Question of the Day, Sunday, November 20, 2016


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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Good afternoon!

Lately, our Punky has found a new game to play. She’s discovered the shadow that her tail makes, as well as Jaspurr and DeeDee’s tails, and spends much time chasing and pouncing on those shadow tails. Our Jaspurr and DeeDee don’t seem to understand the game, at least not yet.

So with this on my mind, for today’s Question of the Day......

Let’s talk about the cute and/or endearing things our cats do!

I’ll start!

Our Jaspurr is a very sweet and gentle boy. He was always very good and gentle to my little Snick, and he’s been just like a loving big brother to the girls. One thing that Jaspurr does that’s just so cute is when he wants to play with the girls, he goes to the first floor hallway and spins…fast. He kind of hops with first his front then his back feet, going in a circle…and spins so fast sometimes that he’s a black and white colored blur!

With our little DeeDee, it’s that she loves to be held and/or snuggled. She’s blissfully happy when I’m holding her and when she snuggling with me, Jaspurr, and Punky.

Our Punky loves to play. She loves to run, climb, play with cat toys and games, play with Jaspurr and DeeDee. She also loves to snuggle! She's just really a very happy little girl!


With my Mickey
, it was simply everything about him. He was my soul mate kitty. Our Snick
was a very strong girl, and also very feminine. One thing she did that was just so darling, was to 'strike' at cords and cables -- like she thought they might be a snake!  
   Mickey and Snick loved each other very dearly, were litter mates. They never snuggled together or even played together. I used to tell them quite often that, 'You can't fool mommy, I know you love each other very much!' And they did love each other, very dearly! When Mickey's time came to cross the Rainbow Bridge, I almost lost my little girl too.

Okay, now it's your turn!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I'm not sure how endearing it is, but Hekitty loves to crawl under the blankets with me and brush her whiskers across the backs of my knees.  Of course I jump a foot, and I swear I can hear her snickering!


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Chula sits up on her back legs and waves her paws at me when she wants attention.  It's so adorable.  

Paul has decided that he really likes being brushed.  At least once a day, he presents himself for grooming.  As soon as I open the little yellow bag that holds the grooming tools, he shoves his face inside and takes a few big breaths.  Then he's ready to be brushed.  


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I think Artie's most enduring things are when he talks to me.. Especially when he wants me to wake up.. I just cannot get upset with him.. 

I get a 'tap-tap-tap' on the shoulder, then a meow in the ear.. If I do not move, it begins again.. if I do not move, then Artie will go and cuddle up against me.. either on the back of my legs or the front of my tummy--- I am a side sleeper...

I just love the way he talks to me.. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Lily is my sweet, dainty little girl. When she hops in my lap, she looks up into my face and reaches up with one paw, her "fingers" spread. It's so endearing.

Mingo is my organizer. He keeps me on track for meal times by gently mewing that it's time. He knows the sound of the computer being turned off, and immediately turns over, stretches, and all but says, "Now, food." If I stay up reading and he thinks it's time go to bed, he walks around grumbling and complaining and giving me piercing looks. If I don't give in, he grumbles some more and hops up in a chair to show me what I'm supposed to do - sleep. But that's temporary; he will get up and escort me to the bedroom when I finally go. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
Sweet things that Speedy does that I love - 

Sits at my shoulders during the night and starts to "bump" me with her head until I pick up the sheets and let her go from sleeping on top of the blankets to underneath where all is nice and cozy warm. 

Runs to her little rug in the living room when I come home and plops down and rolls on her back, where I proceed to brush and praise her for the next 10 minutes. 

Sometimes does not jump out of bed when the alarm goes off and wants to stay in bed. 

Sits on my lap and lets me prop her up to look at the laptop and she very quietly watches the mouse go back and forth.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 12, 2016
Rolls over for a belly rub, stretches as far as she can go and claws at the rug as she rolls over and over so that I will get every angle.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mollipop is my girl. If I'm not around, she'll go to Rick, but if I'm home, I am hers. If I'm flop down on the couch, she's in my lap. If I'm on the computer, she's in my lap. She can be lying on the kitty couch in the bedroom, but as soon as my butt hits the bed, her butt hits me. I am utterly and completely hers. And I love it. One of the greatest joys in my life lately is cuddling with my M & Ms. Mollipop is curled up in my left arm; Muffin is curled up in my right arm, cuddled under the covers. I can't read, I really can't do much of anything. So I sleep. Rick says he'll come back to bed and the three of us are sound asleep. Molli's head is usually on my shoulder with her paws tucked up under my chin. All you can see of Muffin is her head, which is tucked under my right arm and her two front paws are usually wrapped around my arm. Rick says he's going to take a picture sometime. 

Since it's gotten colder, Tabby's favorite spot now is in the bathroom. She lies on the bathroom floor with all four paws tucked underneath the electric register. We have to be careful when we walk into the bathroom so we don't step on her. She'll come to bed, but not until the electric blanket has been on for a while and the bed is nice and warm, so she can hop in and then stretch out. She can be sound asleep, but as soon as Rick gets the Frosted Mini Wheats box out of the cabinet, she's on the table in the kitchen, waiting for her share. Sometimes, she's so sleepy, she can hardly sit upright, but if there's Mini Wheats to be had, she'll be there. (Vanilla ice cream, too, but it can't be Vanilla Bean or she won't eat it. It must be just vanilla.)

Ms. Pepe is at the age where she does an incredible amount of sleeping now. But she still loves Rick's lap at night when he's watching TV. She has no problem yelling until he gets into position on the couch; then she'll jump on his lap and settle down. And she'll be there for hours. Sometimes I'll hear her yelling and when I ask Rick what she's yelling about, he'll say, "I moved and I disturbed her!"

And Amber Louise has become very bold and vocal in her old age. She used to be our Phantom Kitty because nobody other than us ever saw her. Now? She's out and about and doesn't care who visits. She loves my BIL; my sister and BIL visited with us last night for a while and Amber was all over him. We love the way she "flirts" with him. She'll walk over to him and then sashay away, just out of his reach, just so he can't touch her. After doing it a couple times, she'll dive-bomb his lap. She's hilarious. That girl has come an incredibly long way, but it took her 15 years.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Sophie is mommy's girl. She spends the most time with me. She sits in my lap and purrs up a storm. She's also very sassy and my little troublemaker. She loves to get into things. She wakes me for breakfast by standing on me and squawking in my ear/patting me with her paw. She's silly, funny and very loving. 

Lily is the queen diva. She runs the house and never lets anyone forget it BUT she is also very sweet. She kept Henry company when he was in his safe room and didn't lay down the law as to who was in charge until he decided to come out. She kept me company when I had a bad stomach bug and stayed right by my side the whole time. There were many times when I woke up to find her stroking my arm with her little paw. 

Henry is a perfect gentleman. He puts up with the queen's diva like actions (she has smacked him many times when he tried to eat before she chose which dish she wanted). He and Sophie are pals and he likes to cuddle with her. He is the king of the silent meow. He does it all the time. 


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
The most endearing thing Mogli does is stick his tongue out when you tell him no. He even looks embarrassed when he does it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Kandy is as sweet as her name. She will be 3 years old at Xmas. Found outside with an umbilical hernia. Loves to sleep & be petted.

Looby Loo has come a long way since I adopted her as a very fearful kitten. She loves her "brushie" and will let me kiss her now. Highly-strung, afraid of husband, but very loving with me.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
I'm not sure how endearing it is, but Hekitty loves to crawl under the blankets with me and brush her whiskers across the backs of my knees.  Of course I jump a foot, and I swear I can hear her snickering!
     my mickey 
  used to tickle my face with his whiskers when i was asleep, to let me know he wanted back under the covers with me. i think it's our deedee that does that now.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Paul has decided that he really likes being brushed.  At least once a day, he presents himself for grooming.  As soon as I open the little yellow bag that holds the grooming tools, he shoves his face inside and takes a few big breaths.  Then he's ready to be brushed.  
awww......your Chula is just so very cute!!! 
  and, what a pretty girl she is too! 

very sweet! 
  that your Paul really likes being brushed. i wonder about his reason for shoving his face inside the yellow bag that holds the grooming tools and taking some deep breaths...?
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
I think Artie's most enduring things are when he talks to me.. Especially when he wants me to wake up.. I just cannot get upset with him.. 

I get a 'tap-tap-tap' on the shoulder, then a meow in the ear.. If I do not move, it begins again.. if I do not move, then Artie will go and cuddle up against me.. either on the back of my legs or the front of my tummy--- I am a side sleeper...

I just love the way he talks to me.. 
your Artie sounds like such a nice, sweet boy!!! 
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Lily is my sweet, dainty little girl. When she hops in my lap, she looks up into my face and reaches up with one paw, her "fingers" spread. It's so endearing.

Mingo is my organizer. He keeps me on track for meal times by gently mewing that it's time. He knows the sound of the computer being turned off, and immediately turns over, stretches, and all but says, "Now, food." If I stay up reading and he thinks it's time go to bed, he walks around grumbling and complaining and giving me piercing looks. If I don't give in, he grumbles some more and hops up in a chair to show me what I'm supposed to do - sleep. But that's temporary; he will get up and escort me to the bedroom when I finally go. 
so very precious!!! 

your Mingo certainly does sound like a good organizer!!! 
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Sweet things that Speedy does that I love - 

Sits at my shoulders during the night and starts to "bump" me with her head until I pick up the sheets and let her go from sleeping on top of the blankets to underneath where all is nice and cozy warm. 

Runs to her little rug in the living room when I come home and plops down and rolls on her back, where I proceed to brush and praise her for the next 10 minutes. 

