Should I Still Be Hoping My Missing Cat Will Come Home?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Keep hoping and sending messages to him. Maybe he'll hear you in his head and come home.
That goes for all of you.
I live in an apartment with a safety door downstairs so they can't really go out and in. I also have meshing on all windows so they can't get out but can see out. As the apartment is mine I don't have any nasty landlords telling me no pets.
My fingers are still crossed. Becoming quite painful now!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I've spoken to three different animal communicators over the past six months and they've all said the same thing: George is alive and someone is taking care of him. All three said there is a man who feeds him, two of them said he was a fisherman. This makes sense as I live close to a huge lake. I've been all around the lake putting up posters in all the parking and fishing spots.

I just hope I get a call soon......
Well, after three "yeses" that George is alive and well, I hope that helps ease your worry a bit. I am still hoping that you get a call too. I know this must be very hard on you wanting him back home so badly and frustrating knowing that he is out there and you can't get to him. I hope that changes for you very, very soon. :cross: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: GEORGE - Please come home !!!!!!!!!! :cross: :vibes::vibes::vibes:
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NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
have you posted on FaceBook, Twitter and Craigs List? If you post on a social media, hopefully people will repost to a wider range of people.

How about flyers at the vets office?

I hope George comes home!!
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Well, after three "yeses" that George is alive and well, I hope that helps ease your worry a bit. I am still hoping that you get a call too. I know this must be very hard on you wanting him back home so badly and frustrating knowing that he is out there and you can't get to him. I hope that changes for you very, very soon.
GEORGE - Please come home !!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, that's what I think as well. It's nice to be able to tell myself that someone is taking care of him.

His mother came by yesterday. I had her spayed in June and haven't seen that much of her all summer but she seemed fine. Plump and purring and keen to be petted and fed her favourite canned treats. I keep reminding myself that George came from excellent stock and can probably take care of himself very well.
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  • #45


Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
have you posted on FaceBook, Twitter and Craigs List? If you post on a social media, hopefully people will repost to a wider range of people.

How about flyers at the vets office?

I hope George comes home!!
He's on Facebook, but we don't have Craigs List or Twitter in Japan. The whole town is pretty much plastered in posters of him. I go out every week and replace any missing ones and I've gradually extended my route to about five miles from my house. The local vet and my husband are rock climbing buddies, he's keeping an eye out for George too. I've also volunteered to help at the town fair at the end of October, in return for being allowed to put up a huge poster and hand out fliers to everyone who comes.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts and vibes. It keeps me thinking positively.



TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Thanks, that's what I think as well. It's nice to be able to tell myself that someone is taking care of him.

His mother came by yesterday. I had her spayed in June and haven't seen that much of her all summer but she seemed fine. Plump and purring and keen to be petted and fed her favourite canned treats. I keep reminding myself that George came from excellent stock and can probably take care of himself very well.
Keep both of those positive thoughts going in your mind. :hugs: That someone IS feeding/caring for him for the time being and that he does know how to care for himself and keep himself from harm. Cats are remarkably adaptable and have an excellent sense of self-preservation. Still and most importantly, don't give up hope!!! I think you will see George again. :cross: :vibes: :rub: :cross: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Hi ShadowsRescue,

I think part of the reason George left may have been because I was so busy trying to spay the young females and take care of this year's stray kittens, but what can you do? Once one cat starts coming to be fed the others soon realise there is a free meal to be had and I can't just ignore them. Maybe Patches will head home when it starts getting colder. He'll need the extra calories and his mind will be on food, rather than roaming around looking for eligible girl kitties.
I think this is the same with Patches.  He knew I was in the process of caring for another stray and could see I have my hands full.  He knew he could fend for himself and knew of other feeding spots.  He also did not like the new stray.  When they first met, they were both tomcats.  Both full of hormones.  Both have now been neutered and the stray is living inside my house.  Yet, of course another stray showed up to take the others place!!  So now I have 2 inside and 2 outside and then Patches. 

