senior cat with fever, lethargy, won't eat

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 16, 2014
Mrs Chippy is 16, has never been sick a day in her life except for a slight "old cat" heart murmur and mild kidney issues.  Sunday she was listless and didn't eat like normal.  Temp 102.5.  Coaxed her to eat some - my vet out sick with flu herself on Monday so she couldn't see her and 102.5 didn't seem like panic mode.  By Monday night it was 103.5, and she would only eat tiny mouthfuls if coaxed.  Vet saw her yesterday afternoon, temp 104.7.  ALL bloodwork is normal or as expected (sigh),and kidney values are the same as before.  Gave her subcu fluids, pepcid, antibiotic (not sure what now) and appetite stimulant.  She is not improved and won't eat at all - believe me, I've tried everything including syringe feeding.  Temp last night was 103.7, this morning 104.5.  She is at the vet's now, getting IV fluids this time, and they will do some x-rays.  She has been drinking water and urinating, passed one very tiny normal poop last night.   With an old cat like this, my fear is we may be dealing with cancer rather than something infectious.  Or maybe some mean virus...  One of our other cats had two episodes of Fever of Unknown Origin several years ago - 105+ temps for days, and every test known to veterinary medicine was normal, but he always ate and doxycycline took care of it and he's been totally fine ever since (knock on wood).  Vet a little reluctant to use doxy on Mrs. C. unless she's eating, and says it would be VERY weird for one household to have two cats with FUO.   No coughing, sneezing, runny eyes or nose, no vomiting, diarrhea - no other symptoms but the fever, lethargy and not eating.   Anyone been through this?  Is this what an underlying cancer might look like?  At her age, we would not put her through any aggressive treatment, and if she won't eat, she may not make it anyway.  Any words of wisdom / experience gratefully accepted.  And all possible good vibes, please.  We love our diva. 

Julie and Mrs. Chippy


TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
I'd do a urinalysis to check for a UTI. That certainly could be the culprit of her symptoms and bloodwork could remain pretty normal.

I think x-rays may be worth doing as well.


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
Mrs Chippy is 16, has never been sick a day in her life except for a slight "old cat" heart murmur and mild kidney issues.  Sunday she was listless and didn't eat like normal.  Temp 102.5.  Coaxed her to eat some - my vet out sick with flu herself on Monday so she couldn't see her and 102.5 didn't seem like panic mode.  By Monday night it was 103.5, and she would only eat tiny mouthfuls if coaxed.  Vet saw her yesterday afternoon, temp 104.7.  ALL bloodwork is normal or as expected (sigh),and kidney values are the same as before.  Gave her subcu fluids, pepcid, antibiotic (not sure what now) and appetite stimulant.  She is not improved and won't eat at all - believe me, I've tried everything including syringe feeding.  Temp last night was 103.7, this morning 104.5.  She is at the vet's now, getting IV fluids this time, and they will do some x-rays.  She has been drinking water and urinating, passed one very tiny normal poop last night.   With an old cat like this, my fear is we may be dealing with cancer rather than something infectious.  Or maybe some mean virus...  One of our other cats had two episodes of Fever of Unknown Origin several years ago - 105+ temps for days, and every test known to veterinary medicine was normal, but he always ate and doxycycline took care of it and he's been totally fine ever since (knock on wood).  Vet a little reluctant to use doxy on Mrs. C. unless she's eating, and says it would be VERY weird for one household to have two cats with FUO.   No coughing, sneezing, runny eyes or nose, no vomiting, diarrhea - no other symptoms but the fever, lethargy and not eating.   Anyone been through this?  Is this what an underlying cancer might look like?  At her age, we would not put her through any aggressive treatment, and if she won't eat, she may not make it anyway.  Any words of wisdom / experience gratefully accepted.  And all possible good vibes, please.  We love our diva. 

Julie and Mrs. Chippy
I'm sorry for what you're going through. Fever would not normally be a primary symptom of cancer unless there was an underlying infection secondary to a tumor.   Infection usually goes hand in hand with infections.  Please keep us updated.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 16, 2014
Yes, they wanted to check the urine yesterday, but because of the dehydration she was completely empty and they couldn't get any.  With the fluids, they will certainly do that today and we'll see where we are.  We had her on Clavamox last year for a mild UTI, but she developed vomiting / diarrhea on that, so they gave her a different broad-spectrum antibiotic yesterday  to try to cover that possibility.  Hopefully we'll have some more info today and can figure out what's going on and so what to do next.  Poor Mrs. C.  After so many years of robust beauteousness, it's hard to see her so very miserable.  :-(  Vet is thinking pyelonephritis could still be a possibility. 

Julie and Mrs. Chippy, Diva Extraordinaire
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 16, 2014
X-rays show a large mass in Mrs. Chippy's chest wall.  She is deteriorating quickly.  We are going to tell her we love her and thank her for 16 years of her glamorous presence, and hold her as she passes.  Rest in Peace, lovely diva.  Join your daughter Phoebe, who is waiting for you.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 7, 2014
I am so very sorry for Mrs. Chippy's terminal diagnosis. What a brave, sweet, wonderful companion. May she rest in peace and you too find peace. It's a deal we make for falling in love with our fur babies, that we part, one day. [emoji]128532[/emoji][emoji]128575[/emoji]
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 16, 2014
Here is a picture of Mrs. Chippy (on the left) and her daughter Phoebe (on the right).  We found the two of them dumped by the side of a back road in New Mexico, when Phoebe was about 4 weeks old.  We took them in and they have graced our household.  Phoebe was always small and a little frail - inflammatory bowel issues and finally kidney failure, and she passed away a year ago.  16 years in the picture of glossy health, we called Mrs. Chippy our "voluptuary" and joked that she was my husband's paramour, as she would loll and stretch out and gaze at him with sultry eyes.  16 years of glossy health and then a few days of feeling ill, to a peaceful end.  There are worse things.

Our hearts are breaking anyway.

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 16, 2014
We have said our goodbyes, and Mrs. Chippy is gone.  She was dignified and beautiful to the end and will be buried under the fruit trees in our back yard.  She was the instigator of the "Little Something at Bedtime" routine, so tonight the remaining five all received a special serving of Fancy Feast in her honor.  (The rest of the time, they eat grain-free, premium canned food, but Mrs. Chippy was a prima donna and finicky and we finally just gave her whatever she liked.  She liked Fancy Feast.)  May she rest in peace, and join her daughter for endless Fancy Feast and sunny spots and a special cushion on special chair, forever.

Julie and Angel Mrs. Chippy


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I am so sorry to hear this.   It sounds like Mrs. Chippy had a wonderful life and a peaceful passing.  
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