
af joshua

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 23, 2011
Southern California
Snowball died yesterday morning. Snowball's is the first life that I was close to whose death has left me grief stricken. I've lost family members, friends, fellow combatants...but I never had the same kind of bond with people that I did with my cat, Snowball.

Born in a pet store in October 1996, he was just over 14 years old. Snowball's life was such a blessing to me and though curiosity may have gotten to him at times he was as good a friend as I could ever have hoped for. He had a distinctive smell to him that was sweet and soft, it persisted through bath time, it endured even when he would roll in the dirt or worse outside. And when he would sleep next to me I would wake up with it in my hair and smell him throughout the day sometimes. Snowball also had a distinct hum that he would use when talking instead of only meowing. As with all cats Snowball was also very playful but also polite. He rarely persisted trying to chase strings or catch the laser pointer if other cats were trying to fight over it.

Among other idiosyncratic behavior, Snowball loved pasta sauce. Having lasagna or spaghetti meant getting extra sauce or Snowball would be all over your lap. And after you were finished with dinner Snowball was always gracious with helping to clean up the plates or bowls
His life was not always pleasant though and he had his share or precarious episodes.

In 1999 while staying with a care giver when I was not home, Snowball ate a cassette tape. The result was a 6 day/night stay in a vet clinic to diagnose and attempt to treat what became severe weight loss and refusal to eat or drink on his own. I remember rushing to the clinic after work every day to see him. The vet told me he was noticeably happier when I showed up and resumed depression when I was made to leave. Eventually the doc informed me Snowball would die if he didn't improve. As a Hail-Mary effort he was going to open Snowball up and look inside to see if there was something, anything that could be done. That's when the tape was discovered. Ultimately the tape (about three feet worth!) was removed from Snowball's intestines, which also altered his stomach quite a bit.

This was not Snowball's only brush with death; though it would be the closest death would have a chance to taking him until yesterday. On an August evening in 2003 Snowball was outside supervising me, as he so often did, from the patio while I mowed the grass. We had an opossum that happened to fall off the fence and into the yard. I saw Snowball, small bordering on frail, immediately charge the critter who dared to invade his home. I was worried Snowball might be being too brave, however, before I could get over to Snowball he had already attacked. Slashed, bloodied, and completely out of his league was a fallen, twitching opossum in the corner of my yard. The blood stain from the opossum on Snowball's fur had me feeling equal parts proud dad, grateful for Snowball the defenders unflinching courage in what he perceived to be a threat, and pitying conqueror; this unwelcome guest had been shown the way out with what were ultimately mortal wounds.

Until today I'd never pondered the unusual resolve that had to be inside of Snowball, yet this unheralded, selfless bravery was one of the things that made Snowball such a terrific companion.

Not just in his life, but when work stresses were greater, when life troubles seemed more troublesome, Snowball seemed to sense when I needed him to jump on my lap and hum that distinctive hum that was his calling card. He was the ultimate comfort kitty and a friend beyond measure.

I left for the Academy on February 11. Snowball was in the care of a trusted friend, whom Snowball was also quite fond of. I got a message on Monday night that when the caregiver came to check on Snowball he was on the couch, covered in drool, nose bloodied, and had urinated on himself. He was taken to the emergency clinic 45 miles away. When the doctor called me to request permission to administer life saving treatment to Snowball I had zero hesitation, I would empty my bank account if it meant Snowball would live.

After a blood transfusion and some fluids through an IV the initial prognosis went from "guarded" at 12:38 am to "he's resting comfortably now and should be able to see a specialist today" at 4:14 am. At about 9:05 am, however, his heart stopped beating. Snowball had died.

I'm on an Air Force base in Texas now. Listening to taps has never made my eyes well up with tears like tonight. And I do not mean to trivialize the value of human life contrasted to an animal, but Snowball was special.

Though he was barely the size of my combat boot, he had the heart of a lion very befitting his feline nature. Yesterday morning that heart was stilled.

There is so much more that I want write about my cat, my companion, my comfort in the time of storms, my Snowball. I appreciate the commmunity lending an ear of sorts to allow me to remember him in this way.

A video of Snowball being playful here:

If this violates any board protocol I apologize, and I do appreciate this community allowing me an outlet to constructively express my anguish and hurt. Thank you also for allowing me to start the healing process.



TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
I can understand, just from the video, why you were so attached to him.

They never live long enough to suit us, but they teach us such important lessons about life and death.

RIP Snowy.

You might want to check out


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I can picture Snowball's personality so well from your description of him and am very sorry for your loss. Such a strong bond must survive the grave, and someday in the distant future you'll be reunited. RIP, Snowball.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 19, 2009
New York State
Oh Josh, I am so sorry to hear you lost your little buddy.

From what you wrote and the video, I feel like I know Snowball. I loved the way he was on his back, batting your hands. So typical of a playful cat!

You and Snowball will be in my prayers. They say there is a Rainbow Bridge over "there" where our pets will wait for us. Snowball is in good company. We all have furkids there. Please come back and visit us. We always are talking about our kitties, now and in the past. We can help you through this.

I hope in time you will be able to look back at his memory with a smile and not a tear. All my kitties live on in my heart. It is really a comfort to me to believe that. Fourteen years is such a testament to the good care and love he received.

