So long, Tara and Skye...


Slave in a cat house
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 13, 2016
Best little cathouse in Texas
It's been a while since I posted here, but since my last visit, we have had to say goodbye to 2 of our 3 fur babies. In April, our 13 year old Himalayan Tara made the bridge crossing. She was diagnosed at the very end of 2018 with cancer and Polycystic Kidney Disease. We gave her a lot of love and hospice care for 3 and a half months, but the combination of PKD and aggressive cancer ruled out the possibility of chemo for her. So on April 11, we made the call to help her across the Bridge to the place where cats feel no pain or sickness...
Tara Formal 1.jpg


Then on July 28, our beloved Gray Grimalkin, Skye, passed away naturally at home. She was not ill, nor was she having any health issue whatsoever beyond some mild arthritis. For her, her time had simply come, and she passed away peacefully at home in her sleep. She was healthy and happy until her last day, even having an excellent physical exam with wonderful blood work numbers a week before. Then she became very slow on that Sunday evening, did not want to eat, her breathing began to change a little, and we just knew, her time had come. She wasn't suffering or struggling to breathe-- it was just... different.

We had it planned to escort her across the Bridge first thing the next morning-- but she had always done things in her own way, on her own terms. We assisted her with feeding, and she willingly accepted some tasty soft canned food from a feeding syringe, but would not go to the bowl on her own. No problem, if this is her last day, we will do anything possible for her before we take her to her familiar veterinarian to do the final kindness.

She was napping quietly in her favorite spot when we decided to go out to grab some takeout burgers for dinner, and before we left, we gave her a stroke and a kiss as we always did before we would go anywhere. She lifted her head and was purring at us, and gave her signature little chirp, and a yawn, and stretched back out again to resume her nap.

When we returned less than an hour later, she had passed away in her nap spot. As she lay still and lifeless, it seemed as though she was simply asleep when we came in from behind. But her eyes were open, as if she had met the Warriors of Star Clan come to carry her to the Eternal Hunting Ground where it is always sunny and warm, with endless prey, and no cat feels pain or fear. There was no expression of distress, merely a look, if she was still in this life, of, (shall I say?) keen interest. I wrapped her body and prepared her for the final trip to the vet, and she like Tara was cremated and their ashes were returned to us...

Our Gray Grimalkin... Skye (Skystar, our beloved Warrior, and leader of our Clan)
Skye on the fence.jpg

garden kitty skye.jpg


Rest in peace, fur warriors. You walk with Star Clan now.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
I am so sorry for your losses, and what very nice photos of two very handsome cats.
Sometimes, I think they wait for us to leave the room because they might want to spare us that moment of passing, so the last thing we remember is (as you said so well), a look of interest on their faces. Maybe the last thing they see here is the first thing they see there, and I'd be interested, too :petcat:
We had an old cat once that passed in her sleep and I know what you mean about the breathing being "different", as there's no struggle for breath and no laboring, it just changes somehow. At her old age, she went to her little bed that was in front of the fireplace, curled up in front of the fire on a chilly winter night, and simply went to sleep and didn't wake up. If only we all could go like that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
You wrote beautifully of them both. You honored them with a very moving tribute. Although I know your loss is great you are their human warrior. The photos show the great love and beauty. I am so sorry they had to leave you. My heart is with you. Truly, they are looking down upon you now from the stars. You gave them what we would all wish for. We cannot do better than that. :redheartpump:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It hurts so very much when they leave us, the loss of their physical presence in our lives is consuming in the beginning. It takes a long time to heal a broken heart, I pray you can find comfort in your precious memories of happier times.....
Skye and Tara are together again in spirit, the same as in life. For them, the passing of time before you meet again will pass in the blink of an eye, for you their love will be forever a very part of you, because it is spiritual, therefore eternal. Just as you would want for them if you were the first to go, so they want for you. They are honored that you mourn their passing, that you shared a beautiful tribute with those who care to let their legacy live on in the memories of others. They loved and lived life so fully they want nothing more then you to let them live on through you and have them share life's wonder and joy through your eyes and heart. Not it's sadness and tears. Try to celebrate what they brought to your life, to have never met them at all would have been unthinkable. They were in your life for a reason, and that reason was love.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all, take care of yourself......RIP Tara and Skye. you will be dearly missed, you will forever have a secure place in loving hearts. may the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2017
I am sorry for the loss of your kitties.

Your love for them is evident in the story you shared with us.

The images of Skye especially resonated with me as she looks very much like one of my boys.

It brought a couple of tears to my eyes.

And it reminded me that every moment is precious.

