"Screaming" drama cat


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 28, 2015
Hi, I have three cats- ranging from 4 to 2(?). I've had my oldest blue tabby Sasha since she was a kitten, then Figs who'll be 3 in January I've had for two years, and just abopted Nova a orange tabby about 6 months ago, after having to let go of my FIV boy.

I did the gradual introduction, even put the calming pharamone plugins in, and it took a while but they seemed to tolerate each other. My Figs is a very laid back affectionate cat, Sasha is a drama queen who is more of a solitary cat, and Nova is a feisty, playful, always getting into trouble cat (we think he was about 1 1/2yrs old when we adopted him). Sasha and Figs are fine together, but I think Nova gets bored easily and wants to play. Now he mostly plays with the dog, but when he sees one of the cats walking through he crouches low, and pounces on them. If he pounces on Fogs, Figs will usually either run out to the cat enclosure or stand his ground and stare down Nova until Nova looses interest. If it's Sasha, she will scream bloody murder, and have a at first probable playful spar into an all out fur flying fight, and try to run- which makes Nova chase her even more.

I've had to seperate Nova numerous occasions in the "cat room" to get him to calm down and give my other cats piece. But now it's gotten so bad that when Sasha sees Nova who could be casually walking by minding his own business she starts growling, and screams when he comes near- which just makes him attack. I could have Sasha locked in my room with me, and if Nova passed by the door or plays with the leashes on my door she starts growling.

I feel awful I have put my cats in this situation, and I just want a peaceful household again. Nova wants to be part of the clan, he will try so hard to sneak onto my bed without Sasha noticing so he could sleep with me (Figs and Sasha usually sleep in the bed with me). If she doesn't notice, it's a peaceful quiet night. If she does, it's a screaming and chasing match.

I've also had another kitten who passed away last September, he was a playful spunky thing but Sasha never acted this way towards him.
And when hurricane Mathew passed through, I had the evacuate- will all three cats, to my moms, which they all had to live in the same bathroom together with one litterbox for a week until I could return home. Miraculously, no fighting occurred then.

Anyway I could defuse the situation? My room mate is also at his wits end, and I'm afraid I'm just going to have to keep them separated especially when he's home. Not only that but it gives everyone a break. Nova is obviously a very people affectionate cat, I really hate to allianate him as well.