Question of the Day, Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
The fact of the matter is, when you start getting older, looking back, and occasionally realizing that you might have done something entirely different...

Do you have a dream job? One that you wish you had done, or one that you want to do? LOL, I don't care how far out it might seem, this is a dream job, after all! What would be, or would have been, the way you'd spend your life?

LOL, I actually have three...The first is the only really practical one, but my mother had a FIT, and my Dad put his foot down, and I grew up in a time and place where that carried a LOT more weight than it does now. I wanted to be a librarian. And given my love of books, and the joy I get from them, I'd have certainly gotten my Master's degree, and possibly a PhD!

The second is zookeeper. Didn't even bring that up to the parents, as that was just...well. Let's put it this way, some of the courses necessary to become a zookeeper would have driven me nuts. NOW, they have a two-year course from a community college that will get you a job, but back then, it was a bachelor's degree in zoology or a similar degree. But I'd have loved that job.

The third, and this is WAY out in Dream Land, I'd have loved to have had the necessary talent to become a pet psychic. I'd get a certain amount of amusement by (truthfully) reporting, "Your dog says if you don't stop dressing her up to match your outfits, you're going to get a quick nip in the rear end," or "your cat says if you hate the hairballs that much, grab a brush and help a girl out!"


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
I know I'm in Industrial Design and I feel like this is what I was born to do (because I get to work with my hands a lot) but I'd really love to be a veterinary technician.

So much so that I find myself dreaming about it which isn't good. It's getting harder to focus on my classes now.

I wish I could do both.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
When I was about 12 years old, I wanted so much to become a nun. I felt I had my calling. But family members (including my mother - who was herself a nun), discouraged me.

Then I wanted to become a nurse. I always wanted to care for others, but we had no money to pay for the tuition.

But my dream job for the past decades are just two things: One - a job that can allow me to travel to places in the world.

And two - In a wildlife sanctuary or also in a zoo - just like in the Bronx. :)


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I first wanted to be an archaeologist, than later on an actress. I was going to Kent State right out of high school, even was assigned
to the dorm where a few of my friends were. I needed funding and it was a bad time for my family so I didn't go. Can't really blame
that situation as I began a course in Bad Boys 101, 102, 103, ha!!

mama africa

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
I like my actual job (I'm working at the Belgian Refugee Board) but it's not the job that I dream(ed) of.

As a child, I wanted to become a vet. Later on -like Mia6 Mia6 - becoming an archaeologist (abroad) seemed the perfect job to me (I like to travel, I'm interested in ancient history, I like digging in the dirt and I have a lot of patience), but being a park ranger in a natural reserve in Africa or Asia seems the ultimate dream job to me.

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Growing up on a farm, and being around animals, I wanted to be a vet, but there was no money for that. Later on, I believe it was in ninth grade, our school administered an aptitude test, and the 'winner' was forest ranger, but there was no money for that, either. Then life intervened, and I spent 40-some years fixing heavy equipment.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I wanted to be a vet too when I was a child, and in fact took in countless wounded and abandoned animals, birds, reptiles, all my life. I still do! I was so outraged and heartsick when I saw someone swerve up the curb to run over my kitten, Bear, I vowed to champion cats. That has never changed over the years. I became an RN in later life, early 40's, and the only wish I have is that I had done it years ago. I made my own way through college by earning schlorships mainly because of my 4.0 avg. whatever I choose I always throw myself in 100%!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I wanted to be a librarian when I was a kid, but my mom's church told me No, because it requires a college degree. I never made any college plans because I knew I wasn't allowed to go, even though I was Valedictorian. I don't know what I would have been, maybe something great. :sigh:

Now I'm tired and would just rather be a housewife and catmom, but I will probably have to go back to work soon, not sure where. Wish I could just win the lottery. 💰


