Separated Cat Fur, In Rows.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2018
Hi. Not sure if I'm posting this in the correct forum but I'm having a bit of a problem with my boy, Erik's, fur. He's an indoor cat and a bit on the large side. He's also been neutered.i think he's about 2/3 in not a hundred percent sure as he was a stray who just wandered into my life. I've had him for just over a year.

Now the problem with his fur. I'm not sure how to describe it but it almost always looks spiky. When you let him you can feel rows on Lars of his fur where it's kinda separated and you can see the skin underneath. I'm a little worried. I want to take him to a vet but unfortunately he hates being lifted, always has done. I'm just wondering if anyone was suffered the same ? I'm just worried about my boy. DSC_1288.JPG

Click the thumbnails to see the photos. DSC_1343.JPG (: DSC_1345.JPG DSC_1335.JPG


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I see this in my cat, Feeby. Never really give it much thought, but now that you mention it, I am wondering if it has to do with grooming. Feeby is older and overweight and doesn't groom nearly as well as she used to. Well, tbh, I don't think she has ever been a super groomer - so, hence the separation/shelving look with her hair. Maybe dirt or oil that is not being removed by proper cat cleaning?

Do you notice it as much if you brush him? Feeby seems to go away at least temporarily.

I think, since, I am already cleaning her 'booty' with hypoallergenic wipes I might try those on her hair overall. Maybe you want to give that a try with Erik?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2018
Erik does groom himself just not really his nack, but I think that's die to his weight I do brush him but after two minutes he starts hissing at me and a fight breaks out, but when I do get a chance to brush him, quite a bit of fur does come off but undirunfortun this disheveled look never seems to go away. I dontd use wipes, never been able to find them but I do use Vets+Best wateess cat bath shampoo once-three times a week to help keep him clean.

I'm just glad that there's so wine else out there with this same problem in having with my wee man. It's worrysome though I don't think it's anything major since he does t really have any other symptoms, well none that he's displaying. I'm hoping it's just because he's a wee fatty.

With Feeby, how long does this look go away for after you've groomed her ?


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
You know, I've never really paid attention to how long the brushing makes a difference, but for sure not even a day. She does like to be brushed though, so I probably should do it daily (guilty! I don't). Tbh, the more I do brush her the less I do notice the disheveled look.

I am also curious about the shampoo you are using? Could it be adding to the problem? What benefit do you see from using it? I have never used any shampoo on Feeby, despite her somewhat 'slack' cleaning behavior…??

You might want to try one of those grooming gloves instead of a brush if he is resisting you - that is, assuming he likes to be petted. I've never tried it, but I suppose you could use a cat attractant spray on the glove, just for added enticement on his part?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
I've seen it before and just thought, well, that's his fur. A suggestion, since he doesn't like being brushed -- many don't, not your fault -- and since he has trouble reaching his back concentrate on that. Just brush a couple of strokes down the length of his back a couple of times a day. Stop before he gets annoyed. After awhile, he'll figure it's just you.

Hints for when you need to take him to the vet. All cats have to see the vet occasionally. Get a cat carrier large enough to fit him. He should be able to turn around in it. Leave it out so it becomes his 'kitty house'. Put a folded towel or a small cushion in it. Put a few treats in it from time to time.

I bought a shoulder strap for luggage to slip through the handle of Sweet Gum's carrier so that some of her weight is carried by my shoulder rather than all by my arm.

When you have to take him to the vet, or move, or whatever, a quick grab and stuff into the box sometimes works. Sometimes it helps to stand the box on end. It almost always works better if you have someone help you.

