Should I Still Be Hoping My Missing Cat Will Come Home?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014

                              So sorry to hear about Izzy.  Keep your spirits up and just keep looking. As you can see from reading there is a lot of hope that Izzy will be back home with you. Is he or she an inside cat or outside? Have you put up posters with your number so people can call you if they spot it? Also call any animal shelter in the area and even a vets office to report it missing. And I would also go online and post to any sights, such as Craigslist. Do everything you can right now since it has just happened. Make sure all your neighbors know. Maybe offer a small reward, that sometimes gets people moving and looking more. Get the information out there as fast as you can. I'm sure you might of done all this but just some thoughts in case you missed something. Just trying to help you in any way I can for you to get your kitty back. I know how that feels.
 I'm so sorry


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 9, 2014

So sorry to hear that your loved one is missing. Don't give up. Keeping looking. It really is being at the same place at the same time as Izzy.

Sending you lucky :vibes:vibes:vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Well like I said I hadn't seen Tequilia in years I had long since gotten rid of the litter box. Had an eight year old daughter and a new born . Was experiencing fevers of 107 degrees at night cause I had developed an infection on my uterus from my tubal ligation that turned into an abscess. Had married a man whom at that time swore he hated cats. My life had changed people change and sad to say it was just bad timing for Tequila . I found a bag of cat food the last teen ant left and fed him gave him water and pet him that was all I could do at the time. Sadly I found him dead in the yard when I came home from being hospitalized myself.
Like I said people do change my husband found a good job! Six years later my husband brought home a little female, calico kitten insisting I keep her. She never wants outside isn't allowed outside at all! Our world revolves around her she is so smart fetching and running when we call. Got her a buddy to play with too life is looking up!
I'm so glad everything turned round and made good for you.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 10, 2015
I am sorry that George went missing :(

Hopefully he will be found.

Stay strong, and hope for the best. 


TCS Member
Jul 12, 2015
Hi. I've been reading your posts after coming across them because my beloved cat is missing as well. Ran out the door at 10:00 pm, May18th 2015. So, he has been gone for almost 2 months. I am devastated. My divorce last year did not affect me like this has. I have done everything you can imagine. Set traps, cameras, flyers, posters, pet detectives, walked a hundred miles, talked to a hundred people. A few weeks ago he was supposedly spotted several times still in my condo complex, but I no longer believe it considering I was not the one to see him and he hasn't been seen since.
I have hardly any hope left. I'm heartbroken. I no longer know what to do but half heartedly set one trap by my condo. He's my baby. My big goof ball. My heart. Not sure how to move on.
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm so sorry to hear that @gingerfrancesca  He's a beautiful cat, similar colour to George. Did he have regular outdoor access or was he an indoor cat? Indoor cats tend to stay close to home. Keep putting your camera out every night, just in case he is still around.

Outdoor cats have the smarts to survive. Are there any people that feed feral colonies in your area? Ask them if they've had any new cats show up. If he's feeding himself he'll make his way to a feeding station eventually.

What's your neighbourhood like, urban or rural?

Someone on The Cat Site found her cat after she had been missing for 14 months recently, so don't give up.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 17, 2014
On the coast of Central California
I am so sorry to hear about your lost cat. What a sweet looking little one!

I had the same thing happen once, and it was the worst thing ever for me. I truly didn't think I could go on without him. I didn't find him, but I manage a feral colony, and since he was lost I cannot tell you how many times one has gone missing and I am devastated. Just as I am sure he or she will never return, in through the door they will walk as if nothing had ever happened. And yes, one was gone for over three months. The worst time is always in the summer...they seem to wander off, maybe chasing something, and get lost. Or just decide to go exploring. Whatever! It is the worst! I know it is so hard to hold onto hope, but you just never know what will happen.

A few years ago a strange cat wandered into my house looking lost. I asked if anyone was missing a cat in the neighborhood, but everyone said no.

Well, almost a year later, a lady pulled up in her car, saw the cat, jumped out yelling "Oh my god, Snoopy, it's you!!! It was her cat. She lived five houses down from me, but had been away for six months taking care of her sick mother. Her boyfriend was supposed to be looking out for the cat, but the cat got out, and the boyfriend didn't look for the cat. Anyway, both were re-united on a very happy day.

All by way of saying, , do a very careful door knock on every house in the neighborhood, and ask to look in everyone's garage, in case your cat is scared and hiding, and  might only come out hearing your voice. Please ignore, if you have already done this. It is just good to sometimes point out the obvious since we can get so terribly scared when something like this happens.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Warm hugs being sent your way.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 9, 2014
I feel your sadness and am sorry to hear about your baby missing. When mine went missing last year, I went looking for him further and further away as time passed. I thought he has left the area, and after a few weeks I had no idea where to look anymore. The pet detective said it was not likely he'd be still in the neighborhood. I felt hopeless and found this site. The support you get here may get you through tough times, so never give up.

Last year, I wrote my baby letters thinking about him, trying to send him my energy. Whether he got it or not didn't matter. The point was to let my loving and longing feelings out. I wrote how much I missed him, and told him to hang in there, stay alive and try to follow his instinct to get close enough so I can bump into him by chance. After writing these letters every day, I felt more focused so I could get out there and search for him again.

I am not sure if this may help you. I hope you do get lucky enough to bump into him yourself and not other people. I know some people make it like a part time job looking for their lost animal. It can be long term, but as long as you try, there is still hope.

By the way, my baby was found only 100 feet away from my house after 47 days the first time he had gone missing. So it could be that yours is still around. Don't give up. Sending you goodluck vibes. :vibes:.


TCS Member
Sep 6, 2015
I am so sorry about George I lost a childhood cat for two years and she was found about 2 miles from
My home. I stumbled upon this board to ease my sadness my cat milo
Is 3 seems missing. I am beyond sad

vicki hamill

TCS Member
Mar 16, 2015
. YES ! Don't give up hope !! My cat went through a TERRIBLE TIME , he was gone during 10 CONSECUTIVE SNOWSTORMS...wherein he could not smell his way home, I had almost given up. I was truly heartbroken, but THANK THE LORD he came one day.."THE PRODIGAL SON" ... Dragging himself, all tattered and skinny..but he made it home [emoji]10084[/emoji]️[emoji]10084[/emoji]️[emoji]10084[/emoji]️[emoji]128571[/emoji][emoji]128571[/emoji][emoji]128571[/emoji] [emoji]10071[/emoji]️[emoji]10071[/emoji]️ KEEP PRAYING !! [emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]128591[/emoji]:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 25, 2015
My girl came home on Friday after six weeks missing so keep hoping BUT get on with your life. My collie had just died so I had room here for another rescue who is under the bed npw and am collecting another this week. There is so much need out there.
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  • #635


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm sorry to hear about Milo @catladyjess31  How long has he been missing? Is he an indoor only cat or does he have outdoor access. There are a few things in this article that might help.

 [article="32600"]Help My Cat Is Lost​[/article]  

It's awful when they just disappear like that. George has been gone for 2 years and 6 months now, but I still check the local Animal Control home page every day, just in case. It's hard to give up completely when you never know what happened.

Keep looking and keep hoping, I often hear stories of cats coming home months or years after they first went missing.

martins friend

TCS Member
Sep 15, 2015
My cat Martin disappeared 15 days ago and I'm devastated.

We've just moved into the area and he's been with me for three years and taken each of our house shifts (four before this one) with consumate ease.

I've covered off all the usual tips - flyers, websites, phone calls, walking the neighbourhood, checking under houses, and returned to our old house 3.5km away, all to no avail.

The worst part is that my landlord, without permission, sprayed a pesticide to kill weeds in and around the day Martin went missing.

Compounding that, it rained heavily as well, which ups the potency of the poison, so if Martin took a dose, I'm fearful he's gone under a house nearby to be sick then pass away.

I wrote an angry but professional email to the Property Manager who says the house owner never notified her of the plan to spray the weeds, which is no consolation whatsoever.

It's also against the law in our country for a house owner to go onto a property they've rented out without the permission of the tenant, so I'm pretty mad.

The worst of it is not knowing but suspecting strongly this theory is on the money but being unable to confirm it, at least to get some closure.

