Really Dark Colored Stool


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 12, 2019
sorry for the gross post!
I haven't had my kitten for very long, just over a week and a half.
she seems to be doing great. she is eating (fancy feast) and drinking what I would say is a normal amount. she is super energetic and acts like a normal kitten.
but, my only concern is that her stool is a very very dark brown. not black, but dark brown. (we have another cat who is 1.5 years old and her poop, which is what I would describe as normal, is lighter)
I'm just not sure how worried I should be and if this is normal since she was just dewormed, is eating new food, ect. she uses the litter box just fine, and doesn't struggle to go at all. The only concerning part is purely the color.
I am a big worry wart and google can be scary. google says tar like, black, sticky stool can mean internal bleeding. But it isn't black, or tar like. Just a little runny and dark brown.
Should I see the vet again? we were just there for deworming and general health check on Tuesday. Or is this normal for a kitten with new food who has recently had vaccinations, been spayed, dewormed, in new environment, etc?
I just hate worrying and I want to do whats best for her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
Generally you shouldn't need to worry unless you see blood or mucous in the stool, or it's an odd color like yellow, green, orange, etc. as that can indicate your Cat has eaten something they shouldn't have. Dark brown is most likely nothing to be concerned about (2 of my Cats have dark brown stool while the other 2 have lighter colored), but it can't hurt to call and see what your vet thinks.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 20, 2019
Istanbul, Turkey
The next time take a picture of it and share if you like.

" 'Under normal circumstances, a cat’s stool is dark brown,' Waldrop says." What Should My Cat’s Poop Look Like? | petMD

There are some pictures online about cats & their stools. About the texture but still. There is one on this page: Constipation in Cats

Also based on my dog, and us humans, I assume darker their food is, darker their stool is, and how much water they had affects the color too.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Some cats digest their food slower and there are more liver enzymes present, along with the gallbladder bile. The brown color is caused by bilirubin, which is the breaking down of red blood cells. A shorter digestion time means passes quicker, less enzymes and takes on more of the food color. Or they may eat more and diluted because there is more. Different cats have different normal colors, I have two with very dark brown and one with lighter. Medications, changes in food are definitely a reason for color change too. What your kitten has is most likely perfectly normal for her and may change as the meds leave her system or as she gets older. i wouldn't worry unless they get to be super black, grainy like coffee grounds or turn to diarrhea. (diarrhea may follow deworming/vaccinations too, normal) You could call your vet or ask about it and bring in a sample at yoru next vaccination time. All the luck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
... Just a little runny and dark brown.
Should I see the vet again? we were just there for deworming and general health check on Tuesday. Or is this normal for a kitten with new food who has recently had vaccinations, been spayed, dewormed, in new environment, etc? ...
It might just be normal during all of the transition time. If it were me, I'd probably give it a little time but would call the vet if she stops eating or playing or using the litter box.