Ralphie and Mali, the gruesome twosome


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 15, 2009
Hi everyone!

It's been a while since I've posted on here, as the last time posted my poor little Henry (RIP) had FIP and the poster on here were so helpful.

I now have two glorious cats, Ralphie and Mali (Ralphie 3.4 yo Male and Mali 3 yo female - both fixed). I seem to have two huge behavioural problems. The first one is that once a week, they like to randomly spray an area of my flat. It's a small flat so the stench is horrendous! I'd love some suggestions on how to realistically stop this from happening and to also get rid of the smell. Oust isn't working as is bleach :(

The second problem is that at 5am every morning, Ralphie likes the scratch my bedroom door and miaow. Sleep depravation isn't the word.

We moved to this flat two months ago so they are used to this place, but the smell is just getting too much for us. We use the crystal gel style of litter in a covered litter box. 

Please help, my nostrils and nerves can't take any more!!


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
First, you need to clean the sprayed areas thoroughly with an enzyme cleaner, such as Nature's Miracle. Oust is only an air sanitizer. Enzymes are the only thing that will eat the proteins in the urine that cause the smell. The bleach is counterproductive as it smells like male cat 'ejecta' (PM me for details, if you want)

Secondly, You should have 2 litter boxes. I suggest using a different type of cat litter.The crystals tend to let odor accumulate, in my experience. I use a clumping litter and scoop once a day.

Then, we have to determine why they are 'spraying' as fixed cats usually don't do it. Are there stray cats that come around and spray the outside of the house?