Reintroducing Two Cats


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 16, 2018
Hi! I have two cats, Pepsi and Gigi. Pepsi came when she was just a few days old and was used to being the only cat for about 2 years until I brought Gigi from the same owner who couldn't take care of her. The thing is, Gigi was used to other cats and dogs because she lived in a big household and I can tell she wants to get along with Pepsi but the latter doesn't and that's probably my fault for completely negating the introduction process when I first brought Gigi in.

It's been 2 years and I thought I could somehow bring them closer together because I leave for school. Pepsi hisses whenever Gigi walks by her and tries to swipe at her. I've tried the reintroduction process a few times before but always failed because somehow someone would prop my door open and let Gigi out.

Does anyone have any tips? I'm going to separate them again (hopefully successfully this time) and try the scent exchange thing but Gigi really wants to go out to the living room and Pepsi practically lives there so any help is appreciated! I saw a tip online where I should give food to them on opposite sides of a closed door for positive association but at what point does the door go away? Does it ever? How do I feed them after that? Pepsi is a pretty territorial cat, especially with food and I'm not sure what the best way to feed her is.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
And be VERY certain that anyone and everyone in the home knows NOT to open doors while you are doing this!