Sheba Perfect Portions?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2017
Hi all!
I'm new to the forum, not to cat ownership. So, I'd like to open the floor to discussion on Sheba's Perfect Portions cat food, but first, a little backstory.

I adopted my cat in 2014 when she was about 2 years old, and when I got her from the San Diego humane society she was on Science Diet, and seemed to really like it. I regularly fed her an appropriate amount every day and no matter how hard she begged for more, I would not overfeed her. Despite this, she began gaining weight and at one point she had gone from around 7 lbs to 12 lbs, a marked food increase.

I tried offering her wet foods and she refused completely no matter how patient I was in transitioning her to the new food and how incrementally I did it. She was a dry food addict. So, that being said, I switched her to Hill's low calorie/diet food and I did see some minor weight loss, she went down a pound but never really less than that.

In 2015 I was lamenting on another website that my cat refused to eat wet food and I talked about the kind of food that she was eating and how much she was being fed, and pretty quickly got lambasted for feeding her Hill's. I of course, wanting to do right by my cat, switched her over to Blue Buffalo grain free which she took to very easily.

What I didn't realise though was how incredibly high of a fat content blue's foods tend to have. Opal went from 10-11 lbs to a whopping 16 lbs in about two years, and I tried every wet food under the sun (or so i thought) in an attempt to help her lose the weight, but no dice.

It sort of came to a head this year when I woke up one morning and found her laying on my floor, her tail twitching unhappily, and when I called to her she wouldn't get up. I tried to get her up on all four feet and she stood, staggered a bit, and collapsed. I took her to the vet immediately.

400$ later and the vet informed me that Opal was basically diabetic. I was crushed and felt so guilty. I started her on insulin and kept her on blue while adjusting the feeding schedule. The vet recommended I not switch her to a lower fat/calorie food because something something blah blah insulin science I don't understand, so I kept her on it while still trying to figure out SOME kind of fix for this.

A few months ago I found Sheba Perfect Portions and thought what the heck, why not? Let's give it a shot. To my amazement, opal actually wanted to give it a try. She didn't eat it exactly, she licked the sauce off of the pate loaf, but it was better than nothing, and promising. So I started slowly attempting to switch her over to wet food fullstop, and giving her no more dry kibble.

She caught on to what I was doing pretty quickly and there was a struggle and some complaining for a while, but eventually she took to it and she has now been 100% transitioned to Sheba Perfect Portions since around September, and I am seeing a DRASTIC difference.

She is now down to 13 lbs, far more active, and her blood sugar/insulin levels have returned to normal. I just took her to the vet at the beginning of this month and the vet said she looked awesome.

So I'm wondering - has anyone else had any positive experiences with SPP? I like that it has taurine in it and I'm really fond of how easy portion control is especially because opal is now hoovering it down and if given more than one packet at a time I'm sure she would make herself sick on it.

Her poops are even looking better. I'm thrilled that I've transitioned her to a better food and she's lost weight, but I'm wondering if I should just stick to the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" adage and keep her on SPP, or see about trying to switch her yet again to another, "higher quality" wet food.

She is still consistently losing weight and her energy levels are going up and she is like a whole new cat. I'm just curious if anyone else can speak to the effects SPP has had on their cats.



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 3, 2017
Sheba is a perfectly fine food choice! I was feeding my cat some Sheba before they switched to the "Perfect Portions". I just feel like those tiny portions are overpriced. If I had a cat with the health issues yours has though and that food helped, I'd do everything I could to make it work!
IF you are interested in trying anything else, Fancy Feast CLASSIC line is supposed to be good for diabetic cats too and is a bit cheaper than the Sheba.
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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The Sheba Perfect Portions pate is ok to give to a diabetic cat. The ones in gravy are a no no:nono: because they are too high carb. Most any canned food in gravy or sauce or broth are too high carbs for diabetics, although you do want to keep some on hand to use in case your cat's blood glucose levels drop a little too low and mild hypoglycemic symptoms appear. The high carb raises blood glucose levels.

Here's a chart you can use: Any food that is 10% or less in carbs are ideal for diabetics.

Here's a list of Fancy Feast Classic pates: Wheat gluten free, low carbohydrate Wet Food

Is your cat diet controlled now?

I recommend that you post for additional advice on the message board or just join and post other questions about your diabetic cat or just support others.


Accidental Ailurophile
Top Cat
Jun 29, 2017
Pennsylvania, USA
My cat who only liked dry I eventually got to eat wet with Iams perfect portions. But like Sheba i think they are overpriced for the amount you get. Now he'll finally eat Fancy feast so thats a bit better. I only bought Sheba once, but I just didnt want to pay for it.
But I'm glad it worked for you!


TCS Member
Jan 19, 2014
After trying many different wet food brands, my two cats finally decided on Sheba as their go to choice. They have maintained perfect weight and their coats are silky smooth. I rotate through all the flavors of pate and the cuts. They are now about 90% wet and 10% dry (usually as their last nighttime meal).