Oh, BTW, he's a beauty.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 20, 2017
Tacoma, Wa
i honestly don't know if it's something to worry about. Dante has that a little. he's still growing. I've figured he's got that a tiny bit (not as pronounced as Erik) because he's growing faster than his fur can grow. It's possible erik is still growing too. and it's possible he's growing out and out exacerbating the problem.. hopefully someone with feline doctor/nurse type authority can weigh in. Erik looks like a large cat not just in girth. the big breeds tend to keep growing til they are four or five. but like others have said, he does need to go to the vet and he should go once a year. get a medium dog carrier and put a towel at the bottom of it. regularly put treats in it until he has no problem going in and out of it. one day just close the door on him and take him to the vet. by that time his smell will be in there with it and he's likely to forget about it by the next time he has to go in it.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I think a waterless pet wipe made for cats might help. His hair may be a little too oily. It may be genetic, or caused by nutritional factors too, I don't think he is hugely overweight, just 'fluffy'.... :biggrin: I have found that cats that can't take the time to clean properly, like ferals, are prone to hair that looks similar to that. I wouldn't be overly worried, just bring it up on your next vet visit, and for now try wipes or a warm wet washcloth that has cat shampoo mixed in.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Hello Lallee Lallee and big, handsome Erik! Well, I don't think it would be the Vet's Best, although two or three times a week might be a bit frequent. Cats usually groom themselves quite well. Being large, though, he might benefit from a vet-supervised diet. A lot of large cats can't groom themselves properly. Also, what is his diet like? It doesn't seem that any two people can agree on what is best diet-wise for a cat, but I have found that high quality wet food three times a day plus sources of clean, fresh water (we have a cat fountain and I also keep several bowls of water in different rooms so they have plenty to choose from) works very well. I do provide high-quality dry and high-quality dental treats as well, but the bulk of their diet is always wet. Erik may not be getting enough moisture in his diet. Dry-appearing fur is often an indicator of this. Another possibility is that he is not getting enough fats and oils in his diet. These are all just possibilities to consider.

Pixelated Cat

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 15, 2018
Hi Lallee Lallee and Erik! My cat Pixie's fur does the same thing. He goes to the vet every few months due to a couple of conditions he has, and the vet always tell us his coat is healthy. Pixie grooms himself frequently as well so I don't think it is from a lack of grooming. Sometimes I use his soft brush to groom him and his fur is smooth for a day or two. What are you feeding him if I may ask? What does his coat feel like? Pixie's coat is very soft and silky, and not dry at all. Pixie eats a diet that is all wet that is grain free and low carb. Erik is very handsome. I also noticed in your post that Erik was a stray cat that wandered into your life about a year ago. Pixie was also a stray that showed up on our front porch, and like your Erik, is an indoor cat and neutered. When you say Erik is on the large side, are you referring to his weight or him just being a large cat? Pixie has a large frame, and weighs 17 pounds. The vet tells us he holds his weight very well so we just help him maintain the 17 pounds. Of course if you are worried/concerned, you can always see a vet to help put your mind at ease.
In the picture below, you can see where Pixie's fur is separating on his neck. It usually does this all over his coat, but I had just petted him before I took his picture.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 4, 2017
I think his under layer is too fluffy and it is making his longer hairs divide like that. Quit doing anything at all to his coat. Especially the baths, they probably interfere with his natural oil production and make it worse. I use a soft horse brush on Homer, it's the only one he likes, and I used to have to bribe him with treats to get him to sit still but now he likes it and I can even brush his belly.

It was a long process, one brush stroke, one treat. One brush stroke, one treat.
I always started on the side of his face, and then around between his shoulder blades, down his back, to his tail. That was one stroke. He was ticklish on his rib cage near his front legs and the sides of his belly near his knees, so I avoided those.

If he can't spread his own coat oil by bathing, then a soft bristle grooming brush (I think they call them Shining brushes?) is exactly what you need to use to spread the oil for him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I definitely think it's due to oil in the coat. Lily's fur is like that, and when I first started grooming her, a few large oil glands actually popped out. Hers is on her back, where she can't groom. Petting and stroking her seems to help spread the oil around. You can brush your cat if you want or just leave it alone. It's not a serious condition.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
... my boy, Erik's, fur. He's an indoor cat and a bit on the large side. He's also been neutered.i think he's about 2/3 in not a hundred percent sure as he was a stray who just wandered into my life. I've had him for just over a year.

Now the problem with his fur. I'm not sure how to describe it but it almost always looks spiky. When you let him you can feel rows on Lars of his fur where it's kinda separated and you can see the skin underneath. I'm a little worried. I want to take him to a vet but unfortunately he hates being lifted, always has done. I'm just wondering if anyone was suffered the same ? I'm just worried about my boy.
View attachment 262173

Click the thumbnails to see the photos. View attachment 262172 (: View attachment 262170 View attachment 262171
Hi Lallee Lallee ! I wanted to ask - if you've had him just over a year, I assume he had a vet appointment or two about a year ago? Was that the last time for a vet visit for him? I know it's hard when a cat has difficulty in getting to a vet, but maybe since you are worried, it might just be a good time to have a yearly check-up for Erik. What do you think?

