Rest in peace, little Yellow Tom-- I'm so sorry (long and rather sad)


Slave in a cat house
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 13, 2016
Best little cathouse in Texas
For at least a month or more, a sickly yellow tom (presumably a tom going by the color) has been in our neighborhood. It was obvious that the poor boy had a raging infection of some sort. His face had been swollen as if he had an abscess somewhere, but he would never allow anyone close enough to get a look. He also managed to skilfully avoid being humanely trapped for a trip to the clinic to be TTVNR'ed or sent to foster care if he could have been adoptable.

Judging by his daytime wanderings and his extremely unkempt appearance (which may well have been due to his illness)-- he was probably not feral, but rather a stray or "dump" who had been trying to fend for himself and live on handouts. He was in bad shape when I first saw him, and he was steadily getting worse. But we never could capture him...

That is, until tonight. We had a lot of storms in the area, but nothing active in the immediate area. Most of the stuff was "avoiding" us but there were severe storms literally within miles of us. I went out to the garden, and there was Yellow Tom, laying as if he was resting in the grass. His head was up and he looked like he was resting but very tired.

I went in and made up a plate of food and pinched a little catnip from the plant and offered it to him. But he was just too weak to eat, and perhaps couldn't smell the catnip if he had a URI. I sat in his general area, not too close so as not to frighten him, and spoke quietly to him. I told him that I was going to figure out a way to get him up and into the vet for some help and relief-- whatever it meant to relieve his suffering, even if it was euthanasia. Looking into his eyes, I could see he was already distant... like he was... somewhere else.

I knew then, this cat was dying. He would not make it through the night. It was up to me to help him to make the journey across the Bridge, to StarClan's Hunting Grounds. I went inside and told my DH what was happening, and that we needed to take this cat to the 24 hour vet to have him put to sleep. This should have taken less than an hour. We were getting ready to go to supper but I believed that this took priority, and supper could be a little late. My man balked! He actually complained because it was going to make HIS dinner late.

I said, "Fine. I will go outside, catch the cat and place him in a carrier. He's so weak I can just pick him up. Then I will call a cab and have the cab take us to the vet. If you  can't postpone your dinner for an act of kindness to a dying creature like this cat, then I'll do it myself." He muttered something about me being a manipulative B trying to impose a guilt trip on him, but you know what? I wasn't completely listening. I heard all I needed to hear from him.

I grabbed some towels and a cardboard box and went out to the garden, but the cat had vanished. I have a lot of very tall flowers around the fence line and Skye loves to hide in there. I scanned the flowers in case Yellow Tom had taken refuge there. No sign of him. There is a dilapidated shed in the yard that the landlord had promised to remove years ago. We are still waiting. The shed's still falling apart. And of course, he scooted under it as his hiding place.

Great. A sick, dying cat is now under the shed where no one can reach him.

A short time later it began to rain and thunder. It only lasted a few moments. When it broke, my DH went outside. A minute later, he came back in... "Mackie, you need to come outside RIGHT NOW." Yellow Tom had come out from under the shed, made it about 6 feet, then collapsed. He was in obvious distress-- he was obviously now in his last moments. I scooped him up in some towels and placed him in a cardboard box. He struggled in fear when I picked him up at first. But he only had the energy to fight for a few seconds. I then placed him safely in a carrier with another towel for comfort and security, and told my DH to take us to the clinic-- NOW.  

He still refused.

Since I don't drive, the only option I had was to call the city to take him for humane euthanasia. The weather in the area has been very stormy today (as in tornadoes)... things were held up slightly, but Animal Services arrived within an hour. I placed the poor cat in the carrier on my covered porch, out of the rain and mud and wind and covered it with a towel to make it quiet and dark for him. About 20 minutes later, he began to howl and wail. My man looked inside and the cat howled even more. DH looked at me and quietly said, "I think that's his death cry...".

I couldn't answer. I didn't know how to answer without doing it with all claws extended. Had DH simply grabbed his keys and taken us to the 24 hour vet 4.5 miles away-- the cat could have passed quietly and peacefully. I don't know what a dying creature's awareness level is on the most primal instinct... is the sensation of pain gone, or is it magnified at the moment of death? We don't know what the dying feel or experience, other than anecdotally, and with little consistency at that in the cases of people who relate "death" or "near-death" experiences. Cats surely can't tell us anything. They seldom tell us that they're hurting anyway until the pain is unbearable... or they're near death.

