Rest in peace, our beloved 2 year old Moony.

jd shredds

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 15, 2017
Hello everyone, Jeff here. I wish this wasn't how I was introducing myself but our Moony of just 2 years of age passed two days ago early Saturday morning on January 14th, 2017. Tears fill my eyes as I write this.

My wife and I are completely heartbroken and shocked by this sudden loss. He was always always quite small, and had some breathing problems at a young age (which got treated a year ago, mostly successfully... at least on the surface). However.. this passing... it happened over a span of 4 days or so. He seemed completely well just a week ago.

While there is no completely confirmed diagnoses (a few tests were not completed due to his condition), both our normal vet and the ER seem to agree that he had congenital heart disease (perhaps HCM - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), which caused fluid to fill his lungs, and his blood flow to go insufficient (he went hypothermic - they had to warm him to get his temperature even readable above 90).

He was hiding it from us so well. To us, it seemed like maybe he had a lodged hairball in his tract, or he got into something (he had a penchant of doing this). He would just nap a lot. A time or two in the past we had seem him vomit, get lethargic and low appetite for a day or two (we would sometimes make a call to see if he should be brought in), but he would recover quickly. This time, it was different. He got more and more lethargic, started hiding in odd places, was vomiting fluid on an empty stomach, and wouldn't eat (though he was still drinking water). This is when we urgently took him to the vet. Even then, I didn't think for a second that he wouldn't be coming home with us that night - or at worst we would pick him up when they closed a few hours later..

To our surprise, his digestive tract checked out as normal. It was his cardiovascular and respiratory systems that weren't normal. We were in complete shock when the vet told us his condition is extremely guarded and life threatening. How did this happen so quickly?

When the vet returned after testing is when she suspected HCM (though further testing was needed), and that he was in critical condition. Temp not reading, extremely labored breathing, weakness and discomfort. He went into intensive care there, and she told us if it is indeed HCM, at this age presenting under this condition, the prognosis is not good, and she would be leaning towards putting him down if it were her pet. Complete and utter shock to hear this. I asked about the long term outlook if he makes it through the night, and even with treatment she thought absolutely overly optimistic best case scenario is he would have 6-12 months to live and would never have a normal quality of life again.

A few hours later we had to transfer him to the overnight ER (we heated our car to VERY warm because of his condition, and he still lost temp on the 10 minute trip). We still wanted a second opinion, and we felt at his young age we owed him one night to fight and see if they could make a diagnoses and treat him. After midnight we received a call that they weren't seeing signs of heart disease, but knew his lungs were filled with fluid and said it may be pneumonia. However, a bit past 5 am, and trying to nap unsuccessfully (waking in a heart broken panic every 10 minutes) we received the call he was in cardiac arrest and was not responding to CPR. We had to let him go in utter disbelief.

Soon after we got ourselves together enough to drive there, we learned they believed (like out regular vet) that he has congenital heart disease that created this condition, though a few tests went uncompleted because he was too ill and fussy. We then spent what must have been an hour with his body, mourning and saying our goodbyes to our most beloved little boy cat. I'm not one to freely cry, but I've been nothing if not a fountain for these past 2-3 days. I love him with every fiber of my being, and I feel intense compassion for him, guilt for not preventing it, sorrow for our loss, but also gratitude for the amazing two years we had with him and happiness that we know he had a wonderful life.

I've been struggling badly with the guilt - that I should have been more sensitive to his condition, brought him in sooner, encouraged the vet to do more testing when she suspected a possible murmur a year ago (he had asthma, but the cause went undiagnosed and he responded well to a steroid shot). He was so young, and I feel so responsible for this - even if all evidence says he was born this way and was meant to pass after a short and meaningful life. But it's not like I was ignoring him. When he started getting more lethargic, I was bringing him water, trying to encourage him to eat, and keeping an eye on him. I did what I knew how to do... but I still feel like I let my little guy down.

We're grieving this loss so intensely... I've been through a lot the last several years, but this loss has a sense of responsibility attached to it that makes it dig even deeper. He means so much to us, and I know he's running around in kitty heaven chasing birds and making those weird clicking sounds at them. I'm glad he's not suffering and is no longer bound by his sadly defective Earthly body.

His adoption came at a most critical time in our lives - my wife and I had recently been through personal trauma that nearly broke us apart when we took him in as a 3 month old kitten, and half of last year we were heading toward divorce. He was the brightest shining light in our lives, the glue that kept us together, and the angel that watched over us to help us mend. We happily reconciled 5-6 months ago (we've been together over 11 years), and Moony got to spend his final holidays with his full, loving family before his time was up. He even fell in instant love with the squeaky mouse toy we got him for Xmas - it was a long pole and string toy - he was immediately hyper and dragging it around the house squeaking in his mouth like euphoria as the pole dragged hilariously behind him. You could hear him across the house dragging it on the vinyl as the mouse squeaked periodically. He would eventually leave it in our bed as a present. I miss him so much.

