So much has changed...

tara g

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Well, so much has changed in recent months, I guess its about time for an update! As Arlyn said in her thread, so much can change in a month! I experienced many changes as well! And it's long! I'll include cliff notes at the end :lol3:

My username is now sort of interesting, as Tara & Rob are no more.... On December 5, I moved out of the house we had built in 2009. It was a complicated situation that a lot of people may or may not understand. I gave up caring what people thought of me though, as it is my life and I'm too young to just ignore what I may want to do.

To start with, I had a small crush develop in October-ish, didn't think much of it. They were usually very short lived, a couple days max. Not to be. As I posted on here in November, I was in a bad drag racing accident that had me incredibly upset, wishing that it had turned out differently, I stopped eating regularly (was lucky if I did once a day), lost about 15lbs in 2 weeks, etc. In that time the crush (who I'll call C), who was also a friend from the car group, and I exchanged PM's on the forum. He kept my head up and gave me positive thoughts and reassurances that it could have happened no differently. I began to look forward to the messages as they kept my days brighter. After a hard overnight shift at work, where I spent 2 hours crying and cold in my truck, he invited me to lunch with him and some other friends of ours the next afternoon. I got past the wreck, but then used it as an excuse to cover up the other turmoil in my mind and heart - what do I do now?

I ended up acknowledging to myself that I had feelings for him stronger than just a friend, and that the "crush" wasn't going away. The day before Thanksgiving C came by Rob's shop while I was there, to pick up a transmission. He noted that I seemed quiet, and I said maybe one day I'll tell you why.... Things had felt different between Rob & I for a little while. I couldn't even pinpoint what happened and it drives me crazy now, it just seemed that we had gotten comfortable where we were and left it at that. I think if he had done something unforgivable, it wouldn't have been so hard on me to fight with myself for the couple weeks that I did. On Thanksgiving, we had dinner at our house with his family. I guess they noticed something different between us, because they mentioned it to him.

Two days after Thanksgiving, I went to hang out with C to help put that transmission in. Rob was working out and then going to work, so I would have been sitting at home bored all day anyway. We spent 10 hours out at the shop he uses. 5 hours were messing with the vehicle, and the other 5 were us sitting in two racing seats on the floor talking about everything, anything, and nothing at all. He asked me what had been on my mind, and it took me the entire time we were there to get it out:

I wondered what life would be like if I moved somewhere else. I'd never wanted to settle in SC forever. Sure, maybe I'd end up there for good one day - after I finished living in other places. I moved to the south on my parents' terms, not my own. Yes, I chose to move to SC to be with Rob in 2005, but I never thought it'd be the place we stayed. I love snow, seasons, colorful autumns, our trip out west showed me there is so much beauty here and I'd like to experience living in different places. I also admitted that I had feelings for "someone else, in our group". C had been telling me I should do what I want to do to be happy, whether it be stay here or leave, with Rob or without. How he thought about just up and leaving SC because its not where he wanted to be stuck at forever, never experiencing anything else. Said that when I spoke, it was like I was reading his mind. He was unaware at the time of who the other person was though. I had a hard time admitting it, because I also saw him as a best friend - the way he'd been there for me through the previous few weeks was more than anyone had done for me in a LONG time. I'd forgotten what it was like to have a friend to talk to whenever, and who's actions backed up their words. I didn't want to risk losing that friend I'd made by saying something that could change all of our lives forever. But it was eating away at me so badly I would cry on the way to work.

Finally, as we stood outside about to leave for our houses (and then go to the car meet later that night), I asked if he wondered who I was talking about. I had honestly thought he'd guessed it himself at one point, but I had to know, had to come clean with it and let the weight be lifted. I figured he'd tell me I was nuts and to go home and forget it all. I told C it was him, and he asked me why. I told him "what you said in there - when you speak, it's like you're reading my thoughts." He told me to make sure I knew what I wanted and that I had all my stuff in order before doing anything drastic with my life.... we went our separate ways home. I got ready for the car meet, feeling like a weight had been lifted, but still unsure of what was going on - his answer to what I said confused me ... It wasn't a "you're crazy we're just friends" reply.

Rob didn't go to the car meet that night, said he was too tired. It was the first time I went out there alone. One of our friends knew that I had been helping C all day and made jokes about us being together. Later on, he accused us of sneaking off together, which ticked both of us off. C and I didn't talk much about what was said earlier in the day while riding together to record some racing. He just said "Your life is good the way it is, you don't need to mess it up." We stayed out at the meet until 1am, then joined 2 other friends at Waffle House until 2:15ish. Rob questioned me a lot the next morning about who I was with and what I was doing, and what went on at the shop with C. I thought it was kind of weird that he asked a bunch of questions like that, but didn't think anything of it.

On Sunday nights we'd usually watch the Animation Domination shows on FOX ... he came home from being out with his mom, turned off the TV, and asked me what was bothering me. I decided to start from the littlest things - work and school stressing me out again. Then I admitted I still wondered about living elsewhere and felt sort of trapped in SC. He said he foresaw that coming because whenever we take trips some place, I always hate coming back. I left it at that, and the next day he came to my job at lunch and we talked for 2 hours in the truck about how I should go off and find out what I want for 6-8 months. I broke down and admitted that I was thinking of what it'd be like to go do that with someone who also wanted to do that, and how I was wondering how things should be. If there was a sign in all of it. He told me to talk with "that person" and make plans to do it, whether it be NJ, UT, CO, wherever. C had texted me while Rob and I were talking, saying that we needed to talk. I met him at his job that night around 6, and we talked until 10pm. I asked him if it was a one-sided situation, and he said not at all. And things then became more complicated. When I got home Rob asked if I had talked to the person, and I said yes. I said we didn't have any final plans. He asked if we were friends or if there was something more. I said it was platonic thus far, but we both had thought of what more would be like. Many tears were spilled in the following days. Rob came to my job again on a Wed night and we talked more about me going. He said he'd let me go, but couldn't promise he'd wait. He knew by then who the other person was, as he had called C on Tuesday saying they had to talk. Asked what had happened between us (nothing), what his feelings for me were, and if he indeed wanted to leave here also.

Friday was my company Christmas party. I had asked Rob to come to it, but with everything that had happened I didn't know if he still intended to. When I texted him and asked him if he was coming, he texted back with "Ask C." Ugh. I drank 5 or 6 beers hoping to get drunk enough to forget everything, as my direct coworker had asked me what was going on and that he knew something was wrong (and so I explained to him what was happening), as well as a mutual friend, M, who also worked with me and I'd known for nearly 7 years. I remembered I had to drive home so I left the party earlier than I would have. Rob didn't ask me how I got home or anything. We didn't talk about much that night. Saturday I went to the car meet alone again, though it hurt my heart to see him ask me to stay in. I just needed to be out of the house and try to have fun. The group hung out until 1am again - the best friend of the guy involved in the racing accident showed up and watched us for about an hour, kind of creepy - then C and I talked until 4:45am in the parking lot. The sun was coming up on our drives home. On Sunday Rob brought in something I wrote on Myspace a few years earlier, asking me if it all was true still, asking me if I loved C, what changed, etc. I hated seeing the pain in his eyes, knowing I caused it, and wondering what had happened. In 7 years I never let anyone get my attention away from him. He knew that something had to be different this time, as well as anyone who knew me/us - I just laughed at and brushed off anyone who tried to hit on me or turn me away. Sunday night, he told me I'd have to find somewhere else to stay if my whole heart wasn't in it - we couldn't sit and pretend things were fine anymore.

