Recently Adopted Semi-Ferals Struggling to Adjust


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
I would say apart from the normal anxiety of a new environment they do not look like they are in discomfort. They eat, use the litter box, and drink lots of water roughly every other night. Litter box use looks about appropriate for two cats. I have not really seen them walk, honestly. They still move around when we aren't looking. I saw her run under the bed last night but it was a very short distance.

They are either in their box, under the bed, under the dresser. It happens whether they are either together, or separate. The other night they were synchronizing meows while at the window and on the cat tree. Anywhere, really.

Thankfully not.

We are in a one bedroom. They are in our bedroom and we have not let them out as they are still not ready to explore. I try to spend the day in the room with them while I work so they get used to me, but I leave them alone for two to three hours at dusk until it is time for bed.

Ear plugs are nearly useless, as they tend to meow very loudly and it doesn't even dampen the sound! Classical music or calming sounds have not worked, they only stay quiet if we play a podcast or something. Then, literally the second it is over they meow. After trying all the toys, food, pets we took turns laying on the floor near them to try to sleep. It quieted them down until I stood up. Once I exited the room they meowed. I'm not sure if being near them is scaring them more, and we should just let them scream it out? Is trying to soothe them just stressing them out more? Should we try to sleep in the living room and leave them on their own? I am fine with losing sleep because this is temporary and they are so dang cute. I'm more worried about them :(

These are the little rascals all intertwined an hour before choir practice started. They are gonna kill it at their next show, they practice all night.
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Ok, good that they seem physically ok.

GREAT that they are not going outside of the litter box.

"We are in a one bedroom. They are in our bedroom and we have not let them out as they are still not ready to explore. I try to spend the day in the room with them while I work so they get used to me, but I leave them alone for two to three hours at dusk until it is time for bed." - How are they during the day when you are working in there with them? How are they when they are alone for 2-3 hours at dusk?

"we took turns laying on the floor near them to try to sleep. It quieted them down" - That is really interesting. I wonder if that is helping them feel more comfortable. Is it possible to sleep on the floor and see what happens?

Where are you typically sleeping? In the bedroom with them or in another part of the residence?

"I'm not sure if being near them is scaring them more, and we should just let them scream it out?" - I am thinking your presence is helping them.

"Is trying to soothe them just stressing them out more?" - I don;t think so but it may depend on what is being done to soothe them.

"Should we try to sleep in the living room and leave them on their own?" - You could try. A lot of times with cats it is trail and error.

I don't think you have to worry about them. They are going to be fine. I am more worried about you and your bf getting enough sleep.

They are ADORABLE!!!! Like SERIOUSLY ADORABLE!!! They look so innocent!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
We sleep in the same room, just on the bed. We moved to the floor because we noticed they stop meowing when they know we are near them. I exited the room to get some water. I could sleep on the floor while allowing them access to their things, it would restrict how much space they have to explore but I think it might be worth trying.

We are home all day (still locked down here in NYC) so they are very quiet during the day and only meow once we go to sleep.
At dusk I usually leave when it is still bright in the room but return when its dark. Some days I've left a desk lamp for them on but I dont notice any difference in behavior.

They used to listen to the radio at the office they were housed in. First two nights I tried relaxing music for cats (instrumental) and it didn't help. When I played one of my podcasts that helps me fall asleep (its a person talking for about 30 minutes) they do not make any noise. They seem to quiet down only when someone is speaking. Once the person stops talking and the instrumental music continues they will immediately resume meows.
It actually seems like you presence is helping them. Personally, I would try to sleep on the floor and see if it helps. If it is too hard maybe having a radio station on during the night by them with human voices?

It seems like they are really into human interaction.

Cats do typically sleep during the day and get active at night so I am not surprised they do well during the day. I am sure they have a lot of pent up energy as well which is causing them to do this.
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 28, 2020
New York, New York
"I'm not sure if being near them is scaring them more, and we should just let them scream it out?" - I am thinking your presence is helping them.

I don't think you have to worry about them. They are going to be fine. I am more worried about you and your bf getting enough sleep.

They are ADORABLE!!!! Like SERIOUSLY ADORABLE!!! They look so innocent!!!
It actually seems like you presence is helping them. Personally, I would try to sleep on the floor and see if it helps. If it is too hard maybe having a radio station on during the night by them with human voices?

It seems like they are really into human interaction.

Cats do typically sleep during the day and get active at night so I am not surprised they do well during the day. I am sure they have a lot of pent up energy as well which is causing them to do this.
seriously thank you guys SO MUCH. I feel a lot better about tonight. I think we will try to sleep on the floor, and play music as well.

I feel pretty good about their progress, the only thing I'm so puzzled about is the night time. They are still timid and scared of us but they have obviously relaxed a lot since day one. In last nights picture it was the first time we saw them both laying down relaxed on their side and they didn't even panic or bother staring us down when we opened up the box. They just continued being cute and went back to sleeping. They had quite a bit of socialization at the auto shop and they grew pretty fond of their rescue dad. I think they do enjoy human, they're just still sort of apprehensive of the situation. It's hard to see the progress when its so small and the nights are difficult.

Brownie is showing a tiny bit of interest in toys although wont try to play yet. They both show interest in wet stinky food. I think we'll be ok!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
seriously thank you guys SO MUCH. I feel a lot better about tonight. I think we will try to sleep on the floor, and play music as well.

I feel pretty good about their progress, the only thing I'm so puzzled about is the night time. They are still timid and scared of us but they have obviously relaxed a lot since day one. In last nights picture it was the first time we saw them both laying down relaxed on their side and they didn't even panic or bother staring us down when we opened up the box. They just continued being cute and went back to sleeping. They had quite a bit of socialization at the auto shop and they grew pretty fond of their rescue dad. I think they do enjoy human, they're just still sort of apprehensive of the situation. It's hard to see the progress when its so small and the nights are difficult.

Brownie is showing a tiny bit of interest in toys although wont try to play yet. They both show interest in wet stinky food. I think we'll be ok!
You are welcome.

Sounds good. You may want to try to have a talk radio station on by them first since a bed is more comfortable. Then if that doesn't work try to sleep on the floor (one of you while the other hopefully sleep well).

