Re: Sassy - 19yr old (close to 20) - Not eating / Very Lethargic + losing balance

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  • #261


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Sep 19, 2016
@ fionasmom fionasmom

Right. I figured as much that it would add to her quality of life by eating a proper meal or her typical meals. Though omitting the dry food as she has difficulty with it. But her wet food I know she enjoys it. I know the labored breathing and chest fluid must be bothering her, so that drainage procedure is what I'm going to try out so she can feel even better. Just totally unknown how fast it would come back and all.

Only thing that still eats gets to me is how fast/sudden this all came about to Sassy. Literally before last week she was totally fine. Then just like that in one week - last week, slowly showed that breathing problems and then the appetite diminishing by this past weekend.
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  • #262


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Sep 19, 2016
Just got the report.

Seems like it is confirmed cancer, just not narrowed down to what specficially. Only thing vet suggested is to try attempting draining fluids and have that tested but also would enable her to breathe better. Of course, there isn't a specific timeline as to how soon it would come back.

Also mentioned we could try without draining and just use prednisolone see if it will help her eat and reduce any inflammation, or do both drainage and then prednisolone. But realistically all its doing is just buying such little time with her.

If anyone could give input on the report, I would greatly appreciate it.



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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I don't see where they have anything definitive in that report, but I am not a vet. On top of that, there is no surrounding organs involved in the ultrasound that are showing anything to denote where any metastases could have come from.

What is entailed in draining the fluid for testing?

If it were Feeby, I would do the draining and test the fluid. This accomplishes two things - 1.) give her some breathing relief - if they think that is needed at this time, and 2.) possibly give a more definitive diagnosis.

Aren't we all 'buying time' with any treatment we give our cats?

Ultimately, as has been said before, you need to do what you think is best for Sassy and you.
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Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
You won't know how long the drainage procedure lasts until you do it which I know is not exactly comforting. Sassy could be in the group that does not need it more than every couple of months or so. I would also go ahead and do it as it will give her some more comfort. After you do this, you can regroup and decide where to go based on the results.

I also don't see the report as definitive, but as was stated, we are not vets. They are trying to determine some things, but nothing is definitive. The word "metastatic" is used but it does not yet explain the origin. Almost any of the major cancers can spread to the lungs or liver, so just knowing that something is there does not narrow the picture down that much.

I have not had a thoracocentesis done on an animal, but I think that it is done with a fine needle, possibly only numbing the immediate area and does not use anesthesia, possibly not even sedation although all of those questions would be answered by the vet.
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  • #265


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Sep 19, 2016
ok so the hard part I'm trying to decide on is obviously whether or not to put her to sleep.

Yes, we all I believe trying to buy time with our pets when we give them treatments. But like my vet told me on call after sending me this report, he believes the cancer is in the lungs. There would be no cure for this. He mentioned of prednisone to hold her up a bit and entire her to eat and such.

The draining is just sticking a needle to attempt to remove the buildup of fluids from chest, then try her on prednisolone to reduce any inflammation and observe how quick fluids come back. No sedation needed and vet said its just 30 minute process that's all.

While nothing is definitive, one thing for sure is there's a cancer spreading. Yes, from where we don't know. But try and discover it, and just know it will just all come back over time just make's me think how much more can she go. She barely walks from her arthritis, she seems much less responsive in the past days/week to us, and all she wants to do it seems is sit by the heater instead laying in bed, because she must feel discomfort laying down. I spoke to family for an hour on this, and they are too inclined of just letting her sleep. Given her age, she isn't going to get young anymore. And even with these possible treatments, which aren't going to cure her, I just prolong the inevitable of her passing/becoming severely ill. Plus, with her being blind and her passing stool outside of her literbox for the past 2 weeks (don't know why other than she forgets so I got to clean after her), each day for me, has become about when she would eat, if she gets up at a specfic time to eat, when she goes back to sleep in order to wake up for her next meal. In a way, it has felt I have been dictating when she eats. And although she may be old at 21, she doesn't really do much at home. Other than just walk around fora little and sit in a spot and that's it. Nothing I'm sure that get's her excited. So in essence, all she does is sleep and eat, or has done that in the times leading up to now. Plus walking beside her always to guide her around from not bumping into things. It's alot of work I must say, and no I'm not giving her up because I'm giving up but it is a little exhausting. And now she's at the point she can't even enjoy dry food alone as she spits it right out.

So that's where I'm at. Don't you guys think for 21, it's been a good long life? Or should I really pursue this to try and retain for for few more weeks or so? I will not seek chemotherapy if a specific diagnosis is made as shes just too old. I just can't picture her going that much longer. I think we can all agree that is some cancer at least no? Something that would ultimately end her? And seeing her struggling to breathe a bit, yes its solvable, but, I think would be too much for her. I know you guys say I should give it a shot, but just knowing that it will just recur makes me believe its just rather her time to go just based on how sick she is. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as its a very hard choice to make.


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Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
No one can fault you for feeling that possibly it might be best to let Sassy go peacefully. You have given her an amazingly long life and have done a yeoman's job of caring for her in her old age. It is really your decision, and that of your family and any close friends who might advise you.

