Shy Cat Being Attacked


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 15, 2018
Cat Wound And Treatment
Here's what we know:
  • Both our males, Toki and Marteau, lick each other and sleep together.
  • Marteau does not play well with other cats, hate other human beings besides my girlfriend and me, and does not like to be annoyed.
  • One of our female, Xena, licked Toki.
  • Xena and Toki play together without any issues.
  • Marteau hisses and growls when Toki tries to play with him.
  • Marteau hisses and growls when Xena is near within his sight.
  • We've catched Marteau asleep near Xena (like, butt-to-face super close).
  • Marteau and Toki attack Nyx, our other female. They don't seem to play. Nyx screams when that happens.
  • There's conflict between Xena and Nyx, but rarely more that angry meowing and hisses.
  • I often have two or three cats on me without issues, usually Marteau, Nyx, and Xena.
  • Usually, when we didn't have had new ink, both our females sleep with us. Sometimes, Nyx stays upstairs and Marteau takes her place.
  • Nyx tries to stay away from the other cats (but never let go of an occasion to sniff their butts). She often hides under furniture. She likes quiet and peace.
  • Toki is a redcat with almost infinite energy, he's always up to play. He doesn't follow the rules. He's the number one reason for our broken things. He does not like to be lifted and prefer to be petted while he's on the ground. He's about 6 years old.
  • Xena is a sassy tortie. She loves humans and gets along with almost any cats, but she hates dogs. She hates being scold and hisses when we move her from spots like tables and counters. We took her from a refuge, she used to be an outside cat and lost her ears during winter. She's about 4 years old.
  • Marteau may seems angry, but he's a big softie grey-and-white big cat. He's declawed. He loooooves my girlfriend and me. With us, he's super sweet. He likes to play if we play with him. He's about ten years old.
  • Nyx is a small cow cat. She's always scared. We took her from the SPCA. She loves being lifted and moved around the house on my shoulder. She's our oldest, about eleven years old.
I tell you all of that in case someone understands why the males sometimes attack Nyx or if you realise a potential problem in our cats' behaviors.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
How many cats in total do you have?

Are they all spayed and neutered?

How long has each been in your home?

What size is your home?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 15, 2018

They are all neutered, vaccined, and wormed (I'm not sure if that the good term, the liquid they give to avoid parasites and worms, and stuff). One of the males, Marteau, has been declawed.

Marteau is with us since he's a little kitty, so about 9 years, maybe.
Toki is with us since after his birth; he was in a pet store. So, about 5 years.
Nyx is with us since our last appartment. So, I guess, about 3 years.
Xena is fairly new. She's with us since little more than a year.

We moved in our new condo about a year and a half ago.

We have a two-floor condominium. I don't remember the size, but we have two living rooms (one upstairs connected with the kitchen, one downstairs connected with a bar-section), a dining room (which has a fence door which Nyx can go through, but not the others), a bedroom, and two restrooms (one upstairs with a bath, and one downstairs with the washing machines).

We have three litter boxes: one for Nyx in her room, one in the bathroom upstairs, and one in the bar section. We never ever find pee or poo on the ground or furniture. It happened before, in our other appartment, but it hasn't since. The house doesn't smell like litter (we asked people to make sure). I do all boxes every morning.

We used to let Xena go to one of our friends because they really like each other, but we realised it wasn't helpful for her integration in our home. So, we stopped.

They can all be in the same room, but if Marteau was hugs and Xena too, Marteau'll get angry. Xena hates being move, she'll get angry. When she's angry, she can attack (but never hurt) other cats (the first one in sight). Nyx can get along other cats, especially Xena, but sometimes they hiss at each other. But, all of the is manageable. The real problem is that Toki, one of our males, sometimes rushes and attack Nyx until she hides herself under a table or another piece of furniture where she can deal with the threat. It also happens with Marteau, but he's declawed, so he doesn't really hurt her. Though, it also gives her stress, I guess. Nyx always seems to have to watch her back and she seems scared when she moves around, even if I'm close.

So, we're trying Feliway (since yesterday).

I would like advices on how to help Nyx and Toki get along, that's my priority. If they can ALL get along perfectly, that would be awesome, but if Toki can stop harassing Nyx, our biggest problem would be solved.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Thank you for the additional information!

It sounds like there is ample space for all, yet there appear to be territorial issues still, particularly with Toki and Nyx. Or perhaps it is simply their personalities that do not get along. But it is Toki who goes after Nyx, so it is Toki who has the issue with her.

If Nyx would stand her ground with Toki, and hiss at him, he would learn, but instead, she hides.

You will need to put Feliway plug-ins in all of your rooms for now, and keep them going for several months.

Do you have play time with the cats using a toy on a stick? This might help Toki to get his energy out.

Does Nyx get more attention than Toki from you guys? If so, make sure they both get equal amounts.

There is no way to force all the cats to get along perfectly, but I agree that if Toki’s aggression towards Nyx would relax, then the home would be more peaceful.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 15, 2018
Wow, you answer super fast!

I only have one plug-in for now, the vet said it should be enough for one floor (since they are all on the same floor during most of the day). Do you think I should be one or two more? It's kind of expensive, but if it's required, I'll do it!

Marteau used to abuse Nyx more often, but she stood her ground once (she was so brave, you could feel her fear! I still have tears coming to my eyes when I think about it, haha). Since, his assault greatly reduced (but didn't end). When he's about to attack, he rolls on the ground and rubs his face on the furniture and walls. I don't know why, maybe it's relevant.

Toki attacks Nyx, but he doesn't seem angry or mean; he doesn't scream, hiss or growl. He does not have a arched back or hostile face, I think. He just does it, I don't know why.

I used to play more often with Toki - and the other - but I don't have as much time. I could spare more time for them and play with them.

I try to give the same amount of attention to all of the cats, but, usually, Toki does not climb on the bed or couch to get pet. Also, he does not like being lifted and held. He wants to get pet while still on the ground. I have to walk with him in the house to pet him. I try to do it a little every other day, but it's true it's easier to pet the cats if they just climb on me.

Here's the breakdown of how our cats want to be petted:
  • Nyx wants to climb on my shoulder (while I'm sat or standing). Sometimes, she likes in when I pet her while she's on her back and my face close. She also likes to be on us or near our feet when we watch TV or while we game. She comes get pet in the bed and often sleep at our feet.
  • Xena wants to be on us anywhere we sit. She will take whatever place there is, even if there's another cat and he's hissing and growling at her.
  • Marteau wants to be on us too, but he gets annoyed if there's another cat, especially Xena. If I help them get comfy, they can be really close, but it takes quite a bit of time and effort, haha. Marteau used to sleep with me, really close on my chest, his face on my chin, but since Xena is there, he rarely comes.
  • Toki very rarely climb on us to get pet. It happens (and when it does, I drop all I'm doing to pet him). Usually, I have to walk with him to pet him.
While I think about it, it happens very often that Toki goes downstairs and start to meow very loudly. It happens while we watch TV, while I'm making food or when we go to sleep. I don't know why he does that.

Also, there are two windows upstairs: one is a bay window in Nyx' room (which has way more sun than all the others) and the other is a large window facing the parking (which as a bit of sun, but less than the other one). Sometimes, when we're there to monitor, we let the other cats in Nyx' room. We have to monitor because my girlfriend's plants are there and all the other cats try to eat them. Nyx doesn't.

Sorry for all the long posts and I'm very thankful for your time and help.