The body language in the pic was AMAZING. Those are cats that looked awfully happy. That picture tells me they are adjusting extremely well!!

"They just continued being cute and went back to sleeping.:" - This is incredibly positive!!!

"They had quite a bit of socialization at the auto shop and they grew pretty fond of their rescue dad." - Ferals really bond with their caretakers o a change is hard for them. BUT you are giving them a lot of love. They will bond with you (which I think you are already seeing - it is going a lot faster than usual).

Everything you are experiencing is totally normal. Great that Brownie is showing interest in a toy.That will help in building confidence and in burning off some excess energy. Once they get a taste of the wet food that will help.

It is just a process. You are doing great.

I have no doubt all will be well. Everything so far tells me it will. I am not at all worried.

Keep up the great work and let us know how they are doing.
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 28, 2020
New York, New York
Hello! It's been a few days so I figured I'd give a little update.

The girls are still singing all night, however its less frequent now. We are able to sleep through it for the most part. They are still hiding under the bed pretty much always, but they have started to spend time separate from each other and Brownie has really made some great progress. She has started to take treats from us (and our hands), she eats canned food twice a day, lounges around in various positions. She has eaten it with us present multiple times and I've gotten her to walk out from under the bed to eat. Cookie is still terrified, Brownie will just steal her treats because she wont eat them. When we make noise or pop in for a visit Brownie is generally in a relaxed position and no longer looks at us with fear in her eyes, whereas Cookie looks like she has seen a ghost.

We have not been able to get Brownie to play yet but she is SO CLOSE. She showed so much interest but just hesitated to actually put her paw out to play. We have recorded them while we were both in the room and out of the room and in both instances they are hiding but lay in really relaxed positions. I'm talking paws up, belly exposed, paws covering faces, all the cutest positions.

We had a lot of progress over the weekend and it seems to have halted once Monday started. But I guess thats to be expected. Can't expect them to be ready to face their fears every day. The important thing is they are finally eating regularly and really well, drinking water, using the litter box and most importantly, starting to feel comfortable. Even if it's only under the bed, it is still huge progress from a week ago.


TCS Member
Apr 20, 2020
Hi! I adopted 2 kitties from a reservation living as strays maybe feral we don't know about 4 months ago. I am feeling you on the constant crying at night! It took us about 2 weeks for the crying at night to stop and to turn into crying in the morning :). During these 2 weeks 1 hid under the couch every day every second and 1 came out after a couple of days. A lot of it was routine! I know its been a few days but once they start to get noticeably comfortable have a routine of filling the food and water by them. We also had a fan for noise as they had the radio playing before. Eventually the male who as hiding noticed the female who was venturing taking the lead and he came out for short periods of time. When he used to hide he would lay close to get pets but never would allow us to pet or walk to him when he was out. He now demands more attention and pets than the female and this started after 2 months of having them... It will be a process but stick with it and remember routine! :)
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  • #28


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 28, 2020
New York, New York
Hi! I adopted 2 kitties from a reservation living as strays maybe feral we don't know about 4 months ago. I am feeling you on the constant crying at night! It took us about 2 weeks for the crying at night to stop and to turn into crying in the morning :). During these 2 weeks 1 hid under the couch every day every second and 1 came out after a couple of days. A lot of it was routine! I know its been a few days but once they start to get noticeably comfortable have a routine of filling the food and water by them. We also had a fan for noise as they had the radio playing before. Eventually the male who as hiding noticed the female who was venturing taking the lead and he came out for short periods of time. When he used to hide he would lay close to get pets but never would allow us to pet or walk to him when he was out. He now demands more attention and pets than the female and this started after 2 months of having them... It will be a process but stick with it and remember routine! :)
Reading success stories make me so hopeful but seems so hard to imagine! I know it will happen but seeing how absolutely scared they are now makes it so hard to think about them being cuddly. Brownie is really starting to show her personality now and it is so sweet. She is so funny and silly. She takes treats from us oh so gently but also misses and accidentally bites our fingers very very softly until she realizes where she went wrong and finds the treat. They spend so much time sleeping on top of each other and grooming each other it makes my heart full :)

We leave soft music on and we also have a fan running all night but it hasn't seemed to help. I'm so glad to hear the meowing will end. It's becoming kinda cute now, as Cookie has really calmed a lot since the first few nights and now just looks out in one very specific direction and meows at the intersection softly. Makes me wonder what shes thinking.
Since they've started to take a liking to the canned food I've been trying to keep a consistent feeding routine for them. 9am/8pm canned food and trying play time right after.

It seems like Brownie will be coming out of her shell pretty soon, and I really hope that means Cookie will be not too far along behind her. It is a little disheartening to see them take a step back but I must remember the huge strides they've made in a short amount of time. Thank you for sharing!


TCS Member
Apr 20, 2020
Reading success stories make me so hopeful but seems so hard to imagine! I know it will happen but seeing how absolutely scared they are now makes it so hard to think about them being cuddly. Brownie is really starting to show her personality now and it is so sweet. She is so funny and silly. She takes treats from us oh so gently but also misses and accidentally bites our fingers very very softly until she realizes where she went wrong and finds the treat. They spend so much time sleeping on top of each other and grooming each other it makes my heart full :)

We leave soft music on and we also have a fan running all night but it hasn't seemed to help. I'm so glad to hear the meowing will end. It's becoming kinda cute now, as Cookie has really calmed a lot since the first few nights and now just looks out in one very specific direction and meows at the intersection softly. Makes me wonder what shes thinking.
Since they've started to take a liking to the canned food I've been trying to keep a consistent feeding routine for them. 9am/8pm canned food and trying play time right after.

It seems like Brownie will be coming out of her shell pretty soon, and I really hope that means Cookie will be not too far along behind her. It is a little disheartening to see them take a step back but I must remember the huge strides they've made in a short amount of time. Thank you for sharing!
It is so easy to want things to move faster and it will feel like FOREVER but, it will all work in the end with some time, patience. and love. Those soft meows always get to me, so sweet. With Brownie and Cookie's immense trust and love in eachother, I have no doubt they will eventually follow each others leads and blossom. Eventually I took out the music and just leave the fan. I also like to just keep my hand by them when they hide so they can just smell and have your not moving presence there if they still hide. One thing I also do now for treats is boiled chopped chicken and they go crazy for that! Louie who used to hid eventually would come out when he sees his sister playing with a long feather chaser.... but then he would hide again. small steps.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
Hello! It's been a few days so I figured I'd give a little update.