I do know he is totally resourceful and can find food and shelter.  He made it clear to an animal communicator 2 years ago, that he had no intentions of ever being an owned cat again.  He wanted the freedom to roam and live wherever.  He is not a fighter at all.  He is just so docile, loving and sweet.  At least I know he is not out making kitties any more!  I had just hoped he would forgive me for the neuter, stop wandering and come home.  Yet, I was told he was upset with the neuter and would only come back if he needed me.  I wish I felt that someone was taking care of him and loving him, but I feel that he is only getting fed and missing out on the human companionship.  He was neglected and abandoned by his first owners and after a year of wandering he found me. 

I keep hoping George will find his way home soon.  Is cold weather coming to your area soon? 


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Happy to hear that the communicator thought he was being cared for!!! I have to believe that too-it sounds as though you would have likely found out if he'd even been hit on the road (wish our cities in the us tracked that kind of thing!). Happy thoughts from here too!!!


TCS Member
Apr 14, 2012
So before I went to bed tonight I read a few threads here on TCS- this being one of them. I admit I had not seen it prior to now, though I very much admire the dedication you have had in trying to find sweet George, as well as in opening your home and heart to so many of the others in need in your area. It is because of this respect and admiration that I want to share this dream I had with you. I know this is going to sound disjunctive and totally crazy but it was so vivid and powerful I feel compelled to share (I'll probably re-read this tomorrow when I'm not so bleary eyed and have a "why the heck did I post that" moment but oh well). I feel in my gut like so many others that George will return and we will never know the truth about where he was. I suppose this is just my brain's interpretation of his journey and I hope if nothing else it brings you comfort that he may be out there serving a bigger purpose.


I very much believe that cats are powerful healers. I also believe that they are here and end up with certain people for a reason. In my dream I saw George as one of these powerful beings who is very aware of what he is meant to do. At the time that he left, he recognized that you were fulfilling your path of rescuing his fellow species, and knew that, for the time being, you were going to be safe and okay without him. However, there was a man who was not. I saw a strong image of an elderly Japanese man who lives in a very tiny, very isolated cabin. He is someone with a lot of pride who had worked hard his entire life just to provide the basics for the family he once had. But now, his children are grown and living lives of their own and he is mourning the loss of his beloved wife. He lives very simply and off the land, and everyday takes a grueling walk to a lake where he tries to catch fish to sustain him (I don't know if it was a long distance or just physically taxing on him, but I remember feeling like the walk to the lake was a huge undertaking). Because of his age and his grief he knew he was sick and would soon come to the end of his life. He was incredibly lonely and everyday prayed for his time to come so he could be reunited with his love. 

George in the meantime, felt this man's pain and illness, and knew he had a job to do. So, he left your home and made the journey to his. Because this man has so little to offer he had never considered having a "pet," but when he saw George he worried he was suffering same as he was and showed compassion and shared his meager dinner with him. Since that day, George has integrated himself into the man's routine. Each morning the man rises and gathers his things to fish. While he does he has George nearby to talk to. Even if he isn't talking to him just having the presence of another living being brings him great comfort. He doesn't know what George does when he's gone, but in my mind I saw George off hunting- being self sufficient so the man doesn't have to feed him. Each day when he returns George is there waiting for him. At night the man sits in his old wooden chair and contemplates his life while George curls up at his feet. They do not have much physical contact but instead are connected on a deeper, spiritual level. George is not there to physically heal the man of his illness, but instead there to heal his soul. His presence has given the man some joy and something to look forward to as he slowly begins the process of transtitioning from this world to the next. He knows that when his time comes he will not be alone and that has eased his suffering tremendously. 

When the man passes George will return to you, as you are his "home base" and his family. Because of the deep trust that you two share he knows he can leave and go on this journey with this man, and that when he returns you will understand and welcome him with open arms. Because you were also meant to come into George's life. You taught him trust and security and gave him the strength he needed to do what he is meant to do. The bond between you two is strong enough that it cannot be broken by time or space. He is always with you even when not there physically, same as you are always with him. 


I know, it's just a crazy dream, most likely formulated in my subconscious by combining what I read in this thread with my own feelings about having recently lost a parent to a long term illness and seeing the bond she had with the cat that "randomly" showed up in her life just prior to her diagnosis. But, it was so powerful that as soon as I woke up I just started writing it down so I wouldn't forget, and it has stuck with me enough the past hour that I finally just had to get up and type it out. Hopefully now I can go back to sleep!

Sending all the vibes that I have to you that George finishes his work and comes home soon. I too cannot wait for the all caps "George is home" post!  In the meantime, continue to follow your path of helping all the others in need who can never fully express how grateful they are for all that you do, and never give up hope for his safe return. I know none of us will!  


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
So before I went to bed tonight I read a few threads here on TCS- this being one of them. I admit I had not seen it prior to now, though I very much admire the dedication you have had in trying to find sweet George, as well as in opening your home and heart to so many of the others in need in your area. It is because of this respect and admiration that I want to share this dream I had with you. I know this is going to sound disjunctive and totally crazy but it was so vivid and powerful I feel compelled to share (I'll probably re-read this tomorrow when I'm not so bleary eyed and have a "why the heck did I post that" moment but oh well). I feel in my gut like so many others that George will return and we will never know the truth about where he was. I suppose this is just my brain's interpretation of his journey and I hope if nothing else it brings you comfort that he may be out there serving a bigger purpose.


I very much believe that cats are powerful healers. I also believe that they are here and end up with certain people for a reason. In my dream I saw George as one of these powerful beings who is very aware of what he is meant to do. At the time that he left, he recognized that you were fulfilling your path of rescuing his fellow species, and knew that, for the time being, you were going to be safe and okay without him. However, there was a man who was not. I saw a strong image of an elderly Japanese man who lives in a very tiny, very isolated cabin. He is someone with a lot of pride who had worked hard his entire life just to provide the basics for the family he once had. But now, his children are grown and living lives of their own and he is mourning the loss of his beloved wife. He lives very simply and off the land, and everyday takes a grueling walk to a lake where he tries to catch fish to sustain him (I don't know if it was a long distance or just physically taxing on him, but I remember feeling like the walk to the lake was a huge undertaking). Because of his age and his grief he knew he was sick and would soon come to the end of his life. He was incredibly lonely and everyday prayed for his time to come so he could be reunited with his love. 

George in the meantime, felt this man's pain and illness, and knew he had a job to do. So, he left your home and made the journey to his. Because this man has so little to offer he had never considered having a "pet," but when he saw George he worried he was suffering same as he was and showed compassion and shared his meager dinner with him. Since that day, George has integrated himself into the man's routine. Each morning the man rises and gathers his things to fish. While he does he has George nearby to talk to. Even if he isn't talking to him just having the presence of another living being brings him great comfort. He doesn't know what George does when he's gone, but in my mind I saw George off hunting- being self sufficient so the man doesn't have to feed him. Each day when he returns George is there waiting for him. At night the man sits in his old wooden chair and contemplates his life while George curls up at his feet. They do not have much physical contact but instead are connected on a deeper, spiritual level. George is not there to physically heal the man of his illness, but instead there to heal his soul. His presence has given the man some joy and something to look forward to as he slowly begins the process of transtitioning from this world to the next. He knows that when his time comes he will not be alone and that has eased his suffering tremendously. 

When the man passes George will return to you, as you are his "home base" and his family. Because of the deep trust that you two share he knows he can leave and go on this journey with this man, and that when he returns you will understand and welcome him with open arms. Because you were also meant to come into George's life. You taught him trust and security and gave him the strength he needed to do what he is meant to do. The bond between you two is strong enough that it cannot be broken by time or space. He is always with you even when not there physically, same as you are always with him. 


I know, it's just a crazy dream, most likely formulated in my subconscious by combining what I read in this thread with my own feelings about having recently lost a parent to a long term illness and seeing the bond she had with the cat that "randomly" showed up in her life just prior to her diagnosis. But, it was so powerful that as soon as I woke up I just started writing it down so I wouldn't forget, and it has stuck with me enough the past hour that I finally just had to get up and type it out. Hopefully now I can go back to sleep!

