Simba's still hanging in there, but Deb & I are struggling


Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I have posted on here about how our old guy of at least 23 Simba was getting fussy with his foods, getting thinner, vomiting a lot, but is still hanging in there, still interested in eating but we really have to mix the foods up for him. We give him baked chicken, turkey, lean hamburger and switch it off a lot to keep him "happy" as he doesn't eat much wet food anymore but does eat dry. He used to eat treats but got tired of them for whatever reason, but he loves cheese but we think that was giving him issues and making him vomit more so we cut that almost out. We suspect his thyroid if off so for months we have been giving him holistic thryoid/weight support pills from Best Life 4 pets, it seems to be helping him. He is thin but we think it is just age, he doesn't seem to be in any pain, is still quite spry and pushes us for food when we are in the kitchen, but a lot of times he is just "playing" us to see what different things we will give him, he's pretty smart! But we aren't going to take him to a vet, not at this stage of things, and he is thin and might freak out in the carrier and break something or worse. Years ago he had an issue with his teeth, we couldn't get him so we had an exprienced woman from a local cat rescue place come in, she trapped him with my help and it was horrible, he went wild, so much she told me "I hope I never have to do that again". I talked with her and also our vet months ago, and they both agreed and said the same thing, at this age let him live his life out on his terms. We wouldn't be able to give him shots for anything if he needed it, pills would be a struggle, we wouldn't treat him if he had cancer or anything like that, he doesn't appear to be in pain but we know that the clock is ticking, and despite losing 9 cats over the years this one will be extra tough, he was everybody's friend, bonked the new cats when they came aboard, washes the others, just this morning when Deb was feeding them and they were standing there waiting he was rubbing his face into Sock's head and face, still everbody's buddy, so that is going to be so sad when his time does come.

But he still is spry, jumps up on the sofa to sleep, climbs up to the back of the sofa at times, eats, drinks, uses the litter box, still responds to attention, but for some reason Deb and I are saddened already, knowing what will eventually come. But I said I think a lot of it is what stress and heartache we have dealt with over just these past two years, moving my parents out of their home, them in and out of hospitals and now in skilled nursing, having to sell everything they had which was a LOT, dealing with elder law lawyers and banks, Deb's 87 year old mom and her issues, losing 3 cats in that time, the last being Slim in December which still hurts, many other things, I think it just wears us and we see him and we know that we are doing all we can for him, but we are just so sad knowing we will lose him one day, but that's how it goes, we took him in as a stray 17 years ago, he would've been dead MANY years ago if we didn't, but he is just such a sweet cat, everybody's friend, just don't try to pick him up to put in a carrier he'll kill you lol!!

I don't know why I am even putting this on here, I guess it just helps to put it into words. We wrote him off months ago after he had a bad day and threw up 4 times, we said our goodbyes to him and told him it was okay to "do what he had to do", and I dreaded what I was going to see the next morning, but there he was, first one in the kitchen, ready to go and that was months ago! He still throws up but not as much as before, I think those pills help him, but more than we would like, but the last few days almost all of the others did too, so maybe they are passing something around. But we do our best to keep him happy and give him different foods, we let him "play" us and he's still here, but we can't shake the sad feeling of what will one day be. But we know that when he does go he will rejoin his "Girlfriend" Sabrina, and Sugar and his pal Slim and Slim's brother Skipper (Sabrina was their sister) and all of the other cats that are at the Bridge waiting for us, and how one day we will be surrounded by them once again and it will be FOREVER...

But we dread the day, but the way he is going it may be awhile yet, time will tell...:rbheart:

Thanks if you read through all of this, I just wanted to put it out there as I know many here have good ideas and also lend their support which helps a LOT. I often think of what Di & Bob says, "if love could save them they'd live forever" :rbheart: :grouphug2:


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
It sounds like you are comfortable with the set up and your care for Simba - short of getting blood work done and see where his numbers come out, I don't know what I would suggest.

My cat Feeby, is 19+ yo (not sure of how much older she is than that). She is by far in worse shape than Simba, with many health issues. I don't want to lose her either, but I know it will happen sooner or later.

Count your blessings that Simba is still with you and consider every day. week, month, year to be an added bonus that very few of us get.
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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
It sounds like you are comfortable with the set up and your care for Simba - short of getting blood work done and see where his numbers come out, I don't know what I would suggest.

My cat Feeby, is 19+ yo (not sure of how much older she is than that). She is by far in worse shape than Simba, with many health issues. I don't want to lose her either, but I know it will happen sooner or later.

Count your blessings that Simba is still with you and consider every day. week, month, year to be an added bonus that very few of us get.
Thanks, we do try to appreciate the time with him and all of them.

He's a character, he'll lay in the kitchen in front of the refridgerator, so he can see when anyone comes in, then will push us to give him something. Sometimes he eats what we give him, sometimes he doesn't, and many times it seems like he is saying "what else you got?!", that's how we know he is playing us. We get upset if he doesn't eat, but then again not all of them will eat anything and anytime you give them something, we just wish he would eat whenever we give him something to keep some weight on, but then we realize and have to keep reminding ourselves that he DOES eat, we have 3 kinds of dry food out all the time, plus he does eat chicken and turkey and hamburger when HE wants to, we must remember he eats on HIS terms and schedule lol! And that kind of calms us down, if he was really hungry he would eat what we give him, he's just playing us to see what else we have lol!

