Recent peculiar behavior - should I be concerned?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 16, 2011
One of my cats who is around 3-4 years old has been acting peculiar for the past week or two and I'm wondering if I should be concerned or not.

He's been chasing his tail, not often, but once every couple of days that I've seen.  A little while ago, he was chasing his tail, then when he caught it, he started licking/cleaning the tip of his tail.

He's also been sleeping/hiding under my bed recently.  Usually he only goes under my bed when company is visiting because he's a bit of a scaredy cat, but lately he's been going under there for no apparent reason.

Finally, I just found a puddle of urine in the room where his litter box is, but it wasn't in the litter box.  I have two cats so I'm not 100% positive that it was his urine, but I'm guessing it is.

Does any of this behavior sound like something I should be concerned about?  He had 3 teeth removed a few months ago due to infection so maybe that has something to do with it.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Any change of normal behavior is something to watch and be concerned about.  I would suggest making a vet appointment for him as soon as you can get one after Christmas, be sure to give the vet the whole history, note the behavior change, get basic blood work done, and if there's a urine puddle somewhere on the day you are taking him, draw some up into a syringe and bring it along for analysis.  With my cats, the "under the bed" phenomenon has always indicated that they are sick with something.