Monday I went to talk with C, and then back home to talk more with Rob. We decided to keep our bills together until I moved out of state (car insurance, cell phones, etc). Walking out the door was the hardest thing I EVER had to do in my life. I never, ever, saw myself doing that. Rob and I were supposed to be forever. We were going to prove people wrong. He told me he hoped I found happiness, and that he believed whatever was meant to be will be, no matter how we all end up there. I told him that maybe this all would be wrong, and we'd find our way back to each other. And if we don't, maybe this is what was meant to be all along. It still chokes me up to think about leaving, and wondering why my heart led me elsewhere. I had thought "can I just ignore/forget these feelings and return to a normal life?" ... I came up with no. Even if C had left the state on his own, like he intended to at some point, I think I'd still have wondered if I missed out on an opportunity I was supposed to go for. It was hard to think of giving up everything I had on a chance, but at the same time, even Rob said "Is the decision hard because of what you will lose by making it?" ... I could be losing the best person I would ever have, my house, some of my cars, the financial stability, friends, etc. Or, I could be going the path I'm supposed to, the next chapter... it messed with me SO much.

In January I got an apartment with C, 2 miles from my job. Our lease ends in August, and we intend to visit Portland, OR in between the lease ending and his brother's wedding Sept 9. He's never been out west, I've never been to OR. We are taking a trip to VT (where he's from; another place I've not been even though I've been to every other eastern state!) in March to visit C's aunt. VT was another possible place to move to, though there are no dragstrips there, which may be tough for two car nuts like ourselves. I have to say I've been happy, we enjoy ourselves. Our friends are another story, and we are learning who matters and who doesn't. Some have been completely neutral in the whole thing, as it should be. Others are picking sides (and it sure isn't mine! A lot of them quit talking to me altogether). I've spent two Saturdays moving stuff out of the house into the apartment. I dread going through all of it though. It has been hard just up and changing my life after 7 years (Feb 5 would have been our 4th wedding anniversary and 7th of being together). Everything I've known since I was 17, the life I built, the house, etc. I've cried twice while pulling out of the driveway. But I put on a strong face for so long I think I just needed to let it all out too.

The cats are still with Rob, as I don't want to move them multiple times. I visit them weekly. Nero is staying with his parents for now, and he has Hoshi and Neko at the house. He asked me for Hoshi when we talked about what we each wanted, and that I'll take Nero and Neko when I leave SC. He's filing for a separation, to give me a year to figure out what I want from life. If I'm gone and happy, then it'll be finalized into a divorce. If I'm unhappy or want to come back, we could let the separation agreement expire and work on us if we want. He has grounds for divorce on me if he wanted to proceed with a 90 day one, but says he doesn't. We've since split bank accounts, but have kept the cars together on insurance, our cell phones on the same bill, etc. I don't pay the mortgage anymore, and in turn I had to pay the balance remaining on my Mustang's damages ($5,425 was left after Rob had already put $3k down for parts!) When our auto policy is up in April we'll split the phones as well.

Sorry so long - SO much happened in such a short time. I'm still sort of in disbelief. Luckily my family supports me. My mom and I have gotten a bit closer in all this as well. My dad is pretty upset as he genuinely saw Rob as a son, and cant understand what happened. But he's coming around to it now, knowing that its my life and I'm only 24. Even Rob agreed he'd rather me go find out what I want in life NOW rather than wait til we're 45-50 and wake up and regret settling and then leave. He wanted to know how to try harder, which broke my heart, because I didn't know the answer. I felt like I needed to be set free to find out where to go. He originally said he believed if you love something you have to set it free in order to keep it. I learned in the wreck that nothing is guaranteed. I know we are not promised anything but the present moment we are in.

Yep, I probably seem like a horrible person to some now. People have judged me left and right for this. Though I've noticed those who've judged me the hardest are those who've done worse (one was sleeping with multiple girls while living with his girlfriend, the other was cheating on his 1st wife with his current wife)... Rob and I want to remain civil and able to talk to each other. It's been pretty tense and we haven't talked much except the last time I went and got more of my stuff. He seems so much different now, I don't know if he is trying to be someone else or if it is who he always was and just was different with me...

