Small cell GI Lymphoma...your experience with Prednisolone and Chlorambucil? My cat starts treatment


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2015

My cat was just diagnosed with early stage small cell lymphoma in his intestinal track. His only symptom was loose stool with blood in it. He was diagnosed via endoscopy and PARR testing. His diagnosis came in on Friday, and I should be receiving his drugs tomorrow from the compounding pharmacy.

If anyone here has experience with this, can you please let me know what to expect?

How long did it take to work?

Did you see side effects? 

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA

I'm sorry you have this diagnosis.  My cat had advanced IBD, often a precursor to SCL.  You can both hope for and expect remission for a period of time (the disease and its symptoms), if you're cat is lucky i believe our oncologist talked about 1-2 years.  In theory, 80% of cats do not have a bad reaction to Chlorambucil (Leukeran) but 20% do, and those that do may have vomiting and nausea bad enough that you will suspend that treatment.  But if that happens you can continue with the Prednisolone and still get some good results and Pred is generally very well tolerated.

If your cat reacts badly to the Leukeran its possible that using Cerenia, a magic drug for nausea may allow your cat to continue the therapy.

Also, there are some forms of chemo, advanced chemo that can be used if leukeran fails.  Not everyone wants to go this route, and the cat has to be at the vet all day once a week, but for some it is an option.

I wish I had more info, my cat didn't get SCL after the IBD but a very rare mast cell cancer.



TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 24, 2017
I am very sorry that your cat was diagnosed with small cell lymphoma.  While I do not (at present time) have a cat diagnosed with SCL, I do have a cat diagnosed with mild IBD and a bladder tumor who has been receiving Leukeran for the past  four months.    I will relate my experience.

My cat, (almost 16 years old) tolerates the Leukeran very well.  The dose is 2.2 mg and comes from the compounding pharmacy in a small capsule.  You have to administer it wearing plastic gloves.  I use a "Pill gun" to plunge it far back of the tongue so she immediately swallows it.  Then I follow it with a bit of water via syringe.

You want to administer it very quickly and carefully so she does not bite into the capsule.  It has to go straight down.

I let that settle in awhile before giving any food on top of it.  On "pill nights", I usually also give 1/4 of a 10 mg Pepcid AC to prevent any upset stomach the next morning.  On a few occasions, she has shown morning nausea (drinking water a lot, not hungry), I give 1/2 of a 16 mg Cerenia and let that settle in.  That usually gets things back on tract.

So, any side effects from Leukeran are manageable.  You may want to ask your Vet now about Pepcid and Cerenia.

Hope this helps.  I wish you and your kitty much success.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2015
Are you on prednisolone as well or just the leukeran? As for the upset stomach was it just a loss of appetite or vomiting as well? Did you notice any lethargy or other symptoms besides the stomach upset? Lastly, have you had blood tested since starting it and have there been any changes? (bone marrow, liver kidney etc). Thank you so much for your reply. My cat will be on a similar dosage from a compound pharmacy, 2.3 mg and 7.5 mg of predisolone. He is a big boy, 17lbs! Thank you so much for your reply, the medication is scaring me for some reason!
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TCS Member
Apr 10, 2017
Hi M mewcatmew , I don't have any advice or experience to share, but wanted to say I'm sorry you & your cat are going through this. I hope the medications turn things around for him & that he tolerates the treatment well. Wishing the best for you both! <3


TCS Member
Apr 12, 2017

My cat was just diagnosed with early stage small cell lymphoma in his intestinal track. His only symptom was loose stool with blood in it. He was diagnosed via endoscopy and PARR testing. His diagnosis came in on Friday, and I should be receiving his drugs tomorrow from the compounding pharmacy.

If anyone here has experience with this, can you please let me know what to expect?

How long did it take to work?

Did you see side effects?

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
I've never used those but my 12 yr old male had lymphoma with a large tumor on his neck. I used Essiac tea along with red clover and chapparall and massged the tumor twice a day with pure, cold pressed castor oil. And 4 weeks later he's fine. I hope this might help you or anyone else facing this. I wish you and your cat the best.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Are you on prednisolone as well or just the leukeran? As for the upset stomach was it just a loss of appetite or vomiting as well? Did you notice any lethargy or other symptoms besides the stomach upset? Lastly, have you had blood tested since starting it and have there been any changes? (bone marrow, liver kidney etc). Thank you so much for your reply. My cat will be on a similar dosage from a compound pharmacy, 2.3 mg and 7.5 mg of predisolone. He is a big boy, 17lbs! Thank you so much for your reply, the medication is scaring me for some reason!
Yes, my cat is on Prednisolone (7.5 mg/day) as well. She is not a "morning cat" anyway, but somedays she is a slow starter. Appetite is down in the morning, but she does pick up after receiving her morning Prednisolone. She is not vomiting. Actually, she has gained weight. She was about 7.5 lb before starting; now she is about 8 lb. She receives complete bloodwork every 6 weeks; thus far everything is perfect. She gets retested in a little over a week. I can update you with results then.

Actually this is the second chemo regimen she has been on. Last spring, she had a lung lobe removed due to a small bronchoalveolar adenocarcinoma, very narrowly excised. This was followed by a chemo protocol consisting of carboplatin given by intravenous injection every four weeks for five months. This is a stronger chemo drug than the Leukeran. About 4-5 days following the infusion, she would get a bit nauseous and did throw up a couple of times. I was proactive with Cerenia which countered it and enabled her to eat well despite. Her bloodwork throughout remained perfect fortunately. The lung tumor has not returned, but during an ultrasound for IBD in December, an incidental finding was the bladder tumor; totally unrelated to the lung tumor. It is not operable, so we have elected to keep it contained as long as possible, while giving her the best quality of life...hence the Leukeran.

Actually,on her last ultrasound, the mild intestinal lesions (IBD) were completely gone thanks to the Leukeran! I can understand your apprehension about starting chemo for your cat, but you cannot think of it in human terms. Chemo strengths for animals are greatly reduced than they are for humans. Cats usually tolerate chemo even better than dogs. I think the positives outweigh the negatives. Give it a go. I wish you and your kitty much success!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 28, 2017
I assume you figured this all out by now! But pred can take 2-4 days to start to work, any should be evident by a week. The dose usually starts fairly high, so you'll prob end up with a big eater, possibly yelling to get up and feed him. He might be a little more active or moody, but usually for the better. After several weeks they usually taper it down slightly. You'll still get the benefits but the effects will be less noticeable. All cats tolerate prettty well except at high doses. Be sure you taper down and never stop the drug without doing that. Hope your kitty is well.