Smudge's Colorado Cafe - the sequel!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Statesboro, GA
Thank you kitters and tomnus! We glad u feel like you do.

Geez! Our meowmy so good to dose kids, an how can dey do this?

She sez it'd ALMOST be wirf gettin hit iffin dat kid wood get outa her hair for 10 more daze.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
Oh, Meowmy Bobbie!
You could have been hurt!
We can't have you hurt by one of those kittens in your class.

Bad human kitten!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 16, 2008
Originally Posted by SillyJilly

Tomnus, if your daddy dooone feed you, you can come here and I will buy you lunch! Sumfin better too! Dey got the Mousey Stew on and it sure is smelling good! I'll be here eatin if you wanna join me!

Hey Kitters *rubs and headbuts*

Daddy fet me this morning and then went to the Library and came back really grouchy. Apparently after over an hour of trying to get to use one of the computers and the library the computer he was on couldn't read the file he was trying to work on and it was an important paper for school. He then spent an hour trying to get it to work here but nothing would work. He was so upset he ate an entire pizza and passed out on the couch.

Meanwhile I've been happy to be here, its a beautiful day and I've been really hyper, which is kind of shocking because me and daddy didn't sleep very well last night. I could have sworn there was something in the closet in the bedroom daddy was sleeping in but he wouldn't listen to me when I tried to tell him about it. So I spent most of the night trying to find out what it was but the door to the closet was to heavy for me to open.

You wouldn't believe what I see out the window right now...someone parked there house on the lake. Daddy says its a mobile home and that the ice is probably thick enough that its safe but I don't know houses are pretty big and heavy. They also have two doggies in there with them and a big truck parked on the side of it. Daddy told me thats how they got the mobile home on the lake to begin with, but I've never heard of a house you can drive.

Anyway him and his daddy are going out for dinner so mind if I eat with you and your mommy and daddy Kitters?


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
No problem at all Tomnus. Momma and daddy and I are having chicken for dinner and momma gives me little bits of all of it! (they picked it up) so I get chicken crispies (mommy doesn't eat hers and dats the bess part) busicut, mashy tattos and some of mommys green beans and some a daddys cheesy noodle stuff! I gets so spoiled, I sure that they will makes us two plates! Daddy will even let me lick his plate when he's done, but the bess part if when he opens his dessert thingy and he lets me lick the lid! (oh, and for the busicut, I get little bits of honey on it. JUSSS a lilttle little bit, cuzz momma scared that like kids unner 1 that kittys not posed to have it) But I loves it!

So, lets go!



TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
Originally Posted by SillyJilly

No problem at all Tomnus. Momma and daddy and I are having chicken for dinner and momma gives me little bits of all of it! (they picked it up) so I get chicken crispies (mommy doesn't eat hers and dats the bess part) busicut, mashy tattos and some of mommys green beans and some a daddys cheesy noodle stuff! I gets so spoiled, I sure that they will makes us two plates! Daddy will even let me lick his plate when he's done, but the bess part if when he opens his dessert thingy and he lets me lick the lid! (oh, and for the busicut, I get little bits of honey on it. JUSSS a lilttle little bit, cuzz momma scared that like kids unner 1 that kittys not posed to have it) But I loves it!

So, lets go!

Wow, Kitters, you sure are a loved and spoiled kitty. I am too. Meowmy and Purrpa are always loving on me. I get my own plate beside Purrpa's chair every night and he always gives me a little bit of whatever meat meowmy made for dinner. I loves meowmy's cooking too.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 16, 2008
Thanks for dinner the other night Kitters, it was really really good. You are very lucky because daddy never lets me eat people food. One time he did let me have some of his left over milk from a bowl of cerial but I threw up after so he doesn't do that anymore. Me and Daddy are home now and we had fun this weekend and I didn't want to come home, but I don't think daddy did either. Daddy took a different way home this time and we went to where he worked and he went inside for a little bit. He came back with his paycheck and another piece of paper. We then went over this huge river into a place he called Iowa and he was gone in a store for a LONG time. I got worried he would never come take me home. When he came out he had food with him so I couldn't stay to mad but I wasn't that hungry then so I didn't really look and see what he got.

Anyway were home now and I am kind of glad to be home. Some of his friends stopped by Sunday night and they talked to daddy for a long time and they were really nice to me. His friend nick even held me and played with me a little. Daddy said I was a good boy for not running from them but I like when people come because its always interesting to see who it is.

Today daddy is going to be home late so I'm going to stay in the cafe for most of the day. I'll be in the sun room if anyone needs me.


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
Originally Posted by gemlady

Bijou, my sweet!
So good to see you. How is Meowmy Linda?
Hello beautiful!
You look lovely as usual. I've missed you but meowmy needed me so I had to be there for her. She is better now. She went back to work yesterday so now I'm alone all day so I'll have to start hanging out here with all my friends again.

I even miss my pesky sister Mika. My human sister Jennifer brings her to visit every time she comes though so I still see her quite often.

Meowmy said Carly had to have surgery but that she is going to be just fine again. We want to make room for her to curl up by the fire and Topaz and I are going to get her some nice catnip tea and keep her company. Dougie, could you please bring some special tea for Carly? Thank you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana

*tackles him and starts tickling*

It's is good news about Carly. Her lump is benign.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
Originally Posted by Yosemite

Wow, Kitters, you sure are a loved and spoiled kitty. I am too. Meowmy and Purrpa are always loving on me. I get my own plate beside Purrpa's chair every night and he always gives me a little bit of whatever meat meowmy made for dinner. I loves meowmy's cooking too.
Momma laffs cuz he says I'm picky cuz I wont eats my shrimp thingys they get without some cocktail sauce on it!
It tastes better dat way!