CN: Rob and I split in December, shock to us, shock to everyone. My heart led me in a different direction and I followed it. Cats are still with him, I get Nero & Neko, he will keep Hoshi. Left me a year to figure out what I want and where I want to be. It was my choice to go, but still has been hard. I AM with someone else now, happy, and planning to visit VT and OR before fall. Probably moving out of SC by the end of September and who knows where things'll go from there.
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TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Wow.  That is certainly a lot to go through; to figure out.  I hope you and Rob are both able to find happiness and where you belong as the dust settles and things clear up a bit.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Wow, a lot really has changed for you. I hope at the end of the year you end up where you want to be, and happy. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 2, 2010
My only interjection would be it sounds like you are moving awfully fast with C, going straight from living with Rob to living with him. I would just caution you to try and seperate your new experiences from the person you are experiencing them with. What I mean is, you could have the best time of your life over the next year, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it was because of C. It could be because you finally experienced everything you always wanted but couldn't. I'm not saying this negatively, just as advice to not commit too deeply or you may end up in the same situation you just left, only with C instead of Rob.

trouts mom

TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 4, 2006
Snowy Santa Land
I didn't realize you and Rob were married. You left your marriage and then moved in with another man one month later?

I don't think you're a horrible person, but that does seem a little hasty. I'm just being honest with you.

I hope you can find happiness, whatever that will be for you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Golden, Colorado
Hi Tara! I knew something was up with you when I was your Secret Santa, and now I'm really glad my gifts got to you when they did. I am having something similar in my life going on as well. If you ever want to talk, I'm here or on FB or whatever. Hugs! Kim.
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tara g

TCS Member
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Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Hi Tara! I knew something was up with you when I was your Secret Santa, and now I'm really glad my gifts got to you when they did. I am having something similar in my life going on as well. If you ever want to talk, I'm here or on FB or whatever. Hugs! Kim.
It certainly did reach me at a perfect time :clap: I got my package the day before I drove from SC to NJ for a week to spend Christmas with my family, and just relax for awhile with my grandma (who is so incredibly awesome and always there for me). And the fact you called it my relaxation kit fit perfectly as well! If you ever want to talk about whats going on with you as well, you know where to find me on here and FB too! :)
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  • #9

tara g

TCS Member
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Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
My only interjection would be it sounds like you are moving awfully fast with C, going straight from living with Rob to living with him. I would just caution you to try and seperate your new experiences from the person you are experiencing them with. What I mean is, you could have the best time of your life over the next year, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it was because of C. It could be because you finally experienced everything you always wanted but couldn't. I'm not saying this negatively, just as advice to not commit too deeply or you may end up in the same situation you just left, only with C instead of Rob.
I know it was really fast. Probably why most of the friends were so shocked by it. Rob and I moved sort of quick too, although that part could be attributed to being young (I was 17 when we got together, and I left my parents house and moved in with him a couple months after I got out of high school, less than 6mos into being together). This time although it has been fast, its also felt like we've been together for some time already too. People that know C say that I must be something special to him, because he's never lived with a girlfriend before, or even had one he wanted to live with. I guess time will tell how it goes... I've accepted that things could go either way.

I do realize the next year could be the best of my life, and its not just because of who I'm with, but what I do. No matter what, I'll be traveling, be it alone or with C (if something happens with us, whatever). I've already decided I have to see more of whats out there and live in other places. Heck even if to find out that I absolutely hate *insert state here*. I've even admitted to myself that ending back up where I am now is a possibility as well. It definitely hurt that Rob absolutely refused to budge on living anywhere else, and if in the end it had only been living elsewhere it may have been easier. Throwing in my heart questioning my relationship and not being able to say with certainty that things were how they'd always been made it one big cluster.

My parents are going through the process of a divorce, my mom has been miserable for years, sticking around and hoping it'd get better. I guess in a way I figured I didn't want that to be me, wishing I'd done something I wanted to when I was younger and could still do it.

I didn't realize you and Rob were married. You left your marriage and then moved in with another man one month later? I don't think you're a horrible person, but that does seem a little hasty. I'm just being honest with you. I hope you can find happiness, whatever that will be for you.
We'd been married nearly 4 years. And I do agree on the hasty part. I moved into a house with C, his brother, and brother's fiancee before we got the apartment. A lot of people say that if he hadn't offered a place for me to go, that I wouldn't have left, but that's not true either. I would have gone somewhere, even if it meant staying in a hotel or finding another friend to stay with until I left the state.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I certainly wish the best for you and for Rob.  I hope that you can remain friends and will always be a part of each others lives. 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
Wow, that is a lot going on. I'll be honest with you, my heart just breaks for both you and Rob. I remember how excited you were when your house was built. It's just sad the way things turned out, but I hope you and Rob both find happiness. And you never know what could happen.....

