Questioning Myself About My Outside Cat Need Insight Please!


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 23, 2017
About 2-3 years ago I bumped my dom shorthair, Milo, outside because he was always whining and running around the house like a horse, He's 7 years old now and I lost my flame-point siamese just last month to unknown causes who was found along with Milo as a kitten. Chester didn't care when Milo was given the boot outside, in fact, I think he was glad because he now had me all to himself.

But as Milo is now getting older I'm fearing for his health and safety, we live out in the country and our yard is partially fenced in except on one side towards the woods. And for the most part, he chases birds, squirrel's, lizards etc, etc, etc. He meows up at me through the floor where ever I'm at, be it the bathroom or my bedroom. Wherever I am at he will find me and do this mournful meow.

So now as I'm watching My Cat From Hell on Animal Planet it's got me thinking I kicked him out too quick and that it was my fault because he was so full of energy and was bored out of his mind because Chester was the opposite of Milo and didn't care about playing that much he just wanted to cuddle with me.I have tried to bring him inside once or twice and he's happy to see me but when I walk to the door he's wanting to go back outside, At least I think he is or he is wanting me to come outside with him?

Well with Chester gone I went and adopted two 9wk old kittens, A dom short-hair tabby female and a black male who I think is maybe a Bombay? Anytime I have ever had a black cat I check to see if they are a Bombay. And he has those copper eyes and his muzzle is small like the breeds. Or so it looks to me because I compared his face to the dom tabby's and her muzzle is larger than his. And I'm wondering after watching My Cat From Hell if I make some changes and set a routine of Play, Eat, Sleep will he calm down like I have seen the kittens do. Because before when I booted him out I didn't do that and so now I'm feeling super guilty because he was bored and was doing anything he could to play and I punished him for that :(

My mom is telling me to leave him outside he is happy but is he only happy because he has something that is entertaining him which is what I am for right? It's my job to keep him entertained and I wasn't doing that so of course, he will like it outside right? So should I leave him outside or bring him back in? I mean I have to get him on Flea treatment and his shots before he comes inside to be around the kittens because I don't want him to give them something and he just sounds so sad at times while other times I won't hear anything from him.

Please Help :(


Charlie's Purrson
Feb 18, 2017
It's safest for cats to be inside. Outdoor cats can get into fights with dogs, (or other cats, foxes, wolves, bobcats,), get hit by a car, contract FIV, FIP, FeLV, heartworm, or even get poisoned or shot at. There are plenty of ways to entertain cats inside with interactive games and providing cat trees, scratching posts, and perches. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 12, 2016
I totally agree with abyeb, I've noticed someone on this forum saying that you can train a cat to be safe outside, this is not correct, cats are creatures of instinct, they will not stop and look both ways before chasing another cat across the road, for instance. Either enclose the yard and put a cat fence up the top of it or keep your cat safely indoors.

The Five Golden Rules To Bringing An Outdoor Cat Inside
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TCS Member
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May 23, 2017
Thank all for your inputs, but sadly Milo has disappeared :( I haven't seen him for 2 days and I fear the worst has happened. My mother and I suspect that he came across a snake and died because he hasn't shown up for his food and I even drove around the area calling out for him. I wish I had brought him in sooner like I wanted and now I have lost both Chester & now Milo.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Personal opinion: the only reason that any cat should ever be outside is because he or she has been placed in his or her carrier and taken outside because the house is on fire and you're running back in to wake your spouse.

Our cats' safety is our responsibility, just as it would be our responsibility to safeguard a child. Parents don't allow their toddlers to wander outside unsupervised, and there's absolutely no credible reason that cats should be treated any differently. Cats allowed outdoors have a remarkably shorter Lifespan - and a much more difficult Life - than those kept safe inside. Once the commitment has been made to care for a cat, that commitment should neither be dismissed nor contravened.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I'm sorry to hear that he's missing. Is he neutered? If not, he's probably out looking for females to mate with. Anyway, contact the animal shelter and put some ads up. . .you never know where he might turn up.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 23, 2017
I'm sorry to hear that he's missing. Is he neutered? If not, he's probably out looking for females to mate with. Anyway, contact the animal shelter and put some ads up. . .you never know where he might turn up.
Yeah he is fixed and he has never roamed, Most he has gone is in the backfield to chase mice and rabbits because my mom liked him being a farm cat to keep away the varmints.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Sometimes cats know that their time on earth is up and they get very affectionate and clingy, as if to say good bye. And in my opinion, there is such a thing as "one's time to die". But if it isnt, then Milo still needs you to search for him...where there is life, there is hope. If a predator chased him, he may be hunkered down or else got chased into a strange territory. If any hunters or trappers live in your area, you will need to search extra diligently. Meanwhile, I am praying for Milo's safe return so that you can try those great tecniques that you've learned from MCFH. :vibes::vibes::vibes:6


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
Please don't "kick out" your cats. I would consider this a lesson hard taught. The best place for your cats is inside. If you want to let them out build a nice enclosure for them. This will keep them safe from cars, weirdo neighbors, predators, and more.

A senior cat should be indoors only "retired" they don't have the same reflexes as their younger counterparts