I find myself tending to agree with tarasgirl06's words, in her post #8 in this thread.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 6, 2016
My cat's fur does the same thing. As she's gotten older she pretty much stopped grooming herself, and her coat often looks the same as your boy's coat. I find daily brushing (it took me a llloooonnngggg time to get her comfortable with regular brushing) greatly helps to distribute the oil and smooth things out. A bath a couple times a year also helps since the only part of her body she cleans is her paws.


TCS Member
Nov 19, 2018
My cats fur b/c separated also after he became older. When taking him to the vet for a general check-up, she noticed his fur. It ISN'T normal/healthy for cats fur to separate like that. She also said he had a heart murmur. I don't think the seperated fur was an indication of that but their fur is an indication of their general health. She prescribed Thymex by Standard Process. It's an immune system support. His fur stopped separating in 2 weeks. It became thicker, fuller & shiner than it EVER was. I got him at 3 months and I didn't know his fur could look that good. You can buy on Amazon for $23. I gave 1 pill 2x daily. I also bought Feline Cardiac Support from them which took care of the heart murmur. After I stopped the Thymex his fur became less thick, so I got more. Unsure if it can be given as a permanent supplement.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I am glad you found something that would help your cat! Just check with your vet about using Thymex as a permanent supplement, he/she will know. It might also be something you can give off and on - every 3 or 6 months, maybe?

While Feeby's hair may separate more than when she was younger (and, that probably has to do with her 'less than stellar' cleaning habits), it has always done that. And, since she has gotten older the vet runs a full blood screening on her every year, and everything comes back good - especially for a 14+ yo. So, I suppose it is possible to have hair that separates like that and it not necessarily indicate a health issue, thankfully!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 16, 2023
I was going to ask about my kittens fur for this same reason. When she makes a loaf her fur separates and spikes up around her hips/legs. Granted I have never had a long fur baby before. I’m accustomed to short hair and easy peasy grooming. I think I have bathed a couple of flea infested kittens along the way but never saw a reason to bath an adult (Dingleberries in the rear have me contemplating some extra soap and water On my current kitten. Wipes and a metal comb do the trick so far. I was wondering if she possibly has a waterproof coat because it seems the separate fur that looks but does not feel oily is only on her back. Her spine specifically from head to tail root. (Dunno what to call it. Tail base?). The long strands go about half way down her sides. seems silly to be waterproof. I mean, good in the rain and not so helpful in deep puddles. The fur on her belly is a different texture, wavy, almost curly.
i have mentioned before that she was black smoke when she was 12 weeks. Fever coat possible, but her short brother has sleek ebony black fur. Her other littermates were solid grey. One long and one short haired. Grey like an elephant grey. There was no hint of other colors in them. One of the reasons I chose her. So damn unique.
BTW, Her black smoke, grey, blue, whatever she was has now developed into Deep solid black, short hair on her lower legs, bean sprouts between her beans, of course. Super long britches, breeches, butt fur. Lol. A long Plume for a tail. I might call it a brush if I knew her heritage.
She doesn’t seem to have multiple layers but I’m not sure I would recognize 2 or 3 layers. When I spread the fur to see the root it’s 3-4 inches long along her back. I didn’t use a ruler, I’m guessing. Lighter at the root, but her skin is pink, an optical illusion? I mean, her toe beans are black and all her sprouts look totally black.
She has a pouch and lots of fur on her belly that has a different texture for sure. It gets wavy in places. Sort of curly but too long to be curly. When you touch the fur and snuggle her, which she loves, btw, it all feels like a rabbit.
Ear furnishings are nice. Black hairs mixed sort of grayish at times. Rounded ears far apart. Almost on the side of her head. No lynx tips. They swivel a lot. Lol.
In profile she has a dip from forehead to nose; but her chin tapers. Not a straight nose like a Maine Coon. And not mooshed like a Persian. Her head is def a triangle.
Smooth shorter dark dark black on her face. Like her lower legs. Darker and shorter than the rest.
Not almond but not totally round eyes. Greenish in the center and golden around the outside. That color situation is variable too. Mostly I would say they are gold. Both kittens have identical eyes. Set a bit apart. Maybe an eye width. Her tail is total black smoke with like 4 white hairs right in the center of the plume. Like a dot of chalk her tail dipped into. Lol. She has a ruff too. Again, she is nine months and the ruff isn’t long like some I have seen, but it gets a wavy bit in there sometimes.

