Recently Adopted Adult Cat Mood Swings


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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2016
Hi my mother adopted a 6 year old female cat from a local rescue about 2 months ago, the cats history was her owner died and family members didn't want a cat so brought her to the humane society, she got adopted right away but returned a month later due to her being aggressive towards their other cat. My mother than adopted her and is in denial about her cats sudden mood swings. She's a nice cat she will come up to everyone who visits and wants to be petted but will turn on you. You can be petting her and she will lash out scratch you and hiss and growl, you don't have to pet her for her to do this i just looked at her from a few feet away and said hi she lunched at me hissing and tried to scratch me. My brother was installing ceiling lights on a ladder and the cat approached him and hissed and tried to attack him. She will go from a nice happy kitty to an angry cat from petting to just looking her way and completely unprovoked she will seek you out. My mother tends to go in denial with everything and she keeps saying it never happened or it's the visitors fault she told me i shouldn't have looked at her that's my fault. She will turn on my mother also but she pretends it never happened. Could this just be the cat still getting over the stress of loosing its owner going back and forth to new homes? I started bringing cat nip and the cat loves it she now goes straight to my purse for cat nip when i come over, so i always make sure to have it with me. Any ideas about this cat iv never had a shelter cat only kittens so i was thinking this could all be due to stress of her life changes.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Let's try to think from the cat's point of view. In a cat's world, territory is everything. If you lose your territory, your hunting ground, you lose your life. Your territory is where your scent is. This poor cat has had her home of 6 years yanked out from under her, was dumped in a place where OTHER CATS' SMELLS were EVERYWHERE, then went to a new home, just started to get used to that and get her smell on things, and was dumped BACK at that place with all those other cat smells! Now she is in a new place...again. Her universe has been turned on its ear, not once or twice, but four times! No wonder she is anxious, stressed, and acting out. She's learned that you can't depend on anything, and it is going to take time and patience for her to unlearn that.

There are some things that will trigger some cats. Looking right in her eyes may be more than she can tolerate right now (although that will probably change in time) if she thinks it may be a challenge. Touching a sensitive spot could trigger an attack, also. The safest places to touch a cat are the cheeks, under the chin, and the top of the head. That will be less likely to trigger her, although until she is more secure in her surroundings, it may occasionally do so. Be very cautious about stroking along her back, as cats can be hypersensitive there and over-amp very quickly. I'm betting that the sudden change in a new place (the ladder) triggered that attack. EVERY thing looks like a threat to her just now. Any little change may spell disaster, in her eyes.

She is going to take time, and patience, but she is far, far from hopeless. I'm going to give you links to several articles about timid cats (timid cats lash out when threatened, or they perceive threat), stressed cats, and tricks to help her learn you are all in her corner.

14 Cat Experts Reveal: How To Get A Cat To Like Me
Your Cat Probably Hates It When You...
16 Top Cat Experts Share Tips For Dealing With Timid Cats
Re-directed Aggression In Cats
Is Your Cat Stressed Out?
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats
Cat Aggression Toward People

LOL, I know, it looks like a LOT, but the articles are easy reading, and very clearly written. It isn't as daunting as it looks!

Please check in and let us know how she is getting along! I really feel that with time and patience, she will blossom in a loving, understanding home!


Forum Helper
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Nov 25, 2013
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 posted links to all the articles that apply to your situation, and as I've never dealt with an aggressive cat, I can't offer suggestions from personal experience.

One thing I have read about that sometimes helps, is Feliway or calming treats, so you might want to look into those.

Can you post a picture of her. :camera:
How To Add A Picture To Your Forum Post
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2016
Thank you for the links, i'm glad you think it's all the stress from loosing her owner going to the shelter than new home than back to the shelter than new home again that's a lot of homes. I'm pretty good when it comes to petting cats i make sure not to just go up to them and start petting and all that i always wait for my moms cat to come to me and want to be petted i would never force it on this girl lol. I always give this cat her space and iv never looked in her eyes since i learned my lesson, the weird thing is my youngest daughter can pick up the cat pet her sit under a blanket with her and luckily the cat likes it she has never protested my daughter playing with her or cuddling with her she's the only person who can do stuff with her. But at least the cat will have a good life now my mother has never given an animal away she keeps them no matter what and most of her pets have lived longer than they should have to the point where they look like the walking dead every animal she's had refuses to die lol she has a lot of patience and loves cats. I will read those links you posted, for the food my mom keeps switching her food brands she's all over the place shelter said to feed royal canine weight control but my mom keeps trying brands i know are not good she's got a few low quality brands whiskas i think 9 lives etc, i gave her a big bag of orijen to try she sent it back i think she saw the price tag and didn't like it, but i also sent my cats food first mate she said the cat won't eat it so i'm trying to find a decent quality that isn't going to scare her with the price. Maybe i should mind my own business here about the food but it's hard to keep my mouth shut.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2016
And thank you for the calming treat suggestion i never thought about that so i will grab some as a treat she will be happy to get that with the usual catnip i bring



Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
When I've looked at wet food, the cheapest "good foods" I feed are Dave's Shredded Chicken Dinner (I think the only one of that brand with no carrageenan) and the Hounds and Gatos foods. If you find out that she likes them, buying in bulk from Chewy works out. My girls only likes the Hounds and Gatos Gamebird flavor (won't eat the others), but both of those I think are cheaper than the First Mate (Olive also wasn't too keen on those).

