Rain is a TV addict...


Slave in a cat house
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 13, 2016
Best little cathouse in Texas
Well, a YouTube addict! She was getting a little too energetic the other day, and I had work to do. I had been playing with her all morning, and now it was time to do housework. But she was into EVERYTHING when I wasn't giving her my undivided attention. Even her toy mouse wasn't a long enough distraction, and poor old Schrodie needed a break from her rambunctiousness. So on a whim, and remembering how popular they were at the cat boarding "hotel" where I worked a summer job years ago, and also at one of the vet clinics where I had also worked-- I found some wildlife videos on YouTube and showed Rain, just to see what her reaction would be. Now, she sits in front of the computer waiting for the birds and squirrels to appear! She LOVES the videos, and she will sit there transfixed for a long time, enchanted by the moving objects. It's gotten to where now, when I go to the computer, she sits on the desk looking at the screen, waiting for her "TV shows" to come on!

I try to limit her screen time! She gets to "watch TV" only for a little while. I would rather have her engage in the real world, and interact with us rather than use the electronic babysitter. I've asked "Santy Claws" for a few bird feeders to put outside the window so that she can watch real live birds and squirrels, instead of sitting on front of the "TV"... and we play together for many hours a day. But let's face it, sometimes Mommy and Daddy have to do Hooman Stuff, and if the TV engages her so that she isn't getting into mischief for a little while, and the other toys aren't interesting her at the moment, what harm does a little screen time hurt? I'd rather know that she's safely entertained by a video, rather than fooling around and upsetting the senior cat or playing with something that isn't appropriate, or getting into trouble because she's bored. Right now she's watching the words moving on the screen as I type, and trying to chase the letters!

Does anyone else have a "TV addict" cat?

(Note that we don't actually HAVE a television... her "TV" is the computer, LOL!)


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
The only time Ruby ever noticed the tv was when I was watching a documentary about cats, and she heard the meowing and went over to investigate. As for the computer, she's more apt to sit on the keyboard so that I can't see the screen, than for her to look at the screen.

Reading your post, though, sounded like you were talking about a human teen, not a cat. :catman:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Jackie gets cat tv YouTube videos when it rains. He wants to get them through the tv. I also have bird feeders outside & he gets outside time. I think I will show him the fish or mouse video for cats on my tablet next. 🤣

