Ready to surrender


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 31, 2016
Help! I have had my Ellie for 3 years since she was old enough to be weaned from her mother. She has always played on the rough side, swiping at me and my boyfriend, but was never outright aggressive. For the most part, she was playful and loving.
Here is where things got tricky:
1. We got a new kitten in August. Proper introductions were made, and the two got along great for about six months. Snuggles, playtime, baths, meals next to each other. They have their own bowls, litter boxes, and multiple perches to choose from.
2. At the end of January, Ellie snapped on me while cleaning her litter box, and has been incredibly anxious/skittish since. She and Cooper got in to it, and had to be kept separate and reintroduced again. Things are generally fine between the two cats.
3. At the end of March, Ellie became intolerable. Attacking me, attacking my boyfriend, absolutely wanted to be left alone while following every move we made (in a tiny one bedroom apartment mind you). She went to the vet and medically speaking she is perfectly fine. She eats, drinks plenty of water, and uses her litter box. She has been on Prozac for two months now, which works most days, but she is certainly still off.
4. Today we had an outburst. She attacked me entirely unprovoked. Snarls, growls, hisses, and many bite marks in my arm and hands. She chased the little guy under the coffee table where he has been for hours. She has since calmed down and is now resting peacefully on the couch.

I know some people might say she's just "being a cat", but I don't think any of us can continue. My Feliway diffuser has made zero difference in her behavior, and her Prozac zones her out for a few hours at best. I love her and the thought of giving her up breaks my heart, but I can't live in fear of an 11lb Kitty. Any advice or words or encouragement that surrendering her to mspca is the right thing to do would really help and be greatly appreciated right now!

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
I'm not sure if you know the story about Lux the cat whose family called 911 on him several years ago when he trapped them in the bathroom.  Jackson Galaxy and Molly Hunt worked with him, and eventually he was placed in a safe place  He is a cat with a mental illness.  Just like people, that happens sometimes.  Ellie has a problem and you know it.  Prozac isn't enough, or isn't the right drug for her.  She might have a brain tumor or some kind of chemical imbalance, nothing the vet can see on a surface examination.  I'm going to suggest you contact Mollie to see if she can direct you further, and contact Jackson Galaxy to see if he has any suggestions.  (You have probably heard of his show "My Cat From Hell").  That episode is on YouTube as well.  Here is Mollie's blog.

Basically they tried everything, a different foster family, medications, then finally Mollie, who is an experienced cat person, and even she couldn't help him.  His story is still ongoing, but at least they did eventually find a safe place for him (in an undisclosed location)  in a situation where he will not hurt anyone and not be abused himself.

I don't think surrendering Ellie to the MSPCA is the appropriate thing to do.  That's just passing on the problem, and putting Ellie at risk as well.  If you raised her and she's attacking you, what will she do in another home?  She is not just being a cat, she has some kind of problem.  Follow up with these professionals and see if there is anything you can do, maybe she can go to wherever Lux went.  If not, it is kinder to have her humanely euthanized than to just pass her back into a shelter situation.  At least she will be at peace and will not hurt anyone else.  Hopefully, she can join Lux.
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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
It may sound silly but lots of people swear by animal communicators to "talk" to a pet and figure out why the pet is doing a specific behavior. This person is highly recommended: It's worth giving a try.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 31, 2016
Thank you for your feedback. I actually mentioned a brain tumor to the vet back in March but she didn't seem too convinced. I have contacted Mollie, but definitely do not want to be on any sort of television show. I am going to call the vet AGAIN tomorrow and get her recommendation on how to proceed. We have already discussed euthanasia as an absolute last resort, and unfortunately I agree that a shelter will not be able to give her the specific care she needs. Thank you again for your help.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 30, 2015
I have behaviour issues with my male cat. He doesn't attack us very often but I have been caught in the crossfire and he does growl and hiss if I pick him up. We tried medicating him with clomicalm but it wasn't right for him at all, it didn't change his behaviour, just made him tired for a few hours and nauseas and put him off his food.

Does she have access to the outside or do you frequently get strange kitties in the yard? If you google redirected aggression this can be a real problem both for other kitties and owners. Redirected aggression can also come from a frightening event. I don't know what set her off that time at the litter box but it seems she may be associating you with whatever the problem is?

You said she's generally getting along with the other kitty well?

How many vets have you seen with her? I've seen 4 and they all have different methods of treatment. There are other medications you can try if the prozac isn't working. Clomicalm is one, amtriptalyine is another. It might be worth trying a medication change. Tryptophan is a natural supplement that can also be used in cats and has been helping my male lately (I purchased a cat supplement but you could probably use the human version if your vet was happy to discuss dosage). It's what's used in the Hills stress relief foods.

Is she an indoor kitty only or indoor outdoor?

Do you play with her to help wear her out? My vet recommended at least twice a day for my boy for about 15 minutes at a time and while it's not a cure it has made a big difference.

Rewarding her after play with a meal or treats and maybe stroking her or just being around while she eats may help her associate you with good/food as well.

I hope you can get it sorted :( Good luck!


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
From how you describe the behaviour changes I think my approach would be similar to your own @coopaloop  , in asking the vet to look again at any possible health issues.   Given your other cat is the one who seems to be hiding and scared I am less inclined to think her behaviour is all stress related and to do with the introduction of another cat in to her home.  I hope you find out what is happening for her, it must be really stressful and difficult for all of you.