Show Off Your Former Ferals


TCS Member
Jul 15, 2003
There's no place like home
OK Heidi, you asked for it!
Here is my gang - all were born to feral moms.

Tigger, who I just lost last month at 9 years old to heart failure:

The "Nino's": Muddy & Koko live with me (black), Jake and Elwood live in Englewood Colorado. Orphaned at about 10 days old, now about 2-1/2 years old.

Muddy and Koko on their 2nd birthday:

Scarlett - the undisputed queen of the house (age 4):

Stumpy - the undisputed king of the house (age 10):

Little Mom: the first feral that I socialized about 15 years ago:

Pinky - my big fluff ball (age 5):

Bob Marley - the only one that won't live inside the house (age 6):

Larry - bless his little heart - he was the most cross eyed cat that I've ever met. It took me 10 years to touch him and he disappeared at about age 11:

Do you see a pattern to the "redness" in my house? There is a really strong red gene in the neighborhood, in fact, there are 2 more red ones that started showing up of late that I haven't been able to trap (yet).


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Originally Posted by flisssweetpea

Awww such beautiful former ferals. All those people in the wider world who feel ferals are lost causes ought to see this thread.

Here is our beautiful, sweet, former feral Adelaide. She is such a happy little girl now.

Here she is sunning herself in the herb garden
This picture is stunning!

I love this thread! Very heart warming! I just talked to a neighbor of mine Thursday who's been trying to trap a mamma and her 4 babies. The babies used to come play in my yard and one was asleep on my poarch when I went to leave for work one day. Needless to say I went out the back door! The good news is: All 4 babies have been adopted to good homes! One is with my neighbor. Mama is getting finally trapped and fixed next week!

Here is my 'deck' buddy! I wanted this one!