Sick feral cat - Feel so guilty about bringing him to the vet/AC


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2022
There has been this stray/feral cat that has lived on our street for 10+ years. There is one specific house he has always stayed around (about 7 houses down from me) so he has never really came over to our house. It isn't their cat, but it's just one of the houses I always see him outside sleeping at.

A couple days ago, he appeared on my back porch (which was a first in 10+years) and was looking in the window. I went outside to say hi and noticed he is just skin and bones. Compared to the last time I saw him (about 2 months ago he walked by my front porch) he has went downhill in health. He used to be a normal sized cat but now he looks extremely malnourished, bones showing, and the fur on his tail is black but also a patch of fur is gone and you can see his skin. The texture of his fur is also like hay/straw now. His fur all over his face is getting patchy as well. I gave him a bowl of food and he acted as if he has never ate before. He ate 2 bowls and drank a ton of water. I don't know what caused him to become like this in such a short amount of time but it breaks my heart.

It's so bad that I need to call animal control or take him myself. I just know this isn't something he will come back from because I had taken care of a stray cat many years ago that lived for 10+ years on the street and suddenly started turning into bone and looking terrible (vet had to put him down) and he looks and sounds so bad. I have such a soft spot for cats and care for them a lot but taking them to the vet/animal control has always been something I've struggled with. I have terrible anxiety and the vet/animal control has always terrified me. I've rescued a few stray cats before and cry the entire ride to animal control, at animal control, and on the way home (they have all been adopted though!). It's extremely hard for me to know that I'll probably be taking him to his death. He is so kind to humans so I feel like I'd be betraying his trust and just taking him to something so terrible. I know what the outcome will be so it makes it 30x harder to do it.

Another reason I feel pressured to do something soon is because my neighbor has an indoor/outdoor cat that only goes between their house and our house. She comes over to get a few snacks from me, hang out, and sleep in a fluffy bed I put out just for her (then she'll go back home). But now that he's been coming over every day now, she is too scared to come anywhere near the porch because he does the classic "yowl" and arch his back at her. She isn't too fond of other cats (will hiss/growl at him and then run) but he just starts getting aggressive anytime she comes close and scares her off. I feel super pressured to do something because I have created such a strong bond with my neighbor's cat and want her to feel safe coming over and resting like she always has but I simply cannot get the courage or strength to put him in a carrier and take him to the vet/animal control.

I also have an indoor cat so I cannot bring him in unfortunately.

If anyone has any kind words to help me feel less guilty about bringing him to a vet/animal control, I would love to hear it. Or if you have been through a similar situation. I know it's something I need to do so he doesn't have to suffer every single day but it's extremely hard for me to do. I feel bad about taking my own cat to the vet for a normal routine check up. So it's 20x harder for me to bring a cat that is suffering and they'll more than likely need to put down. He has never hung out around me or our house so I feel like he's asking for help by suddenly coming over every day and just standing by the back door. Whether it be food/love or taking him to the vet. I know if I keep feeding him, it will not help him at all and he will continue to suffer every day so I am trying so hard to get the courage to take him in. It's just incredibly hard when he comes to me and just gives my leg head butts and makes biscuits when he finishes eating the food I provide him with. He is so trusting of me :frown:

Sorry if this is all over the place and makes no sense, but it's nice to have a community of people who care about cats as much as I do and have experienced all sorts of things. I always turn to this site when I am facing something and need advice.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Thank you for caring about this cat. While we can't diagnose him, my guess is that he has been suffering from diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or cancer. There is no way that you would know any of this earlier on by looking, so don't blame yourself. If he is in the end stages of any of these conditions, he is suffering and the extreme thirst and appetite are signs of that as opposed to signs that he has a good appetite and only needed some food.

While this is entirely your decision, if you don't intervene, he will possibly go off someplace to try to pass alone, but that is not without risk from other dangers or pain.

I have had feral cats around my house, TNRed and cared for by me, for years. I have had to put three of them to sleep. There have also been those who disappeared one day, never to return, but that is always a danger with any outdoor cat, feral or not. Personally, it bothered me more that I never knew the fate of the ones who went missing, even if they were true untouchable and aggressive ferals. I felt that I had at least helped the other three in their time of need and shortened their illness or suffering as much as I could.

This cat may be at your house because he does know that he will receive food and help. I don't think that we understand half of what animals actually think and understand. If you can take him to your vet, you can ask if this is anything, by chance, which might be reversed. At least you will have that consolation if the vet advises that you put him to sleep and they will probably give you a suspected diagnosis. AC will treat him like a cat who needs to be euthanized, which does not mean that they are unkind or unprofessional, but it might give you more closure if you go to the vet.