Sending all the vibes that I have to you that George finishes his work and comes home soon. I too cannot wait for the all caps "George is home" post!  In the meantime, continue to follow your path of helping all the others in need who can never fully express how grateful they are for all that you do, and never give up hope for his safe return. I know none of us will!  
How absolutely beautiful of you to share this story.  I have tears streaming down my face.  Dreams are powerful too.  Cats truly are healers and on this planet to do certain jobs and be with certain people.  They have many things to teach us.  I also believe George will be back.


TCS Member
Oct 1, 2013
What a beautiful cat! I know how hard it is to have lost a pet. I have had cats all my life also and there was that very special one. He got taken by a coyote. I knew right away that something was terribly wrong because my other cat was sitting at the top of a very tall tree and finally came down after a few minutes. A few days later I received a call from someone who found her collar. I cried for 2 weeks. I just finally adopted a new kitty in April 2013 and this cat has a personality that never ends. Everybody fell in love with him. I just got him neutered and he was to get more shots and a chip on 10/4 when he suddenly went missing on 9/13 at 7 pm. I have flyers all over the place, have gone from door to door, my cat is nowhere. I search daily on the Internet for him. I am pretty sure that my neighbor's daughter took him. It is terribly difficult to have a missing pet and I feel for you. I would not give up hope, but I think it is very unlikely that your cat will return since your cat was so familiar with the surroundings. To feel better, I often talk out loud to my lost cats and I tell them that I love them. There is really nothing else you can do. I will keep my fingers crossed for you though! Daniella


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
It's been known for cats to come home after years or found and returned also after a long time. Sometimes they climb I to a lorry or car and end up somewhere miles and miles away. It takes time for them to get home. Keep hoping but also keep looking after needy cats.
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Thank you all for your messages, I've been feeling kind of down lately and these have really cheered me up.

EB24 your dream was amazing. Especially the part about George being a healer. He always has been very protective towards his "brothers and sisters" and last year he befriended a young male cat who had been badly injured in a fight with another animal. It was because of George that I was able to coax this cat, Harvey, into the house and eventually get him to the vet to be treated. Harvey needed 28 stitches and had to be kept indoors for a month, during which he became more loving and friendly every day. He spent his last year living indoors, getting fat, and followed George around everywhere. Sadly he had FIV and started to go downhill this spring. I had to have him put to sleep at the end of March, just a week before George went missing. Maybe George was waiting until Harvey passed on before going to help the next person who needed him? If it hadn't been for George I know that Harvey would have suffered and died much sooner.

pdgold that's so sad that your new cat has gone missing. Have you asked your neighbor directly if they have him? What about calling the police? Her daughter doesn't have any right to steal your cat and make you suffer like this.

Stewball and kittychick thanks to you both for making me look on the bright side. ShadowsRescue asked if it was getting cold yet and that made me think, "Oh yeah, winter's coming". I seem to have missed the summer this year. I didn't do any of the things I usually do, such as hiking or camping , because I've wanted to spend all my spare time looking for George. I started to think about all the things I've lost: Harvey and George, other stray cats who have suddenly disappeared or died, all those hours spent searching, the lost sleep. (I don't even want to think about how much money I've spent so far....)

Then I realised that even a negative thing such as this starts a chain of events that leads to something positive. So here they are;

1. While I was looking for George in the first few days after he went missing I went a little crazy and started going into barns and even broke into an abandoned house because I'd convinced myself he was trapped there. Fortunately I didn't get arrested and I found a kitten that had become trapped in a garage and was able to free it.

2. I started searching further from home after about 5 days and found a dog that was being neglected. The owners had her locked in a pen at the back of some buildings and although they were feeding her they weren't taking care of her in any other way. I started by asking around to find out who owned her, then called the owners to volunteer as a dog walker. When that didn't work I got in touch with some animal rescue groups in Tokyo. After a lot of phone calls we managed to get Animal Control to come and check on her. We weren't able to force the owners to walk the dog, for some reason as long as the dog is fed and her pen is clean local authorities don't consider her to be neglected. However, they did make the owners take her to the vet to get the sores on her legs treated and all the matted fur trimmed. She's looking a lot better these days.