Sounds like no matter what she is fed, this kitty will have an overabundance of care and love. Your Mom's dedication combined with yours and your want to educate her on good food and such will be great for this sweet :D (and sometime saucy :devilish:) girl.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2016
And thank you for the calming treat suggestion i never thought about that so i will grab some as a treat she will be happy to get that with the usual catnip i bring
She was doing a photo shoot with me in her favourite bird watching window, doing some fancy poses


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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2016
When I've looked at wet food, the cheapest "good foods" I feed are Dave's Shredded Chicken Dinner (I think the only one of that brand with no carrageenan) and the Hounds and Gatos foods. If you find out that she likes them, buying in bulk from Chewy works out. My girls only likes the Hounds and Gatos Gamebird flavor (won't eat the others), but both of those I think are cheaper than the First Mate (Olive also wasn't too keen on those).

Sounds like no matter what she is fed, this kitty will have an overabundance of care and love. Your Mom's dedication combined with yours and your want to educate her on good food and such will be great for this sweet :D (and sometime saucy :devilish:) girl.
Thank you for the good suggestions i will have a look for the ones you suggested and that's a great idea ordering from chewy my cats favourite food isn't available in Canada anymore and chewy has it so i could just do a big order if those foods you suggested work out, i'm really trying to help my mom understand why the cheap brands are cheap lol i'm going to have to write down notes on the ingredients and the negitive health effects for her, lol i learned by having pet rats because they live a fast life so my first rats had all sorts of health issues and early deaths from me not knowing better i fed them cheap food mixes and junk food. Than someone educated me on pet food quality and i'm thankful they did, cause i really didn't know any better untill i researched the ingredients


Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
It’s good you are looking into it, we fed our guys Purina Cat Chow Dry because we didn’t know better. Just be cautious of any food that anyone recommends since every cat is different. Our other cat literally gags at the Dave’s food so if you can buy a few individual cans that might be wise as what works for Olive night not work for other cats. and a few other sites will sell individual cans so you can try before committing. Good luck!


Forum Helper
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Nov 25, 2013
Awww... she's a beautiful cat. I do hope she'll get over her periods of stress/aggression and become a loving and happy cat.

How funny, though, that she is so patient with your daughter. Makes you wonder what might have happened in her past to affect her personality now.

Here's a couple more articles that might be helpful. They are on subjects that don't relate to your Mom's cat, but do have tips for dealing with cats who've been through difficult situations, so might have a tip or two.

Handling Feral Cats
How To Help An Abused Cat Recover


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
She's certainly a pretty thing, isn't she?

As for the best you can. One of our very wise members once advised, "The very best cat food is the one that your cat will actually eat." And generations of cats lived to healthy old ages on "horrible" foods. The moral is, "Do your best, and don't kick yourself too hard."
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2016
Thanks for all the help everyone, my mother's cat has been starting to make some improvements. Her last episode was the worst so far but has been great since, my mother invited some family over for a small get together and kitty was not happy about that at all. Before i arrived my niece bent down to say hi to her and was clawed all on one side of her face i was surprised it looked really deep, than she claimed my sister in laws purse lol sat on it and wouldn't let her pick it up. But greeted me with affection when i got there but i also bring gifts for her and she knows i come with something for her. She got very aggressive that day nobody was approaching her we were outside and when someone would walk in she would pounce at them hissing and growling. But every visit after that she's been a perfect angel, she comes to greet me every time i walk through the door and continues coming to me happy for the rest of the visits. It's so weird my youngest daughter is safe at any point with her even if kitty's in a mood my daughter just picks her up and they lay together under blankets. She will not do this with anyone else she always looks for my daughter and it's so weird how she will let her pick her up wrap her in blankets and never shows aggression to her. It seems she dosent like a bunch of people in the house just a few trusted ones, and i'm happy i'm on her list of approved people. None of her episodes bother my mother at all shes the type who keeps her pets till the end no matter what, and all her pets lived beyond their times to the point some have looked like zombies lol. Iv been finding samples of quality cat food at my local store and last ones were a brand called Go it seems like great food and she ate it like she was in a race. My mom said she's been sticking with the royal canine until she decides on a replacement, much better than this 9 lives dry stuff she gave her before. In the old days her cats lived off that stuff but that was in the 80s it might have been better in those days and her last cat that ate that ended up being diabetic and at that point it was to late she spent $3000 in like 2 months and that kitty died after the 2 months on its special vet food with diabetic care, i try to tell her food makes a difference and can save money in the long run. I'm just surprised at how she has been so mellow now it's a huge improvement i also do not approach her i either wait for her if she wants me or i just call her name and if she comes than she's in the mood for a visit and my treats and gifts seem to help a lot lol. I have noticed she sits at the window watching when we are outside and i think it could upset her that she's excluded, she really seems to want outside but it's not safe for her due to bears, cougars, and all that that are always in the neighbourhood and growing up we had a few young cats get ran over all in the same spot so it's indoor for her unless my mom will put a harness on and walk her in the garden ( might be my next gift)


Forum Helper
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Nov 25, 2013
Thanks for the update. Hopefully things continue to improve. :crossfingers:


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
If I had to guess, and this is just a guess, I'd say that the get-together convinced her that even in groups, people are safe in her new home, and she is starting to relax. Whatever the reason, I'm so very happy to hear it.