Redirected cat aggression in my two males


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
You are a saint!  I am blown away by your dedication to make this work.  Such lucky kitties you have.  Congratulations, it sounds like it's going really well.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I bet you feel better and better about the cats relationship as each day passes.  You have worked so hard and done so much for these beloved boys.  I look forward to reading your updates!!  Yea for Vincent and Leo!!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 14, 2014
North Carolina
Sigh. Things have gone awry again. Vincent has gotten sick again with tons of crystals in his bladder. Leo and he were doing so well, until the day after the last post. Leo went to play with Vinny and Vinny didn't feel like it and they fought again. Not as dramatic as 6 months ago, fight-wise, because there was not poohing or peeing left around the house, but still it was bad enough for Vincent to be hissing and upset again for an entire day. He wouldn't eat, drink or go to the bathroom. He wouldn't let us get near him. We had to call the vet again. I thought I was doing so well! 

He's currently still at the vet. After all the tests, the vet has come back telling us it's time to put Vincent on a prescription food and that he thinks we need to re-home on of the cats as soon as possible. We are pretty heart broken. He does not think the stress of Vincent living in the house with another cat is good for him and even the acts of rehabilitating him is stressing him out too much. He has suggested him being re-homed somewhere where he can be an only-pet in an adult only household, or giving up the other, more territorial cat (who also has issues). 

We are attached to them both, so we are not taking this advice well, but we are trying to get to a calm place and where Vincent is at least more well, on his new diet and back to being separated and feeling more himself before we try and tackle making the decision on who to re-home, if we decide to do it at all. 

First and foremost, I feel guilty and like a terrible pet parent. I have somehow failed. I've done so much work with them, that I cannot believe this has happened again, and just when I've made so many strides, it gets knocked down by the fact that in all actuality, Vincent's body has been stewing all these crystals from stress that are making him sick!


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Oh no.  I am just heart broken for you.  I cannot even imagine having to make this decision. 

I am just thinking out loud here, but what would happen if you put Vincent on the prescription food and see what happens.  I have a dog who has urinary crystals and has off and off for most of her life.  I resisted putting her on prescription dog food for years.  Yet once I did, her condition cleared and she has never had crystals again.  She has been on the food for almost 8 years now. 

Also what about trying a stress related medication for one or both of the cats.  Prozac or other. 

I guess I would be sure all of my options for keeping both cats has been turned over.  Also what about a 2nd opinion from another vet.

You are in my thoughts.  Please keep us updated.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 8, 2014
Oh no.
 This is just terrible. I have just read this entire thread and with each and every update I could feel myself getting more positive about your two boys and how you were working with them. To come to the end of the thread and see things have gotten so bad again is just horrible. I feel so bad for you.

You are a saint. You have so much patience and love, and you've been so wonderful in helping your boys to get close to eachother again. You certainly have not failed. No way you could have forseen this. Your method was working. It might have been slow progress, but it was steady and it worked! This must feel like such a slap in the face. 

I can't imagine what you must be going through, but are you sure you don't want to at least wait until Vincent is better again and see where that leaves you? Giving up a cat is one of the hardest things to do, especially when you have to CHOOSE to give one up. How would you possibly choose without feeling guilty? 

Try not to contribute this one bad episode too much to the relationship between the two cats. If Vinnie was really in so much pain, there is no wonder that he got upset so much easier and didn't feel like playing or doing anything else.. When he gets better, you might have a better idea of how much damage was actually done to their relationship.

If anything, this thread has shown me that you are infinitely loving, caring and patient. And so incredibly strong. If there is a way to make this work (after Vinna has recovered, of course), then I'm 100% sure you'll find it.
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