RIP little Snowball. And, hugs to you, Josh. For your dedication to Snowball and your service to our country.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
What a beautiful tribute.

I'm so sorry for your loss of your beloved Snowball. You gave him a wonderful life and he is waiting for you at the Bridge.

My sincere thanks to you for serving our country.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 16, 2007
I am so sorry for your loss. Snowball was a very special, and very beautiful, cat, and I feel sure he's waiting, happy and healthy, at the Bridge, watching over you.

Thank you for your service to our country. You have the same courageous heart that your Snowball showed in his determination and willingness to persevere against all odds. God bless you both.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 23, 2010
I'm so sorry that your Snowball died. You have 14 years of wonderful memories with him. He was a beautiful cat.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Oh my heart is just breaking for you - to be so far away and not have been able to say your good byes must just REALLY make it that much harder!

You've found a community of people who COMPLETELY understand how important these amazing family members are, and most (if not all) of us totally understand that willingness to empty the bank account for our best buddies, our kids, our babies, whatever they are to us.
(And many of us have, in fact, done so).

I hope being able to share your bond with and love of Snowball (and his love for you!!!!) with us helps you heal.
I do know Snowball doesn't want you to cry for him, but to remember him with happiness and smiles. Evenutally you'll get there, because when they leave us, they always take a piece of our hearts with them.

Originally Posted by darlili

Thank you for your service to our country. You have the same courageous heart that your Snowball showed in his determination and willingness to persevere against all odds. God bless you both.
And this says it just perfectly.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 29, 2007
Tears in my eyes, heart in my throat. I feel like I knew him.
I'm so deeply sorry for your loss.
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af joshua

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 23, 2011
Southern California
I cannot possibly express the level of gratitude I have for you folks. The kind words and heartfelt thoughts are a tremendous help. I will never be able to thank you for making this community and allowing me the privilege of memorializing my beloved friend in these annals.

The initial shock that must accompany parents who have to bury their children, it has now subsided to mostly crying some tears of angst, of hurt, but now also of joy and recovery. I am able to remember the last time I felt Snowball purring, the last time I saw him eating pasta sauce, and the last time he slept next to me as he was so oft to do. I thank God that in this darkest hour all of you were here for me allowing me the outlet, for helping me find that center.

God does indeed work in mysterious ways but in my hour of anguish this community opened their hearts and took me in. That is a gratefulness that I want to keep expressing and I hope my sincerity is not lost in how repetitive that may sound. Not only to honor my Snowballâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s gracious, humble, loving nature, but to offer my most sincere thanks to all in this population for refusing to allow this hurt to be burdened alone. If there has been ANY positive about Snowballâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s passing this has indeed been it. As much as I can esteem my beloved, this community of understanding and compassion has helped restore my heart.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Joshua, I am so deeply sorry for your loss of Snowball. I watched the video of him playing. He was such a beautiful furbaby. Many of us here understand how it feels when your heart breaks over losing our beloved cats.
We are here for you. Cry all you need to, it helps. I pray that in time your memories will be sweet and bring you much peace and comfort. Thank you for your service to our country. I salute you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2007
Bless you and bless Snowball. What a loving and beautiful eulogy for your best friend. It made me cry, but also joyful that such a wonderful creature was in your life.

Be well. And you will see each other again.

mystik spiral

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2009
Denver, CO
Originally Posted by AF Joshua

I cannot possibly express the level of gratitude I have for you folks. The kind words and heartfelt thoughts are a tremendous help. I will never be able to thank you for making this community and allowing me the privilege of memorializing my beloved friend in these annals.
Josh, IMO this is one of the best parts of the internet... I know that having actual human contact is great, but we sometimes live in such small circles where nobody we know can relate to us, but hey! there's someone in Australia, or Great Britain, or Sweden who feels exactly the same way that we do! This forum, IMO, is what the internet was truly meant for. Education, debate (polite and rational, preferably), and empathy.

I'm so sorry for your loss of Snowball, it's so obvious how important you were to one another. And I'm glad you found a place to let your feelings out without being judged.

Thank you for your service to our country, you make more sacrifices than most. On an odd note, I have a cousin named Josh who also serves in the military. He grew up in Nebraska, and was a PITA when he was a kid, but became a very kind, caring man.


TCS Member
Dec 5, 2004
I'm so sorry, Josh. You must have felt so helpless being away.
Your love for Snowball just shines through your tribute.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 18, 2010
near Chicago
There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said above, much better than I can. I'm so sorry you lost your beloved companion. He loved you so very much, too, and he showed this, among other ways, by fighting to survive to stay with you.

Fourteen is a good long life for a cat, and means he was well cared for. It is too sad that you lost him when you were far away. It's just unfair.

Thank you for your service to this country.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 7, 2004
Sheffield, UK
I watched the video too and he was beautiful. Amazing that an animal that could defend his territory so fiercely, as you described, could also play so gently without someone he loved. But .. as we all know ... cats are amazing.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Like most people on this forum, I've been there too and know how utterly heartbreaking it is. It's the price we pay for years of love and friendship. It might not feel like it now, but in time you will feel better and remember his life with love and pride. Take care.