You know, it's easy for someone to say "that's a terrible thing you did", but they aren't in that situation. I have seen DOZENS of marriages fall apart when the people got married in their late teens, early 20's. My husband first proposed to me when we were 25. I said no. I knew, in my heart, we weren't ready to settle down. Sure enough we broke up about 8 months later. I dated a few other guys around here then moved 10,000 miles to Guam to live with a guy I met on the internet. I lived there for 4 years then came back home and got trapped taking care of my mom who was dying of cancer. DH and I reconnected during this time and we got married when we were 35. I guess you could say I "sowed my wild oats" and got all that out of my system before I committed myself for life. And believe me, he did the same! You didn't the a chance to do that. I know damn well that if Chip and I had gotten married at 25 we would have been divorced by now. We both had to grow up and experience life.

I'm now perfectly happy living in the area I grew up in. I've lived on a tropical island, I've ridden an elephant and saw an active volcano (in Bali). I dove with sharks and manta rays and played with dolphins (yes, they do play fetch). Granted, I still have a bucket list (Grand Canyon, whales in Alaska, tequila in Mexico, Castles in Ireland), but they have to wait for vacations.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, you have to do what makes YOU happy. And, like I said, you never know what could happen a few years down the road.
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tara g

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Wow, that is a lot going on. I'll be honest with you, my heart just breaks for both you and Rob. I remember how excited you were when your house was built. It's just sad the way things turned out, but I hope you and Rob both find happiness. And you never know what could happen.....

You know, it's easy for someone to say "that's a terrible thing you did", but they aren't in that situation. I have seen DOZENS of marriages fall apart when the people got married in their late teens, early 20's. My husband first proposed to me when we were 25. I said no. I knew, in my heart, we weren't ready to settle down. Sure enough we broke up about 8 months later. I dated a few other guys around here then moved 10,000 miles to Guam to live with a guy I met on the internet. I lived there for 4 years then came back home and got trapped taking care of my mom who was dying of cancer. DH and I reconnected during this time and we got married when we were 35. I guess you could say I "sowed my wild oats" and got all that out of my system before I committed myself for life. And believe me, he did the same! You didn't the a chance to do that. I know damn well that if Chip and I had gotten married at 25 we would have been divorced by now. We both had to grow up and experience life.

I'm now perfectly happy living in the area I grew up in. I've lived on a tropical island, I've ridden an elephant and saw an active volcano (in Bali). I dove with sharks and manta rays and played with dolphins (yes, they do play fetch). Granted, I still have a bucket list (Grand Canyon, whales in Alaska, tequila in Mexico, Castles in Ireland), but they have to wait for vacations.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, you have to do what makes YOU happy. And, like I said, you never know what could happen a few years down the road.
Wow! That is wonderful that you ended up finding each other again, after both doing things you wanted to do :)

Rob and I have experienced a lot together, but now there are things he doesn't want to do that I do want to do. I know we both have done a lot more than people our age have, he has his own successful, established business here in SC, that he started a few years ago (and he only just turned 26). We had a house built by the time I was 22. We traveled to 21 states in 14 days in 2010. But I had always said I wanted to live up north again, or experience places I've yet to be, and he doesn't. I do understand being established here is a big thing, and he also says he's comfortable living here forever (I think it's because it's all he knows. I, on the other hand, moved unwillingly from NJ with my parents when i was 17, moved to SC to be with Rob when I was 18, but never saw it as our final life destination.