The girls are still singing all night, however its less frequent now. We are able to sleep through it for the most part. They are still hiding under the bed pretty much always, but they have started to spend time separate from each other and Brownie has really made some great progress. She has started to take treats from us (and our hands), she eats canned food twice a day, lounges around in various positions. She has eaten it with us present multiple times and I've gotten her to walk out from under the bed to eat. Cookie is still terrified, Brownie will just steal her treats because she wont eat them. When we make noise or pop in for a visit Brownie is generally in a relaxed position and no longer looks at us with fear in her eyes, whereas Cookie looks like she has seen a ghost.

We have not been able to get Brownie to play yet but she is SO CLOSE. She showed so much interest but just hesitated to actually put her paw out to play. We have recorded them while we were both in the room and out of the room and in both instances they are hiding but lay in really relaxed positions. I'm talking paws up, belly exposed, paws covering faces, all the cutest positions.

We had a lot of progress over the weekend and it seems to have halted once Monday started. But I guess thats to be expected. Can't expect them to be ready to face their fears every day. The important thing is they are finally eating regularly and really well, drinking water, using the litter box and most importantly, starting to feel comfortable. Even if it's only under the bed, it is still huge progress from a week ago.
HWAY10 - gives great advice and support. EXACTLY correct.

Great, progress. I LOVE that you can sleep for the most part!!

"They are still hiding under the bed pretty much always" - Totally normal.

"but they have started to spend time separate from each other and Brownie has really made some great progress. She has started to take treats from us (and our hands), she eats canned food twice a day, lounges around in various positions. She has eaten it with us present multiple times and I've gotten her to walk out from under the bed to eat. " - FANTASTIC progress. You are doing it exactly correct. Keep up the great work!!

"Cookie is still terrified, Brownie will just steal her treats because she wont eat them. When we make noise or pop in for a visit Brownie is generally in a relaxed position and no longer looks at us with fear in her eyes, whereas Cookie looks like she has seen a ghost." - This is normal. But as others have rightly said, Cookie will see Brownie and learn to trust more. It is just a process. Some cats just take a little longer.

"We have not been able to get Brownie to play yet but she is SO CLOSE. She showed so much interest but just hesitated to actually put her paw out to play." - She will eventually. GREAT work.

"We have recorded them while we were both in the room and out of the room and in both instances they are hiding but lay in really relaxed positions. I'm talking paws up, belly exposed, paws covering faces, all the cutest positions." - This is TERRIFIC!!! They are starting to feel comfortable. It is a process and once they are more secure in their new territory they can continue to progress.

"We had a lot of progress over the weekend and it seems to have halted once Monday started. But I guess thats to be expected. Can't expect them to be ready to face their fears every day." - Totally normal. There are always steps forward and steps back. BUT you are making progress.

"The important thing is they are finally eating regularly and really well, drinking water, using the litter box and most importantly, starting to feel comfortable. Even if it's only under the bed, it is still huge progress from a week ago." - EXACTLY. Totally agree.

"Reading success stories make me so hopeful but seems so hard to imagine! I know it will happen but seeing how absolutely scared they are now makes it so hard to think about them being cuddly." - We never know how touchy feely a cat will be but as long as they are happy that is what is most important.

"Brownie is really starting to show her personality now and it is so sweet. She is so funny and silly." - WONDERFUL.I LVOE to hear that.

"She takes treats from us oh so gently but also misses and accidentally bites our fingers very very softly until she realizes where she went wrong and finds the treat." - Yep. Happens all the time. I always find it amazing how a cat doesn't want to hurt and realizes it is a human finger rather than food. They really do care and are aware.

"They spend so much time sleeping on top of each other and grooming each other it makes my heart full" - It is wonderful. I suspect Cookie will observe Brownie and that will help socialize her. It is so nice they are close and love each other.

"Since they've started to take a liking to the canned food I've been trying to keep a consistent feeding routine for them. 9am/8pm canned food and trying play time right after." - Great. Cats LOVE routines and consistency so a schedule it a great idea to build confidence.

Try to play before meal time. In the wild a cat will Hunt, Capture, Kill (that is our play with them) and then eat (our meal). Then Groom then go to Sleep, so playing then feeding replicates a cat's instinct in the wild and builds confidence.

"It seems like Brownie will be coming out of her shell pretty soon" - Totally agree. Stay patient.

"and I really hope that means Cookie will be not too far along behind her." - Sometimes it takes time but we can only do our best and go at the cat's pace. Cookie is getting everything she needs (food, Water, Clean litter, Love) so she will continue to progress.

"It is a little disheartening to see them take a step back but I must remember the huge strides they've made in a short amount of time." - I know but it is normal. There are always good days and less good days but it is the direction that matters. You are doing a great job!!
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  • #31


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 28, 2020
New York, New York
I've definitely stopped forcing attention on them since I reached out with this post and got all the amazing advice. This seems to have made a big improvement since they have become less scared of our presence.

Recently Brownie started to take treats from our hands, or if she hesitates, we will put them closer to her and she will eat them even if we stay close and watch her. I've started to give them some cooked chicken, which god bless them - was a big hit but a HUGE mess. I found it half eaten and all over the floor when I went to check in on them, but they liked it so much they cleaned everything up by the time I came back. When we pop our heads under the bed to check in on them we no longer find them defensive. Brownie will often stay curled up in whatever position she is in and will even allow me to pet her paw or rub her face if I get close. She doesn't flinch away from us as much anymore. I try to keep the contact as minimal as possible but you know I just cant help it when I see their cute little tiny paws and their little toes. They have been eating and regularly clearing out their dry food twice a day which makes me happy because I think it means Cookie has taken to eating now. She was too scared to show interest in canned food, but as long as she is consuming her regular food in normal amounts now makes me very happy.

They have stopped using their box that came from their home and now stay under the bed mainly, or the dresser depending on their mood. Brownie will now step out and eat completely in the open (when were not in the room) and I am now finding litter tracked in different places in the room meaning they are exploring more often when were not around. (They track SO much litter EVERYWHERE!!) It is rare that they don't notice when were coming back to the room but on more than one occasion I have found them out in the open and they now will stop and look at us before running away which is a big improvement from before. For example today Brownie came out to eat the food I left out and she was very vulnerable - I walked in, said "Hi Brownie!" and went to grab what I wanted and she stayed out the entire time, frozen. Typically they would run away immediately.

As of last night we did not hear one peep from them. We slept through the entire night and I recorded it. Cookie spent the night loafing in the window and Brownie spent the whole night rolling around in the box on the cat tree. You can clearly see I moved around a lot in my sleep and typically this would mean they would RUN at the first indication of movement but they remained calm and stayed in their places. It seems like Brownie is finally feeling safe at night and Cookie is starting to get more comfortable.

Overall I'd say were both pretty happy right now, things are getting progressively better. Instead of spending time on the bed I will now start to spend some time on the floor near them while they lay under the bed to get them used to me a bit more.
I will post some more pictures of the cute cute little girls soon!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
I've definitely stopped forcing attention on them since I reached out with this post and got all the amazing advice. This seems to have made a big improvement since they have become less scared of our presence.

Recently Brownie started to take treats from our hands, or if she hesitates, we will put them closer to her and she will eat them even if we stay close and watch her. I've started to give them some cooked chicken, which god bless them - was a big hit but a HUGE mess. I found it half eaten and all over the floor when I went to check in on them, but they liked it so much they cleaned everything up by the time I came back. When we pop our heads under the bed to check in on them we no longer find them defensive. Brownie will often stay curled up in whatever position she is in and will even allow me to pet her paw or rub her face if I get close. She doesn't flinch away from us as much anymore. I try to keep the contact as minimal as possible but you know I just cant help it when I see their cute little tiny paws and their little toes. They have been eating and regularly clearing out their dry food twice a day which makes me happy because I think it means Cookie has taken to eating now. She was too scared to show interest in canned food, but as long as she is consuming her regular food in normal amounts now makes me very happy.

They have stopped using their box that came from their home and now stay under the bed mainly, or the dresser depending on their mood. Brownie will now step out and eat completely in the open (when were not in the room) and I am now finding litter tracked in different places in the room meaning they are exploring more often when were not around. (They track SO much litter EVERYWHERE!!) It is rare that they don't notice when were coming back to the room but on more than one occasion I have found them out in the open and they now will stop and look at us before running away which is a big improvement from before. For example today Brownie came out to eat the food I left out and she was very vulnerable - I walked in, said "Hi Brownie!" and went to grab what I wanted and she stayed out the entire time, frozen. Typically they would run away immediately.

As of last night we did not hear one peep from them. We slept through the entire night and I recorded it. Cookie spent the night loafing in the window and Brownie spent the whole night rolling around in the box on the cat tree. You can clearly see I moved around a lot in my sleep and typically this would mean they would RUN at the first indication of movement but they remained calm and stayed in their places. It seems like Brownie is finally feeling safe at night and Cookie is starting to get more comfortable.

Overall I'd say were both pretty happy right now, things are getting progressively better. Instead of spending time on the bed I will now start to spend some time on the floor near them while they lay under the bed to get them used to me a bit more.
I will post some more pictures of the cute cute little girls soon!
"Recently Brownie started to take treats from our hands, or if she hesitates, we will put them closer to her and she will eat them even if we stay close and watch her." - Perfect. That is making that positive association between you, hands, and food.

"I've started to give them some cooked chicken, which god bless them - was a big hit but a HUGE mess. I found it half eaten and all over the floor when I went to check in on them, but they liked it so much they cleaned everything up by the time I came back." - Perfect. I use chicken all the time with cats. It really is a great way to build trust and confidence. Yes, it can be a bit messy but it sure does do wonders.

"When we pop our heads under the bed to check in on them we no longer find them defensive." - GREAT. They are building trust.

"Brownie will often stay curled up in whatever position she is in and will even allow me to pet her paw or rub her face if I get close. She doesn't flinch away from us as much anymore." - Wonderful but just make sure you are careful. Anytime we reach towards a cat in a confined space it can be risky. I always like to have the cat initiate contact. Obviously, it has worked but just please be careful.

"They have been eating and regularly clearing out their dry food twice a day which makes me happy because I think it means Cookie has taken to eating now. She was too scared to show interest in canned food, but as long as she is consuming her regular food in normal amounts now makes me very happy." - Yes, this is great on every front. She should warm up in time.

"They have stopped using their box that came from their home and now stay under the bed mainly, or the dresser depending on their mood." - Great, they are "owning" more territory. Feeling more comfortable.

"Brownie will now step out and eat completely in the open (when were not in the room)" - Awesome. Progress.

" and I am now finding litter tracked in different places in the room meaning they are exploring more often when were not around. (They track SO much litter EVERYWHERE!!)" - Yep a good sign they are getting more comfortable.

"It is rare that they don't notice when were coming back to the room but on more than one occasion I have found them out in the open and they now will stop and look at us before running away which is a big improvement from before. For example today Brownie came out to eat the food I left out and she was very vulnerable - I walked in, said "Hi Brownie!" and went to grab what I wanted and she stayed out the entire time, frozen. Typically they would run away immediately." - Another great sign. And everytime it is positive it builds confidence in them. It is really all about building trust. Trying to make every encounter as positive as possible. Whether we are intro'ing cats or socializing to humans it is very similar in what we do.

"As of last night we did not hear one peep from them. We slept through the entire night and I recorded it. Cookie spent the night loafing in the window and Brownie spent the whole night rolling around in the box on the cat tree. You can clearly see I moved around a lot in my sleep and typically this would mean they would RUN at the first indication of movement but they remained calm and stayed in their places. It seems like Brownie is finally feeling safe at night and Cookie is starting to get more comfortable." - WOW!!! AWESOME!!! :hyper: :yess::clap2: Cookie was in the window? Like out and above (off the floor)? That is a GREAT night!!!

"Overall I'd say were both pretty happy right now," - Understatement of the year!! :)

"things are getting progressively better." - Totally agree!!

"Instead of spending time on the bed I will now start to spend some time on the floor near them while they lay under the bed to get them used to me a bit more." Great idea. Just be normal, calm and confident. Make it positive.

GREAT on the pics!!

Keep up the great work!! I am ecstatic at your progress!!! :clap2:
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  • #33


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 28, 2020
New York, New York
"Brownie will often stay curled up in whatever position she is in and will even allow me to pet her paw or rub her face if I get close. She doesn't flinch away from us as much anymore." - Wonderful but just make sure you are careful. Anytime we reach towards a cat in a confined space it can be risky. I always like to have the cat initiate contact. Obviously, it has worked but just please be careful.

"They have stopped using their box that came from their home and now stay under the bed mainly, or the dresser depending on their mood." - Great, they are "owning" more territory. Feeling more comfortable.

"As of last night we did not hear one peep from them. We slept through the entire night and I recorded it. Cookie spent the night loafing in the window and Brownie spent the whole night rolling around in the box on the cat tree. You can clearly see I moved around a lot in my sleep and typically this would mean they would RUN at the first indication of movement but they remained calm and stayed in their places. It seems like Brownie is finally feeling safe at night and Cookie is starting to get more comfortable." - WOW!!! AWESOME!!! :hyper: :yess::clap2: Cookie was in the window? Like out and above (off the floor)? That is a GREAT night!!!
I will always let Brownie sniff my hand first and I do not make any quick movement - I make it obvious I am getting close to her and hover near the paw or wherever before I try to even make contact. I want her to know I am doing it so she has a chance to pull back if she wants. Sometimes she pulls away, sometimes she stays put and will continue to stay put even after I pet her. I just give it a quick pet and back away. I dont want her to distrust me so I do try to give her ample time to decide. If she shows any hesitation or agitation I immediately pull back.

and yes! Cookie now hangs out off the floor on top of the window sill and sings her little heart out. Sometimes she'll even try the cat tree. I can see they've also tried out the cave like bed I have out for them because I see some litter tracked there lol.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
I will always let Brownie sniff my hand first and I do not make any quick movement - I make it obvious I am getting close to her and hover near the paw or wherever before I try to even make contact. I want her to know I am doing it so she has a chance to pull back if she wants. Sometimes she pulls away, sometimes she stays put and will continue to stay put even after I pet her. I just give it a quick pet and back away. I dont want her to distrust me so I do try to give her ample time to decide. If she shows any hesitation or agitation I immediately pull back.

and yes! Cookie now hangs out off the floor on top of the window sill and sings her little heart out. Sometimes she'll even try the cat tree. I can see they've also tried out the cave like bed I have out for them because I see some litter tracked there lol.
Great. Approaching from low and moving at a normal pace while observing and responding to her body language is great.

WOW!!! GREAT JOB COOKIE!!!! :yess: :hyper: :clap2:

They are going to be just fine. There is more work to be done but all is going to be great.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
Toffee and Fudge were semi-feral when I adopted them - I sat beside their cage all day and used wand toys, mouse toys, etc to play with them. I let them get used to my presence before I began to play with them, though, and got closer and closer to the cage (also let them sniff me) until they eventually felt comfortable enough to come outside. This took about a month. When they felt comfortable enough to come out, Toffee naturally sat on my lap though with Fudge it took some more coaxing - treats and a cuddle with a blanket or a towel (make sure they are wrapped firmly so they can get used to snuggling). They're nearly 3 next month (they were 4 months when I got them) and they're happy lap cats, but they still don't like other people, which we've accepted is just a part of their nature! Good luck :)
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #36


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 28, 2020
New York, New York
It's been about 10 days since my last update so I'm back! They still spend all of their time under the bed or dresser. Haven't succeeded in playtime yet with toys. Lots of treats are given daily. Cookie is tolerating a bit of petting. I can touch their toe beans and feet when they are relaxing.

I love these girls so much. Cookie has really come out of her shell this week. Last Sunday it seemed like a switch flipped with Cookie, she ate treats for the first time and soon after she was eating out of our hands and much more comfortable and relaxed. We got a camera to record them when were not there and it has been wonderful. They are so fun to watch. They have become very active and it's great to watch the play and chase each other. They still do practically everything together and its adorable. They scratch the scratching posts at the same time, they hang out on the window at the same time, they explore the other side of the room at the same time.

Food time has become super interesting, Cookie is a monster that will eat everything and not share with Brownie. I put their daily dry food meal out every morning, and Brownie will go up to eat it. Moments later Cookie will bust through and force Brownie out of the bowl and she will finish it. Sometimes she won't even let Brownie get any at all. They also eat canned food at night which they have absolutely taken to and they love. I put two plates out, and they started with eating separate plates like intended. Brownie is a slow eater she likes to take her time, take a break and come back for the rest. Cookie will eat her plate and immediately go devour
Brownies plate too. Sometimes she'll eat pretty much their whole day's food (for BOTH of them) and Brownie will get none. It's gotten better and we can distract Cookie sometimes to prevent her eating it all. Now they have started to eat from the same bowl even if there are two plates out. Im still playing around with how to split their food.

We started to share kitty time (my boyfriend & I) instead of visiting them one on one. This has helped tremendously with getting them used to being around both of us at the same time. They used to be really scared if we were both in the room at the same time, and Cookie became much more comfortable with my boyfriend and terrified of me. So we decided to change to shared visits and it's smoothed things out a lot. Last night when my boyfriend was saying hi to the girls, Brownie decided she wanted to leave and sit out in the open while he was in the room. She has never done that before. She was just hanging out by the food bowl while my boyfriend was talking to Cookie.

They haven't played with toys yet when we try to stimulate them, but we do notice a lot more playful activity from them. At night they've started to paw toy balls around and chase them, and Brownie will hide and pounce on Cookie unexpectedly and it is so cute to watch. They've also started to hang out on the cat tree a lot more! Brownie is very athletic and is so graceful when she jumps up three stories without a hitch. Cookie, not so much. We have a hilarious video of her trying to jump on the windowsill (not even that high! same height as first level of cat tree) and she miscalculated and hit the wall. She managed to bring herself up but it was very funny to watch. They've start knocking things off the cat tree for fun and trying to play fight on the tree. Since they haven't taken to toys yet, we bought them a track toy (three tiered track with balls on each level for chasing) and an interactive feather toy that has a few speeds. I hope this will entice them to play when we're not there and get their energy out. Brownie was definitely showing interest in the ball toy and before dinner she went to the interactive toy, bit it, swat it, and then rubbed her face on it!

Nothing too exciting but there has been a lot of progress in the three weeks we've had them. Now with Cookie out and curious I think they will start to come out and become more confident with us. I still realize it might take a few weeks, but the progress seen in this week alone is tremendous and encouraging.

I have a question for allowing them to venture out into the rest of the apartment - I was told it might be a good idea to let them out now but I dont think they are ready. What are the signs they are good to be released from the bedroom? Also, what should I do about feeding time? They are no longer free fed and are comfortable with it. I leave a bit extra food out then I should because they often search for food at night and I know Brownie gets hungry. Should I leave everything as is and wait for Brownie to stick up for herself? Should I wait until they are completely acclimated and then start to separate feeding times and implement a stricter diet? I'm afraid to leave food out at all times because I'm scared Cookie will eat a ton. She is a bigger girl in size but also a bit chunky we noticed. Brownie is at her ideal weight (so small at 6lbs!) and can control her eating. Any guidance would be helpful!

Obligatory pictures attached :) 1.jpg brownie close up bby.jpg cookie close up bby.jpg cookie leggy.jpg face 2 face.jpg lounging.jpg sleepy bbs.jpg


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
It's been about 10 days since my last update so I'm back! They still spend all of their time under the bed or dresser. Haven't succeeded in playtime yet with toys. Lots of treats are given daily. Cookie is tolerating a bit of petting. I can touch their toe beans and feet when they are relaxing.

I love these girls so much. Cookie has really come out of her shell this week. Last Sunday it seemed like a switch flipped with Cookie, she ate treats for the first time and soon after she was eating out of our hands and much more comfortable and relaxed. We got a camera to record them when were not there and it has been wonderful. They are so fun to watch. They have become very active and it's great to watch the play and chase each other. They still do practically everything together and its adorable. They scratch the scratching posts at the same time, they hang out on the window at the same time, they explore the other side of the room at the same time.

Food time has become super interesting, Cookie is a monster that will eat everything and not share with Brownie. I put their daily dry food meal out every morning, and Brownie will go up to eat it. Moments later Cookie will bust through and force Brownie out of the bowl and she will finish it. Sometimes she won't even let Brownie get any at all. They also eat canned food at night which they have absolutely taken to and they love. I put two plates out, and they started with eating separate plates like intended. Brownie is a slow eater she likes to take her time, take a break and come back for the rest. Cookie will eat her plate and immediately go devour
Brownies plate too. Sometimes she'll eat pretty much their whole day's food (for BOTH of them) and Brownie will get none. It's gotten better and we can distract Cookie sometimes to prevent her eating it all. Now they have started to eat from the same bowl even if there are two plates out. Im still playing around with how to split their food.

We started to share kitty time (my boyfriend & I) instead of visiting them one on one. This has helped tremendously with getting them used to being around both of us at the same time. They used to be really scared if we were both in the room at the same time, and Cookie became much more comfortable with my boyfriend and terrified of me. So we decided to change to shared visits and it's smoothed things out a lot. Last night when my boyfriend was saying hi to the girls, Brownie decided she wanted to leave and sit out in the open while he was in the room. She has never done that before. She was just hanging out by the food bowl while my boyfriend was talking to Cookie.

They haven't played with toys yet when we try to stimulate them, but we do notice a lot more playful activity from them. At night they've started to paw toy balls around and chase them, and Brownie will hide and pounce on Cookie unexpectedly and it is so cute to watch. They've also started to hang out on the cat tree a lot more! Brownie is very athletic and is so graceful when she jumps up three stories without a hitch. Cookie, not so much. We have a hilarious video of her trying to jump on the windowsill (not even that high! same height as first level of cat tree) and she miscalculated and hit the wall. She managed to bring herself up but it was very funny to watch. They've start knocking things off the cat tree for fun and trying to play fight on the tree. Since they haven't taken to toys yet, we bought them a track toy (three tiered track with balls on each level for chasing) and an interactive feather toy that has a few speeds. I hope this will entice them to play when we're not there and get their energy out. Brownie was definitely showing interest in the ball toy and before dinner she went to the interactive toy, bit it, swat it, and then rubbed her face on it!

Nothing too exciting but there has been a lot of progress in the three weeks we've had them. Now with Cookie out and curious I think they will start to come out and become more confident with us. I still realize it might take a few weeks, but the progress seen in this week alone is tremendous and encouraging.

I have a question for allowing them to venture out into the rest of the apartment - I was told it might be a good idea to let them out now but I dont think they are ready. What are the signs they are good to be released from the bedroom? Also, what should I do about feeding time? They are no longer free fed and are comfortable with it. I leave a bit extra food out then I should because they often search for food at night and I know Brownie gets hungry. Should I leave everything as is and wait for Brownie to stick up for herself? Should I wait until they are completely acclimated and then start to separate feeding times and implement a stricter diet? I'm afraid to leave food out at all times because I'm scared Cookie will eat a ton. She is a bigger girl in size but also a bit chunky we noticed. Brownie is at her ideal weight (so small at 6lbs!) and can control her eating. Any guidance would be helpful!

Obligatory pictures attached :) View attachment 339014View attachment 339015View attachment 339016View attachment 339017View attachment 339019View attachment 339020View attachment 339021
"They still spend all of their time under the bed or dresser. Haven't succeeded in playtime yet with toys." - That is fine, it takes time.

"Lots of treats are given daily." - Perfect way to build trust and a bond.

"Cookie is tolerating a bit of petting. I can touch their toe beans and feet when they are relaxing." - AWESOME!!! TRUST!!!

"I love these girls so much." - :)

"Cookie has really come out of her shell this week. Last Sunday it seemed like a switch flipped with Cookie, she ate treats for the first time and soon after she was eating out of our hands and much more comfortable and relaxed. We got a camera to record them when were not there and it has been wonderful. They are so fun to watch. They have become very active and it's great to watch the play and chase each other. They still do practically everything together and its adorable. They scratch the scratching posts at the same time, they hang out on the window at the same time, they explore the other side of the room at the same time." AWESOME!!!! You are doing great!!! A lot of trust being built. FANTASTIC!! GREAT job!!!

"Food time has become super interesting, Cookie is a monster that will eat everything and not share with Brownie. I put their daily dry food meal out every morning, and Brownie will go up to eat it. Moments later Cookie will bust through and force Brownie out of the bowl and she will finish it. Sometimes she won't even let Brownie get any at all. They also eat canned food at night which they have absolutely taken to and they love. I put two plates out, and they started with eating separate plates like intended. Brownie is a slow eater she likes to take her time, take a break and come back for the rest. Cookie will eat her plate and immediately go devour
Brownies plate too. Sometimes she'll eat pretty much their whole day's food (for BOTH of them) and Brownie will get none. It's gotten better and we can distract Cookie sometimes to prevent her eating it all. Now they have started to eat from the same bowl even if there are two plates out. Im still playing around with how to split their food." - Probably a little food insecurity which should get resolved in the future. Yes, use some distraction to help Brownie. Just use your intuition and initiative. You will figure it out.

"We started to share kitty time (my boyfriend & I) instead of visiting them one on one. This has helped tremendously with getting them used to being around both of us at the same time. They used to be really scared if we were both in the room at the same time, and Cookie became much more comfortable with my boyfriend and terrified of me. So we decided to change to shared visits and it's smoothed things out a lot. Last night when my boyfriend was saying hi to the girls, Brownie decided she wanted to leave and sit out in the open while he was in the room. She has never done that before. She was just hanging out by the food bowl while my boyfriend was talking to Cookie." - AWESOME!! Exactly the right thing to do. Cats take on our emotions so being calm and confident around them helps and of course feeding to build that positive association. And of course the more people are around and it is positive the more trust is built. Just keep loving them and keep the progress going. Fantastic update!!!

"They haven't played with toys yet when we try to stimulate them, but we do notice a lot more playful activity from them. At night they've started to paw toy balls around and chase them, and Brownie will hide and pounce on Cookie unexpectedly and it is so cute to watch. They've also started to hang out on the cat tree a lot more! Brownie is very athletic and is so graceful when she jumps up three stories without a hitch. Cookie, not so much. We have a hilarious video of her trying to jump on the windowsill (not even that high! same height as first level of cat tree) and she miscalculated and hit the wall. She managed to bring herself up but it was very funny to watch. They've start knocking things off the cat tree for fun and trying to play fight on the tree. Since they haven't taken to toys yet, we bought them a track toy (three tiered track with balls on each level for chasing) and an interactive feather toy that has a few speeds. I hope this will entice them to play when we're not there and get their energy out. Brownie was definitely showing interest in the ball toy and before dinner she went to the interactive toy, bit it, swat it, and then rubbed her face on it!" - Progress. It just takes some time. But you can see they are getting more comfortable. Wonderful!!! SO great to see they are so happy!!!

"Nothing too exciting but there has been a lot of progress in the three weeks we've had them. Now with Cookie out and curious I think they will start to come out and become more confident with us. I still realize it might take a few weeks, but the progress seen in this week alone is tremendous and encouraging." - ABSOLUTELY!!! Just keep doing what you are doing. You and they are doing great!!

"I have a question for allowing them to venture out into the rest of the apartment - I was told it might be a good idea to let them out now but I dont think they are ready. What are the signs they are good to be released from the bedroom?" - Since there aren't any other animals any time is fine. Now do you have neighbors that have animals? You can put things with their scent on them into other areas of the apartment to give them some territorial security. Also, add some litter boxes, scratching posts, cat tree, bedding. I don;t think it should be an issue.

"Also, what should I do about feeding time? They are no longer free fed and are comfortable with it." - I would just stick to a routine, a schedule and feed on that. It is best to do that rather than free feed which you already have solved.

"I leave a bit extra food out then I should because they often search for food at night and I know Brownie gets hungry. Should I leave everything as is and wait for Brownie to stick up for herself?" - I would distract Cookie if possible so Brownie can eat all of her meal..

"Should I wait until they are completely acclimated and then start to separate feeding times and implement a stricter diet?" - I think feeding at the same time (both together and the same time of day) is best if possible.

"I'm afraid to leave food out at all times because I'm scared Cookie will eat a ton. She is a bigger girl in size but also a bit chunky we noticed. Brownie is at her ideal weight (so small at 6lbs!) and can control her eating." - Yes, if possible I would not leave food out. Being on a schedule should help get them to know t is time to eat and then finish everything.

If you sense a change in how they are behaving or eating etc then we can re-evaluate the above but I think they will be just fine. The key is really to keep feeding on a schedule if possible. And distract Cookie as needed so Brownie can eat everything. You might want to try a "slow feeder" for Cookie to slow her down a bit to give Brownie a bit more time.

I hope that helps.

Keep up the great work!! REALLY WELL DONE!!!
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #38


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 28, 2020
New York, New York
"They still spend all of their time under the bed or dresser. Haven't succeeded in playtime yet with toys." - That is fine, it takes time.

"Lots of treats are given daily." - Perfect way to build trust and a bond.

"Cookie is tolerating a bit of petting. I can touch their toe beans and feet when they are relaxing." - AWESOME!!! TRUST!!!

"I love these girls so much." - :)

"Cookie has really come out of her shell this week. Last Sunday it seemed like a switch flipped with Cookie, she ate treats for the first time and soon after she was eating out of our hands and much more comfortable and relaxed. We got a camera to record them when were not there and it has been wonderful. They are so fun to watch. They have become very active and it's great to watch the play and chase each other. They still do practically everything together and its adorable. They scratch the scratching posts at the same time, they hang out on the window at the same time, they explore the other side of the room at the same time." AWESOME!!!! You are doing great!!! A lot of trust being built. FANTASTIC!! GREAT job!!!

"Food time has become super interesting, Cookie is a monster that will eat everything and not share with Brownie. I put their daily dry food meal out every morning, and Brownie will go up to eat it. Moments later Cookie will bust through and force Brownie out of the bowl and she will finish it. Sometimes she won't even let Brownie get any at all. They also eat canned food at night which they have absolutely taken to and they love. I put two plates out, and they started with eating separate plates like intended. Brownie is a slow eater she likes to take her time, take a break and come back for the rest. Cookie will eat her plate and immediately go devour
Brownies plate too. Sometimes she'll eat pretty much their whole day's food (for BOTH of them) and Brownie will get none. It's gotten better and we can distract Cookie sometimes to prevent her eating it all. Now they have started to eat from the same bowl even if there are two plates out. Im still playing around with how to split their food." - Probably a little food insecurity which should get resolved in the future. Yes, use some distraction to help Brownie. Just use your intuition and initiative. You will figure it out.

"We started to share kitty time (my boyfriend & I) instead of visiting them one on one. This has helped tremendously with getting them used to being around both of us at the same time. They used to be really scared if we were both in the room at the same time, and Cookie became much more comfortable with my boyfriend and terrified of me. So we decided to change to shared visits and it's smoothed things out a lot. Last night when my boyfriend was saying hi to the girls, Brownie decided she wanted to leave and sit out in the open while he was in the room. She has never done that before. She was just hanging out by the food bowl while my boyfriend was talking to Cookie." - AWESOME!! Exactly the right thing to do. Cats take on our emotions so being calm and confident around them helps and of course feeding to build that positive association. And of course the more people are around and it is positive the more trust is built. Just keep loving them and keep the progress going. Fantastic update!!!

"They haven't played with toys yet when we try to stimulate them, but we do notice a lot more playful activity from them. At night they've started to paw toy balls around and chase them, and Brownie will hide and pounce on Cookie unexpectedly and it is so cute to watch. They've also started to hang out on the cat tree a lot more! Brownie is very athletic and is so graceful when she jumps up three stories without a hitch. Cookie, not so much. We have a hilarious video of her trying to jump on the windowsill (not even that high! same height as first level of cat tree) and she miscalculated and hit the wall. She managed to bring herself up but it was very funny to watch. They've start knocking things off the cat tree for fun and trying to play fight on the tree. Since they haven't taken to toys yet, we bought them a track toy (three tiered track with balls on each level for chasing) and an interactive feather toy that has a few speeds. I hope this will entice them to play when we're not there and get their energy out. Brownie was definitely showing interest in the ball toy and before dinner she went to the interactive toy, bit it, swat it, and then rubbed her face on it!" - Progress. It just takes some time. But you can see they are getting more comfortable. Wonderful!!! SO great to see they are so happy!!!

"Nothing too exciting but there has been a lot of progress in the three weeks we've had them. Now with Cookie out and curious I think they will start to come out and become more confident with us. I still realize it might take a few weeks, but the progress seen in this week alone is tremendous and encouraging." - ABSOLUTELY!!! Just keep doing what you are doing. You and they are doing great!!

"I have a question for allowing them to venture out into the rest of the apartment - I was told it might be a good idea to let them out now but I dont think they are ready. What are the signs they are good to be released from the bedroom?" - Since there aren't any other animals any time is fine. Now do you have neighbors that have animals? You can put things with their scent on them into other areas of the apartment to give them some territorial security. Also, add some litter boxes, scratching posts, cat tree, bedding. I don;t think it should be an issue.

"Also, what should I do about feeding time? They are no longer free fed and are comfortable with it." - I would just stick to a routine, a schedule and feed on that. It is best to do that rather than free feed which you already have solved.

"I leave a bit extra food out then I should because they often search for food at night and I know Brownie gets hungry. Should I leave everything as is and wait for Brownie to stick up for herself?" - I would distract Cookie if possible so Brownie can eat all of her meal..

"Should I wait until they are completely acclimated and then start to separate feeding times and implement a stricter diet?" - I think feeding at the same time (both together and the same time of day) is best if possible.

"I'm afraid to leave food out at all times because I'm scared Cookie will eat a ton. She is a bigger girl in size but also a bit chunky we noticed. Brownie is at her ideal weight (so small at 6lbs!) and can control her eating." - Yes, if possible I would not leave food out. Being on a schedule should help get them to know t is time to eat and then finish everything.

If you sense a change in how they are behaving or eating etc then we can re-evaluate the above but I think they will be just fine. The key is really to keep feeding on a schedule if possible. And distract Cookie as needed so Brownie can eat everything. You might want to try a "slow feeder" for Cookie to slow her down a bit to give Brownie a bit more time.

I hope that helps.

Keep up the great work!! REALLY WELL DONE!!!
I live next door to my sister and she has a pet cat as well. Brownie and Cookies cousin, lol. I think we will leave the door open to see if they have any interest in peeking out into the rest of the apartment. Worst case, they hide and we cant find them but they'll eventually return to their safe room (the bedroom). Should I start to place their bowls right outside the door into the hallway?

So I'll keep feeding the same, hopefully Cookie will slow down a bit. Tonight I will start hanging out in the bedroom while they are fed to see if they will come out and eat in the open with us in the room. They come out to eat as soon as I close the door when I leave. So they are used to their routine I think and anticipate dinner time. They really don't like to be seen by us and I hope by desensitizing them by being in the room while they eat will ease them into it. If you guys have any other advice for getting them more comfortable being out in the open that'd be great. I'm trying to find some cave like beds for them to try it out and see if they like the comfort of them and hopefully get them out from under the bed and dresser. I'm not sure what else I can get them as they dont show any particular interests in anything quite yet. I dont think they've ever had a bed before so this will be new to them as well. They only had a cat tree and some boxes at their home. Some blankets in high places. I guess only time will tell how they adjust and what they learn to like.