The other side of the coin is figuring out when to let go of Martin emotionally, so the agony of doubt which bugs me everyday can be put to rest, too.

I was given Martin three years ago just after I had a major illness and he was great timing for my recovery and because I reared him from six weeks, we developed a great repoire.

He was vocal, affectionate and would follow me to the park when I did a workout, then follow me back, sometimes comfortable to be in my gym bag..! 

I feel as if I've not only lost a great feline friend, but also a yardstick to measure my return to health, and I'm sad now when I'm doing my fitness that he's not crept outside to stand on the fence and watch and play around. 

I note a lot of stories about the internet saying cats disappear then reappear after an outrageous length of time away - weeks, months, even years, but in my heart of hearts, and being pragmatic about it, I sense that he's passed away, somewhere nearby, but forever, physically, out of reach.

I had a pretty good understanding of Martin's feline personality and wandering off wasn't really in his make-up, he was pretty much a home-zone style cat, neutered, microchipped and collared.

Anyway, if you've lost your best feline friend, too, I wish you well in your search, pray for their return and a happy reunion.
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  • #637


Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi Martin's Friend.

I'm really sorry to hear about your cat going missing. It's heartbreaking, and the not knowing is the worst part. Did Martin have outdoor access before you moved? Outdoor cats are smart, they know how to take care of themselves. He could just be confused about where he lives and be out there fending for himself somewhere.

My cat Mia, got out shortly after we moved. She was gone for nearly a month but when I found her she wasn't that far from the house. She was in a place that I'd checked pretty much every day since she disappeared, but that time we were both lucky enough to have our paths cross. I'd suggest that you just keep looking, doing circles of your neighbourhood, or back towards your old place, calling his name. If he's out there he'll eventually make himself known.

You could also put some posters up that say "Reward for any information leading to the recovery of Martin". You don't need to specify how much the reward is. If the worst has happened and someone discovers a dead cat near their house they're more likely to call if they know there is a reward.

Don't give up yet, two weeks isn't really that long.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 30, 2014
I'm so sorry to hear about all the missing kitties here. It's heartbreaking, especially when it's been so long. My baby Isy has been gone for 16 days now with no sign anywhere. She is indoor/outdoor but she's NEVER been gone longer than a week before in her 10 years of having outside access and that was only once when she discovered a park nearby. Despite all the neighbors being on lookout, posters everywhere, an ad on Craigslist, and every local shelter and vet having her on file as missing there hasn't been anything.

I know she knows how to take care of herself--she's beaten up every cat that's tried to mess with her on the block and brings me dead presents all the time so I know she can defend herself and hunt well. The scariest part is knowing that she has a horrible habit of wanting to sunbathe in the middle of the street, no matter how much I try to keep her away.



TCS Member
Sep 14, 2015
Like you, Martin's Friend, i believe my property owners may have been responsible for my cat's death. But he came home right away, only to die nine hours later. A necropsy revealed diazinon poisoning in his stomach. I think it was fire ant insecticide but nobody will own up to the source. They saw how enraged i was. Diazinon is now banned from residential use for obvious reasons but it's too little, too late! I still mourn his loss. His name was Zeke. He was only two years old and my first cat. And he was the coolest cat ever. He used to come in smelling like perfume because the local coeds liked to pick him up. I was a young man in grad school...I was jealous. He had more personality than me!!! I'm no wuss but I cried my eyes out when he died.

A year ago another of my boys, Nikki Sixes (tabby with a number six on each side, a play on Nikki Sixx's name) disappeared one night. This is a total mystery. I blame myself for being away at the time. Maybe he missed his daddy. Would he have run away if I was paying more attention to him like I should have? Or did a coyote get him? Did he get injured or poisoned or catnapped? I can't stand not knowing. I miss him. Is he gone forever?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I am so sorry to hear that you have now lost two kitties because they were outside. Please, the next time you get a kitty don't let it be outside, it's not safe out there. If you get one that is young it will get used to being inside very fast and will never miss the outside. If it is older it will also adjust sooner or later. Domestic cats are not used to fend for themselves anymore and prefer to be the pampered companions most people have.