That gray blanket was his favorite, and he cuddled my wife for hours every single night like clockwork. He was curious about our Betta fish (as you see by the gentle paw), and like all cats... the more boxes, the better.

Here's a story I'd like to share that my wife wrote of Moony's life:
This has been such a long few days. The pain seems to blur, time doesn't seem to make sense. I wanted to share some of my memories of Moony.

He cuddled relentlessly. We cuddled every single night for hours. I would often wake up to him snuggled against me. In the morning he would climb on me, no matter what position I was in.

He had boundless playing energy. He loved his toys. He would fetch (I have video evidence). He would drag his toys around the house, and eventually leave them in our bed.

He absolutely adored Allie, our tuxedo cat. From the moment he laid eyes on her he fell in love. She learned to tolerate him, and eventually learned to see him as a companion. Even though he made her crazy, they would seek each other for comfort. I feel very sad that she no longer has him.

He was so handsome. His white chin, fluffy tail. He had an over bite that was seriously the cutest. One of my favorite features were his eyes, and his unique markings that gave him constant puppy eyes.

He loved being near us. He was always involved. For a cat, he was very brave and extroverted. He would even take up fights with the vacuum and broom. When company visited he was front and center.

He loved being on his cat tower. He was risky up there though, and such a spunk ball. My nippy angel.

He did not do so well with children, but couldn't seem to keep his curiosity at bay. Eventually he made a friend in Charlotte, and seemed to accept little humans.

He loved to yap and pace around the house. He adored his grandma.

I remember seeing him in the shelter. He hissed at the woman caring for his cage. He was hissy in general as a kitten. He was so scared and tiny. I instantly knew he was meant to be our baby. He picked Jeff by stubbornly cuddling with him. Later in life, he became a mama's boy. He loved us fiercely.

I cannot believe he only lived two years. I know he was our angel. He came at such a critical time for Jeff and me, and he ensured that we mended things. Moony lived every moment of his short life presently. I will miss him beyond words. I love you, Moon Man.
If you read all of this, thank you. I know so many of you know this terrible feeling of losing a furry family member. Pets really do take a part of our hearts with them forever.

- Jeff


TCS Member
Jan 15, 2017
JD, I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby. My 6 year old boy Fred passed the same day, most likely due to the same reason. He was playing and having fun right up until he collapsed and died. I grieve with you and I can guarantee Fred is with him on the other side of the bridge.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
I am so sorry for you and your family Jeff. I am in tears reading your beautiful tribute to Moony. It's never easy loosing any of them but especially when they are young and its unexpectedly suddenly, it seems to hurt twice as much. I just lost my kitty Tom Kitten, he too was only 2 years old and was an up and down case for a month and then gone 4 days before Christmas. I am glad Moony got to spend his holidays with you and had such a great life although short. Perhaps him and Tom are playing on the other side. I hope they are. Maybe one day when you are ready, you'll open your home and your heart to another needy kitty. A new cat always seems to need a home when one of mine passes on. I never see it as replacing them, never, its only giving another cat a good home and a happy life, I am sure that they would want that for another kitty.  I won't tell you to not feel guilty even though you shouldn't there always will be second guessing and what if or if I only had.  I won't say it gets easier either, you just learn how to pick up the pieces and keep chugging on. Run free angel kitty Moony. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
What a beautiful tribute you and your wife wrote for Moony.  He obviously had what every cat wants more than anything - a loving home with people who treasured him.  You and your wife gave him a gift more valuable than words can express.  

It's always so hard when we lose a beloved cat so young and unexpectedly.  It feels like reality suddenly flips on us without warning, leaving us untethered and bereft.   Remember, you did everything possible for your dear Moony.  It's clear you nurtured him and took him to the vet when he needed it.  No one can ask for more.  It would be one thing if cats could speak and tell us what they're feeling and what they need but they can't and we must figure it out on our own.  It sounds like you did a pretty good job of that.  This darling angel was meant to leave you while he was still young and there was nothing you could do about it, but you gave him all the love you could while he was with you.  You must not blame yourself.  

This kind of unexpected death in young cats is, unfortunately, not unusual.  There is nothing you could have done to prevent it.  Please remember that and try not to blame yourself.  You have no guilt in this.  You were only a source of love and comfort and Moony undoubtedly felt that with every fiber of his being.  

