rolling eyes at boss.....


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jun 12, 2001
Sometimes he just can be hmm a bit annoying...

This morning, I received an email from a person named 'G' in another department asking to use our filming studio. That email actually had correspondence between several people in that department about a script they were going to do. Basically, they were going to create a video for CUSTOMERS.

My department (Marketing) already made it CLEAR to that department that any videos aimed at customers MUST go through us and we are to film it. So I immediately forwarded that email to my boss to warn him. I went over to ask him what we should do and he said NOT to let anyone up in the studio until he resolved it. I said, "Well, they need to use the studio NOW so you need to resolve this NOW." He blustered and hemmed then immediately got up and went to talk with another director.

After half an hour, I received an email from my boss telling me that the dept can go ahead and film that with the understanding that the script must be changed a bit and he provided the revised script. I emailed my boss back with an email I composed to see if it was okay to send to that dept and he approved it so I sent it off.

I received an email from G in that dept and here's what he said. "We had to drop this since your dept stopped us from doing it. This script is now in your dept hands. How did you get the script?"

That was NEWS to me that they had to drop it so I immediately went to my boss, 'J' and asked what was going on. He was caught off-guard and blustered before he admitted that he went over and talked with one guy in that dept about this and said that dept couldn't do that video without us. I asked 'J' why he would tell me to email 'G' and tell him that he could go ahead and film if 'J' had already told that dept that they couldn't film? It made me and our dept look bad since we were giving out conflicting messages. He blustered some more then said he'd reply to that email and clarify things.

I just loved how 'J' replied to 'G's email. He said 'Thanks for the reply.

To follow up, I spoke with 'B' this morning regarding the video. Typically, as we all know and agreed, if a video is customer facing Marketing will produce the video. The challenge we are all facing is time. With the video being due by Monday, and our resources are currently engaged in getting everything ready for the **** launch on Monday, we would like to have you go ahead and produce the video.

As for the script, it was in the bottom of your email request for room usage.
Let us know if you are comfortable proceeding this way.


After several emails, I ended up having to go and help 'G' from the other dept do his filming so I could make sure the message was 'appropriate'. I have TONS of work to do but I had to halt everything to focus on that.

So that's one example of how he makes it harder for me to do my work.

Another example is this afternoon...

I reviewed a video and emailed him detailed feedback. He came over at 4:30, asked me to sit down with him at his computer to go through all the feedback together before we sent it off to our contractor who does editing for us.

I had to sit there for over an hour as he went through each line of my feedback, RETYPED it in his own words but saying the same thing I was saying then rewinded some parts of the video several times to get the correct time code.

At one point, I suggested he just modify/add to my feedback as needed and he was like oh well nah...

ALSO, he would pause every 2 minutes to check his emails, reply to emails as I sat there pretending not to look at his emails.... He also would pause several times to talk with other co-workers as I sat and waited..

Now it's 5:40. at 5:25, he said he had to meet his wife and I said I'd be happy to finish it up so he sent it to me. Now I have to stay LATE to finish this up since it's urgent that we get this done ASAP and it is very slow going since the time codes are now different so that means I have to watch it all over and stop/pause to look at time codes before modifying feedback. I am supposed to meet up with a co worker at 6:15 so we can get ready to watch our fav tv show... VAMPIRE DIARIES!

I just needed to vent. I KNOW some of you out there have bosses that just drives you up the wall sometimes. I'd love to hear your stories!


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
At one job I had we were contractors for a big business. The particular division we worked with had a saying that I can't remember exactly; but basically when their employees couldn't keep up anymore but weren't ready for retirement they promote them to management.

I think every person who has ever had a boss can relate! I think one of the worst times I remember was when my boss had a hysterectomy (total) and was out for 6 weeks. When she came back we had discovered she had been thrown into menopause and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING we had done the past 6 weeks was right. My boss below her looked crushed...she had worked her tail off to cover and done a good job!