Site Announcement:: Changes to the Breeding Section


Site Owner
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Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Please note the following changes to the forums dealing with cat breeds, and breeding and showing cats -

The forum category has been changed into :

Cat Breeds, Breeding and Showing

We now have two forums under this category -

1.Showing and Ethical Breeding

This forum is intended mainly for those who ethically breed and/or show pedigree cats. If you're not sure what ethical breeding is, please read this article.

Posts about backyard breeding (i.e. non-registered and/or otherwise non-ethical breeding) are not welcome here and are likely to be moved into the Pregnant Cats forum. If you're not a registered ethical breeder, than you should get your cats spayed/neutered ASAP. Read more about spaying and neutering here.

Anti-breeding positions will not be tolerated in this forum. If you're against any kind of cat breeding, kindly stay out of this forum. Thank you!

Posting in this forum is now limited to users who have Adult Cat status (at least 100 posts and 30 days of membership)

If you find yourself out of a thread in this forum which you have previously posted to, please contact a moderator about it.

2.Describing Cats - What Does My Cat Look Like?

This forum is dedicated to the numerous threads we get asking help with either describing their cat's appearance or determining which breed it is.

There is always one answer to the "What breed is my cat" question. You can read the answer here. If you insist on posting, do it here, share a picture and hopefully our members will chime in and let you know just how cute your cat is and why it's almost 100% not purebred.

Those replying, please be patient and kind!