Ringworm...cat's on Intrafungol oral...how long contagious / return to normal activities?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2017
We only got her two weeks ago. From humane society. A few days ago she had this spot on her head, in between her ear and eye. A red crusty spot. Two days later it was allot bigger, hair falling out, it looked to me like ringworm. I had been putting Lotrimin on her but she just wipes it off. So I took her to the vet, who siad it does look like RW. She took a culture which may or may not grow, due to me putting Lotrimin on her.

She gave her an oral med, called Intrafungol ( Itraconazole oral solution) to give to her for two weeks. (she had a different dosing regimine than listed in the label, as well. For her weight, the label said 1.35 mil for one week, then nothing for a week, then dose her for a week- alternating like this for three treatments. The vet said to give her 1mil once a day for two weeks, then recheck. I asked the vet about this and she said her instructions were correct.)

The vet said to hold off on the ballistic housecleaning to eliminate spores, because she would continue to shed the spores into the environment for 3-4 days. So today its been 48 hours, shes getting ready to have her third dose. I've noticed the lesion has stopped spreading, and some of the redness has gone- which, now, the lesion is turning grey. Shes a black cat with white skin so I don't know why it is turning grey. The skin feels a bit harder, too. I've begun cleaning the hard surfaces with Clorox wipes which contain benzyl ammonium chloride (which I researched kills RW ), got her bedding in a bleach wash, and lysoled the heck out of the recliner she likes to sit in, and her scratching posts, and put those in the sun. I've got asthma so I didn't go the bleach route. Tomorrow I plan to attach some clorox wipes to a swiffer and do my floors, and change out my air filters. Am I missing anything?  

To the meat of my question. I cant find any data at all on how long she will be shedding into the environment after starting the meds. Or, how long until I can give her pets again. She tends to rub everything and everyone with her head- thus putting her RW spot in direct contact with things. How long will this lesion be contagious? How long until I can stop worrying about her shedding the RW into the furnishings? 

I have depression and severe anxiety issues and I worry about not being able to clear this, that she will get this again. Thank God its only one spot, I am glad for that. It doesnt seem to bother her in the least, but she seems a bit like she wants pets- I pet her a few times a day then wash my hands, but she wants in my lap and in my bed and I don't know when I can let her back. 

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
We have had a lot of luck with bathing ringworm kittens in a medicated shampoo that contains chlorhexadine and ketoconozole.  This will take care of the outside of the cat, while the medication you are giving her will attack the fungus from within. 

There are several brands around, but this is the one we use because it's the least expensive.

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2017
Thank you. I keep reading about bathing her. I really hope it doesn't get to that ! Do you know at what point after starting intrafungol, she can be handled normally, access to rest of house ? Is there a way to tell?


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
Thank you. I keep reading about bathing her. I really hope it doesn't get to that ! Do you know at what point after starting intrafungol, she can be handled normally, access to rest of house ? Is there a way to tell?
Generally so long as ringworm is visible on her skin she is contagious and once you have full hair regrowth then she is not.  But i've never heard of a cat reinfecting themselves either.  I've had multiple cats with RW, i've treated them with oral meds (terbinafine) and i haven't bathed them and i never cleaned the home, and never had an issue.  Many many people get very worried about RW because it is zoonatic (can go from animals to people) and from animal to animal but outside of animal shelters where it tends to be worse, it is rarely that much of an issue, and it isn't dangerous.

So while there is nothing wrong with being very proactive, there is another POV that is also valid.  Treat the cat and don't think about it or worry about it.  I could a single lesion exactly once despite petting different cats with RW, and i've never had it go from one cat to another cat.  
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TCS Member
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Feb 16, 2017
Hey Stephen thanks for the advice. I have a teeny lesion but I am treating it . I'm letting her on my lap but it kills me not to touch and kids and cuddle her as before. I feel like the cleaning I have done is probably sufficient. I'll probably do it every few days. Regarding contagious...did You pet your kitty's as normal or wait until the lesions healed? It seems that can take a looking time.
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TCS Member
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Feb 16, 2017
Ugh. Spelling errors.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
There is also a cream version and a spray version, called Ketochlor.  You can google it if you are interested.  Being in a rescue, we definitely go for the shampoo.  To us, washing a cat or kitten is no big deal and a great way to get rid of the spores.
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TCS Member
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Feb 16, 2017
She seems to be healing up nicely. The lesion is still bald, and discolored. It became very flaky and the sick looking skin flaked / scab fell off and the new akin looks better. The skin is still black tho. I cleaned the house with clorox wipes, vacuumed well and mopped all the surfaces. Bleached her beds. Finally the get let me know I could let her out of the bathroom. Oops. I was never told to PUT her in the bahroom in the first place. I did not end up bathing her because we went flat broke, and I've never bathed a cat, but if I HAD to bath a cat I would take her to a groomer because I'm not certain I could. I can see someone who works in rescue finding it easy, or even kittens.


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
She seems to be healing up nicely. The lesion is still bald, and discolored. It became very flaky and the sick looking skin flaked / scab fell off and the new akin looks better. The skin is still black tho. I cleaned the house with clorox wipes, vacuumed well and mopped all the surfaces. Bleached her beds. Finally the get let me know I could let her out of the bathroom. Oops. I was never told to PUT her in the bahroom in the first place. I did not end up bathing her because we went flat broke, and I've never bathed a cat, but if I HAD to bath a cat I would take her to a groomer because I'm not certain I could. I can see someone who works in rescue finding it easy, or even kittens.
Glad she's doing better!  FYI no groomer would allow a RW cat in their facility.