3. Because I'm still worried about the dog I extended my jogging route so that I can go and check on her and spend a few minutes talking to her and feeding her treats whenever I can. This means I'm now running 40 km a week, which is much further than I was managing to run at the beginning of the year. And the dog is always so happy to see me. I just wish they'd let me take her for a walk....

4. I spent a lot of time email and chatting to one of the volunteers at the Animal Rescue group about the dog, mentioned that I was looking for George and taking care of a colony of stray cats. She let me borrow a humane trap so I've been able to get a few of the more elusive female cats spayed this year. There is only one adult female that I haven't managed to trap yet. Only four female kittens were born this year and three of them already let me pet them, so I think it will be a lot easier to get these to the vet to be spayed. Two of this years kittens, Freya and Lizzie, are being spayed in two weeks time. So the colony is almost under control now.

5. I've realised just how friendly and willing to help people can be if you ask. Yesterday I went out to put up more posters and look for George and I started to feel really despondent because it was raining again and there were no cats about. After a couple of hours I stopped at a friend's cafe for a cup of tea and got chatting to some of the other customers. They called themselves "The Crazy Cat Ladies" and showed me pictures and told me stories about their own cats. They all listened patiently as I explained in my fa-from-perfect Japanese that I was looking for George and all took posters to put up. A few of them own restaurants around the lake and they all come from families that have lived in this area for generations, so know nearly everyone around here. It's so kind of them to offer to do this, it means a lot more people will be aware that George is missing.

6. I've spent many hours on the computer, reading about cat behavior and thanks to this I found the wonderful Cat Site, which has taught me a lot of things I didn't know before and also allowed me to communicate with other kindred souls. Now I feel slightly less like a mad person who lives in the mountains and scares the local children because I have too many cats and dress like a witch. 

Finally, I KNOW that George is OK really. I've had so many positive signs, even if I've never had a positive sighting of him. I tell myself that someone is caring for him and, as EB24 said, he is probably caring for someone else. I feel that if I stay positive and keep searching then one day he'll come home.

I'm waiting for you George.



TCS Member
Apr 14, 2012
Wow Norachan your attitude just astounds me! For the one measly sentence you wrote about what you gave up and lost this summer look at how many positives stemmed from it! Not to diminish the cost, but you have an unbelievable way of looking at the bright side of things for sure! You have done some seriously amazing rescue work recently, and it sounds like without a doubt more than a few animals owe their lives to you.

It does sound like George's purpose is as a healer, not only on his own but through you too. Had he not gone missing you never would have found the trapped kitten or noticed the neglected dog, and it's doubtful either would have survived if you hadn't.  That's also an amazing story about George's bond with Harvey. I do wonder if Harvey's passing meant that George was free to go help someone else. It sounds quite fitting of his nature! 

I think the part that hits me the most is that It is difficult to do rescue work even when you have a huge support system or are working directly with a shelter. It's just the nature of the work, and you are right that there is a lot of loss that comes with it. And, you are enduring all that without the support of an affiliated organization. Instead of being overwhelmed and giving up you have managed to flip this into a positive by building connections and are almost creating a rescue of your own, especially since you are addressing the feral problem at the source by having the females spayed. Only four females born this year with three relatively tame?!?!? Wow. Just..... Wow. I cannot commend you enough: not just for the work you have done but for your outlook on life. It is truly inspirational to me! 

I am glad that my dream was comforting and not discouraging to you (and that you don't think I am totally nuts!). Something I find really crazy is that last night I recall it being so vivid that I could literally feel soreness in my bones and could smell the crisp lake air but today it's all very dim. I barely remember writing any of it down and had I not I don't think there is any way I would have been able to do today. It's especially crazy because even though I can't remember much of the details now my body seriously feels like I ran a marathon and I have been utterly exhausted all day. I honestly almost felt like I was in a trance or something and it engulfed me so much that it took a physical toll. To make it even weirder, I have only ever had a handful of dreams like this in my life but they all involved my Mom. And, I don't know why I didn't make this connection last night (though perhaps my subconscious did) but the first part of your username (Nora) was my Mom's name (I was reading your handle as one long Japanese word and not breaking it up into two words). With all the signs I can't help but feel like she was taking me on some sort of journey last night!

So, perhaps you do scare the town kiddos with your cat-crazy-ness but if you do you are in good company here on TCS!
 If you are crazy to them then I can't even imagine what they would think of the girl on the other side of the world who dreamt about a cat she's never met! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
They'd think you are more than crazy lol. I had a dream the other night. I dreamed that I found the body of my Lotto and he was dead. And then he came to me and sat on my lap like always. And then he was gone again. I woke up so sad.
Norachan. You are such a good person. I could never do anything like you are doing. I wouldn't even think of it. Maybe George left because he was so sad about losing Harvey.
I was in Japan a few years ago just for 10 days but I loved it. Don't ask me where I went because I can't remember. We were supposed to go to Mount Fiji but it was closed for some reason.
Where are you from, how long have you been in Japan and why? I hope it's ok mesasking. Of course you don't have to reply.
Keep thinking about George and he may hear you.
Keep the faith my friend.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
What a great way to turn a negative into a positive! And you SHOULD feel good - I'm sure George would be happy to know - wherever he is - that he set these events in place. You've saved the lives of both the kitten and very probably the dog, PLUS all the trapping you've done. Way to go! 


TCS Member
Oct 6, 2013
My kitty Boots has gone missing since July 5th, 2013. :-( your WHOLE scenerio sounds EXACTLY like mine. George is Gorgeous. I'm in tears every day. I still have hope, especially after reading your whole blog. you & I are kindred spirits. my Boots, 9 year old neutered male, indoor/outdoor, happy healthy, and always close by. we will keep each others precious babies in light & prayer they return to us unharmed. here's my "Man Of The House". on the right.
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  • #59


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan

I just found this picture of George when he was a baby, I wanted to share it with you.

Thank you so much for your comments. I don't think I deserve such praise. (I'm blushing now.) 

EB24, I'm glad that your mother is watching over us and taking an interest in the things you are involved in. Nora is the Japanese word for stray. Stray cats are generally called noraneko. Chan is a word added to children or young girls names, it means something like "little" or  "sweet". Norachan means something like "The little stray ones", which is what people around here call the feral cats. I really liked that fact that people use that word to describe them, rather than seeing them as a nuisance.

Stewball, sorry to hear that you didn't get to climb Fuji San. The weather around here can be pretty harsh at times and people have been struck by lightening or died of exposure while climbing, so they close the trails when there is a storm coming.

I'm from the south west of England originally. I came to Japan right after I graduated from university. I was offered a job as an English teacher and it seemed like a good way to pay of my student debts and save up enough money to travel around Asia before I went back to the "Real World". That was 12 years ago. I've been back and forth a few times but I fell in love with the place and I'm here for good now.

Seahorse, I'm so sorry to hear Boots is missing. I think cats that have some outdoor access are pretty smart when it comes to taking care of themselves. I just read a story on another site about a cat that has been missing for nearly a year and has recently been spotted near to home. I hope Boots comes home soon.

Kittychick, I LOVE your avatar. Your cat looks like he/she is wearing clown make-up. What's his/her name?

to you all.


TCS Member
Oct 6, 2013
Norachan, thank you so much for your encouragement and support. I just love George too. stunning guy. Boots is Stranger Danger smart, car savvy, (I have literally watched him cross the road looking both ways before going to the other side). He won't go near where any dogs live. so I'm hoping his 9 years of survival skills brings him home safe. and immediately! He hates cold & rain, and we've had storms and cold at nite. I'm confused why he's not come home yet. :-(