Rubs Against Legs Headfirst Hissing and Growling.

krystal donahue

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 31, 2014
So my boyfriend and I picked up two male kittens (7 months) today, and I understand that they need time adjusting and I am trying to give them their space as they wander the house sniffing and exploring things. One of them has warmed up to me some and will sometimes come and cuddle . The other one is understandably hissing often.

The behavior that is confusing me though is now when I'm getting up to do things like go to the bathroom or cook. The second boy who hasn't really warmed up to me will not only follow me, but rub his head and body against me continuing to hiss and growl. I can't avoid it because he just follows after me.

I was wondering what this meant, and if I should try to pet him or just kind of let him rub on me and continue exploring?


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi Krystal.

Thanks for rescuing these two boys. I took in a semi-feral cat last year who used to do the same thing. He'd wrap himself around my legs and mew at me, than jump back and hiss, then come in for another head butt.

I think he wants to be friendly but he is letting you know it has to be on his terms.

I used to just let Albert get on with it. I'd give him a light stroke on his back, gradually building up to three or four strokes as he got used to the idea that I wasn't going to hurt him.

Keep talking to him in a low gentle voice and let him decide how much petting is good. He'll warm up to you soon enough. For his first day in a new home he's actually doing really well.

Albert is still a bit skittish but will let me pet him as much as I want to now. For a cat that didn't have any human contact until he was 6 months old that's as good as can be expected.

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krystal donahue

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 31, 2014
Okay. That sounds right. Luckily these babies came from a loving home and family that unfortunately were going to have to move away. So rather than letting them end up in a shelter or worse, we wanted to take them in.

The other cat has fully adjusted already which I'm surprised at, but the other little one is still hiding and hissing at us. So I guess I'll give it time and just pet him once or so if he starts doing it again.

They should both be very loving and sweet once they adjust.