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I really like my current job; homeschooling my kids. It doesn't pay and it can be hard; but Noodles sits next to me all day so the perks are great! :crazy: I was actually thinking about this again last week. Growing up my Grandmothers had never really worked after they had kids. Well; my Gram did for a couple weeks when my Mom and Aunt were in their teens. She said within two weeks my Aunt was getting herself in trouble; so she quit. I spent a lot of time with my Grandparents as a kid and I adored my Grandma (loved them both, but one I just had such a connection with that I used to dream conversations with her. They stopped after she died.). I always wanted to be like them; staying home and raising my family. But everyone asks kids what they want to be when they grow up. "Just a mom" isn't really an acceptable answer in modern society. I've been asking myself if thats why I came up with other ideas for what I wanted to do. I remember being a mom like my Grandmas was always in the back of my mind; but society says women are equal so women work. I'd rather hear we are free to choose to work and still just as valuable to society if we don't. But that wasn't the message going around when I was a kid. So I guess I'm sort of living the dream I didn't dare to dream?

Sometimes I wish I'd gotten the nursing degree I started for in college. I have a few friends in the medical field who work part time and are home with their kids the rest of the time. One also homeschools. I switched majors to Interior Design and LOVED it. But I've never gotten to work in it. It still sounds like a dream job; getting to work creatively and all. But honestly; I'm really content at home. SO much happier than I was when I worked outside my house. It's like I never really realized how much it drained me to work. I am very much an introvert. Less people is good. :agree:

I've always thought it would be really fun to voice characters for animated films. The videos I've seen make it look like you get to be silly and "act" a bit; without it actually mattering how your acting looks. I had a youth leader who loved the theater so our youth group did several plays over the years that were so much fun. Because we weren't a big group I always had speaking rolls; but I'm not a natural actor like that. It was fun though.

sweet jane flash

TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 21, 2019
There was very little money when I was growing up but I did not let anything stop me. I went ahead and worked my way through college graduating in the top 5% of my university. It was difficult paying back student loans, but I have never regretted getting higher education and still continue to take courses in whatever fancy happens to beckon me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
It was difficult paying back student loans, but I have never regretted getting higher education and still continue to take courses in whatever fancy happens to beckon me.
My brother did this, he kept going back to school until he couldn't rise any higher in his field. I wish I had done the same. I just think about how much I could help animals & loved ones with that money. I try to help as much as I can now, but I could do so much more.

sweet jane flash

TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 21, 2019
My brother did this, he kept going back to school until he couldn't rise any higher in his field. I wish I had done the same. I just think about how much I could help animals & loved ones with that money. I try to help as much as I can now, but I could do so much more.
Yes and what a wonderful thing! Never too old to learn new things!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I wanted to be a librarian when I was a kid, but my mom's church told me No, because it requires a college degree. I never made any college plans because I knew I wasn't allowed to go, even though I was Valedictorian. I don't know what I would have been, maybe something great. :sigh:

Now I'm tired and would just rather be a housewife and catmom, but I will probably have to go back to work soon, not sure where. Wish I could just win the lottery. 💰
You should look into being a library assistant or library page. That's sort of what I do. My title is technically library specialist, but it's just a fancy way of saying I assist the librarians, lots of customer service, handle patron accounts and deal with circulation materials (shelving, pulling, etc.).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
There are so many things I would love to do with my life, but circumstances don't allow it.

I would love to create things all day, whether that be through crocheting, cross-stitching, painting (which I don't have any experience in, but want to try), writing (which I have a lot of experience in but don't have the time), or some other medium.

I got my bachelor's degree in writing and while I love to write, I was afraid that if I relied on writing as my sole income, I'd lose the passion I have for it. I would love to travel and write, specifically. I definitely hope to write a book or a few some day, but I am getting my master's degree in GIS, which is practical, but also something that I think I'd really enjoy. There are so many different avenues I could take my GIS degree that hit on a bunch of other interests of mine like biology, wildlife, microbiology, medicine, research, oh boy, I could go on for days... My goal is to work in natural resources though.