wow, I really got carried away. Blame the creative writing in college.
so, after all that, what has been happening very recently is that her ruff around her neck. It’s not round, it’s more angular. Down her apron area into a v and when I stroke her cheeks the fur comes to a point on each side. The ruff goes all the way around and so now.. it’s not black smoke anymore. It’s turning brown. Rusting in the sunlight. Only… I don’t get any direct sunlight into my apartment. As she is aging, she is turning a different color. Maybe it was a fever coat after all. Her extra leg flur has tinges of brown in it. This is in regular lamp light. iPhone flashlight. No sunlight in my place. She faces north in the north east of America. So, it’s spring, rain has stopped; it’s definitely sunnier outside and less grey skies. So she is also less grey. I want to know, if anyone has any clues based on my fabulous description of her. Maybe she has multiple breeds in her or just a generic with too many breeds to pin down. Given the litter had 2 long and 2 short hair. 2 black and 2 grey. Solid. Self colors. The long Smokey black is the only girl and the greys are split long and short. There is no rhyme or reason. I was speculating that there was two dads. One def a short hair black. And maybe a long hair mom Black or grey. No tabby markings anywhere. Nothing shows in the light. Loki def looks like a Bombay. He is intense.
I wonder if demeaner makes any difference. They are both so shy with strangers. The female actually runs to hide under the bed. The male will come out eventually. Very cautiously and not without bribery. The female sleeps on my pillow. She can never be close enough. She just tries to climb inside me and thinks if she keeps trying it will eventually happen. When that doesn’t work she brings me a toy and demands, insists I play fetch. She doesn’t like when I try to instruct on a trick. Even if I have treats. Nope, she does what she wants to do and you do what she wants you to do, when she wants you to do it. I used to get up around 8-9 am. Now it’s 6 am. She sits on me and does what she thinks is a meow. It’s just a scratchy exhale. Sometimes, she will exhale when she jumps down and give a kind of trilly exhale. No meows. Imeow at her and get the one syllable back. Yet she says it all day long.
My sweet sweet Loki boy is a little aloof if she is in the room but if he can’t eyeball his sister then he will enjoy the pets and snuggles and even boop noses sometimes. He opens doors, cupboard, anything closed; he must open it. He actually ripped the tape on a delivery box and got inside. The items I bought were still in it. So, hella smart. He will make a hard effort to learn whatever trick I am teaching him. For treats but still, he learns. I’m not sure I have ever heard him make a sound other than purring. Strong and silent, he makes noise with the cabinet doors. I hear his big body landing on the counter now and then but nope on the talking. I think they were removed from mother too early because when they first got here he used to suckle on Lamia‘s neck. He would latch hard too, I struggled to divert him and then Her fur would be soaking. He outgrew it tho. He snuggles but justfor a minute and he needs to go back to staring out the window. His idea of TV, lots of foot traffic out there.
so, at 9 months his fur is still the same black with the teeniest white locket at his neck/ adams apple. What? He is a boy. 😂
But her fur, the short parts are still black; but, the long parts, the xtra long parts. Namely, her ruff and bitchy, breeches are turning brown. Spell check is not letting me change it to britches, so I left it. Pantaloons In the rear view are Smokey turning brown. Rust highlights on her buttmullet. Now there is an image you won’t soon forget.
