Scared not eating - dental- anesthesia

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TCS Member
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Mar 5, 2018
South Jersey, USA
On Tuesday Yoshi's breath smelled like sewer. I wasn't able to get an appt until Wed am. He has bad tartar, a sore on the roof of his mouth and a lump on his left jaw. They increase his gabapentin to 3x day (he gets it for arthritis), did senior bloodwork, and basically said wait for the results to decide if it's safe for him to have sedation for the dental. He also had his annual vaccines. I did question if he was healthy enough for those but they won't see an animal without a rabies vaccine in case they bite someone. He doesn't go outside and no longer has fangs. Not happy about the vaccines!

I asked if he needed antibiotics for the sore but she said no. I was so scared by the prospect of sedation a dental abscess didn't occur to me until Fri. Would the vet have been a able to see that by looking in his mouth?

Eat ate all of his and 1/2 his brothers breakfast Wed am, ate all his and treats in pm. Thurs both am and pm he ate 1/2 of his. Friday and today he has not eaten but is drinking plenty. He sniffs the food and licks his mouth like he tasted something bad. I wiped his mouth and it's blood. I did leave this on the vets message.

He is moving well and chased the laser pointer for a few minutes today. The vet was out yesterday, I called this morning and am waiting for the call back.

Yoshi will be 17 in Sept, other than arthritis and this new issue he is healthy. In the fall and spring he gets a little congested from allergies. Plain saline eye drops have thinned the mucus and he hasn't had a sinus infection from allergies in many years.

The idea on anesthesia at his age scares the poop out of me. My boy has lived for food in the past few years so not eating is a major change for him and I have to do something. I also fear hepatic lipidosis.

I think he will have to have the sedation and I'm looking for others experiences and any suggestions for pre and post proceedure. I also have to water down some food and syringe feed him. It just breaks my heart knowing he has a sore mouth and I have to torture him but it will save his life.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Glad to hear he is eating! Personally speaking, I would want to ask the vet about that sore and let them know it has bled. It does sound like an abscess and if it were me, I would want that taken care of and resolved before any dental treatment. The odds are the smell was from that sore.

Once that 'abscess' burst, it probably gave him some relief from the pain, but it still needs to be treated.
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Mar 5, 2018
South Jersey, USA
The vet just called back. Other than his white count a little high is bloodwork is all normal. They questioned if I was giving him the full dose of pain meds. I get it compounded into liquid so there are no struggles with pilling. Just slip the dropped in his cheek. They argued with the idea of an antibiotic but agreed to ask the vet. My retired vet always called himself, even for small issues. They closed in 2hr so I might just run over and insist on talking in person. I'm a retired group home manager and very good at being calm and insistent.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 22, 2022
Glad that Yoshi's results turned out to be suitable for a dental procedure. Did you happen to know if the diagnosis is stomatitis by any chance? I am asking because the symptoms sounds very similar to my close friend's cat who has a full extraction when she was 3 yrs, and she is doing excellent now. All the lymph nodes swollen, foul smell, and redness are completely gone.
Since Yoshi is in a remarkable 17, I think the cleaning and possible extraction might take longer to ease up. Based on my cat's dental cleaning experience a week ago, she was either very restless or sleepy after the anesthesia for at least 1 day and will gradually return to normal. No chewing on toys or dry food. Might be constipation from the anesthesia. Make sure you follow the protocol of fasting and/or medication the night before. We did not have any extractions though, so the experiences are a clean-only.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Get some Delectable Lickables in the stew flavors, They are lickable treats that he could eat easier. I keep them around for sick cats too. My senior had major surgery, they used a 'lighter' anesthesia for him, more of a twilight. Cats can get along very well, even with no teeth.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
My Krista went under for numerous (mostly dental) procedures from age 13 to 16. At 15, she had her remaining teeth removed. The anesthesia was never a big deal for her. But that recovery was a bit slower than the others due to the number of teeth removed. At 16, she had a ventral bulla osteotomy—they cut a hole in her jaw to drain a particularly bad inner ear infection. She came through that just fine too.

If Yoshi’s bloodwork is good, especially his liver function, I wouldn’t hesitate to get him the help he needs. Dental issues can always become so much worse. Beside the pain, they can become bone or blood infections. And if he does stop eating because of it, hepatic lipidosis can be a doozy to treat. If the vet says Yoshi is in good shape for anesthesia, I would trust the vet here and get his mouth taken care of before this gets any worse.
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Mar 5, 2018
South Jersey, USA
Thank you all for the support and info. I did go over and wait in the office. A sweet office cat came and gave me cuddles. I feel so much better. The vet did give me the antibiotic and doubled his gabapentin. He is on .8 ml liquid 3x dly.

They are booked for dentals into November and gave me the name of a veterinarian dental specialist. With no other testing this vet says Yoshi has cancer. I know it's a possibility but I don't see it as the only one without any other info. The specialist doesn't open until Tuesday. By then his pain should be under control and I pray I'm right about an antibiotic helping.

While I was out my partner gave him his afternoon pain med and he ate 2 pieces of turkey. di and bob di and bob Bisque for seniors is one of the things he refused and I will get some Delectable Lickables.

daftcat75 daftcat75 I'm so glad to hear Krista is doing so well and it gives me hope for Yoshi.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
daftcat75 daftcat75 daftcat75 daftcat75 I'm so glad to hear Krista is doing so well and it gives me hope for Yoshi.
Did so well. She passed in 2020. She was a pro with procedures but in the end, GI lymphoma and too much immuno-suppressive therapy (steroids and chemo) allowed a bladder infection to get the last of her lives. 😿🌈. Anesthesia was never a concern for me or her.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Mar 5, 2018
South Jersey, USA
Yoshi seems so much better today. He's eaten a full breakfast, midmorning chopped turkey, and 1/2 packet of bisque mid afternoon. He went from 12 to 9 lb this year so we're giving him food when ever he asks since 12 is where he should be. He did pick up some dry but I'm not sure he ate any.

He's not the least bit fazed by being medicated. Thank goodness we have a compounding pharmacy so close.

His fur even feels soft today. His odor is only about 6" around him, yesterday you could smell him from across the room.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Mar 5, 2018
South Jersey, USA
I'd realize it's almost 2 weeks since I updated. On August 3rd Yoshi saw the dentist and she said that he has cancer.
It's fairly advanced. Most of the area below his jaw, at the back on the left on up to his upper palate. I had to be at my Mom's for 3 days and the lump on the left side doubled and is showing above his lip.
We have liquid Gabapentin up to 0.8ml 3x a day. He's still eating almost everything he's given or asks for. Most days he'll play a little and has become very demanding for cuddles which are always given.
I know he'll tell me when he's had enough. I just pray I recognize it.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm so sorry. I'll pray for sweet Yoshi, and for you to find the strength to get through this. My heart cries for you. When he quits eating and is existing rather then truly living, that is the time. Please know we are here for you.....
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Mar 5, 2018
South Jersey, USA
This was an aggressive cancer and has grown to 5x the size on his first visit. Last night he had trouble standing and had coughing fits. I can hear a little labored breathing and we're afraid he won't be able to breath soon. So we made his appt for today.

I've woke up at 2a with "You are my Sunshine" playing in my head. It's his kitten calming song. I've been in tears since then and Yoshi has not left my side.

I'd like to ask for some good thoughts. My 18yr old sweet menace Yoshi cat will be crossing over the rainbow bridge in about 8hrs. Please wish him peace.
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