Should I feel insulted?


TCS Member
Jun 7, 2006
I would DEFINITELY be asking why I didn't get the job. If you don't you'll be wondering for a long time.

It MAY be something that they don't feel makes you the right candidate for the job (qualifications, previous experience etc) - if that's the case, you need to know so you can see if it IS a real issue to you, or just something petty on their behalf.

If they can't give you a reason, then you can assume they're just being horribly unfair, and walk out and make sure you get your leave paid out.


TCS Member
Jun 7, 2006
Originally Posted by LokisMum

Not sure where you were working, but in Canada, if it's a government job and you were hired as a determinate (non-permanent) employee, once your term was over, if you hadn't been successful on the job process for a permanent job, they wouldn't be able to offer it to you. That's regardless of how good a job you were doing! Sucks, I know! Just learn from it and move on.
In Australia, in the same situation, if someone was ranked higher than you, and they left, or didn't take it - they would offer it to the next person ranked highest, or at least "suitable".

If you were not ranked "suitable" then you had no chance.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 24, 2007
I would be P.O...I have a temper so being insulted just isnt in my blood...LOL..I would atleast go in and talk to your boss and ask why you, the person with qualifications and experiance, did not get the job in which you were already doing in the first place for 2 yrs. And why in the H-E double hockey stix they pulled in some bimbo off the street..(sorry there goes my sympathetic temper...I really need to harness that). Your boss should be able to give you a valid reasoning as to why you werent hired.
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TCS Member
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Oct 26, 2005
An Elf from the Woodland Realm
Well I'm just trying to keep my head down and get out of there with a good reference. After what happened today I am beginging to wonder if even that will happen.

I was working reception like I have been since I was told I dind't get the job. All of a sudden somone is speeking on full building page. It was the unit manager and my supervisor speeking about my "attitude". Somone ran in to let them know they were broadcasting to the entire building but now everyone in the building thinks I have an attitude problem when I have just been doing my job I have been acting the same around my co-workers as before joking with them and being friendly as normal. Most of them don't even know I am leaving. I told my boss that I had been acting the same as I had been before I havn't changed my attitude or the way I work with anyone. I asked her if my "attitude" was precived from an e-mail and explained to her that I can't change people's preceptions if they have a preconcived notion of how I am nothing is going to change it.

So now that I am labled as the person with the "Attitude problem" how will I be treated for the durration of my stay. It is almost as if it's the common operating procedure to make my final days a living hell.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Originally Posted by Sibohan2005

She also informed me that they had taken on a summer student (with absolutely no training in the field) to take the job. I'M SORRY, but this girl didn't interview for the job, does not have any qualifications and has no clue what she's doing. On the other hand I wanted the job, interviewed for the job and have the qualifications for it.
I'm sorry you are losing your job

It sounds to me like it's all about money. They can obviously pay that student far less than what you are making. And if they keep her on beyond the summer, her baseline salary will still be less than what they are probably paying you.

Also, sometimes overtime and working extra days goes against you. It can make it look like you are ineffective in your job and can't get the work done in a timely manner.

However, it sounds to me like it's about money and that's why they didn't ask you because you would have either had the same salary as now, or more. Either way it would be more than what they are probably paying this student.
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TCS Member
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Oct 26, 2005
An Elf from the Woodland Realm
Originally Posted by Natalie_ca

Also, sometimes overtime and working extra days goes against you. It can make it look like you are ineffective in your job and can't get the work done in a timely manner.
I could see that If I were working on my own projects but any overtime I worked was filling in for others and working special events for other people. I was the go to person for events because I have no kids and was flexable in my arrangements. Oh well it wan't worth it


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 16, 2006
They did the same thing at my company only they got rid of two people that were both qualified for the job.

We have a receptionist at our office but they are also an assistant to the big dumb boss in the corner office.

The first one they let got had worked there 6 months. She was only hired as a temp and after her six months were up they informed her she didn't have enough qualifications for the job and let her go.

The second person worked there 10 years and not only had done the job before but had a lot more qualifications.

Two days before they let the second person go they hired in a new lady. She is now the joke of the entire company. She has no skills. She has made numerous mistakes.

1. She broke the printer because she thought a thin piece of plastic that guided the paper was a stuck piece of paper and ripped out and broke it.

2. She was suppose to set up a dinner for a client that was coming into town. She didn't know how to and had the Account Manager of the client help her and then asked if she could go to the dinner.

3. She takes other peoples color prints off the printer and then when people from the back come to the front to retrieve them they are missing. One lady printed something three times before she found the prints on this ladys desk. When she asked her about it she said they were sent to her in an email to print, they were not sent to her.

4. The day the big client was to visit our division she had the day off to go to a "training" class. I don't think any 6 or 8 hour class is going to help this chic!

Why this new lady was able to get training and the other lady that was let go because she did not have the qualifications was unable to get training is beyond me.

It goes on and on.