Originally Posted by algebrapro18

Thanks for dinner the other night Kitters, it was really really good. You are very lucky because daddy never lets me eat people food. One time he did let me have some of his left over milk from a bowl of cerial but I threw up after so he doesn't do that anymore. Me and Daddy are home now and we had fun this weekend and I didn't want to come home, but I don't think daddy did either. Daddy took a different way home this time and we went to where he worked and he went inside for a little bit. He came back with his paycheck and another piece of paper. We then went over this huge river into a place he called Iowa and he was gone in a store for a LONG time. I got worried he would never come take me home. When he came out he had food with him so I couldn't stay to mad but I wasn't that hungry then so I didn't really look and see what he got.

Anyway were home now and I am kind of glad to be home. Some of his friends stopped by Sunday night and they talked to daddy for a long time and they were really nice to me. His friend nick even held me and played with me a little. Daddy said I was a good boy for not running from them but I like when people come because its always interesting to see who it is.

Today daddy is going to be home late so I'm going to stay in the cafe for most of the day. I'll be in the sun room if anyone needs me.
I dont eat very much people food so momma less me hab some. I not a food hoarder and woof down lots like momma says the upstairs neighbors kitty Amigo does! He eat annyfin! And fass! You an your daddy sure do travel lots. I dont like the car at all!... Momma says her thinks I'm scared dey gonna frow me out like the mean guys did to me and my fur momma when I was a baby and dats how momma and daddy gotted me. Wouldn't you be worried too? I only rode in the car like 4 times total and I'm 8! And I cried and said "NO" the whole time!
Can I lay wiff you in the sun room? Momma's at work and daddys sleepin so I could use some company!

Originally Posted by Yosemite

Hello beautiful!
You look lovely as usual. I've missed you but meowmy needed me so I had to be there for her. She is better now. She went back to work yesterday so now I'm alone all day so I'll have to start hanging out here with all my friends again.

I even miss my pesky sister Mika. My human sister Jennifer brings her to visit every time she comes though so I still see her quite often.

Meowmy said Carly had to have surgery but that she is going to be just fine again. We want to make room for her to curl up by the fire and Topaz and I are going to get her some nice catnip tea and keep her company. Dougie, could you please bring some special tea for Carly? Thank you.
Originally Posted by gemlady


*tackles him and starts tickling*

It's is good news about Carly. Her lump is benign.
We are glad to hear that Carly is doing good and that the lump was b-9! I didn't know we were playing Bingo! I bringeded fuzzy blankee from home for Carly to lay on and feels betters.. Its nice and comfy!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 16, 2008
Originally Posted by SillyJilly

I dont eat very much people food so momma less me hab some. I not a food hoarder and woof down lots like momma says the upstairs neighbors kitty Amigo does! He eat annyfin! And fass! You an your daddy sure do travel lots. I dont like the car at all!... Momma says her thinks I'm scared dey gonna frow me out like the mean guys did to me and my fur momma when I was a baby and dats how momma and daddy gotted me. Wouldn't you be worried too? I only rode in the car like 4 times total and I'm 8! And I cried and said "NO" the whole time!
Can I lay wiff you in the sun room? Momma's at work and daddys sleepin so I could use some company!
You can certainly sleep with me Kitters
. Daddy has been gone all day so I've just been entertaining my self and he won't be home for a few more hours. And I don't really worry about him leaving me anywhere, I just don't like being outside but once I'm in the car I usually just fall asleep.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
Hi Tomnus! I habs a quession fur you? Would you like to be my Valentine this year? We could possibly go on Milky's Valentine Bus Tour. It's been tons of fun in the past and there are stops all over the world. Momma askeded Milky if it'd be ok to bring a Valentine with me if you say yes! She will find out soon I think. If it's not ok, we can hang out in the cafe they always throw a great party here too! So,
let me know what you think?



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 16, 2008
Originally Posted by SillyJilly

Hi Tomnus! I habs a quession fur you? Would you like to be my Valentine this year? We could possibly go on Milky's Valentine Bus Tour. It's been tons of fun in the past and there are stops all over the world. Momma askeded Milky if it'd be ok to bring a Valentine with me if you say yes! She will find out soon I think. If it's not ok, we can hang out in the cafe they always throw a great party here too! So,
let me know what you think?

I would love to be your Valentine this year Kitters. And I'm sure daddy won't care if I gout out since its on the weekend this year.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
Dougie? Has the florist made the delivery, yet?

Yep, I guess they have!
Lots of pretty flowers for Tia and the other lady cats!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Statesboro, GA
Originally Posted by gemlady

Oh, Meowmy Bobbie!
You could have been hurt!
We can't have you hurt by one of those kittens in your class.

Bad human kitten!
Dat lil gurl been better since she gotted out of ISS, but Meowmy dint like bein fretened.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
TIA!! I'm here!
One chocolate shake with 2 straws Dougie!

Bijou? The comfy chair is waiting for us.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 16, 2008
Wow that was a fun ride huh Kitters? Now lets eat a late dinner and then get you home to your parents, I don't want them to worry about there little girl.
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