Resident Cat Using New Cats Litter


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 19, 2017
Sydney, Australia
A little background: I just recently adopted a 2.5 year old female British shorthair who is now sharing a home with a 3 year old resident male British shorthair. It has been 3 weeks since picking her up. They are both desexed. Getting along incredibly well (playing, sharing each other's things, sleeping next to each other) They both pushed the introduction process as I had originally planned on them meeting this week. I was pleasantly surprised.

My question is in regards to sharing, particularly with litter.

My boy had previously used pellets until age 1 before adopting him. I slowly transitioned him onto crystals and he has been using that ever since (2+ years). He on occasion has had a few cheeky moments I.e. Urinating on my gym towels both before use/after use, urinated on a plush toy he did not like and when I went on holiday my sister looked after him (for a few days, this was her second time cat-sitting for me) when her partner came over he got up onto the kitchen counter and urinated on our tea towel. But generally, he is very well behaved and in the 2 years I have had him that is all he has done outside of his litter box.

The new girl is currently using breeders choice pellets as litter. I would like her to use crystals so I have slowly started to add less pellets and more crystals. About 1/2 a cup here and there. She has not noticed a difference and is happily using her litter box.

Since opening up the gate from her safe space for them to meet, the boy has decided her litter box is now his litter box. She does not mind sharing. Still using it the same. I am worried that he is going to get use to the pellets now as they are completely different to his crystals or if the mishaps in the past were not out of dislike for an issue but a dislike for his litter instead...

Would this be due to the litter or is it just his way of letting her know this is "HIS" house? I really do not like the pellets as I find the odour is much more intense then the crystals.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
My boy cat does the same thing, he likes to go in the litterbox right after his sister cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Yeah my boys use one litter box for pee and one for poo. They alternate which will be which, in a schedule I have yet to understand. I wouldn't worry about it :) It sounds like they are bonded buddies :)