So Many Strays


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 19, 2017
This is long I apologize.

Ok my mother lives way WAY out in the middle of nowhere. Which makes it a guarantee for dropoffs. The problem is she is completely physically disabled. She has days she can get down her stairs but for the most part she is unable to care for any animals outside.

A few months ago she called me freaking out because someone had dropped 20+ cats and kittens (last decent count I got was 23) off at her barn (old non-working barn). They looked half starved and she couldn't get out to buy food or walk across the bridge to the barn feed them. She was throwing biscuits out of her kitchen window hoping they would eat. Which they did abundantly. My mother was literally in her kitchen making homemade biscuits with bacon fat for hours throwing them out to the cats as they cooled (and she is a self-proclaimed animal hater lol)
I went and bought two giant bags of cat food and 2 bails of hay and head over to her house. They would not come anywhere near me but I set up food/water stations all around the barn and blocked off some bigger holes with plywood to keep them warm at night as well as piled as much hay as I could inside.

Once they were vet checked (that got expensive very fast) and putting on weight I started trying to find homes for them around here. BIG MISTAKE. I had someone contact me who wanted two males. Then someone who wanted two females and someone who wanted 2 and so on. Then I realized they all had the same phone number. Come to find out it is a well-known dog fighter who wanted them as bait.
NOPE. And reported to the police.

My mom can no longer keep them around since her landlord is threatening her. Our local shelter is rated as one of the highest rated kill shelters in the country especially when it comes to cats. She and I do not want them to go there. I definitely can't afford to have 20+ cats spayed/neutered and they don't offer a discount of any kind at either vet in my area. It would literally be over $2500 for me to have them all fixed. That kind of money is a dream to me right now. New job short cashflow.

I've contacted countless rescues who most of the time don't even answer me on whether they can help or can point me in a direction.

These cats are super sweet now and don't deserve to be just dumped off somewhere or taken to a place that almost guarantee's their death. My aunt took the two runts who seem to have physical deformities. And I have a few trustworthy friends/family who are planning to take a few in the next few weeks. But that's all I've been able to do. I even offered to drive up to 2 states away to help them find homes.

Does anyone have any advice for this situation? If I still lived in my old house they could come right home with me. But the house I live at now is small and I live directly beside a busy road. So that's not possible.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Have you contacted Alley Cat Allies? They have a web site and a place you can put in your zip to see if there are any cat rescue people in your area?

Try your local vets... if anybody knows who is into rescue. They do.

In my opinion most locally run rescues are usually small groups, maybe even just one person so you have to be persistent.

I’m sorry you have to go through this without any help. I live in rural area in sw Missouri so I know about “taking strays to the country “.


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Check around if your area has barn cat or working cat programs. I know in my area actual working cats are in demand for industrial businesses and larger properties to control the mice and rats. We have several programs that take ferals who can't (or no one has time to) socialize. Gets them spayed/neutered and rehomes them to checked businesses who agree to provide a feeding station and wellness care when needed.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 19, 2017
I would take them myself but I already have a huge number of ferals behind my house in the woods.

Thanks for the suggestions I am going to check around. The vet has no suggestions they are the first place I checked. I am in a super small town with 2 vets.

There isn't a cat or a working cat program here. Cats are just here. Some farmers will take them as barn cats but finding those people has proven to be a task.

There's a "low" cost spay/neuter program but it is only for females and only if they have a litter of kittens. And by "low" I mean instead of $100 per cat it is $90 per cat.

It's not a great town to be a cat. I may have to branch out to other towns to see if they have a way to help.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Do you think there might be a low-cost spay program somewhere farther away that you could get to? I'm afraid there's going to be 100 cats soon if they aren't spayed. I drove 4 hours each way to a low-cost clinic when I had 13 cats that needed fixing.

Where do you live? Maybe someone knows of something in the general area that you haven't heard about.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 19, 2017
Yep that's what I am trying to avoid is even more cats. With the ferals behind my house at the time, there was a vet that would spay/neuter colonies for free.

I am going to check within driving distance of my town to see if I can get assistance. I am located near Hazard, Kentucky. It's a small town in Southeastern Kentucky.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Hazard huh? Wasn’t there a tv show about your area a few years ago?

Anyway, we have about 800 in my town and no vets so you have to go about 30 mi one way to find rescue groups or clinics.

The family says “ there he goes with another truck load of cats” but you have to go where the resources are.

It’s never ever easy but when you have even a little success it is a great reward for both you emotionally and the cats. You sound like a really dedicated person.... please keep the faith


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Just a post note: have you tried Alley Cat Allies site and go to Feral Friends Network? There is a form you fill out and submit. When I used it I got several contacts. About 1/2 of them never reply but the ones that do are great people!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
What do you consider driving distance? I found clinics in Harrodsburg, Lexington, Versailles, Danville. . .all about 2 hours for you I'd consider that nothing, but out here we're an hour from everything anyway so an extra hour wouldn't matter much :D.

Here's the google results, you could try calling a few to see if they can help, what their prices are, etc.: low-cost spay neuter clinic kentucky - Google Search
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 19, 2017
Sorry it has taken me SO LONG to respond!

Hazard huh? Wasn’t there a tv show about your area a few years ago?

Anyway, we have about 800 in my town and no vets so you have to go about 30 mi one way to find rescue groups or clinics.

The family says “ there he goes with another truck load of cats” but you have to go where the resources are.

It’s never ever easy but when you have even a little success it is a great reward for both you emotionally and the cats. You sound like a really dedicated person.... please keep the faith
Dukes of Hazzard? LOL. It was in Hazzard Georgia but based off of people in Hazard Kentucky.

What do you consider driving distance? I found clinics in Harrodsburg, Lexington, Versailles, Danville. . .all about 2 hours for you I'd consider that nothing, but out here we're an hour from everything anyway so an extra hour wouldn't matter much :D.

Here's the google results, you could try calling a few to see if they can help, what their prices are, etc.: low-cost spay neuter clinic kentucky - Google Search
This helped a TON! I was able to find a vet in Lexington who was willing to spay/neuter them all for free! I rounded them up in batches and took them. Let me tell you having that many cats not happy with you is not a fun experience. I was also able to connect with a rescue group who has found foster homes for all but 4 of them that I've decided to foster myself until they can find someone for them. It was a huge relief to find them safe places to go.

I would have been more than willing to take them all but I already feed a large colony of ferals who have been here since way before I moved in and I live near a road. The ferals I was able to get spayed/neutered before the old vet left and the new *ahem* more expensive vet took over.