished. They seemed surprised and asked if I was the woman, I told them no but if it got them to stop calling my number I wanted the wages garnished. They called back the next day same message so I once again asked to have the wages garnished. They guy got mad and accused me of wasting his time. They never called back :-D


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I'm getting aggressive about these phone calls. Yesterday - Memorial Day - I got one purporting to be a pharmacy. People on these pharmacy calls want me to order braces or some other type of assistive device. I was livid that they would call me on a holiday and I interrupted the woman and told her she had some nerve calling me on a holiday and not to call me again.

A caller on another "medical" call told me they had "reviewed" my medical record and found I needed a back brace. I interrupted that one, too, and asked how they got access to my medical record. (HIPAA prevents access to medical records.) He kept insisting it was in my medical record. I told him he couldn't possibly have gotten it there.

I've gotten so many "Microsoft" phone calls that I now argue with them - "There isn't any Development Department at Microsoft," or whatever department they said it was. Usually, the guy gets so frustrated, they hang up on me.

Another scammer a few weeks ago called me two and three times a day. I hung up on her, but the gravelly voice persisted in calling. Finally, I punched 1 for a representative, and when I finally got the same gravelly voice on the line, I gave her an earful and told her to stop calling me.

I've got Caller ID on most of my phones, and unless the caller is someone in my phone book, I quickly hit the "Talk" button and then the "Off" button. Nothing seems to stop these people.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I'm pretty much only using next door's neighborhood site to sell, and I've got alerts set up on every financial thing I own and so far they're only calling, they aren't actually leaving messages so I can ignore for the most part.
Yeah, I hate the stupidity of all of this.
My dad got a scam thing in the mail, called them and the scammer did the angry attitudinal bit because Dad kept saying I don't have a credit card. Thank goodness!!, otherwise they'd likely have gotten him. He knows better now, but wow.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I just got a call from some overseas person claiming to be part of my health insurance and wants me to call the insurance company to reprocess the claim. the name of scammers reimbursement technologies inc. they may be legit to some people but I looked up my bill and they paid quite a bit of the bill so I don't know what the point of this was. They have been calling my cell phone 3 to 4 times a day=I blocked it-and they STILL leave voicemail. DELETE!

I think they don't like what the insurance company paid THEM. not my problem.


Accidental Ailurophile
Top Cat
Jun 29, 2017
Pennsylvania, USA
I got a letter in the mail that wanted me to mail or email a photo copy of my driver's license, SSN, and one other piece of identifying information to confirm my identity before I could get my tax return. I thought it was a scam. Turns out it was real and I didn't get my money for months. They had to mail me another letter, get my information, and I eventually got my money. But how am I supposed to know whats real and whats fake?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
how am I supposed to know whats real and whats fake?
Generally speaking, if it comes by first-class mail and has all the proper markings and return addresses, it's real. If a scammer tries to use the wrong markings and addresses on mail, they get caught quickly. The IRS only communicates through mail; they don't call you or email you ever.

If a call or email says it's from a non-IRS place like your bank or credit card company, don't reply to the call or email (could be a spoofed number/email address). Look up their customer service number on your statement or card and call that number instead.

Never never wire money unless you know the recipient personally (like family members who live in a country that doesn't accept bank transfers). Wires are basically only used for scams nowadays.

If in doubt, use a credit card not a debit card or e-check. You can always dispute the charges, but if someone gets your debit card or checking number they can drain your account and then you have trouble.

I never answer my phone unless I recognize the number. Not really an option if you run a small business, but that should help for most people.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I have gotten the calls too. One fellow was nasty but I can’t help myself. I just kept repeating that I understood ( Didn’t day I understood it was a scam) thank you and bless you. Must have said it thirty times. He was very confused and kept pressing that I did not understand. I kept repeating that I did. I really do sir and may you be blessed! I could NOT believe the ending. He whispered into the phone “ lady, make sure not to answer this number again. Don’t give info here.” Then he hung up! That was a twist on the story! I have always wondered if he left work that day and found some version of religion. Lol It never ends though. One entire banking system was hit in this part of the country by an employee. Have gotten IRS calls too. The list is endless. I used to give them an earful. Not yelling but being sick. The regurgitation noise gets most to stop calling. Also used the, “ oh my baby must have eaten something bad. The diaper is all green and.... well you get the idea”. Sorry,but my wicked sense of humor looks for an outlet. Now I do nothing but tell them they have the wrong number or better yet, I don’t answer numbers I don’t know. Anyone who knows me knows how to get me. Especially good old Uncle Sam. No point in stirring the pot. You can file with the FTC and all credit reporting companies if you have a problem. The government provides the info you need if you just go on the internet or call. They certainly helped me. These days you have to take steps to straighten things out yourself and to prevent further invasion. They even hit my child’s name after she died. Shame on them but maybe I should just say, may we all find some form of blessings. :hellocomputer: I hope the blood pressure of everyone here went down after the first part of this post. :redheartpump::heartshape:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Furballsmom Furballsmom Thank you! You enjoy humor too! :insertevillaugh: I like turning things to laughter. Even the scammers have gone , “ oh you poor thing!” To the bad baby diaper thing. Tee Hee! Just so you know, it works with a very bad litter box too. Sound effects add to the drama. Oh kitty! Noooooooo! No more slimy fish for you, or is that a mouse head? Oh dear, I am so sorry sir but my cat is having problems! Scammer call mysteriously disconnected!?!? :goodluck: