Question Of The Day - Thursday 18 April


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Now that you mention it, I locked myself out of the house just a few days ago. I went out on the deck to sweep it off, and since the slider doesn't work so well and needs to be replaced, I closed the screen. The doors have a grill on the inside that snaps on and off. My two felines like to look out the doors, and when a stray cat or raccoon comes by, they go bonkers and jump up on the doors, bending the grill. When I went to open the screen, the grill was stuck against the other door, and I couldn't open it. So I went and got a key from my neighbor to come in the front door, and when I got there, I realized the screen door was locked (no key), again because of the kitties. Giving up, I got grass shears from the shed, and slit the screen on the deck door. And took the grills off the door once inside.

I used to lock myself out of the car regularly, but I've got one now that won't lock the car if the keys are inside it. :yess:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
Several times. When I'd get locked out of the house as a kid, I'd squeeze through the doggy door in the garage and I'd usually be able to get in through the basement's garage door, assuming someone hadn't locked that door too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Yes on both counts.

I don't have self-locking doorknobs so the only time I locked myself out of the house was when I took one dog out to the yard to brush her and left the other 2 dogs inside, and they took exception to this and were jumping at the door, and somehow locked the door. So I couldn't get in that door, and the gate is padlocked, so I had to jump the fence. . .then found out the front door was locked too :/. I had a hide-a-key outside but had recently been on vacation and the dogsitter still had that key. Fortunately I had my phone with me and called my mom to bring the spare key.

I used to carry a spare car key in my wallet, and used it more frequently than I would care to admit. But never was stuck somewhere without my spare key.

This is probably because when I was a teenager, my dad and I went to the river and I locked the car door when I got out, and it turns out he had put the key in the cupholder instead of taking it with him, for some reason. Who does that? And that was before cell phones so we had to walk to the nearest neighbor's house and call my grandma to bring the spare key (my mom was at work). In the winter!

So that's why I always had a spare car key with me. But thankfully all the new cars have the key fobs that you can't lock inside. Whoever came up with that is a genius.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Hasn't everyone :lol:

I was doing a 'beach count' for two beaches in a rural area as a part of a planning study. I was counting the number of people who used the beaches, every half hour and it took about that long to do the count, drive to the other beach, do the count etc. And I locked the keys in the car.
There was a little kampong (village) very close to the beach (this was in Malaysia) so I raced over and tried to say, in my rather basic Malaysian, what had happened. I couldn't believe the response.. much racing around, calling for a certain person who I think might have been a reknown breaker-into-cars. They grabbed him and his trusty coathanger (this was a l-o-n-g time ago) and he was into the car like a shot.

As I drove off I had a village full of people waving me goodbye... they hadn't noticed I was to-ing and fro-ing.
When I returned there was much frivolity, and over the next visits, tea and sticky rice and people making sure I got the count right for the rest of the day. :lol:


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
House and car. The coat hanger worked just fine for the car. The house that we were renting at the time had a fireplace with a log storage area that opened to the garage. I jimmied a window to the garage, opened the door to the log storage area and crawled through. Scared the hell out of Hydrox; I never thought he could "bush out" that much! He started growling and carrying on. I said, "Oh, stop! You're fine!" And he immediately ran over to me and said, "Mom? WTH?"


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Yes. I had my sister with me and we had driven sixty miles to visit my daughter. I never realized the key was still in the car until we were ready to leave. Somebody we called wanted a big sum of money to come and unlock the car. I didn't have the cash on me to pay for that. A friend of my daughters had one of those bar things they used to unlock car doors at a car dealership. He told her he would come over and unlock my car, on the condition I would stay inside the apartment until he had done it. My car was new and I was nervous. But then I was thankful.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Our youngest locked me out twice when she was between 2-4 yrs. old. The first time she lowered the latch on the screen door when I went out to get the mail. Fortunately it was summer so the windows were open half-way and one of the neighbor's kids climbed in to unlock the door for me.

The second time she had just seen the movie, Home Alone, and when I went to throw the garbage out she heard a noise and locked the door because she thought it was Harry & Marv, the 2 burglars in the movie. :flail: