Skin Irritation/scabs After Close Shave


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 30, 2018
Hi all,

My boy Nate got some dental work done last week, and the vet shaved his leg awfully close. The IV site looked irritated when he got home, he had a couple of small nicks from the shave. Almost a week later, the skin on his leg is dry, rough, and irritated and he’s developed scabs. They seem to be getting worse, not better, but they don’t look infected.

I sent pictures to the vet, and she said to try a collar, but offered no other advice or options. We will try the collar, but I’m not optimistic: he’s incredibly willful and will scratch and squirm for hours until he gets the collar off. Plus, he’s not overgrooming the area at all- he seems to avoid it (I think it hurt when he licks it).

The vet thinks the irritation was caused by either the tape used to hold the IV to his leg or the alcohol used to clean his skin after his shave that made his leg so irritated. (I don’t know why they shaved his leg so closely to begin with, I’ve never seen such a close shave before. Maybe he got a couple nicks if he was squirming, but it still seemed unnecessarily close to me, and to follow that with alcohol seems like a bad idea- I’m sure my own skin would be a mess after that. But, I try to trust that they know what they’re doing...)

Has anyone had a similar experience? Can a close shave, alcohol, or minor injuries from an IV develop into this much scabbing and irritation? Any remedies that have worked for you? There must be something other than just a collar... At what point would you get a second opinion? Or is this totally normal and I’m overreacting?

Some background info: Nate also has Small Cell Lymphoma and a pyloric stricture, both of which are under control. His bloodwork is perfect, his treatment is going well and he is not symptomatic at this time (knock on wood!). He is currently on prednisolone, chlorambucil, Pepcid, metoclopramide, b12 supplements, and probiotics for the tummy issues, and he is on metronidazole and Zenquin for post-dental antibiotics. Wondering if any of these meds (maybe the prednisolone or chlorambucil) could make him more susceptible to skin irritation?

Pics attached- one of the leg, and one of him being very handsome, just because.

Thanks for your advice!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Try this from @Mamanyt1953
You can actually use a wash of chilled chamomile tea. The nice thing about this is that is it antibacterial, anti fungal, and amazingly soothing for ALL skin irritations. Buy the tea bags from your grocer's coffee/tea aisle, and make sure it is ONLY chamomile, no blends (that will be right on the main label). I recommend the commercial bags because they are ALWAYS made with German Chamomile, and the English variety that is common in gardens is toxic to cats. Brew a cup, chill it in the fridge, and apply with a clean cotton ball or similar.

Eva Fitz

TCS Member
Jul 28, 2019
Hi. The vet would have had to shave it that close to get a good vein. The cat could have been dehydrated which would make it harder to find a vein with fur in the way. Maybe google a cream that is safe for cats to rehydrate the skin and stop it cracking or drying out and becoming flacky and itchy.