Random Thought about this Raw Forum


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I like that the raw feeding forum is seperate. Sorry if this is controversial, but I have noticed many members on this site like to push extremely hard for everyone else to conform to how they feed their cats. Often nutrition threads that start out as "what brand of dry food should I feed" get responses like "feed all wet or all raw, or you're killing your cat."

I can't tell you the number of times I have seen a member nonchalantly say "if you can't afford wet/raw, you shouldn't have a cat," and I wish I was exaggerating. It's nice that some people do have the time, money and resources to feed raw, but the holier-than-thou attitude that comes with that gets old, especially since most people who feed raw are strong advocates for it.

If it went back to all nutrition is in the same subforum, there would be people who feed raw in every normal nutrition topic pushing for everyone else to feed raw. I'm not saying that advocating raw is bad, but it's unnecessary, usually unwanted and often condescending when someone advocates in a thread that has nothing to do with raw feeding.

You experienced this on TCS? It just so does not sound like anything I've ever seen or experienced here. :hugs:

Hmmm. I've been on TCS for six years and I don't think I've ever seen a post with which I disagree more.

I don't believe that anyone on TCS has a "holier than thou" attitude with regards to raw feeding. I think we can all agree I'm one of - if not the - strongest advocate for feeding a species-appropriate diet here, and I'm regularly complimented on how polite and informative my posts are; with few even approaching my passion and number of posts on this topic, I think it's fairly safe to say you are in error.

And while kibble does indeed cause a regrettably long list of diseases and ailments, I've never seen anyone make such a harsh statement as, stop feeding kibble "or you're killing your cat." In fact, I'm pretty sure something that insensitive wouldn't be tolerated.

Nor have I ever seen any of us suggest "if you can't afford wet/raw, you shouldn't have a cat." What an incredibly cold statement. :(

But maybe I'm not reading the same posts you are, Rad65. It's clear you feel very sensitive about this topic. I'm both sad and sorry if you have encountered someone somewhere who pushed you beyond the point with which you were comfortable. :hugs: Please believe that is NOT a behavior common to raw feeders, but is specific to whomever it was that you encountered.

And remember that it's not fair to paint an entire community with the same brush; we are all as individualistic as any group of people. We have our own differing viewpoints, our own experiences and beliefs. Maybe you could take a look at some of the currently active threads? You'll see we are all different, and shouldn't be treated as a "tainted" group that must be shuffled off into the corner, unseen and unheard.

:yeah: Even when I was anti-raw and debating strongly against it, I never once encountered any "holier than thou" attitude from anyone on the site.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 2, 2011
 I'm not saying that advocating raw is bad, but it's unnecessary, usually unwanted and often condescending when someone advocates in a thread that has nothing to do with raw feeding.
Honestly, that just sounds defensive to me. 

I'm grateful that 5 years ago when my dog was having allergy problems that someone suggested I try raw and then was willing to give me info and resources on where to start. This was in a general pet forum, not even in one specifically about nutrition. I'm thankful that raw discussion wasn't banished to some corner of a pet forum where only those in the know would even think to look for it. Otherwise I'd probably never know.  
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auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
Originally Posted by Melesine

I'm thankful that raw discussion wasn't banished to some corner of a pet forum where only those in the know would even think to look for it. Otherwise I'd probably never know.  
Thankfully, TCS is not that kind of forum, and we are all free to post in any sub-forum we can access.

TCS is, in fact, my favorite cat-related forum, despite the fact its raw feeding community has only just begun to grow.



TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I like that the raw feeding forum is seperate. Sorry if this is controversial, but I have noticed many members on this site like to push extremely hard for everyone else to conform to how they feed their cats. Often nutrition threads that start out as "what brand of dry food should I feed" get responses like "feed all wet or all raw, or you're killing your cat."
WOW - I have been on TCS for over a year and have never encountered such a post .... I also have to say that I was very against raw feeding until lately - and I have not once felt that anyone on TCS was ever pushing raw on me or anyone else. Never. I have never once felt pressured to feed raw and certainly never heard anyone saying "you are killing your cat if you don't feed wet or raw. :nono: Now, I will say that I am a proponent for "wet" food feeding and have gently suggested it to people especially if their cats have a urinary issue. More moisture - better bladder health. Anyway, I totally disagree with your comment about TCS members being pushy and threatening about wet food or raw food. :nothappy:

Now this is just me, but since starting to feed raw - I will not go around boasting my opinion on the subject - in fact I plan to keep it to myself - and only discuss it with my friend's and other's who are transitioning too. What I am saying - is that I would never in a million years push my opinion on a cat diet to other's. I just feel now since I started feeding raw - that I am looked upon as "OH - she's one of those" and I won't let that get to me - not in the least. It can go both ways - the criticism on the subject :sniffle:..... but I plan on being a nice, courteous, kind and non-judgmental raw feeder :D :nod:
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Thankfully, TCS is not that kind of forum, and we are all free to post in any sub-forum we can access. :bigthumb:

TCS is, in fact, my favorite cat-related forum, despite the fact its raw feeding community has only just begun to grow. :heart3: *grin*

YES - agree - my favorite too, of course :jump: :D :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Filled with very kind and caring people who have a great passion for cats and their well-being :happy3:
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I will admit that I have seen some "holier than thou" comments on TCS, not necessarily in the Nutrition thread, but I have seen them, and moderators have come on and interceded.  Thankfully, they don't occur often.

That being said, I DO agree that Raw is good as a sub-thread, mainly so people know how to research it quickly, BUT, I still come back to the fact that it was just by accident that I stumbled upon the excitement of Carolina moving to raw that has made all the different to me deciding to do the same thing, and I hate to think of others "missing the boat" because they don't check out the raw forum.  So I was just wondering HOW to let others know about it.  I know in our (the subscribers') weekly (or monthly...sorry, migraine again and I'm doped up)  email, certain threads are highlighted, right?  Maybe one time one of the exciting "converting to raw" threads could be featured, with a lot of hype?  (maybe it already has and I just don't remember)

Can't wait for AC to create the Raw Resources Thread


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I will admit that I have seen some "holier than thou" comments on TCS, not necessarily in the Nutrition thread, but I have seen them, and moderators have come on and interceded.  Thankfully, they don't occur often.
I've definitely seen it and yes, we do intercede when we see it, but please , if you see something report it. We can't be everywhere all the time. :)