RE-Found lump on Artie..


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Hi Everyone,

I do not know if you remember me posting a couple months ago about a lump I found on Artie's neck. 

I found it a couple times and then could not find it again. 

Well, I found it!  sigh...

I have been watching it for about 2 weeks now. It is hard to find but it is there. It is the size of a small pea. It is located on the side of his neck, almost at the level of his collarbone, on the left side of his body.

It appears to be right under the skin. It moves with the skin and is not attached to any organs or bones underneath.

It has not changed shape, nor is it bothering Artie at all. It is not tender to the touch. 

It feels not as hard as a rock, just feels like a lump to me..does not squish at all. 

It is at the neck where there are folds of skin..but it is underneath, continuous with the skin.

I do not know how long he has had it. 

I am trying to not get upset, but he has an appointment with our Vet  late Thursday afternoon.

Artie is always going to the Vet for one thing or another. 

He was just there 2 weeks ago with severe constipation. He has a history of constipation which I monitor and treat with miralax, laxatone, and extra water added to food; but I was very sick and he kind of got neglected. ( I had a severe sinus infection, exacerbation of asthma and probably very early pneumonia.)

I had all I could do to feed him and remember to scoop his boxes (2), once a day.I ...

One night he had 2 episodes of a large, hard, poop stuck in his rectum. I had to squeeze it out of him..His rectum was partially open and he was in pain. So I had to do something. If that did not work, I would have taken him to the E-Vet, even though I was sick.

I felt really bad for him.

I took him to the Vet the next morning, as an emergency. Artie was not constipated!!!! Those 2 large, hard, fur filled poop balls cleaned him out!! But the Vet wanted to hydrate him, just in case. She said that would help him also....Artie has been good since then.

Now we have to go back to the Vet!!! 

I wanted to wait until he has to go in June for a wellness exam, being a senior; They want to see him twice a year. I feel I cannot, in my heart wait..I mean, what if it should be taken care of immediately? I do not want to panic, but.......

The entire office knows us! I kind of feel like a hypochondriac taking him there so often. But the Vet and the staff have told me it is for legitimate things...and they tell me I am the kind of person who should have an animal, because I take such good care of Artie..

I am venting and worrying...sorry..

thanks for listening to me....


Below is Artie's latest picture from a couple days ago....he hates having his picture taken.....just like me!



Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I understand about the vet--I went through a period where I had two sick cats and I felt like I practically lived at the vet's office!  

It's good you're taking him in.  Let us know what the vet says.  

Artie is a very handsome boy.  
 that it's nothing serious.
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  • #3


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks, Betsy.....

I kind of needed some validation and comforting about doing this....I always second guess myself. I have come a long way from being a scared first time 'mom', with Artie.

Would you believe the following:

   I usually check out the lump at while I am watching TV and Artie is on my lap. Last night, I could have sworn it shrunk in size and felt different!! Right after I made the appointment!!!  It felt like a ingrown hair follicle pimple that we women get.

This morning I was feeling around and I had the hardest time locating it! it is even smaller!!!

This is making me think that it is some kind of cyst or abscess that waxes and wanes~~~fills and then goes down a bit...

so confusing!

By the time we get to the Vet, It may be completely gone!!! OMG!!! I will feel like a complete fool....

tempted to cancel the appointment until it re-appears, but I will be spazzing out until I get a professional opinion of it...

If only our 'babies' could speak to us in own own language, instead of theirs....sigh

Actually please bear with me.. I am getting kind of spiritual now...I do not feel like a 'mom' to Artie. I never call myself 'mommy' in relationship with him. This is what I feel.  I am grateful and honored that God has allowed me to be this little sweet creature's caretaker while on this earth. By doing this I am being given unconditional love and affection by my 'little one'..


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
artiemom artiemom I think what Arti has with this lump is a case of 'vet syndrome'. It's well known in our house. It works like this: cat (or dog) has an issue - a limp, a gummed up eye, sore mouth etc etc. We duly call the vet for an appointment. The patient hears the word 'vet'. Patient has a miraculous, instantaneous recovery. Having made the appointment, we go to the vet anyway. Vet can't find anything wrong. We go home, feeling foolish. Once home, ex-paitent fixes us with a look saying "See? I told you I was fine!"

You're a fantastic mom to Artie. I absolutely agree that it's right to get lumps checked. You've said yourself that the vets think you always go there with good reason. There's no need to doubt yourself (though we all do). :hugs:


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I like that--vet syndrome.  
  Sounds like when your car is acting up so you take it in to the mechanic's and they can't replicate the problem....  