I don't blame you for not wanting to start anything new in her case. I normally would say that animals tolerate chemo much better than humans, but I do see your point about this.

What you are looking at is palliative or hospice care. If you feel that you want a few more weeks for closure and that Sassy can be made comfortable, that is one option. In that case, I would drain the fluid one time and ask the vet about anything else that would keep her comfortable. It does not have to be anything that would treat any conditions at this point, just things that would insure her comfort.

No one can tell you what the right decision is, but no one will say that you did not do enough for her.


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Jun 1, 2022
No one can fault you for feeling that possibly it might be best to let Sassy go peacefully. You have given her an amazingly long life and have done a yeoman's job of caring for her in her old age. It is really your decision, and that of your family and any close friends who might advise you.

I don't blame you for not wanting to start anything new in her case. I normally would say that animals tolerate chemo much better than humans, but I do see your point about this.

What you are looking at is palliative or hospice care. If you feel that you want a few more weeks for closure and that Sassy can be made comfortable, that is one option. In that case, I would drain the fluid one time and ask the vet about anything else that would keep her comfortable. It does not have to be anything that would treat any conditions at this point, just things that would insure her comfort.

No one can tell you what the right decision is, but no one will say that you did not do enough for her.
I have had a lot of situations where I'll try something like draining fluid....once or twice. If it comes back immediately, that really makes me consider what is to be done if their QOL is poor. If it takes and lasts for weeks or more, we do what we do as long as they're still happy and comfortable.
I haven't been able to offer much advice in this thread in the past several months as things have gotten more confusing and out of my league, but miguel99nyc miguel99nyc I have been reading since post #1 in this thread and I absolutely agree that no one will ever say that you did not do enough for her. Whatever happens, Sassy is one lucky cat.
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  • #270


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Sep 19, 2016
Although Sassy has attempted to eat last night, this morning (whether or not Mirataz sort of helping from Sunday), She just looks out of it. She drank water and used litter once but, since last night, she would just sit up in her bed and not lay down in it. My guess is that it bothers her to lay down or hurt or something breathing wise. She ended up just sitting up in her bed for over 2 hours last night, then eventally got off and must have sat outside. I was too tired to remain up and check on her. She came back around 4am this morning to cry a bit for food, gave her food and she ate some, not a whole lot. And I know the remedy for it is Mirataz, but I asked myself. I'm just masking whatever is bothering her, in order to get her to eat. She might be eating and drinking a bit, but she does not look happy at all. And yes, I know it's because she's sick and all. I try to pet her head, shes unresponsive. Usually if I placed my head next to her head, although blind, she will rub her head on my head or side of my face. If i brushed her? She would like stretch out in her bed as she'd lay there, but yesterday I tried brushing her and no reaction. Usually she would let it a little cry/meow acknowledging one of us when we would pet her head, but of late, she doesn't respond. And just walks to the heater in living room, and just sit there and do nothing. Maybe comforts her the heat as it used always in the past, but I ask myself, what kind of life is this? Just sits and sits there and to the point where she wants to avoid laying down because it must hurt her. And her eating would diminish over time until I'd give Mirataz, but in the end, whatever Cancer she may have which is clear it's in the lungs per the report, is ultimately going to finish her off. And when it would get to that point, she would suffering even more than she is now. There was a saying I read up online about euthanizing a pet - Better to do it a month sooner (if terminal disease) than a day late - which I would agree with.

Sassy's has had a very long life. She had so much thrown at her, the stress of 2 other cats she NEVER got used to. Then kidney disease diagnosed back in 2016, holding off on that until now even with commercial food, then her arthritis last year, the diminished appetites episodes few times a year, then the stress of how the Friskies food formulas changed last summer but was reverted by September 2022, only to be followed up by noticing Sassy's vision diminishing and ultimately going blind, managing her blood pressure until now, and now ultimately then end part of her struggling to breathe with the fluids and the cancer. It's a lot. And it will pain me later this afternoon to see her go, but it's for her best. I don't want to continue to see her sit there breathing hard, and just sit there lifeless. That isn't a life unfortunately for a cat. I'd be selfish and greedy to try and drain fluids, try steroids, to extend her life maybe by a few weeks or so, for only her to come back to how ill she feels now. Cancer in the end of the day is cancer and unfortunately will get the best of her. Sure, chemotherapy and such. But to make her go through all of that, at her age now, i think its just too much. I did what I could for her. I will miss her greatly. SO much more than the past cats I've had. I bonded with her ever since my last cat Charlie passed. Well, Sassy chose to get close to me for some reason. She was my baby. And I'm always always going to remember her. One of a kind cat, and definitely one hell of a fighter to go thru all these diseases and setbacks until now. And I treated them all accordingly. She was my Queen. We called her the Queen around the apartment. Gave her so much love and all. But right now, we give her love but she doesn't feel a thing or respond and that in itself just hurts. So it's her time albeit a bit prematurely but, she can go peacefully.