RIP Dear Moony.  Run free and wild over the bridge.  
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Portland, Oregon
You tribute and that of your wife moved me to my core. What a gorgeous life your Moony had during his all too short time here on earth. Moony knew nothing but love and that is the gift you and your wife gave him. He chose you and he chose so well.
I know he would want you to be kind to yourself. He would not want you to blame yourself.
Moony is at peace and IS running free over the Rainbow Bridge. He no longer hurts or is suffering. Take comfort of that and take comfort of the memories and joy he brought to your lives for they will always be a part of you.

[emoji]128149[/emoji]RIP Sweet Moony[emoji]128149[/emoji]


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 28, 2006
I am so terribly sorry for your loss, JD. I can imagine what a shock it was for the end to come so suddenly, and to such a young cat. 

Moony was a gorgeous cat. He looks utterly content in your pictures. 

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Beautiful Moony came into your world when he was needed the most. Although you didn't know it at the time, he needed you too, he needed you to give him a lifetime of happiness and a wonderful home and you did. He needed you to be strong at the end, to know in your heart that he was called away too soon, that he didn't want to leave those he loved so very much behind, but now he is at peace and secure in the knowledge that he was loved so very much.  It was meant to be when that little ball of fur came into your life. You shared your life's journey for a short while, but the memories and the happiness he brought to your world will be with you forevermore. The bonding of your souls can never be taken from you, use it to send your love and kisses, he will do the same. He would never want to bring you sadness, he left you a legacy of love to live in your heart. He showed you what happiness is, to live your life to the fullest, none of us know when we will be called away, we need to be remembered and to have those memories honored by those left behind.  You feel empty right now, you have suffered a great loss. Time will help to soften the pain, but his love will never leave your heart. Take care........RIP beloved Moony, you will be so very missed, but never forgotten. Know you will forever hold a place in loving hearts, your gentle soul lives on forever in the memories you leave behind. You are now whole and healthy, an angel who has earned your wings to soar free, a 'nippy angel' for eternity!  


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
My compassion to you and nose kiss to  rainbow Moony!

He had such a long life considering the condition because he had You cared him. You both got a gift of Love.

lily paddy

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 23, 2016
I am so sorry, Moony loved u and u cared for him and he knew you were both very special. I cried reading this...  i know the pain.. he would want u to be together and happy.. he would never want u sad, or to feel guilt.. I pray for peace in your hearts. he is happy and free from illness... till u  r together again. Run and  Rest with my beautiful JAxx Moony and all our kitty angels hoping soon our thoughts can remember the happy and not tear up at just the thought of our beloved  kitties . . 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 3, 2011
Montevideo, Uruguay
Moony was very fortunate that fate placed him in your hands where he received all the care and love he needed. May this certainty help to provide the consolation you need so much.


TCS Member
Jan 17, 2017
Thank you eveyone for your heartfelt messages. It truly means a lot. I'm Rachel, Jeff's wife. It has been so hard to cope with this loss, but this forum has brought a lot of comfort. I wanted to share a few photos of our little Moon Man.

Moony when he was a kitten.

His over bite. Heh!

Flowers our close friend sent.

Nice to meet all of you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 15, 2016
I'm so sorry for your loss. Almost exactly how it happened with our Wills. Young cat seemingly healthy and within one week from dx he was gone. In hindsight we realize there were subtle signs: sleeping an awful lot for a young cat, little to no interest in toys, vomiting. Had several vet check ups after we adopted him but no one heard the murmur which started the whole thing.

It's hard not to blame yourselves and feel guilty. God knows I do. But they're useless emotions. I know that logically.

Again so very sorry.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Portland, Oregon
Thank you eveyone for your heartfelt messages. It truly means a lot. I'm Rachel, Jeff's wife. It has been so hard to cope with this loss, but this forum has brought a lot of comfort. I wanted to share a few photos of our little Moon Man.

Moony when he was a kitten.

His over bite. Heh!

Flowers our close friend sent.

Nice to meet all of you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
You and your husband are in our thoughts and hearts rasarica rasarica . I'm so sorry for the loss of your darling little Moon Man [emoji]128149[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 19, 2003
He was hiding it from us so well. To us, it seemed like maybe he had a lodged hairball in his tract, or he got into something (he had a penchant of doing this). He would just nap a lot. A time or two in the past we had seem him vomit, get lethargic and low appetite for a day or two (we would sometimes make a call to see if he should be brought in), but he would recover quickly. This time, it was different. He got more and more lethargic, started hiding in odd places, was vomiting fluid on an empty stomach, and wouldn't eat (though he was still drinking water). This is when we urgently took him to the vet. Even then, I didn't think for a second that he wouldn't be coming home with us that night - or at worst we would pick him up when they closed a few hours later..

