Random diarrhea


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 4, 2022
Hello fellow cat parents!

So my little guy, Willy, has always had a sensitive stomach but within the last year he gets diarrhea about once every month/month and a half and he has loose looking stools around twice a week. He’s eaten the same dry food for years and that’s all he eats (other than a couple tiny scraps of meat very infrequently that seem to have no effect).

He’s about 14/15 years old too. Could this just be from his old age or could it be something I should take him to the vet for? Thanks!!


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi there! Does Willy go outside where he could be getting into things on occasion that might upset his digestive system - or, perhaps something inside your home? Are you sure you can't tie the scraps of food he eats to when the looser stool/diarrhea occurs?

Willy is considered a geriatric cat - and all senior and geriatric cats should be seen at least once, if not twice, a year by the vet for a full exam, bloodwork (CBC and Chemistry panel), and a urinalysis. If Willy hasn't been through these visits, or not recently, it would probably be a good idea to take him to the vet.

If all checks out OK, then you could probably 'chalk it off' to the aging process. But you could try giving him a probiotic to help with his overall digestive health. Many folks on this site use Saccharomyces boulardii to help with regulating digestive issues, including diarrhea/loose stools.
10 Best Probiotics For Cats In 2022: Unbiased Review - All About Cats
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 4, 2022
Willy hasn’t gone outside since I adopted him way back when, about 14 years ago (I had two outdoor cats back in the day who got sick and had untimely deaths that I think was from something they got into while out). The little scraps of meat he’s had happen very infrequently, maybe once every two months, and all seems fine the next few days afterward.

He is a very happy and loving cat so he doesn’t behave like he’s feeling off. I give him probiotic treats once in a while but I will look into the ones you recommended. I haven’t been able to afford taking him to the vet but I will be able to soon. Hopefully it can all be chalked up to his old age. Thank you!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi, I disagree that it has to do with old age, and my opinion is that 14 just isn't that old. Granted that every cat is different but my Poppycat is 17.5, you wouldn't know it by his behavior most of the time and he does not have diarrhea.

You really do need to get your cat in to the vet. After that, depending on what they say or , you might consider a gentle slow transition to a different food, either of kibble or possibly some canned food too maybe from the same brand you decide to try for kibble.

These may be useful;

CatFoodDB - Cat Food Reviews to help you find the best cat food for your cat

Transitioning Your Cat From Kibble To A New Type Of Food – TheCatSite Articles

How Much Food Should I Feed My Cat? – TheCatSite Articles

Tips To Increase Your Cat’s Water Intake – TheCatSite Articles

No Money For Vet Care? How To Find Help And Save Your Cat’s Life – TheCatSite Articles