Question of the Day - Thursday September 28, 2023


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
Yesterday I had one of my front windows open and I have two dogs who bark at anyone who is in front of the house (which is why I have privacy film on it even though it's a huge 10 foot long window). Someone dared to use my driveway to turn around though and Roo (my male dog) did not like that so he punched the screen out of the window. 🤦‍♀️

So the question today is:

Do you have a funny story about any of your animals?


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
Yesterday I had one of my front windows open and I have two dogs who bark at anyone who is in front of the house (which is why I have privacy film on it even though it's a huge 10 foot long window). Someone dared to use my driveway to turn around though and Roo (my male dog) did not like that so he punched the screen out of the window. 🤦‍♀️

So the question today is:

Do you have a funny story about any of your animals?
I have had dogs and cats since I was born. I had horses for years. I worked for a vet, I have worked at various boarding places, various grooming places, and with a lot of trainers over the years. Do I only get one? 🤣


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
my Vincie girl would walk down to the nursing home and visit with visit the residents
That is so sweet, I bet they just loved her visits.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I can't think of anything really funny. They do have their little quirks. Like Demi will only drink on the bathroom sink & he throws me out of the bathroom when I'm trying to get ready! And Maggie sleeps upside down on her back with all 4 paws in the air! That's all I can think of.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 8, 2016
southern IL
Well, there have been many cats in my life, so I will start with the most wonderful Sam. When I was growing up, my dad took communion to this mother and daughter pair, and they had an applehead Siamese named Sam. They died three months apart (age 90 and 60), and no one else wanted Sam, so my dad insisted on taking Sam. At the time Sam started to live with us, he was 13 (he went on to live another 8 years with us). Sam used to spend part of his days outside in the prior owner's yard ... he had sun spots in the morning, afternoon, and evening in the back yard, front yard, and porch. We didn't dare let him go out for fear he would try to go back to his old home, so we would walk him on a leash. If you rattled the metal leash, he came running instantly for the door, and he would go on an actual walk around the neighborhood (though he only toileted in the litterbox, not on the walk).

Once, when my grandparents (mom's parents) were visiting, my mom had tried to go a little fancy by putting milk in the creamer jug that matched our good dishes (stoneware, not china). Sam jumped on the table in front of my grandfather, and tried to put his head in the creamer jug, but he didn't fit the opening. Not to be dissuaded, he took one paw, dipped it in and proceeded to lick the milk off his paw. And all the while, Sam looked so dignified.

I also took piano lessons, and Sam liked to sit on the piano bench with me when I was practicing. Sam especially liked Mozart.

Stories about others:
Circe had been about 6.5 years old when I first adopted her. When I got her home, she (and the other cat I adopted at the same time, Autumn) immediately went under the bed. But I could see Circe, and if I reached under the bed, I could just touch a toe. I said to her, "if you would just come closer, I could pet you". Immediately, she budged forward several inches so that I could pet her to the middle of her back. After that, she came all the way out and then onto my daughter's bed (her room being the smallest) and began kneading so vigorously that her paws were coming up to her shoulders.

Circe quickly became my bedtime snuggle cat, and we would sleep all next to each other. I realized that she left the bed sometime after I fell asleep, but every morning, she would come in just a few minutes before the alarm to take up the position she'd been in when I fell asleep as if to say "what, no, I've been here all night".

Domino, one of the first ones I had adopted (along with his sibling TV) was about 8 years old when I brought Jemmy and Leo (then approximately 6mo) indoors. After I'd gotten the boys neutered and over their upper respiratory infections, I was ready to introduce them to the other cats. Domino started playing with them like he was 3-4 years old instead of the 8 he actually was. You could almost hear his reaction "Brothers! I always wanted brothers!" You would frequently see the three of them sleeping all together ... we'd call it the "boy's club" since all the other cats I have are female.

Recent adoption Pandora is still a kitten (she was probably born the first week of May, but no later than the 9th). I recently bought a 3 pack of those little catnip mice after the chirping toy disappeared (I still haven't found it). I'd meant to give them out one at a time, but Cosette (now about 8 years old, she was approximately 10mo when she'd showed up and rescued herself into my household) found the package and so all three of them are in play at the same time. Since there's Cosette, Jemmy, Leo, and Pandora interested, it's just as well. So Pandora was playing with one of the mice and knocked it under the couch. Now for any other cat, that would have been the end of the game until I retrieved it. Pandora however, is still so little that she went right under the couch and retrieved it herself. She will probably be very disappointed when she gets bigger and can't do that any more.