To our surprise, his digestive tract checked out as normal. It was his cardiovascular and respiratory systems that weren't normal. We were in complete shock when the vet told us his condition is extremely guarded and life threatening. How did this happen so quickly?

When the vet returned after testing is when she suspected HCM (though further testing was needed), and that he was in critical condition. Temp not reading, extremely labored breathing, weakness and discomfort. He went into intensive care there, and she told us if it is indeed HCM, at this age presenting under this condition, the prognosis is not good, and she would be leaning towards putting him down if it were her pet. Complete and utter shock to hear this. I asked about the long term outlook if he makes it through the night, and even with treatment she thought absolutely overly optimistic best case scenario is he would have 6-12 months to live and would never have a normal quality of life again.

A few hours later we had to transfer him to the overnight ER (we heated our car to VERY warm because of his condition, and he still lost temp on the 10 minute trip). We still wanted a second opinion, and we felt at his young age we owed him one night to fight and see if they could make a diagnoses and treat him. After midnight we received a call that they weren't seeing signs of heart disease, but knew his lungs were filled with fluid and said it may be pneumonia. However, a bit past 5 am, and trying to nap unsuccessfully (waking in a heart broken panic every 10 minutes) we received the call he was in cardiac arrest and was not responding to CPR. We had to let him go in utter disbelief.
holy crap that's heartbreaking. I can feel your agony through your words. Youy did well keeping youself together. I think I would have been screaming at the sky.
His adoption came at a most critical time in our lives - my wife and I had recently been through personal trauma that nearly broke us apart when we took him in as a 3 month old kitten, and half of last year we were heading toward divorce. He was the brightest shining light in our lives, the glue that kept us together, and the angel that watched over us to help us mend. 
This tugged at my soul too. My wife and I were heading for divorce and it was Eva my cat that kept us together. TBH I considered suicide and it was only Eva that pulled me back. When I lost her I thought the world had ended.

I was wrong. I was just incredibly lucky to have her as long as I did. One day, when the pain begins to pass, you will begin to feel the same. Then you will be left with the gratitude, and the smiles, which never go away.

Take care of yourself. I'm so sorry for your loss, which is clearly awful for you.

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zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
That was a heartbreaking beautiful tribute to you special little guy, he really was a handsome fellow. I am so sorry for your loss.  
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jd shredds

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 15, 2017
holy crap that's heartbreaking. I can feel your agony through your words. Youy did well keeping youself together. I think I would have been screaming at the sky.

This tugged at my soul too. My wife and I were heading for divorce and it was Eva my cat that kept us together. TBH I considered suicide and it was only Eva that pulled me back. When I lost her I thought the world had ended.

I was wrong. I was just incredibly lucky to have her as long as I did. One day, when the pain begins to pass, you will begin to feel the same. Then you will be left with the gratitude, and the smiles, which never go away.

Take care of yourself. I'm so sorry for your loss, which is clearly awful for you.

It's amazing the profound effect these little ones can have on our lives, even turning the entire direction of our lives on the path it's supposed to go. I'll always be so grateful for him and I cherish every moment and memory we shared, even when he was being an annoying little booger. We were blessed to have him, and I think he felt the same of us. It's just so hard to accept suddenly picking an urn for your 2 year old cat that seemed 100% healthy a week ago.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Almost exactly how it happened with our Wills. Young cat seemingly healthy and within one week from dx he was gone. In hindsight we realize there were subtle signs: sleeping an awful lot for a young cat, little to no interest in toys, vomiting. Had several vet check ups after we adopted him but no one heard the murmur which started the whole thing.

It's hard not to blame yourselves and feel guilty. God knows I do. But they're useless emotions. I know that logically.

Again so very sorry.
It happens so fast. At least they didn't suffer for long and got freed of their bodily limitations. I feel the same as you - there were subtle signs along the way - faster breathing than normal, made snorty sounds often, would wheeze from too much activity (whichgot treated a year ago with a steroid shot, but that just hid the problem - his heart was failing and making his lungs fill with fluid, but it looked like asthma). But each cat always has a little something and more often than not it's benign or easily treatable. Each day that passes I release a smidgen of my guilt... how could one that isn't a vet or doctor predict their cat was susceptible to drop dead of heart disease in a matter of days?

lily paddy

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 23, 2016
Rachael and Jeff... there are very hard days in the loss of a beloved animal, As u r with Moon Man i went thru so many of the same feelings..  thoughts..I still cry when i think about certain things.. day by day... hour by hour .. was just two months and that date was so hard.. Im hoping and believing you both will be ok. How is Allie Girl doing? 
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jd shredds

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 15, 2017
It's been a week now, yet its still so fresh. Just yesterday I broke down as if we had just received that fateful call. We manage each day a little better than the day before, and while we're both still struggling with some guilt, we're not holding on to it as much. Heart disease can strike a cat at any time, at almost any age, even when all obvious signs point to a healthy cat. This I have learned the hard way. Friends and family have been very helpful.