ok, I am sorry this is so long. I go overload. Thank you for sticking it out if you are still here. I would welcome any and all opinions or ideas on what is happening and what she is. I’m sending dna to see if I can find out for certain. I have to get them in the right mood first. Scrape both cheeks a minute per side is going to be WORK. They will be pissed at me for days. Treats or not. But, mainl, the question of the minute is… is she changing naturally as she grows or is this rust a deficit in Her diet or nutrients. Is it natural or does she need a supplement?
Loki was at the vet last week for $350. I can’t do another vet appointment for a couple weeks. That bill nearly gave me a panic attack.
Anyhoo thanks for your time; thanks for any thoughts on the matter. I am a curious cat, it hasn’t killed me yet. And I don’t want anything to happen to these kittens if I can prevent it.
Loki and Lamia say “ “.
Nighty night. Sweet dreams are made of these… black cats.
Last edited:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I was going to ask about my kittens fur for this same reason. When she makes a loaf her fur separates and spikes up around her hips/legs. Granted I have never had a long fur baby before. I’m accustomed to short hair and easy peasy grooming. I think I have bathed a couple of flea infested kittens along the way but never saw a reason to bath an adult (Dingleberries in the rear have me contemplating some extra soap and water On my current kitten. Wipes and a metal comb do the trick so far. I was wondering if she possibly has a waterproof coat because it seems the separate fur that looks but does not feel oily is only on her back. Her spine specifically from head to tail root. (Dunno what to call it. Tail base?). The long strands go about half way down her sides. seems silly to be waterproof. I mean, good in the rain and not so helpful in deep puddles. The fur on her belly is a different texture, wavy, almost curly.
i have mentioned before that she was black smoke when she was 12 weeks. Fever coat possible, but her short brother has sleek ebony black fur. Her other littermates were solid grey. One long and one short haired. Grey like an elephant grey. There was no hint of other colors in them. One of the reasons I chose her. So damn unique.
BTW, Her black smoke, grey, blue, whatever she was has now developed into Deep solid black, short hair on her lower legs, bean sprouts between her beans, of course. Super long britches, breeches, butt fur. Lol. A long Plume for a tail. I might call it a brush if I knew her heritage.
She doesn’t seem to have multiple layers but I’m not sure I would recognize 2 or 3 layers. When I spread the fur to see the root it’s 3-4 inches long along her back. I didn’t use a ruler, I’m guessing. Lighter at the root, but her skin is pink, an optical illusion? I mean, her toe beans are black and all her sprouts look totally black.
She has a pouch and lots of fur on her belly that has a different texture for sure. It gets wavy in places. Sort of curly but too long to be curly. When you touch the fur and snuggle her, which she loves, btw, it all feels like a rabbit.
Ear furnishings are nice. Black hairs mixed sort of grayish at times. Rounded ears far apart. Almost on the side of her head. No lynx tips. They swivel a lot. Lol.
In profile she has a dip from forehead to nose; but her chin tapers. Not a straight nose like a Maine Coon. And not mooshed like a Persian. Her head is def a triangle.
Smooth shorter dark dark black on her face. Like her lower legs. Darker and shorter than the rest.
Not almond but not totally round eyes. Greenish in the center and golden around the outside. That color situation is variable too. Mostly I would say they are gold. Both kittens have identical eyes. Set a bit apart. Maybe an eye width. Her tail is total black smoke with like 4 white hairs right in the center of the plume. Like a dot of chalk her tail dipped into. Lol. She has a ruff too. Again, she is nine months and the ruff isn’t long like some I have seen, but it gets a wavy bit in there sometimes.