Thank you, and I hope we have him and you have Feeby as long as they are okay, as long as they want to be here with us...:rbheart:


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Cats don't really play us - they just don't, even though I get what you are saying. The older they get the more we tend to look at them like a stubborn senior relative who is trying to exert some control over their lives. Maybe that is what they are doing, but if so, it is more instinctive than thoughtful planning.

Not all cats will eat even when they are hungry if they don't like what is being given to them. I have to rotate Feeby's food so that she never gets the same thing over the course of 7 - 10 days. I don't think she is playing me, it is just that she needs the variety to keep her interested in food.
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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Cats don't really play us - they just don't, even though I get what you are saying. The older they get the more we tend to look at them like a stubborn senior relative who is trying to exert some control over their lives. Maybe that is what they are doing, but if so, it is more instinctive than thoughtful planning.

Not all cats will eat even when they are hungry if they don't like what is being given to them. I have to rotate Feeby's food so that she never gets the same thing over the course of 7 - 10 days. I don't think she is playing me, it is just that she needs the variety to keep her interested in food.
Okay here's this mornings "episode". Simba is sleeping nicely on the recliner chair, Deb said he slept through breakfast but we know it's on "his" time schedule. I was eating breakfast, almost done, and he sees me and comes in to "push" me. So I put down the bowl of wet food Deb had for him, no interest. I gave him a few pieces of cold baked chicken, smelled it, no interest. I heated it up, ate a little bit of it but was looking at me like "what else you got?", so I heated up some turkey, not interested, so I walked away saying "Simba, I wasted 15 minutes here, that's all I have right now, I have to go to work, eat your dry food". And now he's up on a sofa sleeping as peacefully as can be again!

We know he won't eat on command like the others, but when we see he comes in the kitchen and doesn't eat it makes us worry and think "he's skinny, he has to eat", but I guess if he really wanted to he would. Doesn't he like these things anymore or like them at the time, or is he just being picky? He did first eat a few pieces of cheese that I put his pills in which he managed to eat the cheese without the pills lol!!


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Nothing you said sounds out of the ordinary for some cats, especially some older ones. If a cat doesn't like what they are being served, they won't eat it, hungry or not. A lot of times when that happens, it is likely they aren't feeling up to par at that time. At Simba's age, I imagine he has good days and bad ones, just like elderly people do.


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
The hardest part is the waiting. I just had to put Kabuto down two weeks ago today. He was 18 he had been struggling but I helped him with his dayly activities. He was so bony and lightb.
Sorry for any typos it still is hatd for me to think about.

Anyways my point is cherish what time you have left with your boy, you will know if he needs help passing or when it will happen.
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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
The hardest part is the waiting. I just had to put Kabuto down two weeks ago today. He was 18 he had been struggling but I helped him with his dayly activities. He was so bony and lightb.
Sorry for any typos it still is hatd for me to think about.

Anyways my point is cherish what time you have left with your boy, you will know if he needs help passing or when it will happen.
So sorry for your loss....:alright: :rbheart:
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Sylvester's daddy
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Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Nothing you said sounds out of the ordinary for some cats, especially some older ones. If a cat doesn't like what they are being served, they won't eat it, hungry or not. A lot of times when that happens, it is likely they aren't feeling up to par at that time. At Simba's age, I imagine he has good days and bad ones, just like elderly people do.
And we think they are still passing something around, Sylvester threw up this morning, Socks was lethargic and sneezing and not feeling well yesterday.
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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Now today he was good, Deb made some turkey, he hung around her in the kitchen, when it was done she put it down and he turned his nose up at it lol! But she saw him many times going to the 3 different kinds of dry food that we have out and was eating that, then later she made hamburger and he ate some of that and ate a bit of supper, went right back and jumped up onto the recliner and is peacefully snoozing away!

Like you said, good days and bad days, but today was good. And we're happy that he is eating the dry food...


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Like you said, good days and bad days, but today was good.
We take what we can get, you know? A good day is a good day and has to be remembered for when a bad day comes along. It is a struggle and an emotional roller coaster. We ride it because we have/need to for our 'buds'.
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Sylvester's daddy
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Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
We take what we can get, you know? A good day is a good day and has to be remembered for when a bad day comes along. It is a struggle and an emotional roller coaster. We ride it because we have/need to for our 'buds'.
And I think what makes this tougher is that this is exactly what I am dealing with with my elderly parents in the nursing home, the emotional roller coaster, so when it hits home for Simba it also is reminding me of them and their situation.