Time will tell, and I've stopped trying to predict the future and how it should be. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, if we'll remain friends, if something will bring us together again, or what. Rob is a great person and I hate how much it hurt him, but he deserved more than me questioning our life. Now I'm just gonna make sure I'm happy and see where life takes me. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire UK.
All I can say hun is that sometimes you have to follow your heart,you only live once and all that so there is no point in thinking "what if". I certaily don't think that you are a horrible person.Sometimes it just isn't meant to be and if you are not truly happy then why live your whole life unhappy? Give this a good go and things will get easier.I wish you all the luck in the world,you have done something that many people would not dare to do and they may end up living everday thinking "I wish". Take care.xx


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 18, 2004
I wish you all the happiness you deserve and hope you can find it.  The way you write you sound happy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 26, 2009
Northeast Ohio
You've certainly been through a lot recently. And, my heart goes out to you as you continue to move through your separation with Rob and your new start to life.

I do not think terribly of you. Not at all. I'm not going to throw stones or cast negative thoughts upon you. While the situation appears to have been painful for everyone involved, I am not foolish enough to think that your relationship with Rob came apart because of you only. It's heartbreaking for anyone to have to go through a separation -- especially when you've been together for a good portion of your lives. And, at 24, you're still young and you and Rob have been together for quite a while considering that fact. I'm so sorry that things have been difficult for you. I can only imagine how trying this has been. And, I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do next -- be it with C and traveling or another road not even considered as of yet.

I'm also not going to say that you've moved too quickly or give advice. It's not my place. And, for each person, they have a path that is right for them. It doesn't seem like you decided to do anything without first thinking it through. And, it's no wonder you've grappled with whatever decisions you've made. People grow and change and there's no blame to be placed for that. I hope that, in this year, you find what you're looking for and that you can be at peace with whatever decisions you have made. And, I wish the same for Rob and for C.

I've not been in a similar situation, however, I do know what it is like to lose someone important to you. And, even though you chose to leave Rob, it's still a tremendous loss. I've often wondered how you've been these last couple of months as you've written some cryptic messages here and on FB. We don't know each other too well, but, maybe because I understand being forced to move due to family (I, too, moved from NJ forcefully by family and am now in OH) I relate to you. And, being that we're both from New Jersey, I've always felt a connection. So, with all that being said, if you need anything, please let me know. I'm always around to talk...or listen. 

Even though the situation with Rob did not end well and people have been hurt, don't be too hard on yourself. We all need to follow our hearts. And, sometimes, there is collateral damage in our wake. But, as long as we move forward with grace, we can find peace and happiness. That is my hope for you. Thank you for sharing and please know you're in my thoughts.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 11, 2011
Chattanooga, TN
I do not think terribly of you. Not at all. I'm not going to throw stones or cast negative thoughts upon you. While the situation appears to have been painful for everyone involved, I am not foolish enough to think that your relationship with Rob came apart because of you only.

I'm also not going to say that you've moved too quickly or give advice. It's not my place. And, for each person, they have a path that is right for them. It doesn't seem like you decided to do anything without first thinking it through. And, it's no wonder you've grappled with whatever decisions you've made. People grow and change and there's no blame to be placed for that.

Even though the situation with Rob did not end well and people have been hurt, don't be too hard on yourself. We all need to follow our hearts. And, sometimes, there is collateral damage in our wake.
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tara g

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Thanks all :) It certainly hasn't been easy to make such changes, but I also am not fighting with myself anymore, and apparently smile a lot lately according to my coworkers :lol3:

I also go back and forth on being excited and "scared" about up and going somewhere totally new, starting over where I don't know anyone else. Here, I know where and when the group of car friends hang out, I know the track and its reputation, made friends (and acquaintances, and "friends"), know how to get around, etc. But it is nice to think of how no one WILL know me somewhere new, making new friends that share my interests, people who don't judge me like the "friends" here have recently (but will genuinely miss those few who have been true friends), new climate, new scenery, new job, new experiences, new college. It will be hard leaving Hoshi, leaving Rob and our history, leaving family. It'll be hard leaving and not knowing what the future will bring, whether I'll ever be back (besides visiting people), etc. But it'll be an adventure as well :clap: One that I need to do because of my desire to explore and experience.

I'll also be happy when I can cuddle with my kitties at night again, I miss my babies sleeping on me or against me.
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