At that moment, DH insisted on going to supper. I reluctantly went simply to keep the peace. But I spent a few moments with Yellow Tom-- telling him how sorry I was, that I couldn't have done more to help him then or before it got to the point it was at now.

When we got home an hour later, Animal Services had just arrived. I met the officer and told her the story. I asked if she had been up to the porch where he was in the carrier... she had. Had he passed away? Yes-- he passed while we were at supper. Apparently the wail was his death cry...

She took the report and gathered up his little body, and took him away. This may have just been a neighborhood stray to "SOME"... but he was still a living creature who deserved better than this. I hoped he would know in a corner of his strawberry-sized kitty heart that I cared for him and didn't want him to suffer. He truly deserved better. Whether a cruel family left him behind, or he got lost or whatever happened-- he deserved a better life than the one he was dealt. He certainly deserved a more dignified and peaceful death than crying in a strange carrier on someone's front porch during a thunderstorm-- and a better life than being a miserable stray left to die of illness, alone...

And a moment of selfishness... I think I deserved better than dealing with this poor guy all alone yet with an audience made up of someone who "preaches" compassion-- but doesn't live it.

Yes. I would have had him in a cab on the way to the 24 hour clinic had I been able to catch him the first time I saw him this evening... I share some of the blame, but not all. I should have just skipped the supper and gotten the cab and had him PTS at the clinic instead of calling Animal Services, waiting for them to show and having the poor cat's last moments be spent crying and fearful...

I'm so sorry, Yellow Tom. You deserved much better... 



Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Poor baby. I'll never understand how people can be so cruel as to dump a pet. It must have been a horrible experience for you, but hopefully some consolation that you at least managed to get him out of the rain.

RIP, little one. Somebody did care. :rbheart:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 26, 2015
I am so sorry to hear that. It is so, so heart-breaking when a precious little life suffers in the end before passing. The anger, guilt, blame, sadness, confusion... you just can't explain or comprehend that thoughts and emotions. I know it is painful for you, but you truly must realize that while you may not have done all you wished, you did do so much more then many would. My Mom taught me the same thing when she brought in a rabbit that had been hit by a car. It was scared at the side of the road, struggling but unable to run. We brought it home, offering it a warm, quiet, safe place to rest with soft bedding, some food and water, and there it passed quietly.

The Orange Tom Cat may have passed, but the fact that he came out into the open, came to you, truly says something. He came to you because he wanted that last moment of comfort and help that you gave him. You offered him something very special, a quiet place to lie. Perhaps that is even better then a frightening trip to the vet where strangers handle you in the end. This way he was in a little warm nest with the person whose scent he has none for a long time, on the territory he called home.

Rest In Peace Yellow Tom.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
You did so very much more then you are giving yourself credit for. You validated that sweet cat's life, you cared about what was happening to him, and gave him love  and attention if even for such a short time. I cried as I read your post, yes he deserved SO much more, but I'm so glad he found you at the end, he was guided to you, it was meant to be, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing compassion when he needed it so much. There are so many that suffer, my heart cries for the injustice of it all. I'll pray for that little broken soul, and for you to be blessed for showing pity to one of God's creatures. Try not to dwell on his death, but know you did the best you could with what was dealt to you. Once again, well done, my heart breaks for what you went through.RIP sweet little one, you deserved so much more, but you were shown compassion at the end of your short life amnd wa scomforted by it, please find peace and comfort in your new home at the Rainbow Bridge!  
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Slave in a cat house
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 13, 2016
Best little cathouse in Texas
StarClan, I ask all the warrior ancestors who now hunt in the eternal Hunting Grounds to look down on this fallen Warrior. He has learned the warrior code and lived his life in honor and dignity.. PrairieClan mourns his passing.  Let StarClan receive him now as a warrior.  And as he has crossed into the Grounds of Endless Hunting, may he forever be remembered by his warrior name of Sorreltail.

May he rest in peace

(A wood-sorrel flower. There is a cluster of this wildflower near the spot where he laid down for the last time. Small, yellow and often hiding out of the way... overlooked often, sometimes maligned as a pesky weed,  but lovely to those who would just pay attention. I will be adding some flowers to the Memory Garden in his honor today. A cluster of yellow columbines would be fitting, I think.)

