Simba and Kovu


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 17, 2015
Hey everyone, I've decided to keep an update thread on my two boys.  I know in the future it will be nice to look back and in case I have any questions I figure I can get them out of the way here.

A little back-story, feel free to skip over for the pics.  I've had Simba for almost 2 and a half years now.  For the first year and a half he didn't have any interaction with any animals other than my reptiles.  Then my friend moved in with his 5-6 year old cat who I've known since he got him and I even named him.  Luckily for us, even though I was super skeptic, they became best friends.  Played together all the time, ate together, and even slept together.  Anyway, things between my friend and I didn't work out roommate wise and he ended up moving out, and even though he knew it was better for his cat to stay here, he took him anyway just because he wanted him.  This left me in a tough spot, I was super bummed and so was Simba, and Simba even more-so then me in the end.   Don't get me wrong, I still miss that dude terribly, but that was the only friend Simba ever knew and it left him whining, staring out the window all day waiting for him.  After a bit, I had to really consider getting a new friend for him.  After the recommendation from a few people on here and some other people I talked to I decided to go for it.  I was originally going to wait until I flew my mom in for mothers day that way it would make the transition a little easier, but once I saw this little guy I couldn't say no, and I'm glad I didn't.  He's been here for 5 days now and things are going great.  He's set up in a guest room with plenty of room and toys.  The first 2 days I didn't let him out and would just go in as often as I could and would spend between 20mins-1.5hours in there just letting him run around.  On the 3rd day I let him and Simba meet and let him out and things have been going from there since.  I take him down to my office and block out the door so Simba can get in and out but little Kovu can't.  He just runs around and up and down my leg and does his thing.

My first question for now is, right now I'm having Kovu sleep by himself in his guest bedroom and I feel super bad, but I'm not sure what else to do.  Simba sleeps on my bed a foot away from my head and every morning, if its cold he likes to go under the blankets and cuddle until he decides he wants to lay on my neck/head or more recently on top of the blanket in between my legs.  I'm not sure what to do with Kovu.  With my friends cat, it was sort of perfect because he liked to sleep more towards my feet and didn't want to be touched, so Simba could do his whole morning routine and there would be no issue.  Kovu on the other hand, seems to be a super cuddle bug so far and I can't see being able to just put him on the blanket by my feet.  He's going to want to also find a spot. 

I can only keep him in the guest room for so long.  Another issue is his size.  When Simba was his size, he would sleep under the blanket if I remember correctly, but over a foot away from me so I wouldn't disturb him.  This is by far the most confusing part of this whole thing.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Sorry for the mega long post lol

anyway, enough talking, onto the pics.


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my favorite pic of Simba sleeping

their first meeting

and both of them sleeping on my while im trying to use the computer

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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Your kitties are very cute!  

I'm not sure what your question is--are you asking for ideas on how to integrate them?


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I love the photos! It seems like the introductions are going very well! As far as sleeping arrangements go, I think you're wise to take it slowly as Simba does have a routine and might not appreciate the rival. Once they are together all the time during the day, you might try it. I had two cats who also liked to cuddle in bed - they worked it out themselves with one cat curling up on my right side and the other on my left. Good luck with this and I'm glad things are going well so far.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 17, 2015
thanks! yeah now when Kovu is out they are playing together the whole time until kovu gets tired and wants to sleep or take a break, and even then simba will meow and stuff and try to paw at him to try to play more.  its going great so far, simba's even learning how to play with him even though hes so small.  at first he was a little rough because he was used to a cat slightly larger than him but now i pretty much don't have to break them up at all.  i think i even saw simba cleaning him.  and simba gets real excited whenever i open up his door, he runs straight to him and sniffs him.

i tried taking a nap in my room but i guess i picked a bad time because all Kovu wanted to do was play, i think im going to try again sunday when ill have the time again and see how it goes.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 17, 2015
so after playing a bit, i go and look and this is what i see

I've had that cat tree for over 2 years and he has never slept in there, and on top of that he never cuddled with my friends cat.  I think he loves his new buddy.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I've had that cat tree for over 2 years and he has never slept in there, and on top of that he never cuddled with my friends cat.  I think he loves his new buddy.
Oh how adorable is that!   


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Photos like this just make my day... how lovely...
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 17, 2015
thanks!  ill try to get some more pics and some vids.  right now Kovu is sleeping in that same spot and Simba is laying outside of it watching him sleep.  he doesn't leave his side all day now. 

I tried sleeping with him in my bed last night but Simba was meowing and making noises because I think he was getting jealous, after a couple mins he stopped but an hour later I got woken up by Kovu wanting to play and then Simba started up again so I just put Kovu in his own room and gave him a little bit of some food to distract him while I went to bed.  I think im just going to keep him separated at night at least for another week or two until Kovu grows a little more and I dont have to treat him like a little baby and he's able to go about the whole house on his own.

cat hunter

TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 24, 2015
Awwwww so much cute!! I hope my two work out like this too! 

Deleted member 73596

I love that pic of Simba sleeping! :D
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 17, 2015
short update, everything is going great.  its pretty obvious already though that once Kovu becomes bigger he will be in charge.  occasionally when I feed them, Kovu will move from bowl to bowl and if Simba tries to stick his head back in the same bowl instead of moving to the other one he will put his paw out and block him.  its actually pretty funny.

couple of pics

simba cleaning him.

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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 17, 2015
wow time has flown by, its been 2 months since the last update already.  things are going great.  Kovu got ear mites and passed them to Simba so I've had to deal with that, but it wasn't bad or anything, I never saw Kovu scratch his ears and the drops I got from the vet helped in a couple of days.  But besides that, couldn't really be better.  They still play together every day, sleep together, just hang out together, or clean each other.  And Kovu is growing like crazy.

here's a bunch of pics

sometimes Simba doesn't realize how big he is and squishes kovu, look at his face

Kovu cleaning Simba

and Kovu seems to have a suckling problem.  anyone have a link to something i can get him to suckle on instead of my finger?  i can't stand when he does it to my clothes, they get so wet and he can do it for like 20 mins if i let him. he makes a funny face when he does it though



Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Kovu has really grown!  I'm so glad it worked out so well with Simba.  He obviously loves his buddy - those pictures are really heartwarming.  You shouldn't let Kovu suckle on your finger though as he will view it as a toy and might one day bite down hard.  I'm not sure how you stop a cat from sucking on things as I've never had this problem, although I've read of others who did.  Maybe if you just remove him every time and say "No" in a firm voice he will eventually get the idea.  It would probably help to get him a substitute, like a stuffed toy, that he can suck on.  Anyway, great photos and Kovu has grown into a beautiful cat. 