Sometimes does not jump out of bed when the alarm goes off and wants to stay in bed. 

Sits on my lap and lets me prop her up to look at the laptop and she very quietly watches the mouse go back and forth.  
awwww......such a little sweetie, your Speedy!!! 

your Speedy sitting on your lap and letting you prop her up to look at your laptop, watching the mouse go back and forth -- that reminds me of our little DeeDee. sometimes after a long day of chores, i'll sit on a stool near the wood stove. DeeDee will come to snuggle on my lap, and she lets me turn her over so she's laying on her back on my legs. i rub her chest and tummy, then play 'rabbit bunny feet' with her -- where i just gently move her feet like bunny hops.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Mollipop is my girl. If I'm not around, she'll go to Rick, but if I'm home, I am hers. If I'm flop down on the couch, she's in my lap. If I'm on the computer, she's in my lap. She can be lying on the kitty couch in the bedroom, but as soon as my butt hits the bed, her butt hits me. I am utterly and completely hers. And I love it. One of the greatest joys in my life lately is cuddling with my M & Ms. Mollipop is curled up in my left arm; Muffin is curled up in my right arm, cuddled under the covers. I can't read, I really can't do much of anything. So I sleep. Rick says he'll come back to bed and the three of us are sound asleep. Molli's head is usually on my shoulder with her paws tucked up under my chin. All you can see of Muffin is her head, which is tucked under my right arm and her two front paws are usually wrapped around my arm. Rick says he's going to take a picture sometime. 

Since it's gotten colder, Tabby's favorite spot now is in the bathroom. She lies on the bathroom floor with all four paws tucked underneath the electric register. We have to be careful when we walk into the bathroom so we don't step on her. She'll come to bed, but not until the electric blanket has been on for a while and the bed is nice and warm, so she can hop in and then stretch out. She can be sound asleep, but as soon as Rick gets the Frosted Mini Wheats box out of the cabinet, she's on the table in the kitchen, waiting for her share. Sometimes, she's so sleepy, she can hardly sit upright, but if there's Mini Wheats to be had, she'll be there. (Vanilla ice cream, too, but it can't be Vanilla Bean or she won't eat it. It must be just vanilla.)

Ms. Pepe is at the age where she does an incredible amount of sleeping now. But she still loves Rick's lap at night when he's watching TV. She has no problem yelling until he gets into position on the couch; then she'll jump on his lap and settle down. And she'll be there for hours. Sometimes I'll hear her yelling and when I ask Rick what she's yelling about, he'll say, "I moved and I disturbed her!"

And Amber Louise has become very bold and vocal in her old age. She used to be our Phantom Kitty because nobody other than us ever saw her. Now? She's out and about and doesn't care who visits. She loves my BIL; my sister and BIL visited with us last night for a while and Amber was all over him. We love the way she "flirts" with him. She'll walk over to him and then sashay away, just out of his reach, just so he can't touch her. After doing it a couple times, she'll dive-bomb his lap. She's hilarious. That girl has come an incredibly long way, but it took her 15 years.
all such precious kitties!!! 

i thought of you and your M & M's this morning! i was gifted last night with little DeeDee sleeping in my right arm under the covers, while our Jaspurr slept in my left arm. this is the first time they've been able to do that! it was sheer heaven for me, and i slept like a rock. 


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
all such precious kitties!!! 

i thought of you and your M & M's this morning! i was gifted last night with little DeeDee sleeping in my right arm under the covers, while our Jaspurr slept in my left arm. this is the first time they've been able to do that! it was sheer heaven for me, and i slept like a rock. 
Awww, bless them! It's so comforting when they sleep like that. I'm glad they curled up with you and I hope they continue to sleep with you. It's truly comforting.
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Sophie is mommy's girl. She spends the most time with me. She sits in my lap and purrs up a storm. She's also very sassy and my little troublemaker. She loves to get into things. She wakes me for breakfast by standing on me and squawking in my ear/patting me with her paw. She's silly, funny and very loving. 

Lily is the queen diva. She runs the house and never lets anyone forget it BUT she is also very sweet. She kept Henry company when he was in his safe room and didn't lay down the law as to who was in charge until he decided to come out. She kept me company when I had a bad stomach bug and stayed right by my side the whole time. There were many times when I woke up to find her stroking my arm with her little paw. 

Henry is a perfect gentleman. He puts up with the queen's diva like actions (she has smacked him many times when he tried to eat before she chose which dish she wanted). He and Sophie are pals and he likes to cuddle with her. He is the king of the silent meow. He does it all the time. 
ahhhh, your lovely Sophie!!! 
  i thought of her on Thanksgiving, wondering if your DD was home for the holiday and if Sophie had continued in her efforts to gain access to her room -- 'inquiring minds want to know'!

two sweet little girls, and a very handsome and good boy! and of course, your pretty Bailey! 