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
So sorry for what you had to endure last night. I am more angry at the other people in your life. I don't know why he wouldn't let you take it to the clinic to be put down. BUT you did what you could. It was storming out-you got him out of the wet cold rain. I am sure it wasn't fun dealing with a cat who is dying. I have had a dear sweet girl pass in my arms without intervention. It still haunts me. I only hope you know you did the best you could. Crying tears for you and for your stray kitty who deserved to have a home-and you tried to protect him-he wouldn't allow himself to be trapped. At least you tried. I still don't understand how people can dump animals. and its always the same excuse-its peeing in the house-and almost always its a medical issue or aggression towards someone scaring the cat. whether it is another cat or a human.

Sending you lots of hugs. Hopefully you got some much needed sleep after a good cry. Don't be so hard on yourself. You tried. That's more than most people out there.

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
It breaks your heart to hear how people can just dispose of a living being. The poor boy RIP sweet boy. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 13, 2015
Washington State USA
Bless your heart for all you did for little Yellow Tom; you reached out to help him when everyone else failed. For that, you have no reason to feel guilty, you did everything possible to help him with what resources that you had.  I am sorry it was his time to cross the Rainbow Bridge but I feel in my heart he knew you were trying to help him, possibly that is why he came to your house in the first place.

Fly Free Little Yellow Tom and land softly, free of pain and suffering.

p.s. I am also sorry, but I am sitting here wanting to kick your DH in the rear end!
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Slave in a cat house
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 13, 2016
Best little cathouse in Texas
I'm going to the nursery today to find a special little flower to plant in his memory. All of the cats in our home who have gone before are memorialized that way. He deserves no less. A little yellow tom, dying in a patch of sorrel flowers... a Warrior spirit... he earned his name as a Warrior. From this point forward, he hunts with StarClan as Sorreltail, in the Endless Hunting Grounds on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. His pelt is golden yellow, glistening with stardust, his form is strong and his spirit is free. 

May you look down from Silverpelt, Sorreltail, and watch over the cats who are here on the earth. May we see you as we gaze back up and always remember you. May StarClan honor your memory forever.

And awful as it sounds, may DH be forever haunted by Sorreltail's dying wails. May they forever echo in his memory, and may the cats' claw of pain and guilt forever slash at his heart as a reminder of his lack of compassion for a frightened little creature who sought safety and security and perhaps even help here in his final days and moments.



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 26, 2015
I did want to add also that not all cats that are injured or sick are drop-offs instead of ferals. Cats in the wild do not always do well in the wild in cold, wet places where they have to struggle with harsh weather along with other cats that fight, cars, hunger, parasites. I know this because our cats, which we try to give the best of care to, have been injured multiple times and near death. Even when raised with tender care from kittens they are sometimes fearful of people.

We have a feral tom cat who comes around and won't let us touch him but he suffers from partial blindness, deafness, and a bad front leg from being hit by a car a few years ago. He has been around for years and still has issues with the sniffles and his limp. Feral cats and drop-offs alike have it difficult, but many of the drop-offs we have found tended to be healthier then the ferals, as well as more tame.

It is true that many people are thoughtless about how they treat their cats, but as I said even though we give our cats shelter, food, water, medication, and attention and raised them from a young age, they are still skittish and still sometimes get into fights with each other, which can quickly lead to sepsis that spreads through their system and can kill them in just a day or two (I've seen it nearly happen with our cats more then once, it is quite frightening to be sure).

Sorreltail is such fitting name for him by the way.
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Slave in a cat house
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 13, 2016
Best little cathouse in Texas
I agree that he may very well have been a feral, as there are many colonies here. There's a very large, active feral rescue and feral management program/community in my city and especially in my part of town. There are signs in the areas of certain managed colonies advising the public not to feed the feral cats because they are a managed colony. Each member of a managed colony is recorded, new members are immediately noticed and taken in for services including spay/neuter, ear nicking to identify the cat as already screened and vaccinated/neutered, and each cat receives an adoption assessment. If the cat isn't adoptable, the cat is safely returned to his familiar colony.

Apparently this poor baby didn't join a managed colony-- while there are many such colonies, there are many more that haven't been picked up yet, and new colonies form all the time. Plus some cats are just loners or prefer to make the 'kittypet circuit'-- roaming from one house to the next and eating from the neighborhood buffet at night.

