Resident Cat Staring At New Kitten?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 4, 2018
Hi everyone.

I have a 6 year old cat named Baby Cat. He's never really been that affection towards anyone other than me, and he was a stray so he actually gets along well with other cats.

Two days ago, I got a new Kitten named Diana. Diana WAS in a safe room, but she was small enough to fit under the tiny crack in my door and get out so she and Baby cat met face to face within an hour of her getting there.

Baby Cat only ever smacked her head with his paw (no claws) three times which were in a row and that happened Yesterday so the first day he didn't even care.

He hasn't hissed, growled or tried to swipe at her again despite her bugging him. (Diana had already lived with an adult male cat so she automatically assumed Baby Cat would love her) He won't stop staring at her though. He will stare from his chair but he never jumps down to get at her. His tail swooshes but not quickly. It's hard for me to tell when he's going to be aggressive because he has two broken ears, they don't stand up anymore so I can't look at his ears as a sign of aggression. I've been trying to keep them apart but Diana constantly escapes her safe room. Baby Cat has a lot of escape routes. His chair, the couch, and the dryer and he doesn't seem bothered by the kitten, more so annoyed by her presence.

I've included photos of Baby Cat so you can see what I mean by broken ears. One got broken in a fight and the other broke from what the vet assumes was an infection, which happened before I got him.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
The tail is another way to tell how your cat is feeling. If it's whipping back and forth I'd be a bit concerned, sort of, but the fact that it's only swooshing and not quickly, makes me think he is just watching her, assessing her. You can also look at his eyes, if his pupils are dilated, he's excited for some reason. Either he will want to play or attack. But if he is just sitting there and not doing anything, I wouldn't worry too much. And the thing is, if he does swipe at her (no claws) when he gets annoyed with her, that's how she will learn that enough is enough. Cats communicate with each other by, growls, hisses, swipes, and it does not always equate to "aggression :fuming:" and "attacks:fear:", it also means, "aw c'mon man..leave me alone ok? :headshake:"
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 4, 2018
The tail is another way to tell how your cat is feeling. If it's whipping back and forth I'd be a bit concerned, sort of, but the fact that it's only swooshing and not quickly, makes me think he is just watching her, assessing her. You can also look at his eyes, if his pupils are dilated, he's excited for some reason. Either he will want to play or attack. But if he is just sitting there and not doing anything, I wouldn't worry too much. And the thing is, if he does swipe at her (no claws) when he gets annoyed with her, that's how she will learn that enough is enough. Cats communicate with each other by, growls, hisses, swipes, and it does not always equate to "aggression :fuming:" and "attacks:fear:", it also means, "aw c'mon man..leave me alone ok? :headshake:"
Thank you very much for your reply! He does look a little excited so I am watching him but so far he has been good, I let them play in the same room together without me monitoring them and he just watched her play while he sat there lol.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
He's probably puzzled by her, and it sounds like he's being a champ. I'd watch them and wouldn't leave Diana out with him when you're not around but it sounds like he's sizing her up.
The 3 paws and no claws smack down is typical, and good on him for his restraint!


Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
Gohan stared (and continues to stare) at new kitty Olive. I've gone back and forth as to whether it's "healthy" - he's not happy, and he's angsty about her. But is the staring building up to a fight or winding him up? Or is it somewhat acclimating him to her presence?

In the end, we try to distract from too much staring, and if we see his eyes get really big and dilated we know a pounce is imminent. After 9 months, the staring has lessened considerably, and he feels more able to go into the room than stare from the doorway.

He chased quite often at the beginning, and never uttered a hiss or growl. I think some kitties are just quiet watchers. Definitely don't leave them unsupervised, I think staring can escalate in the right situation and you will want to be on hand for that.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Gohan stared (and continues to stare) at new kitty Olive. I've gone back and forth as to whether it's "healthy" - he's not happy, and he's angsty about her. But is the staring building up to a fight or winding him up? Or is it somewhat acclimating him to her presence?

In the end, we try to distract from too much staring, and if we see his eyes get really big and dilated we know a pounce is imminent. After 9 months, the staring has lessened considerably, and he feels more able to go into the room than stare from the doorway.

He chased quite often at the beginning, and never uttered a hiss or growl. I think some kitties are just quiet watchers. Definitely don't leave them unsupervised, I think staring can escalate in the right situation and you will want to be on hand for that.
Border Collies are the most stare-happy dogs in the Universe.
If they're watching a cat, that's fine, but if the stare gets intense (you see it in their eyes) we don't allow it. It's unnerving to the cats and the dogs know it, so with cat-on-cat meetings keep an eye on the stare-er, but watch the stare-ee too. If they're visibly uncomfortable with being stared at, time to step in a break up the brat pack!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 4, 2018
They met once again, this time they were in the kitchen with me. Diana hid in a chair while Baby Cat tried to smell her. Once again, he didn't growl or hiss :) He actually went to smack her head, but she rolled onto her side and he stopped. I broke their meeting up early because she was trying to climb onto him and attack his tail. I had a water bottle prepared but I didn't even have to use it! :D