di and bob

TCS Member
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Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I agree with everything you are doing, just keep him comfrotable and make his last days here on earth happy. as long as he has you two paying attention to him he will be content. I will pray that he goes in his sleep peacfully, but as you well know that happens very rarely. he is such a special little one he just might though. Try some lickable treats, especially Delectable Lickables if you can get them there or on the internet. That has kept many of my cats alive through rough times. It does help to get your thoughts and fears down in writing, sometimes it frees them from being bottled up and hurting.We are always here if you need us, we definitely understand. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers........
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Sylvester's daddy
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Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I agree with everything you are doing, just keep him comfrotable and make his last days here on earth happy. as long as he has you two paying attention to him he will be content. I will pray that he goes in his sleep peacfully, but as you well know that happens very rarely. he is such a special little one he just might though. Try some lickable treats, especially Delectable Lickables if you can get them there or on the internet. That has kept many of my cats alive through rough times. It does help to get your thoughts and fears down in writing, sometimes it frees them from being bottled up and hurting.We are always here if you need us, we definitely understand. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers........
Thank you so much!

Yes, we used the lickable treats a few years back that you suggested when Sugar was near the end, and for awhile he loved them as well as hard treats, but now he has no interest in either of them at all! But he does like some of the gravy treats, he licks that up. But he is eating the dry food a lot which is good, and he (when he wants) eats baked chicken and turkey and hamburger, seems to really like hamburger, and since we cut down or even cut out the cheese he hasn't thrown up as much, might've had a hard time digesting it, but he loves that, so it is hard for us to not give it to him, sometimes just a little bit...

He showed up on an Easter day about 18 years ago, was in one of the cat houses out back, Deb was feeding the strays and heard crying and saw this skinny orange/brown cat and said "well, who are you?". She told me about him, I looked outside and saw him so skinny and running low to the ground and I said "that's a very sick cat, Deb".

I was luckily VERY WRONG. He just needed some food and a family, and he got it here with the others who accepted him. As time went on, we had someone come over to take some of the strays for their own, I asked "which ones?" and they said "any two", so we put food out and I had two carriers there, and I thought "this guy really needs a home" so I tried to pick him up and put him in a carrier, he mule kicked me and thrust himself out of my hands and I said "well I guess you're not going!", and we are so glad, as months later we finally got him into a carrier, he was the last one to be brought in, and we kept him in a big dog cage in the garage overnight until we could get him to the vet the next day. We put in newspaper and food and water and a litter box, and he tore the paper all up, he was so mad to be in there! And the vet said "maybe one day he'll be a good indoor cat" and we thought "what the heck are doing, bringing this cat inside, he'll wreck the house!!". But he became the sweetest cat, EVERYBODY'S friend, bonking them, rubbing into them, washing them, just so so happy and appreciative of being in a home with a family, and we love him as much as he loves us.

I wish I could find the person who threw him out (I'm sure that's why he showed up here) and tell them "he's still here and he's GREAT, you really missed out!!".

He's thin, old, but still full of spunk, and when we pet his head he just looks so happy. I was telling someone about him yesterday and said how he still jumps up on the sofas and recliner chair, they couldn't believe it and said "if he can still do that and wants to do that he's good yet!" and we agree. It is just tough to see him getting older, but the last few days he really seems pretty happy and perky.

Just don't try to pick him up and put him into a carrier, he'll rip you apart even at 23 and thinner lol!!! :gingercat: :eek3: 😬
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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Well your prayers seem to be working, the last few days he has been eating a lot and not throwing up, so he seems to be on a good streak here, let's hope it keeps going!

And it is so funny, several times including this morning, Deb will give him a bowl of food, usually a mixture of things, put a little water on it, heat it a few seconds in the microwave, put it down, if he doesn't eat it she'll sprinkle a little nutritional yeast on it and if he doesn't eat it she'll pick up the bowl and put it on the counter. Then when I come in I'll see it, sprinkle some water on it and heat it and maybe add a little yeast and most times for me he'll eat it lol!! She said "you've got the touch", although I really don't do much if anything different! :p :gingercat:


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Good to hear Simba is eating is picking up and he isn't vomiting! My husband doesn't really do anything different that I do, but there are times I can give Feeby food and she acts uninterested, and my husband can give her the very same food and she will immediately start eating it. I'm glad she eats for him, but it can be a bit annoying!
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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
He's still hanging in there, eating a lot now, maybe because of his thyroid which we are sure is off but also because he enjoys the cooked food and variety. He likes to lay in the kitchen, right in front of the fridge, so he can see when we come in, and he really "pushes" us, meows/growls/talks at us, dances around until we feed him, at times it drives us crazy how loud and vocal he gets but we say "yes, but we'll miss that when he's gone", so we load him up until he has had enough, then he goes and lays on either the recliner chair with a blanket on it or a sofa with a blanket on it. He even at times climbs up and lays on the back of the sofas, I said to Deb "if he wasn't still pretty good yet he wouldn't or couldn't do that", so he still is here, and we're taking care of him the best that we can...:gingercat: :rbheart:

He does throw up yet but that's how he is, but it is not as bad as it was before. We thought about trying probiotics but we did try that Adored Beast Gut Soothe but it seemed to make him worse and he didn't care for it, so we hesitate to try anything else new.