Question of the Day - Sunday, May 31st


At Abby's beck and call
Thread starter
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
First off -

The Sunday question of the day is up for grabs! If anyone is interested in taking over the Sunday Question of the Day, please PM me. :bigthumb:

So today's question is about allergies. :nod:

It's been tough here in the Northeastern US. They have been referring to it as a "pollen tsunami". :lol3: So the question is -

Are you allergic to anything? How do you cope?

I have no food or medication allergies (that I know of), but many, many environmental allergies. - Cats :eek: , dust, mold, trees, ragweed, get the idea.

I get allergy shots, take medication, wear a dust mask when cleaning and occasionally when working in the yard. I am also back to using a neti-pot after having some issues with them for the past few years.


TCS Member
May 31, 2015
I grew up in a military family were the belief was "We work through the problems not create them" Weird I know but my father taught us a lot with that saying
 I have similar allergies: Animal dander, pollen, dust, mold and most weird is freshly cut grass can actually make my nasal passages swell  
And I love to do outdoor actives anyway lolol. I never took any thing for my allergies until I was a preteen and was about to try out for soft ball but could hardly breathe at times. I tried normal antihistamines which just made me sleepy
 I was put on steroids which made me super sick to my stomach and gave me migraines!
 After while I got in touch with a really nice doctor who taught me about homeopathic methods. Trust me when I say Yay to not having to take those weird medications that would be hurting my internal organs just to help me breathe a little easier
 Now I am taking a supplement with a combination of Quercetin, Boswellia,  Bromelain, N-Acetylcysteine, methylcobalamin, and Magnesium Ascorbate. Not sure if I am allowed to put the name of the main brand
 But if I am I will post again!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
I have seasonal allergies, especially bad in the Spring.  I also have occasional asthma attacks because of it.

I live on Zyrtec. Even before it was over the counter I was using it.  None of the others were of much help.  It can cause some minor drowsiness but I combat that by taking it at bedtime when I appreciate that effect :D  It's pretty much 100% effective for me.

I carry 2 inhalers with me; a daily one which I don't usually need if I've been diligent with the Zyrtec.  I also carry a "rescue" inhaler which is meant for attacks that happen in spite of other treatments.

I can't even recall the last time I used either inhaler. 

Edit: I am allergic to *some* cats.  Not all.  Most, I am not. This makes me very happy!

I'm also allergic to mangoes.  The skin contains a chemical which is identical to poison ivy.  A lot of people aren't aware of this.  Years ago I lived in Fort Lauderdale for a while and a neighbor had a giant mango tree which always dropped fruit onto the property I was renting at.  The first summer there, I was walking around with a horrible rash around my mouth for the longest time until a doctor figured it out.  Since then, I won't touch a mango.  If I touch my face, I break out in hives.  I even try to avoid pre-cut mango because I've broken out from it also - if not cleaned properly the chemical is still on it.  Pretty much the only way I chance it is in a lassi.  I adore mangoes so can't say I'm thrilled by this but, oh well. Glad it's not strawberries!

Last, I developed an allergy to one specific type of anesthetic used by dentists.  Had a pretty bad asthma attack and hives right after.  It's now marked on my charts not to administer for me.  
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
First off -

The Sunday question of the day is up for grabs! If anyone is interested in taking over the Sunday Question of the Day, please PM me.

So today's question is about allergies.

It's been tough here in the Northeastern US. They have been referring to it as a "pollen tsunami".
So the question is -

Are you allergic to anything? How do you cope?

I have no food or medication allergies (that I know of), but many, many environmental allergies. - Cats
, dust, mold, trees, ragweed, get the idea.

I get allergy shots, take medication, wear a dust mask when cleaning and occasionally when working in the yard. I am also back to using a neti-pot after having some issues with them for the past few years.
I think I messed something up here but yes I have those environmental allergies.  I never did until I got older and now they drive me crazy.  The itchy eyes and throat which keeps me coughing.  I don't take any meds for it tho.  It's been pretty bad here in Jersey this spring also.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I have seasonal allergies, penicillin allergy and a slight allergy to latex. I can't wear latex gloves and I made sure when my kids were born, they didn't wear latex gloves. The hospital my daughter was born at put a big sign on my door saying latex free.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Seasonal allergies are a problem, but HEPA filters and allergy meds help. I have to avoid any kind of pitted fruit, even going so far as to pick the cherries out of Black Forest Cake. Soaps and detergents easily give me hives or rashes, but there are brands I know I can use.

I believe I've been totally desensitized to cats now - it's been over 5 months since I had an asthma attack when around cats, although I haven't been exposed to any Persians since Christmas, so they might still be a problem.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Seasonal allergies here (not as bad as they used to be!)!  A few food allergies, bees, one medication and some unknown.  The food allergies and bee reactions are minor.  The medication reaction gave me hives ALL over!  The worst was the unknown though.  It started under one arm by my armpit when I got to work in the morning.  It spread down my arm.  I walked into my co-worker's office after lunch and she gasped and pointed as I felt hives just absolutely crawl up my face.  My boss (a doctor) saw me and said "You need to go be seen!"  I called my doctor and told them what my boss had said (using his name) and I've never had such quick care as i did that day.  
  But it was really bad.  My entire body was affected.  People were staring at me while I walked around Walmart waiting for my prescription to be filled.  
  It took 2 kinds of steroids, antihistamines and calamine lotion to get me through that one!  My doctor said unless it happened again; we didn't need to bother with allergy testing.

I can manage everything else with your typical OTC medications.  I do have eczema; usually from contact with metal (inexpensive jewelry; the inside of buttons on my jeans, etc) that I use a steroid cream on; but that's not something I deal with constantly either. 