This poor guy had been sick for quite a while. I had been seeing him around and trying to get him in for care for over a month. He was also a regular at a neighbor's place, and she was trying to get him as well. We both worried about Sorreltail and knew he was a sick boy in dire need of help. But, he just wouldn't let himself be caught until it was far too late. A virus like Feline Leukemia or FIV or some other kind is a strong probability. A massive sepsis from a fight wound or a parasite infection, as you said, is certainly possible. Even a serious dental abscess and infection can kill, slowly and painfully. We will never know. 

Sadly, there are many more Sorreltails out there who will not have even the short last moment of comfort, who will die alone with no one at all to care-- even "too late". But for Sorreltail, even though he crossed the Bridge into the StarClan Endless Hunting Ground and his star will now shine among those of his ancestors in Silverpelt... it wasn't too late for him to pass away with the compassion that all of us who knew him surrounding him. I think as sick as he was, he knew that and knew that my yard was a place of safety. He could safely begin his journey...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 19, 2006
I'm so sorry. Thanks for trying to help him. RIP little yellow Tom.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 14, 2014
Regret is a terrible thing.  You don't get do-overs because time is relentless.  I have my share of regret and it lives with me forever.  What I would give for just one do-over...

I don't know you, or your DH, or the person who dumped that little guy into a lonely, sad world (if indeed that is what happened). 

I will say this, and it is solely based on your post so I could be wrong:  you seem to be a kind person; your DH seems to be a cruel, self-concerned jerk whose main focus in life is his immediate wants regardless of how insignificant they might be.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 26, 2015
We have a cat at our shelter who just arrived. He is an orange tabby, very thin and sickly with a broken paw, the sniffles, and he just looks so sad. I'm so glad he came in and we can take care of him, he is so sweet and likes to be petted and talked to. He made me think of your cat. They call him Gimpy, but I wanted a name that was more hopeful, so I called him the Great Catsby.

I wouldn't be so harsh on the people who didn't give the cat the care it needed. I know that so often I can only think of the animal but the other people in my family remind me of the time, cost, and health issues that can be connected with whatever it is I want to do. When our cat got hit by a car she lost all the skin on her tail. I wanted to take her in immediately, but the vet wasn't open yet and my Dad ended up cutting his hand badly while changing a license plate. We brought Genny (our cat) inside and put her in a crate with a hide box and water. I sat with her and talked and sang to keep her calm while Dad and Mom went to the emergency room for his hand. It wasn't until morning she could go, but it all worked out fine. They said Genny had no internal injuries and docked her tail (since there was no saving it).

I guess my point is, sometimes we have to tell each other to take care of ourselves as well as the animals we love. I know even when I want to give my animals their best my family still makes sure I get the rest and food I need, I'm not stressing my self to the point of a break-down, and that we can afford the care the animals need. Sometimes hard decisions have to be made and people can seem callous, but knowing the deeper feelings behind it is just as important to understanding a reaction. Some people simply don't like to show emotions or open their heart to an animal because it hurts too much when they loose it.

boney girl dad

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Thank you for doing what you could MackieMac. You made a difference. He is now a perfect kitty in a perfect place.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Thank you so much for helping him in his last few moments. What a wonderful person you are. I agree with the sentiments about the DH, I can't even imagine that.

Rest in peace, sweet boy. I don't know the story of your journey, but you were loved :rbheart:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 18, 2012
Los Angeles
I am going to be blunt here because selfishness took over compassion for this poor cat. First of all, you need to learn to drive so you are not dependent on others to take you to the vet or anywhere else. Second, you should have shown some backbone, stood up to your husband and not given in to feeding yourselves first to "keep the peace." Third, you could have buried Yellow Tom in your back yard, or had his body cremated so at least he would have had some dignity in an otherwise miserable life. Animal Control agencies contract with companies that either take dead animals to the local dump for disposal, or to a rendering plant where they are ground up and turned into fertilizer. Yellow Tom deserved far better than that. And that husband of yours is one I'd put out on the curb on trash pick-up day. It's another example of why I like animals far better than people. You tried to help Yellow Tom, but you made dinner more important than staying with a dying animal as he left this world, and I can't agree with that at all.