One of my old cats had a lump like that near his spine.  His previous owner had had it removed but it grew back.  My current vet said she could remove it again, but it would grow back.

And then it disappeared!  I couldn't believe it.  But then it grew back again.  Very weird.  He had it until he died--it didn't seem to bother him and I couldn't see putting him through a procedure to remove it, he was already 18 by then.

Let us know how it goes at the vet's.
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  • #6


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yes Betsy! I love that! The Vet Syndrome!! You should patent it!!!!!  
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  • #8


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I am back from the Vet... I really like her. It turns out that this 'lump' is just a skin tag!!! 

 Vet was so nice that she was not going to even charge me for an exam........


Now the BAD:    

I asked her to weigh him. Artie lost more weight.. In 2 weeks he went from 11.3 down to 10.9 lbs.....He went from 11.8 in January down to 11.3 in March.

He is not eating.....between him being fussy and just not eating...the pepcid is not helping. He is refusing novel proteins....He used to eat 3 cans a down to maybe 2--if lucky....

Vet said she feels he has an internal abdominal problem; i.e. IBD.......or even lymphoma...

She is referring us to an Internal Medicine Vet at a specialty hospital...

Artie has an appointment at 9:30 Am Friday (tomorrow)....

I am very nervous about this.....he is my 'therapy' cat.....

I love my Vet, but she knows Artie really well...she was not very optimistic...he is so fussy with food, so hard to medicate....

I was crying on my way home...

Have to keep myself together and just take one day at a time....

Appointment with ultrasound tomorrow...then another day for biopsy..then wait and see....and a lot of prayers.....

Thanks everyone.....



TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
:hugs: artiemom artiemom I really hope the ultrasound goes well, and that this issue responds well to treatment. I know what you mean about a therapy cat - my animals are all therapy for me in different ways (I get the feeling we have a similar number of health issues). Sending a ton of positive vibes your way :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:

Glad the lump was a skin tag. I thought it sounded familiar - my greyhound's covered in them.
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  • #11


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@Artiemom I really hope the ultrasound goes well, and that this issue responds well to treatment. I know what you mean about a therapy cat - my animals are all therapy for me in different ways (I get the feeling we have a similar number of health issues). Sending a ton of positive vibes your way

Glad the lump was a skin tag. I thought it sounded familiar - my greyhound's covered in them.
Thanks Columbine,

I really appreciate the support. I kind of thought it could have been a skin tag, but it felt larger than that to me, the past few weeks....

Well, as I have always thought: God gave me Artie for a special reason.. I am to be his caretaker/caregiver. In return I get Artie's unconditional love. God knows what he is doing...Artie is with me for a reason.. a purpose..for me and for him...he is not my 'baby' but my buddy....


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 17, 2014
I'm sorry to hear that Artie has other, unexpected health problems. I was relieved to read that he only had a skin tag, so I thought the worst was over for the two of you. Sending my best wishes for a good result for Artie and you.

Best regards.
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  • #13


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I'm sorry to hear that Artie has other, unexpected health problems. I was relieved to read that he only had a skin tag, so I thought the worst was over for the two of you. Sending my best wishes for a good result for Artie and you.

Best regards.
Thank you...  I am doing my best to just take one step at a time.. I have also joined an IBD forum on Facebook. They seem to be able to offer a lot of support and ideas.....

Not taking anything away from this site....

Tomorrow is an Abdominal Ultrasound and a Consult with an Internal Medical Vet who deals with IBD. Her secretary said that IBD is definitely not new to her. She treats a lot of cats with it.....My Vet sent all his records. I also have a folder fill of his records. 

Very Funny occurrence, but I received an e-mail confirmation of Artie's Health Insurance, a copy of his policy, and a claim for tonight...a very strange coincidence....maybe it was a sign that I am doing the right thing.....I printed it all up and have it with me....good timing....

One of the secretaries at my Vets office said she has dealt with this doctor. Said she is very good and kind....that made me feel a bit better; even though I was crying tonight.....

Gotta go to bed...I have to get up early. My car needs gas before I leave for the appointment. I am not getting gas with Artie in the car. The longer he is in the car, the longer he is stressed....and I am getting a headache now... tylenol time and bed time...

Good night all....thanks...
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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Yes, one step at a time.  If it's IBD, you will find lots of support--many of us have dealt with IBD in our kitties and there are various other internet support groups and resources.  

Let us know how it goes tomorrow and we are all sending lots of good vibes for your appointment tomorrow!  