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 10, 2015
I use Sheba Perfect Portions in my rotation, I love how easy it is to feed! My cat loves it too. I have heard several times at the vet I work at to feed diabetic cats Fancy Feast Classics. Maybe your cat would like that as well? Mine sure does!

laura mae

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 1, 2016
I don't understand the concept of so called "perfect portions." I mean, it used to be a 3 oz can that you could recycle. Now it's nothing but a mass of extra and unnecessary plastic to divide a minuscule portion of food. I sure won't reward a company who practices completely wasteful habits. Same goes for stupid IAMS that seems to have followed this idiotic idea.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
My cats love Sheba, but I won't do the perfect portions. I don't like feeding cats out of tiny plastic containers that aren't really recyclable. I have a whole bunch of the old cans stocked up in my house. My cats also eat Fancy Feast Classics, Weruva, and Nature's Variety instinct dry food & raw food.

Honestly though, if it isn't broken don't try to mess with it. You could try adding some other types of food just to rotate with the sheba, but I wouldn't try to switch it entirely.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
I've seen Sheba sold online and at walmart in cans instead of the little trays. I used to feed some sheba when it was sold widely in cans.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I don't understand the concept of so called "perfect portions." I mean, it used to be a 3 oz can that you could recycle. Now it's nothing but a mass of extra and unnecessary plastic to divide a minuscule portion of food.

Each tray is 2.6 oz while the old cans were 3 oz. More plastic waste and less food now:headshake: It's probably a measure to save ingredient costs for the company while at the same time increasing sales because customers now need to buy more of the product.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 7, 2014
I’m so glad you posted this! This is exactly the same food I’m using to get my kibble addicted cat to lose 3-4 pounds with. Each tray is only 42 calories, but the satisfaction level is really up there, and I’m happy with the ingredients. No or low carb, higher protein. To hear your own success story makes me so happy.

On the other hand, I can’t find this on the store shelf any more, so now I have to order it online. It’s not the price, but my worry is, is this product being discontinued?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 7, 2014

Each tray is 2.6 oz while the old cans were 3 oz. More plastic waste and less food now:headshake: It's probably a measure to save ingredient costs for the company while at the same time increasing sales because customers now need to buy more of the product.
Yea, each tray is 1.3 ounces, but they must be doing something different, because my cat didn’t used to care for Sheba, and now he goes bonkers for the new trays. I like the smaller size too, because my cat is a nibbler, and I’d always end up throwing out most of a can. Now there is a 95% eating rate. The smaller trays also heat up faster under warm water.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
The Sheba cuts are a different shape than they used to be. My cats love them now too. They used to be rubbery square chunks, now they are longer and almost shredded.


TCS Member
Jan 14, 2018
Been feeding my Siamese since a kitten. Turkey pate was her favorite. All the 3 oz cans I had been routinely purchasing at Target disappeared, replaced for those inappropriate sized, grossly over priced plastic at 1.3 oz. The cost per oz Doubled! This was only a marketing $ financial decision for the Corporation to drive up their profits. Not for the best interest of the consumer or kitties. Taking away largre size options, especially for multiple cat households is cruel to our kitties. I will NOT be exhorted, with corporate price gouging tactics disguised as something "Perfect Portions" is propaganda, and swindles the customers by devious tactics thinking we are getting something special. Only "Perfect" for Sheeba . I stopped buying, did some research for the highest quality product my kitty lovers. Paul Newman's Pate Premium Organics at 5.5 ounces cans. Buying in bulk on Amazon 24 cans, comes to about 1.30 -$1.64 per can about .29 cent ounce a super value, plus 100% organic, no fillers, grains ect. My girl is happy, well nourished, the price is right. I like the large can, so I can decide her perfect portion and unused goes in glass container. Sheeba should be publicly shamed for it's horrible, unsuitable packaging, all those tiny wasted plastic. I've blogged on their site with my unhappy comments, they quickly removed. Sheeba doubled the cost per ounce, and reduced the size that does not make sense to the consumer or the cat.. Bye, Bye Sheeba.


TCS Member
Jan 14, 2018
I don't understand the concept of so called "perfect portions." I mean, it used to be a 3 oz can that you could recycle. Now it's nothing but a mass of extra and unnecessary plastic to divide a minuscule portion of food. I sure won't reward a company who practices completely wasteful habits. Same goes for stupid IAMS that seems to have followed this idiotic idea.
Seems the Cat food manufacturers get together at their conferences, drum up ways to jack up their pricing, while fooling the customer by creating such a tiny, inappropriate container. It's sad they increased their pricing per oz by nearly 100% and think we wouldn't' notice. I stopped buying Sheeba, researched to find Paul Newmans Premium ORGANICS. 5.5 ounce, my preferred, there's also the standard 3 ounce. Quality pure Organic Pate, no fillers grains, balanced nutrition. My 4 year old love it as she did with Sheeba. Cost per ounce is only .29 cents bought in bulk, 24 cans on Amazon.