This will hurt for some time after this afternoons final appointment. But I want to take the opportunity to appreciate and thank every single one of you that have helped me, provided advice and such with every step of the way, not just with Sassy, but with my other cats prior as well. Believe me, if Sassy was much younger, I would have fought more. But at 20/21 yrs, its alot. And I appreciate every moment Ive had with her until now. And so I thank you each and every one of you for your time, advice, everything. This certainly won't be easy for me or my family as this is our last cat in the family. But I know she will be in a better place after today.

This won't be I'm sure the last of my posts here. Who knows, maybe down the road I may try out having a cat again. And surely he/she will get the same love and care as Sassy did. And should that new cat get sick, I will surely be asking on here as well for advice. Thank you to everyone! Thank You Thank you.


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Jun 1, 2022
miguel99nyc miguel99nyc peace to you, your family, and little Sassy this afternoon. She has had a wonderful life with you and gotten the utmost in care. You have done so, so much for her and if her quality of life has faded, you know what's best. Not being able to breathe comfortably is a scary thing for everyone, I let my Tag go for the same reasons you describe and while it's very hard, it's much better than letting it get worse. I am terribly sorry for your loss. ❤


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Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
First of all, we want you to let us know how you are doing. Please update us as many people (12K views) have looked at this thread and you have fought the good fight beside Sassy for almost a year, just based on the beginning date of this thread.

Sassy had a wonderful life with you; don't start to qualify it and look for any time that she was not well or did not get along with another cat.

I completely agree with your decision to let her peacefully pass on. Hopefully the good memories of the last 21 years will return to comfort you. If, at some point, you feel as if you would like to share your life with another cat, it will be one lucky cat indeed.
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  • #273


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Alpha Cat
Sep 19, 2016
Hello Everyone.

Sassy now is resting, gone peacefully.

It hurted so much to let her go, and be beside her until the very end at the vet. It pained me so much to see her pass quietly. Our vet had administered the injections and upon seeing her, he too deemed she looked worse than seeing her on Friday. She must have lost further weight it seemed by now since, in part from not eating as much over weekend, but also the illness I'd assume. The vet assured I did the right choice. That she had a very long life, and had fought so many battles through her older years in which he said I took great care of her and just did everything right for her. She was suffering and was only going to get worse. Turns out, she drank some water I guess dureing the day while I was at work, and when i got home she was by the heater again. But I noticed she didnt even use her litter box at all to urine or stool which is very odd from her. She hadn't passed urine since night before so that was already a telling sign she was getting worse.

So I am relieved that she's at rest. No more suffering and that I made the right choice. Dragging out her life a bit longer just to see her around but suffering wasn't going to be the right way of having her.

I am very hurt still, cried and all with the family. But I know in due time, the pain will go away. She was my last cat. But now I can focus on my life, family, work and everything and just rejoice that she no longer is suffering or ill and is at peace.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am so sorry for your loss of Sassy, but you did the hardest and bravest thing that you could have done for her. The final part that you wrote about not using the litter box may have indicated that her body was giving up and you intervened in order to spare her any suffering.

The vet is right; you made the correct decision and were able to be with Sassy as she passed. I hope that gives you a little bit of closure and peace.

Please remember that we are here for you. If you would like to post a memorial to Sassy in our Crossing the Bridge forum, at any time, you are welcome to do so.

Sassy is very lucky to have shared her earthly journey with you and your family.


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Jun 1, 2022
When my guy passed, the vet had seen him Friday, and she came to the house that next Thursday to do what had to be done. Like your vet, she noticed a decline in only a few days, and it was confirmed via biopsy that he had cancer. Based on her behavior, and weight loss, I would suspect she had something going on like that as well.
I've been following Sassy's story since May 2022. I've seen how much you care, and what a great cat she has been for you. She's too good of a girl to face prolonged suffering. Now she's free. :hugs: :angelcat:
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  • #277


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Sep 19, 2016
I really appreciate it everyone.

Getting over her loss I know will take time. Still hurts right now. I even NEARLY had doubts of not putting her to sleep just yet after she seemed to eat fine this morning. But deep down I just knew she was tired, sick and just needed to get her relieved of the pain she must have been going through. I miss her greatly right now. I can't stop thinking how she was with me this morning, and now she's gone just like that. 20-21 years with her just like that, over. But as mentioned, I know she lived her life to the fullest. Even fought through her arthritis and becoming blind. I love and admire how much she fought for herself, to remain around with me and family. I'm just never going to forget her, my baby, my Queen.

Thank you all so much. I will definitely keep posting in some form here or there, check on you all how thing's are going and all. You guys have been of really great help, insights and all. I once again really really appreciate each and every one of you. I definitely want to be in touch with you all. Please feel free to send direct message as well and I'll be sure to respond promptly. And I hope all of you continue on to succeed with your cats, show them all the love and care they deserve.


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Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
It was an honor to try to help someone like yourself who worked so hard to insure that their cat had the best life possible, and certainly one of the longest.

When you feel up to it, you have a lot of experience that you can share with others who come to the forums for help. I think that I can speak for a number of members when I say that we will miss Sassy's presence here. She knew that she was your little Queen and she stayed with you for as long as it was physically possible for her to keep fighting.
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