wow, I really got carried away. Blame the creative writing in college.
so, after all that, what has been happening very recently is that her ruff around her neck. It’s not round, it’s more angular. Down her apron area into a v and when I stroke her cheeks the fur comes to a point on each side. The ruff goes all the way around and so now.. it’s not black smoke anymore. It’s turning brown. Rusting in the sunlight. Only… I don’t get any direct sunlight into my apartment. As she is aging, she is turning a different color. Maybe it was a fever coat after all. Her extra leg flur has tinges of brown in it. This is in regular lamp light. iPhone flashlight. No sunlight in my place. She faces north in the north east of America. So, it’s spring, rain has stopped; it’s definitely sunnier outside and less grey skies. So she is also less grey. I want to know, if anyone has any clues based on my fabulous description of her. Maybe she has multiple breeds in her or just a generic with too many breeds to pin down. Given the litter had 2 long and 2 short hair. 2 black and 2 grey. Solid. Self colors. The long Smokey black is the only girl and the greys are split long and short. There is no rhyme or reason. I was speculating that there was two dads. One def a short hair black. And maybe a long hair mom Black or grey. No tabby markings anywhere. Nothing shows in the light. Loki def looks like a Bombay. He is intense.
I wonder if demeaner makes any difference. They are both so shy with strangers. The female actually runs to hide under the bed. The male will come out eventually. Very cautiously and not without bribery. The female sleeps on my pillow. She can never be close enough. She just tries to climb inside me and thinks if she keeps trying it will eventually happen. When that doesn’t work she brings me a toy and demands, insists I play fetch. She doesn’t like when I try to instruct on a trick. Even if I have treats. Nope, she does what she wants to do and you do what she wants you to do, when she wants you to do it. I used to get up around 8-9 am. Now it’s 6 am. She sits on me and does what she thinks is a meow. It’s just a scratchy exhale. Sometimes, she will exhale when she jumps down and give a kind of trilly exhale. No meows. Imeow at her and get the one syllable back. Yet she says it all day long.
My sweet sweet Loki boy is a little aloof if she is in the room but if he can’t eyeball his sister then he will enjoy the pets and snuggles and even boop noses sometimes. He opens doors, cupboard, anything closed; he must open it. He actually ripped the tape on a delivery box and got inside. The items I bought were still in it. So, hella smart. He will make a hard effort to learn whatever trick I am teaching him. For treats but still, he learns. I’m not sure I have ever heard him make a sound other than purring. Strong and silent, he makes noise with the cabinet doors. I hear his big body landing on the counter now and then but nope on the talking. I think they were removed from mother too early because when they first got here he used to suckle on Lamia‘s neck. He would latch hard too, I struggled to divert him and then Her fur would be soaking. He outgrew it tho. He snuggles but justfor a minute and he needs to go back to staring out the window. His idea of TV, lots of foot traffic out there.
so, at 9 months his fur is still the same black with the teeniest white locket at his neck/ adams apple. What? He is a boy. 😂
But her fur, the short parts are still black; but, the long parts, the xtra long parts. Namely, her ruff and bitchy, breeches are turning brown. Spell check is not letting me change it to britches, so I left it. Pantaloons In the rear view are Smokey turning brown. Rust highlights on her buttmullet. Now there is an image you won’t soon forget.
ok, I am sorry this is so long. I go overload. Thank you for sticking it out if you are still here. I would welcome any and all opinions or ideas on what is happening and what she is. I’m sending dna to see if I can find out for certain. I have to get them in the right mood first. Scrape both cheeks a minute per side is going to be WORK. They will be pissed at me for days. Treats or not. But, mainl, the question of the minute is… is she changing naturally as she grows or is this rust a deficit in Her diet or nutrients. Is it natural or does she need a supplement?
Loki was at the vet last week for $350. I can’t do another vet appointment for a couple weeks. That bill nearly gave me a panic attack.
Anyhoo thanks for your time; thanks for any thoughts on the matter. I am a curious cat, it hasn’t killed me yet. And I don’t want anything to happen to these kittens if I can prevent it.
Loki and Lamia say “ “.
Nighty night. Sweet dreams are made of these… black cats.
Loki and Lamia sound very impressive! and as long as they are eating a good quality diet, getting fresh water daily, being brushed frequently and getting lots of love, I don't think there's anything to worry about.
Sometimes "rusty" fur on black cats is a sign that the cat has some Siamese lineage. There have been two black Siamese in my life, both male, both longhaired. My own hair is rusty black as well. I don't think there's a dietary deficiency in any of the cases. It's just how it is. Sunlight definitely bleaches my hair to be more rusty/reddish! My roommate has very black hair and I envy her for that.
One of my cats had the smoke coloration -- white at the root, shading to charcoal. His ruff (he was longhaired) was a lot lighter than the rest of his fur.
I don't think you have anything to worry about with Loki and Lamia. Seasonal changes in light, even though you say you don't have a lot of direct sunlight in your place, do affect cats. So does temperature.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 16, 2023
Thank you. I was trying to investigate a little myself but it seems like there are a lot of alarmists dead set against rusty cats just posting blogs all Willy nilly 😺