We have no idea how this lady got this job and after three weeks why she is still there. I feel sorry for her in a way because she was hired and either the company did not make it clear what they required of her or they were in a hurry and hired her even though she lacked the skills. I think she is a nice person in a bad situation. We are really laughing at the people that hired her. In fact I think that is why she is still there. The powers that be look like complete idiots and if they fire her then they really will look bad especially after letting two people go that did the job well.

It makes us so mad and brings down moral when you see crap like this happen. It all comes down to company politics or policy that mean nothing to the people who are actually doing the work.

I am sorry you lost your job and it certainly not fair but if you think about it it may be a blessing. Do you really want to work for a company that treats its employees like that?

I don't know what is more frustrating. Watching it happen to others or having it happen to yourself.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2005
Originally Posted by Sibohan2005

Well I'm just trying to keep my head down and get out of there with a good reference. After what happened today I am beginging to wonder if even that will happen.

I was working reception like I have been since I was told I dind't get the job. All of a sudden somone is speeking on full building page. It was the unit manager and my supervisor speeking about my "attitude". Somone ran in to let them know they were broadcasting to the entire building but now everyone in the building thinks I have an attitude problem when I have just been doing my job I have been acting the same around my co-workers as before joking with them and being friendly as normal. Most of them don't even know I am leaving. I told my boss that I had been acting the same as I had been before I havn't changed my attitude or the way I work with anyone. I asked her if my "attitude" was precived from an e-mail and explained to her that I can't change people's preceptions if they have a preconcived notion of how I am nothing is going to change it.

So now that I am labled as the person with the "Attitude problem" how will I be treated for the durration of my stay. It is almost as if it's the common operating procedure to make my final days a living hell.
Oh my GOD I can only repeat LAWSUIT!! That is not only unfair, but harassment. You have a legitimate claim.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice
I would be insulted, but to be honest, being a contracted person at the end of your contract, you are probably seen as a new hire in terms of the interview and as such there is little you can do


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 27, 2006
Nuh uh...might give me away!
I think you should check out the book The Dragon Complex: Identifying and Conquering Workplace Abuse (available used from Amazon).

Your situation sounds like a typical environment run by a "dragon." All worthwhile employees are deemed threats and are treated to harassment, etc. to the point that the person blames themself.

YOU did nothing wrong. You were deemed a threat and that is the ONLY reason you are being treated this way.

We recently had a dragon supervisor here, but the only reason I was able to survive is because the University has strict policies in place to prevent people from being fired just because someone doesn't like them. (My manager admitted to me that this person had a PERSONAL bias against me.) This person is gone now, thanks to an open-eyed VP.

Keep your chin'll find a better place, and hopefully one without a dragon!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 20, 2007
Right Behind You
Yep... Going through the same thing at work! They are hiring for a position that I am more than qualified for yet I am not a consideration... So I am trying to get my younger sister (who has no experience) the job! I've been here two years!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2005
Jersey Shore
Originally Posted by KitEKats4Eva!

Oh my GOD I can only repeat LAWSUIT!! That is not only unfair, but harassment. You have a legitimate claim.

On top of that infringement of employee confidentiality. I wouldn't care about the "good" reference. I would've said my good byes right there and tell them they would be talking with my lawyer shortly.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Originally Posted by Sibohan2005

For those who don't know, the job that I have been doing for the past 2 years became permanent and I had to apply for it. I failed to get the job and have been given my walking papers (end of contract) for the 30th of May.

I had yesterday off from work as I have to use all of my overtime hours before the 30th. Today I go into work to find out that the girl that got "my job" didn't even last a month and Resigned yesterday. I wasn't told in a timely manner and had to find it out for myself. Then my boss calls me into her office to tell me. She also informed me that they had taken on a summer student (with absolutely no training in the field) to take the job. I'M SORRY, but this girl didn't interview for the job, does not have any qualifications and has no clue what she's doing. On the other hand I wanted the job, interviewed for the job and have the qualifications for it.

I was a bit insulted that I wasn't even asked. I think they just want rid of me and I don't know why. I have done everything they wanted me to do. I worked overtime, weekends, events, was the most flexible person they had when it came to taking over projects or filling in for people not there I was the one they came to and I did my job on top of that! I don't know why I am suddenly a leaper.

Would you not be insulted?
I once had something similar happen to me. They "were holding the job open, so .... could get in her application." I was an insidier, with experience, and .... was an outsider. She lasted less than a month--her hubby didn't want her to work! Did they then offer the job to me? Nope!

Last year, a position in my department (which I had done for a stint years before, and was more than qualified for), vacacated. I had waited 20 years for this to happen--and I really wanted that job! It was down to 3 applicants--myself, another person in the system, and a total outsider, who never worked in this line of work, which is specialized. Guess who they hired? The outsider! I felt so hurt and insulted. I've worked in this place since 1982; but, as far as I'm concerned, screw any remaining loyalty I have for them. They've done nothing but use me for for all of those years, and I get nocredit for all of my great ideas, streamlining, and hard work.

I think, with your skills, you'll find a great job soon! Best Wishes!