Allie has actually been wonderful. As sad as it is to admit, she seems more relieved than grieved. While they were companions (and she handled us going out of town MUCH better once she had him with her), he was always too much energy and stubbornness for her. She's been a calm, playful, sweet, attentive angel since his passing. She had recently been more aloof and distant, but that's made a 180. I don't feel comfortable saying my beloved Moony's passing has a silver lining, but Allie has been much closer to us.

- Here are a few things I'll always remember about our little Moon Man:

He liked to walk into our wood burning fireplace as if it was a playground. Thanks for tracking ashes around, buddy. lol

His love for toys extended to the point that it was almost a guarantee that he would have left us one, two or even three "presents" in our bed, which we usually discovered as we hit the sheets. It was not uncommon for there to be a pole toy, feather toy, and twist tie waiting for us at bedtime. Can't count how many times I'd feel something poking me in the side to discover he somehow found another twist tie to give us.

I've never seen one being love another being the way Moony fell for Allie at first sight. Even if she hissed, groaned, threw him around, walked away from him, or flat out ignored him... he was MADLY in love with her. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Eventually she treated him like that annoying little brother that she secretly loves (like how she would pin him down to groom him), and it made his day every single time she played with him or allowed him to snuggle next to her.

I can count on one hand how many times Moony "won" a play-wrestling match vs Allie. She was the alpha, and he knew it. Plus, she outweighs him by like 3 lbs and would body slam him. Which was hilarious, because he just got excited about it when she did.

Moony was the ice machine police. Use the refrigerator ice dispenser and you may as well hear sirens as Moony comes running to your feet to arrest the evil ice. Every single time.

He loved to shove his way onto my hip when using the laptop so he could watch the screen and cuddle at the same time. I think he fancied himself as my assistant.

Speaking of shoving, that's how he showed affection. By force. We cuddle now by me throwing my small, bony, furry body at you and you accepting it. Whether it was headbutting your shins, thumping onto your lap in a plop, or just being a feisty little booger trying to take your hand off, he was anything but subtle (polar opposite of Allie).

He was the kind of cat that you physically drop in your lap, and he just melts there. Done. No convincing, no petting. Oh, it's cuddle time? Ok cool goodnight. And he would stay for hours. Again opposite of Allie, which is like an "event" when she chooses to cuddle.

Seeing him run around the house dragging pole toys across the floor with the soft part in his mouse is forever seared into my memory. It was worth a laugh every single day.

He would go into talking fits, where suddenly everything in his world was upside down and you needed to hear all of his cat concerns. His meow was always high pitched, so it just came across as amusing squeaks, but he sure sounded urgent.

Most pets are known for being in the moment, present. Moony was this personified. Every moment of his life and the world around him was important, urgent and fascinating. I'll always cherish that about him.

Like most cats, he loves getting behind the blinds when the sun was on the window. He took this to the next level by damaging our blinds so he could have an easier pathway to the window sill.

He had the funniest habit with my wife: Sometimes when she sat on the toilet, he would sneak in and climb on her lap. Uh, Moony, that's not the time and place for cuddles.

When I was in the den playing guitar, he would often run in urgently and try to climb on my lap and meow at me... while a guitar is still on my lap. Bro, I'm busy here! Moony don't care.

He liked clicking at birds, yapping at people, physically throwing himself on Allie to wrestle, chewing on plastic (what the heck bro?), staring at fire, squeezing between my wife and I in bed, and saying hi to our betta fish Albus. He weirdly would choose to lay on my wife's shins rather than thighs when cuddling, and when on his tower he felt he was bigger and tougher than you and liked to show it by side swiping your shoulder when you turned around. But he was all show. He liked being bullied and shoved around. He would just turn into a cute, happy little ball if you roughed him up.

The list can go on forever. This little boy sure was a memorable 2 year old. We'll always love him.
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zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Thank you for sharing your memories of your sweet moon-man. He sounded like a very special little guy and the one thing that made me smile was knowing how much he was loved. You gave him a safe home, a home where he knew what it felt to be loved.  Moony, you will always be loved by your family and in their thoughts, thank you for providing them wonderful memories to help them at this difficult time. 