Thank you.
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Slave in a cat house
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 13, 2016
Best little cathouse in Texas
See the intently focused gaze in Skye's eyes when she was up on the fence as a young Warrior? That was the same gaze that was in her eyes after she had traveled to Star Clan. There is no fear there, only focus and a fire in her spirit. She was deeply protective of her clan... us... and the other cats who lived with us. She and Tara were friends, and I saw a real sadness in her when Tara went on. Something was lost in her when Tara passed, and we think that her heart was broken. Skye was always very independent, but after Tara's passing, she turned more toward us for comfort and reassurance. Of course we were always there for her. Skye was never a lap kitty, not the type to wrap around us like a vine, but she did enjoy our company. She liked being with us, not so much on us. She would loiter close by as I worked in the garden, and always enjoyed her evening walks with us. She had a favorite spot along the retaining wall that we never could understand. One spot in particular, where she would stop, and rub with her head and sniff, then she would flop and roll around like she was in a catnip patch. Something there made her happy... but it was beyond our human senses. When I worked for a while at a neighborhood laundromat in the evenings, she would follow me for a way as I walked down the gravel alley, until I stopped, picked her up and carried her home. She didn't care much for being picked up and held, and she would whine peevishly for a bit, yet her paws were on my shoulders and there was a look in her eyes that was sheer love. I would set her back down in the yard with a kiss on the head, and there she would stay. It was a ritual, and I would always leave a little early, knowing that we would do this every night. Her favorite sign of affection was her head bump. We could sit out on the step and out of nowhere, there would be a bump on our elbow or on our ribcage... and there she was. Her purr was very soft, we felt it more than heard it.

After Tara passed, she became more desirous of our attention, and wanted to sit on our laps, which she almost never wanted when she was a young cat. Her purr became louder, and the head bumps more demanding. There was another cat in the clan, who is still with us... our male Tonkinese, Schrödinger... but they were always at odds. Schrodie would steal food and tease Skye, and she never much liked it. But after Tara passed, although she still didn't like him much, she was a bit more resigned to his presence. She was lonely, and that was obvious. Her best friend was gone and she was heartbroken. Cats do get depressed, and we think that it was depression that contributed to her passing just 4 months later. After all, her senior wellness exam just a week before she left us was perfect, and all of her lab results were just beautiful. No sign of kidney disease, diabetes, thyroid issues... nothing. She was just ready to go and join her best friend in Star Clan.

We know that she is watching us... and watching and mentoring our new "Apprentice", little Rain, who joined us from a shelter in September. And we sense Skye and Tara's presence in this young kitten. Skye and Tara will always be with us, their stars will shine bright and we will never forget them, even as we continue our family.

May they rest in peace, and always shine bright in our hearts.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Sweet Ones, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

Gone on, gone ahead. Young and healthy and whole again, they now wait patiently for you, in the fullness of time, to join them. But their love, purified and translated into Love, remains with you always.


All Cats Are Special
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
It's been a while since I posted here, but since my last visit, we have had to say goodbye to 2 of our 3 fur babies. In April, our 13 year old Himalayan Tara made the bridge crossing. She was diagnosed at the very end of 2018 with cancer and Polycystic Kidney Disease. We gave her a lot of love and hospice care for 3 and a half months, but the combination of PKD and aggressive cancer ruled out the possibility of chemo for her. So on April 11, we made the call to help her across the Bridge to the place where cats feel no pain or sickness...
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View attachment 305473
Then on July 28, our beloved Gray Grimalkin, Skye, passed away naturally at home. She was not ill, nor was she having any health issue whatsoever beyond some mild arthritis. For her, her time had simply come, and she passed away peacefully at home in her sleep. She was healthy and happy until her last day, even having an excellent physical exam with wonderful blood work numbers a week before. Then she became very slow on that Sunday evening, did not want to eat, her breathing began to change a little, and we just knew, her time had come. She wasn't suffering or struggling to breathe-- it was just... different.

We had it planned to escort her across the Bridge first thing the next morning-- but she had always done things in her own way, on her own terms. We assisted her with feeding, and she willingly accepted some tasty soft canned food from a feeding syringe, but would not go to the bowl on her own. No problem, if this is her last day, we will do anything possible for her before we take her to her familiar veterinarian to do the final kindness.

She was napping quietly in her favorite spot when we decided to go out to grab some takeout burgers for dinner, and before we left, we gave her a stroke and a kiss as we always did before we would go anywhere. She lifted her head and was purring at us, and gave her signature little chirp, and a yawn, and stretched back out again to resume her nap.

When we returned less than an hour later, she had passed away in her nap spot. As she lay still and lifeless, it seemed as though she was simply asleep when we came in from behind. But her eyes were open, as if she had met the Warriors of Star Clan come to carry her to the Eternal Hunting Ground where it is always sunny and warm, with endless prey, and no cat feels pain or fear. There was no expression of distress, merely a look, if she was still in this life, of, (shall I say?) keen interest. I wrapped her body and prepared her for the final trip to the vet, and she like Tara was cremated and their ashes were returned to us...

Our Gray Grimalkin... Skye (Skystar, our beloved Warrior, and leader of our Clan)
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View attachment 305475

Rest in peace, fur warriors. You walk with Star Clan now.
So very sorry for your losses...:alright: RIP SWEET KITTIES:angelcat::petcat:


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
They were gorgeous, I am so sorry for your losses. They had a wonderful life here with you and are fine now, just fine, and when you meet them again it will be a very special day.

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I am sorry for your losses, I hope that your hearts heal a bit more each day, God Bless......:alright::grouphug2::rbheart: